1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // This file is auto-generated from
6 // ui/gl/generate_bindings.py
7 // It's formatted by clang-format using chromium coding style:
8 // clang-format -i -style=chromium filename
18 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glActiveTextureProc
)(GLenum texture
19 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glAttachShaderProc
)(GLuint program
21 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBeginQueryProc
)(GLenum target
, GLuint id
22 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBeginQueryARBProc
)(GLenum target
, GLuint id
23 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBeginTransformFeedbackProc
24 GLenum primitiveMode
25 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBindAttribLocationProc
)(GLuint program
28 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBindBufferProc
)(GLenum target
, GLuint buffer
29 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBindBufferBaseProc
)(GLenum target
32 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBindBufferRangeProc
)(GLenum target
37 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBindFragDataLocationProc
)(GLuint program
40 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBindFragDataLocationIndexedProc
45 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBindFramebufferEXTProc
)(GLenum target
47 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBindRenderbufferEXTProc
)(GLenum target
49 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBindSamplerProc
)(GLuint unit
, GLuint sampler
50 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBindTextureProc
)(GLenum target
, GLuint texture
51 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBindTransformFeedbackProc
)(GLenum target
53 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBindVertexArrayOESProc
)(GLuint array
54 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBlendBarrierKHRProc
55 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBlendColorProc
)(GLclampf red
59 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBlendEquationProc
)(GLenum mode
60 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBlendEquationSeparateProc
)(GLenum modeRGB
62 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBlendFuncProc
)(GLenum sfactor
, GLenum dfactor
63 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBlendFuncSeparateProc
)(GLenum srcRGB
67 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBlitFramebufferProc
)(GLint srcX0
77 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBlitFramebufferANGLEProc
)(GLint srcX0
87 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBlitFramebufferEXTProc
)(GLint srcX0
97 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBufferDataProc
)(GLenum target
101 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glBufferSubDataProc
)(GLenum target
105 typedef GLenum(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTProc
)(GLenum target
106 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glClearProc
)(GLbitfield mask
107 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glClearBufferfiProc
)(GLenum buffer
111 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glClearBufferfvProc
)(GLenum buffer
113 const GLfloat
* value
114 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glClearBufferivProc
)(GLenum buffer
117 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glClearBufferuivProc
)(GLenum buffer
119 const GLuint
* value
120 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glClearColorProc
)(GLclampf red
124 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glClearDepthProc
)(GLclampd depth
125 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glClearDepthfProc
)(GLclampf depth
126 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glClearStencilProc
)(GLint s
127 typedef GLenum(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glClientWaitSyncProc
)(GLsync sync
130 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glColorMaskProc
)(GLboolean red
134 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glCompileShaderProc
)(GLuint shader
135 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glCompressedTexImage2DProc
)(GLenum target
137 GLenum internalformat
143 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glCompressedTexImage3DProc
)(GLenum target
145 GLenum internalformat
152 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glCompressedTexSubImage2DProc
)(GLenum target
161 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glCopyBufferSubDataProc
)(GLenum readTarget
164 GLintptr writeOffset
166 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glCopyTexImage2DProc
)(GLenum target
168 GLenum internalformat
174 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glCopyTexSubImage2DProc
)(GLenum target
182 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glCopyTexSubImage3DProc
)(GLenum target
191 typedef GLuint(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glCreateProgramProc
192 typedef GLuint(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glCreateShaderProc
)(GLenum type
193 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glCullFaceProc
)(GLenum mode
194 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteBuffersARBProc
)(GLsizei n
195 const GLuint
* buffers
196 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteFencesAPPLEProc
)(GLsizei n
197 const GLuint
* fences
198 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteFencesNVProc
)(GLsizei n
199 const GLuint
* fences
200 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteFramebuffersEXTProc
202 const GLuint
* framebuffers
203 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteProgramProc
)(GLuint program
204 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteQueriesProc
)(GLsizei n
206 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteQueriesARBProc
)(GLsizei n
208 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTProc
210 const GLuint
* renderbuffers
211 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteSamplersProc
)(GLsizei n
212 const GLuint
* samplers
213 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteShaderProc
)(GLuint shader
214 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteSyncProc
)(GLsync sync
215 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteTexturesProc
)(GLsizei n
216 const GLuint
* textures
217 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteTransformFeedbacksProc
220 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDeleteVertexArraysOESProc
222 const GLuint
* arrays
223 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDepthFuncProc
)(GLenum func
224 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDepthMaskProc
)(GLboolean flag
225 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDepthRangeProc
)(GLclampd zNear
, GLclampd zFar
226 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDepthRangefProc
