ozone: evdev: Sync caps lock LED state to evdev
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / content / browser / geolocation / wifi_data_provider_linux_unittest.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "content/browser/geolocation/wifi_data_provider_linux.h"
7 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
8 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
9 #include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
10 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
11 #include "dbus/message.h"
12 #include "dbus/mock_bus.h"
13 #include "dbus/mock_object_proxy.h"
14 #include "dbus/object_path.h"
15 #include "dbus/object_proxy.h"
16 #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
17 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
19 using ::testing::_;
20 using ::testing::Invoke;
21 using ::testing::Return;
22 using ::testing::Unused;
24 namespace content {
26 class GeolocationWifiDataProviderLinuxTest : public testing::Test {
27 void SetUp() override {
28 // Create a mock bus.
29 dbus::Bus::Options options;
30 options.bus_type = dbus::Bus::SYSTEM;
31 mock_bus_ = new dbus::MockBus(options);
33 // Create a mock proxy that behaves as NetworkManager.
34 mock_network_manager_proxy_ =
35 new dbus::MockObjectProxy(
36 mock_bus_.get(),
37 "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager",
38 dbus::ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager"));
39 // Set an expectation so mock_network_manager_proxy_'s
40 // CallMethodAndBlock() will use CreateNetworkManagerProxyResponse()
41 // to return responses.
42 EXPECT_CALL(*mock_network_manager_proxy_.get(),
43 MockCallMethodAndBlock(_, _))
44 .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(this,
45 &GeolocationWifiDataProviderLinuxTest::
46 CreateNetworkManagerProxyResponse));
48 // Create a mock proxy that behaves as NetworkManager/Devices/0.
49 mock_device_proxy_ =
50 new dbus::MockObjectProxy(
51 mock_bus_.get(),
52 "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager",
53 dbus::ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0"));
54 EXPECT_CALL(*mock_device_proxy_.get(), MockCallMethodAndBlock(_, _))
55 .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(
56 this,
57 &GeolocationWifiDataProviderLinuxTest::CreateDeviceProxyResponse));
59 // Create a mock proxy that behaves as NetworkManager/AccessPoint/0.
60 mock_access_point_proxy_ =
61 new dbus::MockObjectProxy(
62 mock_bus_.get(),
63 "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager",
64 dbus::ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/0"));
65 EXPECT_CALL(*mock_access_point_proxy_.get(), MockCallMethodAndBlock(_, _))
66 .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(this,
67 &GeolocationWifiDataProviderLinuxTest::
68 CreateAccessPointProxyResponse));
70 // Set an expectation so mock_bus_'s GetObjectProxy() for the given
71 // service name and the object path will return
72 // mock_network_manager_proxy_.
74 *mock_bus_.get(),
75 GetObjectProxy("org.freedesktop.NetworkManager",
76 dbus::ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager")))
77 .WillOnce(Return(mock_network_manager_proxy_.get()));
78 // Likewise, set an expectation for mock_device_proxy_.
80 *mock_bus_.get(),
81 GetObjectProxy(
82 "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager",
83 dbus::ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0")))
84 .WillOnce(Return(mock_device_proxy_.get()))
85 .WillOnce(Return(mock_device_proxy_.get()));
86 // Likewise, set an expectation for mock_access_point_proxy_.
88 *mock_bus_.get(),
89 GetObjectProxy(
90 "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager",
91 dbus::ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/0")))
92 .WillOnce(Return(mock_access_point_proxy_.get()));
94 // ShutdownAndBlock() should be called.
95 EXPECT_CALL(*mock_bus_.get(), ShutdownAndBlock()).WillOnce(Return());
97 // Create the wlan API with the mock bus object injected.
98 wifi_provider_linux_ = new WifiDataProviderLinux;
99 wlan_api_.reset(
100 wifi_provider_linux_->NewWlanApiForTesting(mock_bus_.get()));
101 ASSERT_TRUE(wlan_api_.get());
104 protected:
105 // DeviceDataProviderImplBase, a super class of WifiDataProviderLinux,
106 // requires a message loop to be present. message_loop_ is defined here,
107 // as it should outlive wifi_provider_linux_.
108 base::MessageLoop message_loop_;
109 scoped_refptr<dbus::MockBus> mock_bus_;
110 scoped_refptr<dbus::MockObjectProxy> mock_network_manager_proxy_;
111 scoped_refptr<dbus::MockObjectProxy> mock_access_point_proxy_;
112 scoped_refptr<dbus::MockObjectProxy> mock_device_proxy_;
113 scoped_refptr<WifiDataProviderLinux> wifi_provider_linux_;
114 scoped_ptr<WifiDataProviderCommon::WlanApiInterface> wlan_api_;
116 private:
117 // Creates a response for |mock_network_manager_proxy_|.
