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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / safe_browsing / safe_browsing_blocking_page.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
4 //
5 // Classes for managing the SafeBrowsing interstitial pages.
6 //
7 // When a user is about to visit a page the SafeBrowsing system has deemed to
8 // be malicious, either as malware or a phishing page, we show an interstitial
9 // page with some options (go back, continue) to give the user a chance to avoid
10 // the harmful page.
12 // The SafeBrowsingBlockingPage is created by the SafeBrowsingUIManager on the
13 // UI thread when we've determined that a page is malicious. The operation of
14 // the blocking page occurs on the UI thread, where it waits for the user to
15 // make a decision about what to do: either go back or continue on.
17 // The blocking page forwards the result of the user's choice back to the
18 // SafeBrowsingUIManager so that we can cancel the request for the new page,
19 // or allow it to continue.
21 // A web page may contain several resources flagged as malware/phishing. This
22 // results into more than one interstitial being shown. On the first unsafe
23 // resource received we show an interstitial. Any subsequent unsafe resource
24 // notifications while the first interstitial is showing is queued. If the user
25 // decides to proceed in the first interstitial, we display all queued unsafe
26 // resources in a new interstitial.
31 #include <map>
32 #include <string>
33 #include <vector>
35 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
36 #include "base/task/cancelable_task_tracker.h"
37 #include "chrome/browser/interstitials/security_interstitial_metrics_helper.h"
38 #include "chrome/browser/interstitials/security_interstitial_page.h"
39 #include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/ui_manager.h"
40 #include "url/gurl.h"
42 class MalwareDetails;
43 class SafeBrowsingBlockingPageFactory;
45 namespace base {
46 class MessageLoop;
49 class SafeBrowsingBlockingPage : public SecurityInterstitialPage {
50 public:
51 typedef SafeBrowsingUIManager::UnsafeResource UnsafeResource;
52 typedef std::vector<UnsafeResource> UnsafeResourceList;
53 typedef std::map<content::WebContents*, UnsafeResourceList> UnsafeResourceMap;
55 // Interstitial type, used in tests.
56 static const void* kTypeForTesting;
58 ~SafeBrowsingBlockingPage() override;
60 // Creates a blocking page. Use ShowBlockingPage if you don't need to access
61 // the blocking page directly.
62 static SafeBrowsingBlockingPage* CreateBlockingPage(
63 SafeBrowsingUIManager* ui_manager,
64 content::WebContents* web_contents,
65 const UnsafeResource& unsafe_resource);
67 // Shows a blocking page warning the user about phishing/malware for a
68 // specific resource.
69 // You can call this method several times, if an interstitial is already
70 // showing, the new one will be queued and displayed if the user decides
71 // to proceed on the currently showing interstitial.
72 static void ShowBlockingPage(
73 SafeBrowsingUIManager* ui_manager, const UnsafeResource& resource);
75 // Makes the passed |factory| the factory used to instantiate
76 // SafeBrowsingBlockingPage objects. Useful for tests.
77 static void RegisterFactory(SafeBrowsingBlockingPageFactory* factory) {
78 factory_ = factory;
81 // InterstitialPageDelegate method:
82 void OnProceed() override;
83 void OnDontProceed() override;
84 void CommandReceived(const std::string& command) override;
85 void OverrideRendererPrefs(content::RendererPreferences* prefs) override;
87 // SecurityInterstitialPage method:
88 const void* GetTypeForTesting() const override;
90 protected:
91 friend class SafeBrowsingBlockingPageTest;
92 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SafeBrowsingBlockingPageTest,
93 ProceedThenDontProceed);
94 void SetReportingPreference(bool report);
95 void UpdateReportingPref(); // Used for the transition from old to new pref.
97 // Don't instantiate this class directly, use ShowBlockingPage instead.
98 SafeBrowsingBlockingPage(SafeBrowsingUIManager* ui_manager,
99 content::WebContents* web_contents,
100 const UnsafeResourceList& unsafe_resources);
102 // SecurityInterstitialPage methods:
103 bool ShouldCreateNewNavigation() const override;
104 void PopulateInterstitialStrings(
105 base::DictionaryValue* load_time_data) override;
107 // After a malware interstitial where the user opted-in to the
108 // report but clicked "proceed anyway", we delay the call to
109 // MalwareDetails::FinishCollection() by this much time (in
110 // milliseconds), in order to get data from the blocked resource itself.