)(GLclampf zNear
, GLclampf zFar
227 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDetachShaderProc
)(GLuint program
229 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDisableProc
)(GLenum cap
230 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDisableVertexAttribArrayProc
)(GLuint index
231 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDiscardFramebufferEXTProc
233 GLsizei numAttachments
234 const GLenum
* attachments
235 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDrawArraysProc
)(GLenum mode
238 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEProc
243 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDrawBufferProc
)(GLenum mode
244 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDrawBuffersARBProc
)(GLsizei n
246 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDrawElementsProc
)(GLenum mode
249 const void* indices
250 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEProc
256 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glDrawRangeElementsProc
)(GLenum mode
261 const void* indices
262 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESProc
264 GLeglImageOES image
265 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESProc
267 GLeglImageOES image
268 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glEnableProc
)(GLenum cap
269 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glEnableVertexAttribArrayProc
)(GLuint index
270 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glEndQueryProc
)(GLenum target
271 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glEndQueryARBProc
)(GLenum target
272 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glEndTransformFeedbackProc
273 typedef GLsync(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glFenceSyncProc
)(GLenum condition
275 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glFinishProc
276 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glFinishFenceAPPLEProc
)(GLuint fence
277 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glFinishFenceNVProc
)(GLuint fence
278 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glFlushProc
279 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glFlushMappedBufferRangeProc
)(GLenum target
282 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTProc
285 GLenum renderbuffertarget
286 GLuint renderbuffer
287 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glFramebufferTexture2DEXTProc
)(GLenum target
292 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTProc
299 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGProc
306 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glFramebufferTextureLayerProc
)(GLenum target
311 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glFrontFaceProc
)(GLenum mode
312 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGenBuffersARBProc
)(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* buffers
313 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGenerateMipmapEXTProc
)(GLenum target
314 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGenFencesAPPLEProc
)(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* fences
315 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGenFencesNVProc
)(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* fences
316 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGenFramebuffersEXTProc
)(GLsizei n
317 GLuint
* framebuffers
318 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGenQueriesProc
)(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* ids
319 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGenQueriesARBProc
)(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* ids
320 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGenRenderbuffersEXTProc
)(GLsizei n
321 GLuint
* renderbuffers
322 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGenSamplersProc
)(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* samplers
323 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGenTexturesProc
)(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* textures
324 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGenTransformFeedbacksProc
)(GLsizei n
326 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGenVertexArraysOESProc
)(GLsizei n
328 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetActiveAttribProc
)(GLuint program
335 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetActiveUniformProc
)(GLuint program
342 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetActiveUniformBlockivProc
344 GLuint uniformBlockIndex
347 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetActiveUniformBlockNameProc
349 GLuint uniformBlockIndex
352 char* uniformBlockName
353 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetActiveUniformsivProc
355 GLsizei uniformCount
356 const GLuint
* uniformIndices
359 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetAttachedShadersProc
)(GLuint program
363 typedef GLint(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetAttribLocationProc
)(GLuint program
365 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetBooleanvProc
)(GLenum pname
367 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetBufferParameterivProc
)(GLenum target
370 typedef GLenum(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetErrorProc
371 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetFenceivNVProc
)(GLuint fence
374 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetFloatvProc
)(GLenum pname
, GLfloat
* params
375 typedef GLint(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetFragDataLocationProc
)(GLuint program
377 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTProc
382 typedef GLenum(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBProc
383 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetInteger64i_vProc
)(GLenum target
386 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetInteger64vProc
)(GLenum pname
388 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetIntegeri_vProc
)(GLenum target
391 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetIntegervProc
)(GLenum pname
, GLint
* params
392 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetInternalformativProc
)(GLenum target
393 GLenum internalformat
397 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetProgramBinaryProc
)(GLuint program
400 GLenum
* binaryFormat
402 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetProgramInfoLogProc
)(GLuint program
406 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetProgramivProc
)(GLuint program
409 typedef GLint(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetProgramResourceLocationProc
411 GLenum programInterface
413 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetQueryivProc
)(GLenum target
416 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetQueryivARBProc
)(GLenum target
419 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetQueryObjecti64vProc
