roll skia to 3709
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / devscripts /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 # This script was originally based on the script of the same name from
3 # the KDE SDK (by
5 # This version is
6 # Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Adam D. Barratt
8 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
13 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
19 # with this program. If not, see <>.
21 =head1 NAME
23 licensecheck - simple license checker for source files
25 =head1 SYNOPSIS
27 B<licensecheck> B<--help>|B<--version>
29 B<licensecheck> [B<--no-conf>] [B<--verbose>] [B<--copyright>]
30 [B<-l>|B<--lines=>I<N>] [B<-i>|B<--ignore=>I<regex>] [B<-c>|B<--check=>I<regex>]
31 [B<-r>|B<--recursive>] I<list of files and directories to check>
35 B<licensecheck> attempts to determine the license that applies to each file
36 passed to it, by searching the start of the file for text belonging to
37 various licenses.
39 If any of the arguments passed are directories, B<licensecheck> will add
40 the files contained within to the list of files to process.
42 =head1 OPTIONS
44 =over 4
46 =item B<--verbose>, B<--no-verbose>
48 Specify whether to output the text being processed from each file before
49 the corresponding license information.
51 Default is to be quiet.
53 =item B<-l=>I<N>, B<--lines=>I<N>
55 Specify the number of lines of each file's header which should be parsed
56 for license information. (Default is 60).
58 =item B<-i=>I<regex>, B<--ignore=>I<regex>
60 When processing the list of files and directories, the regular
61 expression specified by this option will be used to indicate those which
62 should not be considered (e.g. backup files, VCS metadata).
64 =item B<-r>, B<--recursive>
66 Specify that the contents of directories should be added
67 recursively.
69 =item B<-c=>I<regex>, B<--check=>I<regex>
71 Specify a pattern against which filenames will be matched in order to
72 decide which files to check the license of.
74 The default includes common source files.
76 =item B<--copyright>
78 Also display copyright text found within the file
80 =item B<--no-conf>, B<--noconf>
82 Do not read any configuration files. This can only be used as the first
83 option given on the command-line.
85 =back
89 The two configuration files F</etc/devscripts.conf> and
90 F<~/.devscripts> are sourced by a shell in that order to set
91 configuration variables. Command line options can be used to override
92 configuration file settings. Environment variable settings are
93 ignored for this purpose. The currently recognised variables are:
95 =over 4
99 If this is set to I<yes>, then it is the same as the B<--verbose> command
100 line parameter being used. The default is I<no>.
104 If this is set to a positive number then the specified number of lines
105 at the start of each file will be read whilst attempting to determine
106 the license(s) in use. This is equivalent to the B<--lines> command line
107 option.