118 dbus::Response* CreateNetworkManagerProxyResponse(
119 dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
120 Unused) {
121 if (method_call->GetInterface() == "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" &&
122 method_call->GetMember() == "GetDevices") {
123 // The list of devices is asked. Return the object path.
124 std::vector<dbus::ObjectPath> object_paths;
125 object_paths.push_back(
126 dbus::ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/0"));
128 scoped_ptr<dbus::Response> response = dbus::Response::CreateEmpty();
129 dbus::MessageWriter writer(response.get());
130 writer.AppendArrayOfObjectPaths(object_paths);
131 return response.release();
134 LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected method call: " << method_call->ToString();
135 return NULL;
138 // Creates a response for |mock_device_proxy_|.
139 dbus::Response* CreateDeviceProxyResponse(dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
140 Unused) {
141 if (method_call->GetInterface() == DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES &&
142 method_call->GetMember() == "Get") {
143 dbus::MessageReader reader(method_call);
144 std::string interface_name;
145 std::string property_name;
146 if (reader.PopString(&interface_name) &&
147 reader.PopString(&property_name)) {
148 // The device type is asked. Respond that the device type is wifi.
149 scoped_ptr<dbus::Response> response = dbus::Response::CreateEmpty();
150 dbus::MessageWriter writer(response.get());
151 // This matches NM_DEVICE_TYPE_WIFI in wifi_data_provider_linux.cc.
152 const int kDeviceTypeWifi = 2;
153 writer.AppendVariantOfUint32(kDeviceTypeWifi);
154 return response.release();
156 } else if (method_call->GetInterface() ==
157 "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Wireless" &&
158 method_call->GetMember() == "GetAccessPoints") {
159 // The list of access points is asked. Return the object path.
160 scoped_ptr<dbus::Response> response = dbus::Response::CreateEmpty();
161 dbus::MessageWriter writer(response.get());
162 std::vector<dbus::ObjectPath> object_paths;
163 object_paths.push_back(
164 dbus::ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/0"));
165 writer.AppendArrayOfObjectPaths(object_paths);
166 return response.release();
169 LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected method call: " << method_call->ToString();
170 return NULL;
174 // Creates a response for |mock_access_point_proxy_|.
175 dbus::Response* CreateAccessPointProxyResponse(dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
176 Unused) {
177 if (method_call->GetInterface() == DBUS_INTERFACE_PROPERTIES &&
178 method_call->GetMember() == "Get") {
179 dbus::MessageReader reader(method_call);
181 std::string interface_name;
182 std::string property_name;
183 if (reader.PopString(&interface_name) &&
184 reader.PopString(&property_name)) {
185 scoped_ptr<dbus::Response> response = dbus::Response::CreateEmpty();
186 dbus::MessageWriter writer(response.get());
188 if (property_name == "Ssid") {
189 const uint8 kSsid[] = {0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74}; // "test"
190 dbus::MessageWriter variant_writer(response.get());
191 writer.OpenVariant("ay", &variant_writer);
192 variant_writer.AppendArrayOfBytes(kSsid, arraysize(kSsid));
193 writer.CloseContainer(&variant_writer);
194 } else if (property_name == "HwAddress") {
195 // This will be converted to "00-11-22-33-44-55".
196 const std::string kMacAddress = "00:11:22:33:44:55";
197 writer.AppendVariantOfString(kMacAddress);
198 } else if (property_name == "Strength") {
199 // This will be converted to -50.
200 const uint8 kStrength = 100;
201 writer.AppendVariantOfByte(kStrength);
202 } else if (property_name == "Frequency") {
203 // This will be converted to channel 4.
204 const uint32 kFrequency = 2427;
205 writer.AppendVariantOfUint32(kFrequency);
207 return response.release();
211 LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected method call: " << method_call->ToString();
212 return NULL;
216 TEST_F(GeolocationWifiDataProviderLinuxTest, GetAccessPointData) {
217 WifiData::AccessPointDataSet access_point_data_set;
218 ASSERT_TRUE(wlan_api_->GetAccessPointData(&access_point_data_set));
220 ASSERT_EQ(1U, access_point_data_set.size());
221 AccessPointData access_point_data = *access_point_data_set.begin();
223 // Check the contents of the access point data.
224 // The expected values come from CreateAccessPointProxyResponse() above.
225 EXPECT_EQ("test", base::UTF16ToUTF8(access_point_data.ssid));
226 EXPECT_EQ("00-11-22-33-44-55",
227 base::UTF16ToUTF8(access_point_data.mac_address));
228 EXPECT_EQ(-50, access_point_data.radio_signal_strength);
229 EXPECT_EQ(4, access_point_data.channel);
232 } // namespace content