)(GLuint id
422 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetQueryObjectivProc
)(GLuint id
425 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetQueryObjectivARBProc
)(GLuint id
428 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetQueryObjectui64vProc
)(GLuint id
431 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetQueryObjectuivProc
)(GLuint id
434 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetQueryObjectuivARBProc
)(GLuint id
437 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTProc
441 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetSamplerParameterfvProc
)(GLuint sampler
444 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetSamplerParameterivProc
)(GLuint sampler
447 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetShaderInfoLogProc
)(GLuint shader
451 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetShaderivProc
)(GLuint shader
454 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetShaderPrecisionFormatProc
456 GLenum precisiontype
459 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetShaderSourceProc
)(GLuint shader
463 typedef const GLubyte
* glGetStringProc
)(GLenum name
464 typedef const GLubyte
* glGetStringiProc
)(GLenum name
466 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetSyncivProc
)(GLsync sync
471 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetTexLevelParameterfvProc
)(GLenum target
475 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetTexLevelParameterivProc
)(GLenum target
479 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetTexParameterfvProc
)(GLenum target
482 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetTexParameterivProc
)(GLenum target
485 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingProc
493 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEProc
498 typedef GLuint(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetUniformBlockIndexProc
500 const char* uniformBlockName
501 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetUniformfvProc
)(GLuint program
504 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetUniformIndicesProc
506 GLsizei uniformCount
507 const char* const* uniformNames
508 GLuint
* uniformIndices
509 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetUniformivProc
)(GLuint program
512 typedef GLint(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetUniformLocationProc
)(GLuint program
514 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetVertexAttribfvProc
)(GLuint index
517 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetVertexAttribivProc
)(GLuint index
520 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glGetVertexAttribPointervProc
)(GLuint index
523 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glHintProc
)(GLenum target
, GLenum mode
524 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glInsertEventMarkerEXTProc
)(GLsizei length
526 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glInvalidateFramebufferProc
528 GLsizei numAttachments
529 const GLenum
* attachments
530 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glInvalidateSubFramebufferProc
532 GLsizei numAttachments
533 const GLenum
* attachments
538 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsBufferProc
)(GLuint buffer
539 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsEnabledProc
)(GLenum cap
540 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsFenceAPPLEProc
)(GLuint fence
541 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsFenceNVProc
)(GLuint fence
542 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsFramebufferEXTProc
)(GLuint framebuffer
543 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsProgramProc
)(GLuint program
544 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsQueryProc
)(GLuint query
545 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsQueryARBProc
)(GLuint query
546 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsRenderbufferEXTProc
547 GLuint renderbuffer
548 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsSamplerProc
)(GLuint sampler
549 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsShaderProc
)(GLuint shader
550 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsSyncProc
)(GLsync sync
551 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsTextureProc
)(GLuint texture
552 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsTransformFeedbackProc
)(GLuint id
553 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glIsVertexArrayOESProc
)(GLuint array
554 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glLineWidthProc
)(GLfloat width
555 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glLinkProgramProc
)(GLuint program
556 typedef void*(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glMapBufferProc
)(GLenum target
, GLenum access
557 typedef void*(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glMapBufferRangeProc
)(GLenum target
561 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glMatrixLoadfEXTProc
)(GLenum matrixMode
563 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTProc
)(GLenum matrixMode
564 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glPauseTransformFeedbackProc
565 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glPixelStoreiProc
)(GLenum pname
, GLint param
566 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glPointParameteriProc
)(GLenum pname
, GLint param
567 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glPolygonOffsetProc
)(GLfloat factor
569 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glPopGroupMarkerEXTProc
570 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glProgramBinaryProc
)(GLuint program
572 const GLvoid
* binary
574 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glProgramParameteriProc
)(GLuint program
577 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glPushGroupMarkerEXTProc
)(GLsizei length
579 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glQueryCounterProc
)(GLuint id
, GLenum target
580 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glReadBufferProc
)(GLenum src
581 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glReadPixelsProc
)(GLint x
588 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glReleaseShaderCompilerProc
589 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glRenderbufferStorageEXTProc
591 GLenum internalformat
594 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleProc
597 GLenum internalformat
600 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEProc
603 GLenum internalformat
606 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTProc
609 GLenum internalformat
612 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGProc
615 GLenum internalformat
618 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glResumeTransformFeedbackProc
619 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glSampleCoverageProc
)(GLclampf value
