ozone: evdev: Sync caps lock LED state to evdev
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / tools / valgrind / memcheck / suppressions_linux.txt
1 # There are three kinds of suppressions in this file:
2 # 1. Third party stuff we have no control over.
4 # 2. Intentional unit test errors, stuff that is somehow a false positive
5 # in our own code, or stuff that is so trivial it's not worth fixing.
7 # 3. Suppressions for real chromium bugs that are not yet fixed.
8 # These should all be in chromium's bug tracking system.
9 # Periodically we should sweep this file and the bug tracker clean by
10 # running overnight and removing outdated bugs/suppressions.
12 # TODO(rnk): Should we move all of the Linux-only system library suppressions
13 # over from suppressions.txt?  We'd avoid wasting time parsing and matching
14 # suppressions on non-Linux, which is basically just Mac.
16 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
18 # 1. Third party stuff we have no control over.
20 # 2. Intentional unit test errors, stuff that is somehow a false positive
21 # in our own code, or stuff that is so trivial it's not worth fixing.
23 # 3. Suppressions for real chromium bugs that are not yet fixed.
25    bug_436253
26    Memcheck:Overlap
27    fun:memcpy@@GLIBC_2.14
28    fun:_ZN7content14WebPreferencesaSERKS0_
29    fun:_ZN7content14RenderViewImpl22OnUpdateWebPreferencesERKNS_14WebPreferencesE
30    fun:_ZN7content14RenderViewImpl20SetWebkitPreferencesERKNS_14WebPreferencesE
31    fun:_ZThn*_N7content14RenderViewImpl20SetWebkitPreferencesERKNS_14WebPreferencesE
32    fun:_ZN7content16WebKitTestRunner5ResetEv
35    bug_436292
36    Memcheck:Param
37    sendmsg(msg.msg_iov[0])
38    ...
39    fun:MojoWriteMessage
40    fun:_ZN3IPC8internal13MessageReader4SendE10scoped_ptrINS_7MessageEN4base14DefaultDeleterIS3_EEE
41    fun:_ZN3IPC11ChannelMojo4SendEPNS_7MessageE
42    fun:_ZN7content20BrowserMessageFilter4SendEPN3IPC7MessageE
43    fun:_ZN7content17AudioRendererHost18DoCompleteCreationEi
46    bug_436292_b
47    Memcheck:Param
48    sendmsg(msg.msg_iov[0])
49    ...
50    fun:MojoWriteMessage
51    fun:_ZN3IPC8internal13MessageReader4SendE10scoped_ptrINS_7MessageEN4base14DefaultDeleterIS3_EEE
52    fun:_ZN3IPC11ChannelMojo17InitMessageReaderEN4mojo16ScopedHandleBaseINS1_17MessagePipeHandleEEEi
53    fun:_ZN3IPC12_GLOBAL__N_117ServerChannelMojo27ClientChannelWasInitializedEi
56    bug_452002
57    Memcheck:Leak
58    fun:_Znw*
59    fun:_ZN11leveldb_env11ChromiumEnv11StartThreadEPFvPvES1_
60    fun:_ZN11leveldb_env11ChromiumEnv8ScheduleEPFvPvES1_
61    fun:_ZN7leveldb6DBImpl23MaybeScheduleCompactionEv
62    fun:_ZN7leveldb6DBImpl16MakeRoomForWriteEb
63    fun:_ZN7leveldb6DBImpl5WriteERKNS_12WriteOptionsEPNS_10WriteBatchE
64    fun:_ZN17LeveldbValueStore9WriteToDbEPN7leveldb10WriteBatchE
65    fun:_ZN17LeveldbValueStore3SetEiRKSsRKN4base5ValueE
66    fun:_ZN10extensions28SettingsStorageQuotaEnforcer3SetEiRKSsRKN4base5ValueE
67    fun:_ZN10extensions28WeakUnlimitedSettingsStorage3SetEiRKSsRKN4base5ValueE
68    fun:_ZN10extensions12_GLOBAL__N_1L33UnlimitedLocalStorageTestCallbackEP10ValueStore