109 =back
111 =head1 LICENSE
113 This code is copyright by Adam D. Barratt <I<>>,
114 all rights reserved; based on a script of the same name from the KDE
115 SDK, which is copyright by <I<>>.
116 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
117 You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the GNU
118 General Public License, version 2 or later.
120 =head1 AUTHOR
122 Adam D. Barratt <>
124 =cut
126 use strict;
127 use warnings;
128 use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt);
129 use File::Basename;
131 sub fatal($);
132 sub parse_copyright($);
133 sub parselicense($);
135 my $progname = basename($0);
137 # From dpkg-source
138 my $default_ignore_regex = '
139 # Ignore general backup files
140 (?:^|/).*~$|
141 # Ignore emacs recovery files
142 (?:^|/)\.#.*$|
143 # Ignore vi swap files
144 (?:^|/)\..*\.swp$|
145 # Ignore baz-style junk files or directories
146 (?:^|/),,.*(?:$|/.*$)|
147 # File-names that should be ignored (never directories)
148 (?:^|/)(?:DEADJOE|\.cvsignore|\.arch-inventory|\.bzrignore|\.gitignore)$|
149 # File or directory names that should be ignored
150 (?:^|/)(?:CVS|RCS|\.deps|\{arch\}|\.arch-ids|\.svn|\.hg|_darcs|\.git|
151 \.shelf|_MTN|\.bzr(?:\.backup|tags)?)(?:$|/.*$)
154 # Take out comments and newlines
155 $default_ignore_regex =~ s/^#.*$//mg;
156 $default_ignore_regex =~ s/\n//sg;
158 my $default_check_regex = '\.(c(c|pp|xx)?|h(h|pp|xx)?|f(77|90)?|p(l|m)|xs|sh|php|py|rb|java|vala|el|sc(i|e)|cs|pas|inc|dtd|xsl|mod)$';
160 my $modified_conf_msg;
162 my ($opt_verbose, $opt_lines, $opt_noconf, $opt_ignore_regex, $opt_check_regex)
163 = ('', '', '', '', '');
164 my $opt_recursive = 0;
165 my $opt_copyright = 0;
166 my ($opt_help, $opt_version);
167 my $def_lines = 60;
169 # Read configuration files and then command line
170 # This is boilerplate
172 if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^--no-?conf$/) {
173 $modified_conf_msg = " (no configuration files read)";
174 shift;
175 } else {
176 my @config_files = ('/etc/devscripts.conf', '~/.devscripts');
177 my %config_vars = (
179 'LICENSECHECK_PARSELINES' => $def_lines,
181 my %config_default = %config_vars;
183 my $shell_cmd;
184 # Set defaults
185 foreach my $var (keys %config_vars) {
186 $shell_cmd .= qq[$var="$config_vars{$var}";\n];
188 $shell_cmd .= 'for file in ' . join(" ", @config_files) . "; do\n";
189 $shell_cmd .= '[ -f $file ] && . $file; done;' . "\n";
190 # Read back values
191 foreach my $var (keys %config_vars) { $shell_cmd .= "echo \$$var;\n" }
192 my $shell_out = `/bin/bash -c '$shell_cmd'`;
193 @config_vars{keys %config_vars} = split /\n/, $shell_out, -1;
195 # Check validity
196 $config_vars{'LICENSECHECK_VERBOSE'} =~ /^(yes|no)$/
197 or $config_vars{'LICENSECHECK_VERBOSE'} = 'no';
198 $config_vars{'LICENSECHECK_PARSELINES'} =~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/
199 or $config_vars{'LICENSECHECK_PARSELINES'} = $def_lines;
201 foreach my $var (sort keys %config_vars) {
202 if ($config_vars{$var} ne $config_default{$var}) {
203 $modified_conf_msg .= " $var=$config_vars{$var}\n";
206 $modified_conf_msg ||= " (none)\n";
207 chomp $modified_conf_msg;
209 $opt_verbose = $config_vars{'LICENSECHECK_VERBOSE'} eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0;
210 $opt_lines = $config_vars{'LICENSECHECK_PARSELINES'};
213 GetOptions("help|h" => \$opt_help,
214 "version|v" => \$opt_version,
215 "verbose!" => \$opt_verbose,
216 "lines|l=i" => \$opt_lines,
217 "ignore|i=s" => \$opt_ignore_regex,
218 "recursive|r" => \$opt_recursive,