621 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glSamplerParameterfProc
)(GLuint sampler
624 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glSamplerParameterfvProc
)(GLuint sampler
626 const GLfloat
* params
627 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glSamplerParameteriProc
)(GLuint sampler
630 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glSamplerParameterivProc
)(GLuint sampler
632 const GLint
* params
633 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glScissorProc
)(GLint x
637 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glSetFenceAPPLEProc
)(GLuint fence
638 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glSetFenceNVProc
)(GLuint fence
, GLenum condition
639 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glShaderBinaryProc
)(GLsizei n
640 const GLuint
* shaders
644 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glShaderSourceProc
)(GLuint shader
646 const char* const* str
647 const GLint
* length
648 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glStencilFuncProc
)(GLenum func
651 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glStencilFuncSeparateProc
)(GLenum face
655 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glStencilMaskProc
)(GLuint mask
656 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glStencilMaskSeparateProc
)(GLenum face
658 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glStencilOpProc
)(GLenum fail
661 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glStencilOpSeparateProc
)(GLenum face
665 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glTestFenceAPPLEProc
)(GLuint fence
666 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glTestFenceNVProc
)(GLuint fence
667 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glTexImage2DProc
)(GLenum target
669 GLint internalformat
676 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glTexImage3DProc
)(GLenum target
678 GLint internalformat
686 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glTexParameterfProc
)(GLenum target
689 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glTexParameterfvProc
)(GLenum target
691 const GLfloat
* params
692 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glTexParameteriProc
)(GLenum target
695 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glTexParameterivProc
)(GLenum target
697 const GLint
* params
698 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glTexStorage2DEXTProc
)(GLenum target
700 GLenum internalformat
703 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glTexStorage3DProc
)(GLenum target
705 GLenum internalformat
709 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glTexSubImage2DProc
)(GLenum target
718 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glTransformFeedbackVaryingsProc
721 const char* const* varyings
723 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform1fProc
)(GLint location
, GLfloat x
724 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform1fvProc
)(GLint location
727 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform1iProc
)(GLint location
, GLint x
728 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform1ivProc
)(GLint location
731 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform1uiProc
)(GLint location
, GLuint v0
732 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform1uivProc
)(GLint location
735 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform2fProc
)(GLint location
738 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform2fvProc
)(GLint location
741 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform2iProc
)(GLint location
744 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform2ivProc
)(GLint location
747 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform2uiProc
)(GLint location
750 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform2uivProc
)(GLint location
753 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform3fProc
)(GLint location
757 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform3fvProc
)(GLint location
760 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform3iProc
)(GLint location
764 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform3ivProc
)(GLint location
767 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform3uiProc
)(GLint location
771 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform3uivProc
)(GLint location
774 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform4fProc
)(GLint location
779 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform4fvProc
)(GLint location
782 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform4iProc
)(GLint location
787 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform4ivProc
)(GLint location
790 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform4uiProc
)(GLint location
795 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniform4uivProc
)(GLint location
798 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniformBlockBindingProc
800 GLuint uniformBlockIndex
801 GLuint uniformBlockBinding
802 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniformMatrix2fvProc
)(GLint location
805 const GLfloat
* value
806 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniformMatrix2x3fvProc
)(GLint location
809 const GLfloat
* value
810 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniformMatrix2x4fvProc
)(GLint location
813 const GLfloat
* value
814 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniformMatrix3fvProc
)(GLint location
817 const GLfloat
* value
818 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniformMatrix3x2fvProc
)(GLint location
821 const GLfloat
* value
822 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniformMatrix3x4fvProc
)(GLint location
825 const GLfloat
* value
826 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniformMatrix4fvProc
)(GLint location
829 const GLfloat
* value
830 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniformMatrix4x2fvProc
)(GLint location
833 const GLfloat
* value
834 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUniformMatrix4x3fvProc
)(GLint location
837 const GLfloat
* value
838 typedef GLboolean(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUnmapBufferProc
)(GLenum target
839 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glUseProgramProc
)(GLuint program
840 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glValidateProgramProc
)(GLuint program
841 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttrib1fProc
)(GLuint indx
, GLfloat x
842 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttrib1fvProc
)(GLuint indx
843 const GLfloat
* values
844 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttrib2fProc
)(GLuint indx
847 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttrib2fvProc
)(GLuint indx
848 const GLfloat
* values
849 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttrib3fProc
)(GLuint indx
