skia/ext: Early out from analysis when we have more than 1 draw op.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / ppapi / native_client / src / trusted / plugin / plugin.gyp
1 # -*- python -*-
2 # Copyright (c) 2011 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4 # found in the LICENSE file.
7   'includes': [
8     'plugin.gypi',
9   ],
10   'target_defaults': {
11     'variables': {
12       'target_base': 'none',
13     },
14     'target_conditions': [
15       ['target_base=="ppNaClPlugin"', {
16         'sources': [
17           '<@(common_sources)',
18         ],
19         'xcode_settings': {
20           'WARNING_CFLAGS!': [
21             # TODO(bradnelson): remove -pedantic when --std=c++98 in common.gypi
22             '-pedantic',
23           ],
24           'WARNING_CFLAGS': [
25             '-Wno-deprecated',
26             '-Wno-deprecated-declarations',
27           ],
28         },
29         'conditions': [
30           ['OS=="win"', {
31             'sources': [
32               'win/nacl_plugin.rc',
33             ],
34             'msvs_settings': {
35               'VCCLCompilerTool': {
36                 'ExceptionHandling': '2',  # /EHsc
37               },
38               'VCLinkerTool': {
39                 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories': [
40                    '$(OutDir)/lib',
41                 ],
42               },
43             },
44           }],
45         ],
46       }],
47     ],
48   },
49   'targets': [
50     {
51       'target_name': 'ppGoogleNaClPluginChrome',
52       'type': 'loadable_module',
53       'sources': [
54         '<@(common_sources)',
55       ],
56       'xcode_settings': {
57         'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [
58           '-Wl,-exported_symbols_list <(DEPTH)/ppapi/native_client/src/trusted/plugin/ppapi.def'
59         ],
60       },
61       'dependencies': [
62         '<(DEPTH)/media/media.gyp:shared_memory_support',
63         '<(DEPTH)/native_client/src/shared/gio/gio.gyp:gio',
64         '<(DEPTH)/native_client/src/shared/imc/imc.gyp:imc',
65         '<(DEPTH)/native_client/src/shared/platform/platform.gyp:platform',
66         '<(DEPTH)/native_client/src/shared/srpc/srpc.gyp:nonnacl_srpc',
67         '<(DEPTH)/native_client/src/trusted/desc/desc.gyp:nrd_xfer',
68         '<(DEPTH)/native_client/src/trusted/nonnacl_util/nonnacl_util.gyp:nonnacl_util',
69         '<(DEPTH)/native_client/src/trusted/platform_qualify/platform_qualify.gyp:platform_qual_lib',
70         '<(DEPTH)/native_client/src/trusted/gio/gio_wrapped_desc.gyp:gio_wrapped_desc',
71         '<(DEPTH)/native_client/src/trusted/simple_service/simple_service.gyp:simple_service',
72         '<(DEPTH)/native_client/src/trusted/reverse_service/reverse_service.gyp:reverse_service',
73         '<(DEPTH)/native_client/src/trusted/weak_ref/weak_ref.gyp:weak_ref',
74         '<(DEPTH)/ppapi/ppapi.gyp:ppapi_cpp',
75       ],
76       'conditions': [
77         ['OS=="mac"', {
78           'mac_bundle': 1,
79           'product_name': 'ppGoogleNaClPluginChrome',
80           'product_extension': 'plugin',
81         }],
82         ['OS=="mac" and mac_breakpad==1', {
83           'variables': {
84             # A real .dSYM is needed for dump_syms to operate on.
85             'mac_real_dsym': 1,
86           },
87         }],
88       ],
89       # TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
90       'msvs_disabled_warnings': [4267, ],
91     },
92   ],