219 "check|c=s" => \$opt_check_regex,
220 "copyright" => \$opt_copyright,
221 "noconf" => \$opt_noconf,
222 "no-conf" => \$opt_noconf,
224 or die "Usage: $progname [options] filelist\nRun $progname --help for more details\n";
226 $opt_lines = $def_lines if $opt_lines !~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/;
227 $opt_ignore_regex = $default_ignore_regex if ! length $opt_ignore_regex;
228 $opt_check_regex = $default_check_regex if ! length $opt_check_regex;
230 if ($opt_noconf) {
231 fatal "--no-conf is only acceptable as the first command-line option!";
233 if ($opt_help) { help(); exit 0; }
234 if ($opt_version) { version(); exit 0; }
236 die "Usage: $progname [options] filelist\nRun $progname --help for more details\n" unless @ARGV;
238 $opt_lines = $def_lines if not defined $opt_lines;
240 my @files = ();
241 my @find_args = ();
242 my $files_count = @ARGV;
244 push @find_args, qw(-maxdepth 1) unless $opt_recursive;
245 push @find_args, qw(-follow -type f -print);
247 while (@ARGV) {
248 my $file = shift @ARGV;
250 if (-d $file) {
251 open FIND, '-|', 'find', $file, @find_args
252 or die "$progname: couldn't exec find: $!\n";
254 while (<FIND>) {
255 chomp;
256 next unless m%$opt_check_regex%;
257 # Skip empty files
258 next if (-z $_);
259 push @files, $_ unless m%$opt_ignore_regex%;
261 close FIND;
262 } else {
263 next unless ($files_count == 1) or $file =~ m%$opt_check_regex%;
264 push @files, $file unless $file =~ m%$opt_ignore_regex%;
268 while (@files) {
269 my $file = shift @files;
270 my $content = '';
271 my $copyright_match;
272 my $copyright = '';
273 my $license = '';
274 my %copyrights;
276 open (F, "<$file") or die "Unable to access $file\n";
277 while (<F>) {
278 last if ($. > $opt_lines);
279 $content .= $_;
280 $copyright_match = parse_copyright($_);
281 if ($copyright_match) {
282 $copyrights{lc("$copyright_match")} = "$copyright_match";
285 close(F);
287 $copyright = join(" / ", values %copyrights);
289 print qq(----- $file header -----\n$content----- end header -----\n\n)
290 if $opt_verbose;
292 $content =~ tr/\t\r\n/ /;
293 # Remove C / C++ comments
294 $content =~ s#(\*/|/[/*])##g;
295 $content =~ tr% A-Za-z.,@;0-9\(\)/-%%cd;
296 $content =~ s/ c //g; # Remove fortran comments
297 $content =~ tr/ //s;
299 $license = parselicense($content);
300 print "$file: ";
301 print "*No copyright* " unless $copyright;
302 print $license . "\n";
303 print " [Copyright: " . $copyright . "]\n"
304 if $copyright and $opt_copyright;
305 print "\n" if $opt_copyright;
308 sub parse_copyright($) {
309 my $copyright = '';
310 my $match;
312 my $copyright_indicator_regex = '
313 (?:copyright # The full word
314 |copr\. # Legally-valid abbreviation
315 |\x{00a9} # Unicode character COPYRIGHT SIGN
316 |\xc2\xa9 # Unicode copyright sign encoded in iso8859
317 |\(c\) # Legally-null representation of sign
319 my $copyright_disindicator_regex = '
320 \b(?:info(?:rmation)? # Discussing copyright information
321 |notice # Discussing the notice
322 |and|or # Part of a sentence
323 )\b';
325 if (m%$copyright_indicator_regex(?::\s*|\s+)(\S.*)$%ix) {
326 $match = $1;
328 # Ignore lines matching "see foo for copyright information" etc.
329 if ($match !~ m%^\s*$copyright_disindicator_regex%ix) {
330 # De-cruft
331 $match =~ s/([,.])?\s*$//;
332 $match =~ s/$copyright_indicator_regex//igx;
333 $match =~ s/^\s+//;
334 $match =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;
335 $match =~ s/\\@/@/g;
336 $copyright = $match;
340 return $copyright;
343 sub help {
344 print <<"EOF";