853 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttrib3fvProc
)(GLuint indx
854 const GLfloat
* values
855 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttrib4fProc
)(GLuint indx
860 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttrib4fvProc
)(GLuint indx
861 const GLfloat
* values
862 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEProc
)(GLuint index
864 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttribI4iProc
)(GLuint indx
869 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttribI4ivProc
)(GLuint indx
870 const GLint
* values
871 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttribI4uiProc
)(GLuint indx
876 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttribI4uivProc
)(GLuint indx
877 const GLuint
* values
878 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttribIPointerProc
)(GLuint indx
883 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glVertexAttribPointerProc
)(GLuint indx
886 GLboolean normalized
889 typedef void(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glViewportProc
)(GLint x
893 typedef GLenum(GL_BINDING_CALL
* glWaitSyncProc
)(GLsync sync
897 struct ExtensionsGL
898 bool b_GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_blit
899 bool b_GL_ANGLE_framebuffer_multisample
900 bool b_GL_ANGLE_instanced_arrays
901 bool b_GL_ANGLE_translated_shader_source
902 bool b_GL_APPLE_fence
903 bool b_GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object
904 bool b_GL_ARB_draw_buffers
905 bool b_GL_ARB_draw_instanced
906 bool b_GL_ARB_get_program_binary
907 bool b_GL_ARB_instanced_arrays
908 bool b_GL_ARB_map_buffer_range
909 bool b_GL_ARB_occlusion_query
910 bool b_GL_ARB_robustness
912 bool b_GL_ARB_texture_storage
913 bool b_GL_ARB_timer_query
914 bool b_GL_ARB_vertex_array_object
915 bool b_GL_CHROMIUM_gles_depth_binding_hack
916 bool b_GL_EXT_debug_marker
917 bool b_GL_EXT_direct_state_access
918 bool b_GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer
919 bool b_GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query
920 bool b_GL_EXT_draw_buffers
921 bool b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit
922 bool b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample
923 bool b_GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
924 bool b_GL_EXT_map_buffer_range
925 bool b_GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture
926 bool b_GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean
927 bool b_GL_EXT_robustness
928 bool b_GL_EXT_texture_storage
929 bool b_GL_EXT_timer_query
930 bool b_GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture
931 bool b_GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced
932 bool b_GL_KHR_robustness
933 bool b_GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced
935 bool b_GL_NV_path_rendering
936 bool b_GL_OES_EGL_image
937 bool b_GL_OES_get_program_binary
938 bool b_GL_OES_mapbuffer
939 bool b_GL_OES_vertex_array_object
943 glActiveTextureProc glActiveTextureFn
944 glAttachShaderProc glAttachShaderFn
945 glBeginQueryProc glBeginQueryFn
946 glBeginQueryARBProc glBeginQueryARBFn
947 glBeginTransformFeedbackProc glBeginTransformFeedbackFn
948 glBindAttribLocationProc glBindAttribLocationFn
949 glBindBufferProc glBindBufferFn
950 glBindBufferBaseProc glBindBufferBaseFn
951 glBindBufferRangeProc glBindBufferRangeFn
952 glBindFragDataLocationProc glBindFragDataLocationFn
953 glBindFragDataLocationIndexedProc glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn
954 glBindFramebufferEXTProc glBindFramebufferEXTFn
955 glBindRenderbufferEXTProc glBindRenderbufferEXTFn
956 glBindSamplerProc glBindSamplerFn
957 glBindTextureProc glBindTextureFn
958 glBindTransformFeedbackProc glBindTransformFeedbackFn
959 glBindVertexArrayOESProc glBindVertexArrayOESFn
960 glBlendBarrierKHRProc glBlendBarrierKHRFn
961 glBlendColorProc glBlendColorFn
962 glBlendEquationProc glBlendEquationFn
963 glBlendEquationSeparateProc glBlendEquationSeparateFn
964 glBlendFuncProc glBlendFuncFn
965 glBlendFuncSeparateProc glBlendFuncSeparateFn
966 glBlitFramebufferProc glBlitFramebufferFn
967 glBlitFramebufferANGLEProc glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn
968 glBlitFramebufferEXTProc glBlitFramebufferEXTFn
969 glBufferDataProc glBufferDataFn
970 glBufferSubDataProc glBufferSubDataFn
971 glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTProc glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn
972 glClearProc glClearFn
973 glClearBufferfiProc glClearBufferfiFn
974 glClearBufferfvProc glClearBufferfvFn
975 glClearBufferivProc glClearBufferivFn
976 glClearBufferuivProc glClearBufferuivFn
977 glClearColorProc glClearColorFn
978 glClearDepthProc glClearDepthFn
979 glClearDepthfProc glClearDepthfFn
980 glClearStencilProc glClearStencilFn
981 glClientWaitSyncProc glClientWaitSyncFn
982 glColorMaskProc glColorMaskFn
983 glCompileShaderProc glCompileShaderFn
984 glCompressedTexImage2DProc glCompressedTexImage2DFn
985 glCompressedTexImage3DProc glCompressedTexImage3DFn
986 glCompressedTexSubImage2DProc glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn
987 glCopyBufferSubDataProc glCopyBufferSubDataFn
988 glCopyTexImage2DProc glCopyTexImage2DFn
989 glCopyTexSubImage2DProc glCopyTexSubImage2DFn
990 glCopyTexSubImage3DProc glCopyTexSubImage3DFn
991 glCreateProgramProc glCreateProgramFn
992 glCreateShaderProc glCreateShaderFn
993 glCullFaceProc glCullFaceFn
994 glDeleteBuffersARBProc glDeleteBuffersARBFn
995 glDeleteFencesAPPLEProc glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn
996 glDeleteFencesNVProc glDeleteFencesNVFn
997 glDeleteFramebuffersEXTProc glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn
998 glDeleteProgramProc glDeleteProgramFn
999 glDeleteQueriesProc glDeleteQueriesFn
1000 glDeleteQueriesARBProc glDeleteQueriesARBFn
1001 glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTProc glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn
1002 glDeleteSamplersProc glDeleteSamplersFn
1003 glDeleteShaderProc glDeleteShaderFn
1004 glDeleteSyncProc glDeleteSyncFn
1005 glDeleteTexturesProc glDeleteTexturesFn
1006 glDeleteTransformFeedbacksProc glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn
1007 glDeleteVertexArraysOESProc glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn
1008 glDepthFuncProc glDepthFuncFn
1009 glDepthMaskProc glDepthMaskFn
1010 glDepthRangeProc glDepthRangeFn
1011 glDepthRangefProc glDepthRangefFn
1012 glDetachShaderProc glDetachShaderFn
1013 glDisableProc glDisableFn
1014 glDisableVertexAttribArrayProc glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn
1015 glDiscardFramebufferEXTProc glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn
1016 glDrawArraysProc glDrawArraysFn
1017 glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEProc glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn
1018 glDrawBufferProc glDrawBufferFn
1019 glDrawBuffersARBProc glDrawBuffersARBFn