111 int64 malware_details_proceed_delay_ms_;
113 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SafeBrowsingBlockingPageTest,
114 MalwareReportsTransitionDisabled);
115 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(SafeBrowsingBlockingPageTest,
116 MalwareReportsToggling);
118 // Checks if we should even show the malware details option. For example, we
119 // don't show it in incognito mode.
120 bool CanShowMalwareDetailsOption();
122 // Called when the insterstitial is going away. If there is a
123 // pending malware details object, we look at the user's
124 // preferences, and if the option to send malware details is
125 // enabled, the report is scheduled to be sent on the |ui_manager_|.
126 void FinishMalwareDetails(int64 delay_ms);
128 // Returns the boolean value of the given |pref| from the PrefService of the
129 // Profile associated with |web_contents_|.
130 bool IsPrefEnabled(const char* pref);
132 // A list of SafeBrowsingUIManager::UnsafeResource for a tab that the user
133 // should be warned about. They are queued when displaying more than one
134 // interstitial at a time.
135 static UnsafeResourceMap* GetUnsafeResourcesMap();
137 // Notifies the SafeBrowsingUIManager on the IO thread whether to proceed
138 // or not for the |resources|.
139 static void NotifySafeBrowsingUIManager(
140 SafeBrowsingUIManager* ui_manager,
141 const UnsafeResourceList& resources, bool proceed);
143 // Returns true if the passed |unsafe_resources| is blocking the load of
144 // the main page.
145 static bool IsMainPageLoadBlocked(
146 const UnsafeResourceList& unsafe_resources);
148 friend class SafeBrowsingBlockingPageFactoryImpl;
150 // For reporting back user actions.
151 SafeBrowsingUIManager* ui_manager_;
152 base::MessageLoop* report_loop_;
154 // True if the interstitial is blocking the main page because it is on one
155 // of our lists. False if a subresource is being blocked, or in the case of
156 // client-side detection where the interstitial is shown after page load
157 // finishes.
158 bool is_main_frame_load_blocked_;
160 // The index of a navigation entry that should be removed when DontProceed()
161 // is invoked, -1 if not entry should be removed.
162 int navigation_entry_index_to_remove_;
164 // The list of unsafe resources this page is warning about.
165 UnsafeResourceList unsafe_resources_;
167 // A MalwareDetails object that we start generating when the
168 // blocking page is shown. The object will be sent when the warning
169 // is gone (if the user enables the feature).
170 scoped_refptr<MalwareDetails> malware_details_;
172 bool proceeded_;
174 // Which type of Safe Browsing interstitial this is.
175 enum SBInterstitialReason {
179 } interstitial_reason_;
181 // The factory used to instantiate SafeBrowsingBlockingPage objects.
182 // Usefull for tests, so they can provide their own implementation of
183 // SafeBrowsingBlockingPage.
184 static SafeBrowsingBlockingPageFactory* factory_;
186 private:
187 // Fills the passed dictionary with the values to be passed to the template
188 // when creating the HTML.
189 void PopulateExtendedReportingOption(base::DictionaryValue* load_time_data);
190 void PopulateMalwareLoadTimeData(base::DictionaryValue* load_time_data);
191 void PopulateHarmfulLoadTimeData(base::DictionaryValue* load_time_data);
192 void PopulatePhishingLoadTimeData(base::DictionaryValue* load_time_data);
194 std::string GetMetricPrefix() const;
195 std::string GetSamplingEventName() const;
197 scoped_ptr<SecurityInterstitialMetricsHelper> metrics_helper_;
199 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SafeBrowsingBlockingPage);
202 // Factory for creating SafeBrowsingBlockingPage. Useful for tests.
203 class SafeBrowsingBlockingPageFactory {
204 public:
205 virtual ~SafeBrowsingBlockingPageFactory() { }
207 virtual SafeBrowsingBlockingPage* CreateSafeBrowsingPage(
208 SafeBrowsingUIManager* ui_manager,
209 content::WebContents* web_contents,
210 const SafeBrowsingBlockingPage::UnsafeResourceList& unsafe_resources) = 0;