345 Usage: $progname [options] filename [filename ...]
346 Valid options are:
347 --help, -h Display this message
348 --version, -v Display version and copyright info
349 --no-conf, --noconf Don't read devscripts config files; must be
350 the first option given
351 --verbose Display the header of each file before its
352 license information
353 --lines, -l Specify how many lines of the file header
354 should be parsed for license information
355 (Default: $def_lines)
356 --check, -c Specify a pattern indicating which files should
357 be checked
358 (Default: '$default_check_regex')
359 --recursive, -r Add the contents of directories recursively
360 --copyright Also display the file's copyright
361 --ignore, -i Specify that files / directories matching the
362 regular expression should be ignored when
363 checking files
364 (Default: '$default_ignore_regex')
366 Default settings modified by devscripts configuration files:
367 $modified_conf_msg
371 sub version {
372 print <<"EOF";
373 This is $progname, from the Debian devscripts package, version ###VERSION###
374 Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 by Adam D. Barratt <adam\>; based
375 on a script of the same name from the KDE SDK by <dfaure\>.
377 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
378 You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the
379 GNU General Public License, version 2, or (at your option) any
380 later version.
384 sub parselicense($) {
385 my ($licensetext) = @_;
387 my $gplver = "";
388 my $extrainfo = "";
389 my $license = "";
391 if ($licensetext =~ /version ([^ ]+) (?:\(?only\)?.? )?(?:of the GNU (Affero )?General Public License )?as published by the Free Software Foundation/i or
392 $licensetext =~ /GNU (?:Affero )?General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version ([^ ]+) /i) {
394 $gplver = " (v$1)";
395 } elsif ($licensetext =~ /GNU (Affero ?)General Public License, version ([^ ]+?)[ .]/) {
396 $gplver = " (v$1)";
397 } elsif ($licensetext =~ /either version ([^ ]+) of the License, or \(at your option\) any later version/) {
398 $gplver = " (v$1 or later)";
401 if ($licensetext =~ /(?:675 Mass Ave|59 Temple Place|51 Franklin Steet|02139|02111-1307)/i) {
402 $extrainfo = " (with incorrect FSF address)$extrainfo";
405 if ($licensetext =~ /permission (?:is (also granted|given))? to link (the code of )?this program with (any edition of )?(Qt|the Qt library)/i) {
406 $extrainfo = " (with Qt exception)$extrainfo"
409 if ($licensetext =~ /(All changes made in this file will be lost|DO NOT (EDIT|delete this file)|Generated (automatically|by|from)|generated.*file)/i) {
410 $license = "GENERATED FILE";
413 if ($licensetext =~ /is free software.? you can redistribute it and\/or modify it under the terms of the (GNU (Library|Lesser) General Public License|LGPL)/i) {
414 $license = "LGPL$gplver$extrainfo $license";
417 if ($licensetext =~ /is free software.? you can redistribute it and\/or modify it under the terms of the (GNU Affero General Public License|AGPL)/i) {
418 $license = "AGPL$gplver$extrainfo $license";
421 if ($licensetext =~ /is free software.? you (can|may) redistribute it and\/or modify it under the terms of (?:version [^ ]+ (?:\(?only\)? )?of )?the GNU General Public License/i) {
422 $license = "GPL$gplver$extrainfo $license";
425 if ($licensetext =~ /is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License,/
426 and length $gplver) {
427 $license = "GPL$gplver$extrainfo $license";
430 if ($licensetext =~ /is distributed.*terms.*GPL/) {
431 $license = "GPL (unversioned/unknown version) $license";
434 if ($licensetext =~ /This file is part of the .*Qt GUI Toolkit. This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License as defined/) {
435 $license = "QPL (part of Qt) $license";
436 } elsif ($licensetext =~ /may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License as defined/) {
437 $license = "QPL $license";
440 if ($licensetext =~ /opensource\.org\/licenses\/mit-license\.php/) {
441 $license = "MIT/X11 (BSD like) $license";