1020 glDrawElementsProc glDrawElementsFn
1021 glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEProc glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn
1022 glDrawRangeElementsProc glDrawRangeElementsFn
1023 glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESProc
1024 glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn
1025 glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESProc glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn
1026 glEnableProc glEnableFn
1027 glEnableVertexAttribArrayProc glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn
1028 glEndQueryProc glEndQueryFn
1029 glEndQueryARBProc glEndQueryARBFn
1030 glEndTransformFeedbackProc glEndTransformFeedbackFn
1031 glFenceSyncProc glFenceSyncFn
1032 glFinishProc glFinishFn
1033 glFinishFenceAPPLEProc glFinishFenceAPPLEFn
1034 glFinishFenceNVProc glFinishFenceNVFn
1035 glFlushProc glFlushFn
1036 glFlushMappedBufferRangeProc glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn
1037 glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTProc glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn
1038 glFramebufferTexture2DEXTProc glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn
1039 glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTProc
1040 glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn
1041 glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGProc
1042 glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn
1043 glFramebufferTextureLayerProc glFramebufferTextureLayerFn
1044 glFrontFaceProc glFrontFaceFn
1045 glGenBuffersARBProc glGenBuffersARBFn
1046 glGenerateMipmapEXTProc glGenerateMipmapEXTFn
1047 glGenFencesAPPLEProc glGenFencesAPPLEFn
1048 glGenFencesNVProc glGenFencesNVFn
1049 glGenFramebuffersEXTProc glGenFramebuffersEXTFn
1050 glGenQueriesProc glGenQueriesFn
1051 glGenQueriesARBProc glGenQueriesARBFn
1052 glGenRenderbuffersEXTProc glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn
1053 glGenSamplersProc glGenSamplersFn
1054 glGenTexturesProc glGenTexturesFn
1055 glGenTransformFeedbacksProc glGenTransformFeedbacksFn
1056 glGenVertexArraysOESProc glGenVertexArraysOESFn
1057 glGetActiveAttribProc glGetActiveAttribFn
1058 glGetActiveUniformProc glGetActiveUniformFn
1059 glGetActiveUniformBlockivProc glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn
1060 glGetActiveUniformBlockNameProc glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn
1061 glGetActiveUniformsivProc glGetActiveUniformsivFn
1062 glGetAttachedShadersProc glGetAttachedShadersFn
1063 glGetAttribLocationProc glGetAttribLocationFn
1064 glGetBooleanvProc glGetBooleanvFn
1065 glGetBufferParameterivProc glGetBufferParameterivFn
1066 glGetErrorProc glGetErrorFn
1067 glGetFenceivNVProc glGetFenceivNVFn
1068 glGetFloatvProc glGetFloatvFn
1069 glGetFragDataLocationProc glGetFragDataLocationFn
1070 glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTProc
1071 glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn
1072 glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBProc glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn
1073 glGetInteger64i_vProc glGetInteger64i_vFn
1074 glGetInteger64vProc glGetInteger64vFn
1075 glGetIntegeri_vProc glGetIntegeri_vFn
1076 glGetIntegervProc glGetIntegervFn
1077 glGetInternalformativProc glGetInternalformativFn
1078 glGetProgramBinaryProc glGetProgramBinaryFn
1079 glGetProgramInfoLogProc glGetProgramInfoLogFn
1080 glGetProgramivProc glGetProgramivFn
1081 glGetProgramResourceLocationProc glGetProgramResourceLocationFn
1082 glGetQueryivProc glGetQueryivFn
1083 glGetQueryivARBProc glGetQueryivARBFn
1084 glGetQueryObjecti64vProc glGetQueryObjecti64vFn
1085 glGetQueryObjectivProc glGetQueryObjectivFn
1086 glGetQueryObjectivARBProc glGetQueryObjectivARBFn
1087 glGetQueryObjectui64vProc glGetQueryObjectui64vFn
1088 glGetQueryObjectuivProc glGetQueryObjectuivFn
1089 glGetQueryObjectuivARBProc glGetQueryObjectuivARBFn
1090 glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTProc glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn
1091 glGetSamplerParameterfvProc glGetSamplerParameterfvFn
1092 glGetSamplerParameterivProc glGetSamplerParameterivFn
1093 glGetShaderInfoLogProc glGetShaderInfoLogFn
1094 glGetShaderivProc glGetShaderivFn
1095 glGetShaderPrecisionFormatProc glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn
1096 glGetShaderSourceProc glGetShaderSourceFn
1097 glGetStringProc glGetStringFn
1098 glGetStringiProc glGetStringiFn
1099 glGetSyncivProc glGetSyncivFn
1100 glGetTexLevelParameterfvProc glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn
1101 glGetTexLevelParameterivProc glGetTexLevelParameterivFn
1102 glGetTexParameterfvProc glGetTexParameterfvFn
1103 glGetTexParameterivProc glGetTexParameterivFn
1104 glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingProc glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn
1105 glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEProc glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn
1106 glGetUniformBlockIndexProc glGetUniformBlockIndexFn
1107 glGetUniformfvProc glGetUniformfvFn
1108 glGetUniformIndicesProc glGetUniformIndicesFn
1109 glGetUniformivProc glGetUniformivFn
1110 glGetUniformLocationProc glGetUniformLocationFn
1111 glGetVertexAttribfvProc glGetVertexAttribfvFn
1112 glGetVertexAttribivProc glGetVertexAttribivFn
1113 glGetVertexAttribPointervProc glGetVertexAttribPointervFn
1114 glHintProc glHintFn
1115 glInsertEventMarkerEXTProc glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn
1116 glInvalidateFramebufferProc glInvalidateFramebufferFn
1117 glInvalidateSubFramebufferProc glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn
1118 glIsBufferProc glIsBufferFn
1119 glIsEnabledProc glIsEnabledFn
1120 glIsFenceAPPLEProc glIsFenceAPPLEFn
1121 glIsFenceNVProc glIsFenceNVFn
1122 glIsFramebufferEXTProc glIsFramebufferEXTFn
1123 glIsProgramProc glIsProgramFn
1124 glIsQueryProc glIsQueryFn
1125 glIsQueryARBProc glIsQueryARBFn
1126 glIsRenderbufferEXTProc glIsRenderbufferEXTFn
1127 glIsSamplerProc glIsSamplerFn
1128 glIsShaderProc glIsShaderFn
1129 glIsSyncProc glIsSyncFn
1130 glIsTextureProc glIsTextureFn
1131 glIsTransformFeedbackProc glIsTransformFeedbackFn
1132 glIsVertexArrayOESProc glIsVertexArrayOESFn
1133 glLineWidthProc glLineWidthFn
1134 glLinkProgramProc glLinkProgramFn
1135 glMapBufferProc glMapBufferFn
1136 glMapBufferRangeProc glMapBufferRangeFn
1137 glMatrixLoadfEXTProc glMatrixLoadfEXTFn
1138 glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTProc glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn
1139 glPauseTransformFeedbackProc glPauseTransformFeedbackFn
1140 glPixelStoreiProc glPixelStoreiFn
1141 glPointParameteriProc glPointParameteriFn
1142 glPolygonOffsetProc glPolygonOffsetFn
1143 glPopGroupMarkerEXTProc glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn
1144 glProgramBinaryProc glProgramBinaryFn
