Android Chromoting: Remove exit-fullscreen button.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / polymer / components / core-splitter / core-splitter.html
1 <!--
2 Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3 This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
4 The complete set of authors may be found at
5 The complete set of contributors may be found at
6 Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
7 subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
8 -->
10 <!--
11 `core-splitter` provides a split bar and dragging on the split bar
12 will resize the sibling element. Use its `direction` property to indicate
13 which sibling element to be resized and the orientation. Usually you would want
14 to use `core-splitter` along with flex layout so that the other sibling
15 element can be _flexible_.
17 Example:
19 <div horizontal layout>
20 <div>left</div>
21 <core-splitter direction="left"></core-splitter>
22 <div flex>right</div>
23 </div>
25 In the above example, dragging the splitter will resize the _left_ element. And
26 since the parent container is a flexbox and the _right_ element has
27 `flex`, the _right_ element will be auto-resized.
29 For horizontal splitter set `direction` to `up` or `down`.
31 Example:
33 <div vertical layout>
34 <div>top</div>
35 <core-splitter direction="up"></core-splitter>
36 <div flex>bottom</div>
37 </div>
39 @group Polymer Core Elements
40 @element core-splitter
41 @homepage
42 -->
44 <link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
45 <link rel="import" href="../core-resizable/core-resizable.html">
47 <polymer-element name="core-splitter" attributes="direction locked minSize allowOverflow"
48 on-trackstart="{{trackStart}}" on-track="{{track}}" on-down="{{preventSelection}}">
50 <template>
52 <link rel="stylesheet" href="core-splitter.css">
54 </template>
55 <script>
57 Polymer(Polymer.mixin({
59 /**
60 * Possible values are `left`, `right`, `up` and `down`.
62 * @attribute direction
63 * @type string
64 * @default 'left'
66 direction: 'left',
68 /**
69 * Minimum width to which the splitter target can be sized, e.g.
70 * `minSize="100px"`
72 * @attribute minSize
73 * @type string
74 * @default ''
76 minSize: '',
78 /**
79 * Locks the split bar so it can't be dragged.
81 * @attribute locked
82 * @type boolean
83 * @default false
85 locked: false,
87 /**
88 * By default the parent and siblings of the splitter are set to overflow hidden. This helps
89 * avoid elements bleeding outside the splitter regions. Set this property to true to allow
90 * these elements to overflow.
92 * @attribute allowOverflow
93 * @type boolean
94 * @default false
96 allowOverflow: false,
98 // Listen for resize requests on parent, since splitter is peer to resizables
99 resizerIsPeer: true,
101 ready: function() {
102 this.directionChanged();
105 attached: function() {
106 this.resizerAttachedHandler();
109 detached: function() {
110 this.resizerDetachedHandler();
113 domReady: function() {
114 if (!this.allowOverflow) {
115 = =
116 = 'hidden';
120 directionChanged: function() {
121 this.isNext = this.direction === 'right' || this.direction === 'down';
122 this.horizontal = this.direction === 'up' || this.direction === 'down';
123 this.update();
126 update: function() {
127 = this.isNext ? this.nextElementSibling : this.previousElementSibling;
128 this.dimension = this.horizontal ? 'height' : 'width';
129 this.classList.toggle('horizontal', this.horizontal);
132 targetChanged: function(old) {
133 if (old) {
134[old.__splitterMinSize] = '';
136 var min = = this.horizontal ? 'minHeight' : 'minWidth';
137[min] = this.minSize;
140 trackStart: function() {
141 this.update();
142 this.size = parseInt(getComputedStyle([this.dimension]);
145 track: function(e) {
146 if (this.locked) {
147 return;
149 var d = e[this.horizontal ? 'dy' : 'dx'];
150[this.dimension] =
151 this.size + (this.isNext ? -d : d) + 'px';
152 this.notifyResize();
155 preventSelection: function(e) {
156 e.preventDefault();
159 }, Polymer.CoreResizer));
161 </script>
162 </polymer-element>