442 } elsif ($licensetext =~ /Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and(\/or)? associated documentation files \(the (Software|Materials)\), to deal in the (Software|Materials)/) {
443 $license = "MIT/X11 (BSD like) $license";
444 } elsif ($licensetext =~ /Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose/) {
445 $license = "MIT/X11 (BSD like) $license";
448 if ($licensetext =~ /Permission to use, copy, modify, and(\/or)? distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided.*copyright notice.*permission notice.*all copies/) {
449 $license = "ISC $license";
453 if ($licensetext =~ /All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledge?ment.*This product includes software developed by/i) {
454 $license = "BSD (4 clause) $license";
455 } elsif ($licensetext =~ /(The name .*? may not|Neither the names? .*? nor the names of (its|their) contributors may) be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software/i) {
456 $license = "BSD (3 clause) $license";
457 } elsif ($licensetext =~ /Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice/i) {
458 $license = "BSD (2 clause) $license";
459 } else {
460 $license = "BSD $license";
464 if ($licensetext =~ /Mozilla Public License Version ([^ ]+)/) {
465 $license = "MPL (v$1) $license";
468 if ($licensetext =~ /Released under the terms of the Artistic License ([^ ]+)/) {
469 $license = "Artistic (v$1) $license";
472 if ($licensetext =~ /is free software under the Artistic [Ll]icense/) {
473 $license = "Artistic $license";
476 if ($licensetext =~ /This program is free software; you can redistribute it and\/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself/) {
477 $license = "Perl $license";
480 if ($licensetext =~ /under the Apache License, Version ([^ ]+)/) {
481 $license = "Apache (v$1) $license";
484 if ($licensetext =~ /This source file is subject to version ([^ ]+) of the PHP license/) {
485 $license = "PHP (v$1) $license";
488 if ($licensetext =~ /under the terms of the CeCILL /) {
489 $license = "CeCILL $license";
492 if ($licensetext =~ /under the terms of the CeCILL-([^ ]+) /) {
493 $license = "CeCILL-$1 $license";
496 if ($licensetext =~ /under the SGI Free Software License B/) {
497 $license = "SGI Free Software License B $license";
500 if ($licensetext =~ /is in the public domain/i) {
501 $license = "Public domain";
504 if ($licensetext =~ /terms of the Common Development and Distribution License(, Version ([^(]+))? \(the License\)/) {
505 $license = "CDDL " . ($1 ? "(v$2) " : '') . $license;
508 if ($licensetext =~ /Microsoft Permissive License \(Ms-PL\)/) {
509 $license = "Ms-PL $license";
512 if ($licensetext =~ /Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by this license \(the \"Software\"\)/ or
513 $licensetext =~ /Boost Software License([ ,-]+Version ([^ ]+)?(\.))/i) {
514 $license = "BSL " . ($1 ? "(v$2) " : '') . $license;
517 if ($licensetext =~ /PYTHON SOFTWARE FOUNDATION LICENSE (VERSION ([^ ]+))/i) {
518 $license = "PSF " . ($1 ? "(v$2) " : '') . $license;
521 if ($licensetext =~ /The origin of this software must not be misrepresented.*Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such.*This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution/ or
522 $licensetext =~ /see copyright notice in zlib\.h/) {
523 $license = "zlib/libpng $license";
524 } elsif ($licensetext =~ /This code is released under the libpng license/) {
525 $license = "libpng $license";
528 if ($licensetext =~ /Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version ([^, ]+)/i) {
529 $license = "WTFPL (v$1)";
532 if ($licensetext =~ /Do what The Fuck You Want To Public License/i) {
533 $license = "WTFPL";
536 if ($licensetext =~ /(License WTFPL|Under (the|a) WTFPL)/i) {
537 $license = "WTFPL";
540 $license = "UNKNOWN" if (!length($license));
542 return $license;
545 sub fatal($) {
546 my ($pack,$file,$line);
547 ($pack,$file,$line) = caller();
548 (my $msg = "$progname: fatal error at line $line:\n@_\n") =~ tr/\0//d;
549 $msg =~ s/\n\n$/\n/;
550 die $msg;