1145 glProgramParameteriProc glProgramParameteriFn
1146 glPushGroupMarkerEXTProc glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn
1147 glQueryCounterProc glQueryCounterFn
1148 glReadBufferProc glReadBufferFn
1149 glReadPixelsProc glReadPixelsFn
1150 glReleaseShaderCompilerProc glReleaseShaderCompilerFn
1151 glRenderbufferStorageEXTProc glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn
1152 glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleProc glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn
1153 glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEProc
1154 glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn
1155 glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTProc glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn
1156 glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGProc glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn
1157 glResumeTransformFeedbackProc glResumeTransformFeedbackFn
1158 glSampleCoverageProc glSampleCoverageFn
1159 glSamplerParameterfProc glSamplerParameterfFn
1160 glSamplerParameterfvProc glSamplerParameterfvFn
1161 glSamplerParameteriProc glSamplerParameteriFn
1162 glSamplerParameterivProc glSamplerParameterivFn
1163 glScissorProc glScissorFn
1164 glSetFenceAPPLEProc glSetFenceAPPLEFn
1165 glSetFenceNVProc glSetFenceNVFn
1166 glShaderBinaryProc glShaderBinaryFn
1167 glShaderSourceProc glShaderSourceFn
1168 glStencilFuncProc glStencilFuncFn
1169 glStencilFuncSeparateProc glStencilFuncSeparateFn
1170 glStencilMaskProc glStencilMaskFn
1171 glStencilMaskSeparateProc glStencilMaskSeparateFn
1172 glStencilOpProc glStencilOpFn
1173 glStencilOpSeparateProc glStencilOpSeparateFn
1174 glTestFenceAPPLEProc glTestFenceAPPLEFn
1175 glTestFenceNVProc glTestFenceNVFn
1176 glTexImage2DProc glTexImage2DFn
1177 glTexImage3DProc glTexImage3DFn
1178 glTexParameterfProc glTexParameterfFn
1179 glTexParameterfvProc glTexParameterfvFn
1180 glTexParameteriProc glTexParameteriFn
1181 glTexParameterivProc glTexParameterivFn
1182 glTexStorage2DEXTProc glTexStorage2DEXTFn
1183 glTexStorage3DProc glTexStorage3DFn
1184 glTexSubImage2DProc glTexSubImage2DFn
1185 glTransformFeedbackVaryingsProc glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn
1186 glUniform1fProc glUniform1fFn
1187 glUniform1fvProc glUniform1fvFn
1188 glUniform1iProc glUniform1iFn
1189 glUniform1ivProc glUniform1ivFn
1190 glUniform1uiProc glUniform1uiFn
1191 glUniform1uivProc glUniform1uivFn
1192 glUniform2fProc glUniform2fFn
1193 glUniform2fvProc glUniform2fvFn
1194 glUniform2iProc glUniform2iFn
1195 glUniform2ivProc glUniform2ivFn
1196 glUniform2uiProc glUniform2uiFn
1197 glUniform2uivProc glUniform2uivFn
1198 glUniform3fProc glUniform3fFn
1199 glUniform3fvProc glUniform3fvFn
1200 glUniform3iProc glUniform3iFn
1201 glUniform3ivProc glUniform3ivFn
1202 glUniform3uiProc glUniform3uiFn
1203 glUniform3uivProc glUniform3uivFn
1204 glUniform4fProc glUniform4fFn
1205 glUniform4fvProc glUniform4fvFn
1206 glUniform4iProc glUniform4iFn
1207 glUniform4ivProc glUniform4ivFn
1208 glUniform4uiProc glUniform4uiFn
1209 glUniform4uivProc glUniform4uivFn
1210 glUniformBlockBindingProc glUniformBlockBindingFn
1211 glUniformMatrix2fvProc glUniformMatrix2fvFn
1212 glUniformMatrix2x3fvProc glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn
1213 glUniformMatrix2x4fvProc glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn
1214 glUniformMatrix3fvProc glUniformMatrix3fvFn
1215 glUniformMatrix3x2fvProc glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn
1216 glUniformMatrix3x4fvProc glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn
1217 glUniformMatrix4fvProc glUniformMatrix4fvFn
1218 glUniformMatrix4x2fvProc glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn
1219 glUniformMatrix4x3fvProc glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn
1220 glUnmapBufferProc glUnmapBufferFn
1221 glUseProgramProc glUseProgramFn
1222 glValidateProgramProc glValidateProgramFn
1223 glVertexAttrib1fProc glVertexAttrib1fFn
1224 glVertexAttrib1fvProc glVertexAttrib1fvFn
1225 glVertexAttrib2fProc glVertexAttrib2fFn
1226 glVertexAttrib2fvProc glVertexAttrib2fvFn
1227 glVertexAttrib3fProc glVertexAttrib3fFn
1228 glVertexAttrib3fvProc glVertexAttrib3fvFn
1229 glVertexAttrib4fProc glVertexAttrib4fFn
1230 glVertexAttrib4fvProc glVertexAttrib4fvFn
1231 glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEProc glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn
1232 glVertexAttribI4iProc glVertexAttribI4iFn
1233 glVertexAttribI4ivProc glVertexAttribI4ivFn
1234 glVertexAttribI4uiProc glVertexAttribI4uiFn
1235 glVertexAttribI4uivProc glVertexAttribI4uivFn
1236 glVertexAttribIPointerProc glVertexAttribIPointerFn
1237 glVertexAttribPointerProc glVertexAttribPointerFn
1238 glViewportProc glViewportFn
1239 glWaitSyncProc glWaitSyncFn
1242 class GL_EXPORT GLApi
1247 virtual void glActiveTextureFn(GLenum texture
) = 0;
1248 virtual void glAttachShaderFn(GLuint program
, GLuint shader
) = 0;
1249 virtual void glBeginQueryFn(GLenum target
, GLuint id
) = 0;
1250 virtual void glBeginQueryARBFn(GLenum target
, GLuint id
) = 0;
1251 virtual void glBeginTransformFeedbackFn(GLenum primitiveMode
) = 0;
1252 virtual void glBindAttribLocationFn(GLuint program
1254 const char* name
) = 0;
1255 virtual void glBindBufferFn(GLenum target
, GLuint buffer
) = 0;
1256 virtual void glBindBufferBaseFn(GLenum target
1259 virtual void glBindBufferRangeFn(GLenum target
1263 GLsizeiptr size
) = 0;
1264 virtual void glBindFragDataLocationFn(GLuint program
1266 const char* name
) = 0;
1267 virtual void glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn(GLuint program
1270 const char* name
) = 0;
1271 virtual void glBindFramebufferEXTFn(GLenum target
, GLuint framebuffer
) = 0;
1272 virtual void glBindRenderbufferEXTFn(GLenum target
, GLuint renderbuffer
) = 0;
1273 virtual void glBindSamplerFn(GLuint unit
, GLuint sampler
) = 0;
1274 virtual void glBindTextureFn(GLenum target
, GLuint texture
) = 0;
1275 virtual void glBindTransformFeedbackFn(GLenum target
, GLuint id
) = 0;
1276 virtual void glBindVertexArrayOESFn(GLuint array
) = 0;
1277 virtual void glBlendBarrierKHRFn(void) = 0;
1278 virtual void glBlendColorFn(GLclampf red
1281 GLclampf alpha
) = 0;
1282 virtual void glBlendEquationFn(GLenum mode
) = 0;
1283 virtual void glBlendEquationSeparateFn(GLenum modeRGB
, GLenum modeAlpha
) = 0;
1284 virtual void glBlendFuncFn(GLenum sfactor
, GLenum dfactor
) = 0;
1285 virtual void glBlendFuncSeparateFn(GLenum srcRGB
1288 GLenum dstAlpha
) = 0;
1289 virtual void glBlitFramebufferFn(GLint srcX0
1299 virtual void glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn(GLint srcX0
1309 virtual void glBlitFramebufferEXTFn(GLint srcX0
1319 virtual void glBufferDataFn(GLenum target
1323 virtual void glBufferSubDataFn(GLenum target
1326 const void* data
) = 0;
1327 virtual GLenum
glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn(GLenum target
) = 0;
1328 virtual void glClearFn(GLbitfield mask
) = 0;
1329 virtual void glClearBufferfiFn(GLenum buffer
1331 const GLfloat depth
1333 virtual void glClearBufferfvFn(GLenum buffer
1335 const GLfloat
* value
) = 0;
1336 virtual void glClearBufferivFn(GLenum buffer
1338 const GLint
* value
) = 0;
1339 virtual void glClearBufferuivFn(GLenum buffer
1341 const GLuint
* value
) = 0;
1342 virtual void glClearColorFn(GLclampf red
1345 GLclampf alpha
) = 0;
1346 virtual void glClearDepthFn(GLclampd depth
) = 0;
1347 virtual void glClearDepthfFn(GLclampf depth
) = 0;
1348 virtual void glClearStencilFn(GLint s
) = 0;
1349 virtual GLenum
glClientWaitSyncFn(GLsync sync
1351 GLuint64 timeout
) = 0;
1352 virtual void glColorMaskFn(GLboolean red
1355 GLboolean alpha
) = 0;
1356 virtual void glCompileShaderFn(GLuint shader
) = 0;
1357 virtual void glCompressedTexImage2DFn(GLenum target
1359 GLenum internalformat
1364 const void* data
) = 0;
1365 virtual void glCompressedTexImage3DFn(GLenum target
1367 GLenum internalformat
1373 const void* data
) = 0;
1374 virtual void glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target
1382 const void* data
) = 0;
1383 virtual void glCopyBufferSubDataFn(GLenum readTarget
1385 GLintptr readOffset
1386 GLintptr writeOffset
1387 GLsizeiptr size
) = 0;
1388 virtual void glCopyTexImage2DFn(GLenum target
1390 GLenum internalformat
1396 virtual void glCopyTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target
1403 GLsizei height
) = 0;
1404 virtual void glCopyTexSubImage3DFn(GLenum target
1412 GLsizei height
) = 0;
1413 virtual GLuint
glCreateProgramFn(void) = 0;
1414 virtual GLuint
glCreateShaderFn(GLenum type
) = 0;
1415 virtual void glCullFaceFn(GLenum mode
) = 0;
1416 virtual void glDeleteBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n
, const GLuint
* buffers
) = 0;
1417 virtual void glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn(GLsizei n
, const GLuint
* fences
) = 0;
1418 virtual void glDeleteFencesNVFn(GLsizei n
, const GLuint
* fences
) = 0;
1419 virtual void glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n
1420 const GLuint
* framebuffers
) = 0;
1421 virtual void glDeleteProgramFn(GLuint program
) = 0;
1422 virtual void glDeleteQueriesFn(GLsizei n
, const GLuint
* ids
) = 0;
1423 virtual void glDeleteQueriesARBFn(GLsizei n
, const GLuint
* ids
) = 0;
1424 virtual void glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n
1425 const GLuint
* renderbuffers
) = 0;
1426 virtual void glDeleteSamplersFn(GLsizei n
, const GLuint
* samplers
) = 0;
1427 virtual void glDeleteShaderFn(GLuint shader
) = 0;
1428 virtual void glDeleteSyncFn(GLsync sync
) = 0;
1429 virtual void glDeleteTexturesFn(GLsizei n
, const GLuint
* textures
) = 0;
1430 virtual void glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn(GLsizei n
, const GLuint
* ids
) = 0;
1431 virtual void glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn(GLsizei n
, const GLuint
* arrays
) = 0;
1432 virtual void glDepthFuncFn(GLenum func
) = 0;
1433 virtual void glDepthMaskFn(GLboolean flag
) = 0;
1434 virtual void glDepthRangeFn(GLclampd zNear
, GLclampd zFar
) = 0;
1435 virtual void glDepthRangefFn(GLclampf zNear
, GLclampf zFar
) = 0;
1436 virtual void glDetachShaderFn(GLuint program
, GLuint shader
) = 0;
1437 virtual void glDisableFn(GLenum cap
) = 0;
1438 virtual void glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn(GLuint index
) = 0;
1439 virtual void glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn(GLenum target
1440 GLsizei numAttachments
1441 const GLenum
* attachments
) = 0;
1442 virtual void glDrawArraysFn(GLenum mode
, GLint first
, GLsizei count
) = 0;
1443 virtual void glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn(GLenum mode
1446 GLsizei primcount
) = 0;
1447 virtual void glDrawBufferFn(GLenum mode
) = 0;
1448 virtual void glDrawBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n
, const GLenum
* bufs
) = 0;
1449 virtual void glDrawElementsFn(GLenum mode
1452 const void* indices
) = 0;
1453 virtual void glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn(GLenum mode
1456 const void* indices
1457 GLsizei primcount
) = 0;
1458 virtual void glDrawRangeElementsFn(GLenum mode
1463 const void* indices
) = 0;
1464 virtual void glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn(
1466 GLeglImageOES image
) = 0;
1467 virtual void glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn(GLenum target
1468 GLeglImageOES image
) = 0;
1469 virtual void glEnableFn(GLenum cap
) = 0;
1470 virtual void glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn(GLuint index
) = 0;
1471 virtual void glEndQueryFn(GLenum target
) = 0;
1472 virtual void glEndQueryARBFn(GLenum target
) = 0;
1473 virtual void glEndTransformFeedbackFn(void) = 0;
1474 virtual GLsync
glFenceSyncFn(GLenum condition
, GLbitfield flags
) = 0;
1475 virtual void glFinishFn(void) = 0;
1476 virtual void glFinishFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence
) = 0;
1477 virtual void glFinishFenceNVFn(GLuint fence
) = 0;
1478 virtual void glFlushFn(void) = 0;
1479 virtual void glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn(GLenum target
1481 GLsizeiptr length
) = 0;
1482 virtual void glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn(GLenum target
1484 GLenum renderbuffertarget
1485 GLuint renderbuffer
) = 0;
1486 virtual void glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn(GLenum target
1491 virtual void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn(GLenum target
1496 GLsizei samples
) = 0;
1497 virtual void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn(GLenum target
1502 GLsizei samples
) = 0;
1503 virtual void glFramebufferTextureLayerFn(GLenum target
1508 virtual void glFrontFaceFn(GLenum mode
) = 0;
1509 virtual void glGenBuffersARBFn(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* buffers
) = 0;
1510 virtual void glGenerateMipmapEXTFn(GLenum target
) = 0;
1511 virtual void glGenFencesAPPLEFn(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* fences
) = 0;
1512 virtual void glGenFencesNVFn(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* fences
) = 0;
1513 virtual void glGenFramebuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* framebuffers
) = 0;
1514 virtual void glGenQueriesFn(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* ids
) = 0;
1515 virtual void glGenQueriesARBFn(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* ids
) = 0;
1516 virtual void glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* renderbuffers
) = 0;
1517 virtual void glGenSamplersFn(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* samplers
) = 0;
1518 virtual void glGenTexturesFn(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* textures
) = 0;
1519 virtual void glGenTransformFeedbacksFn(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* ids
) = 0;
1520 virtual void glGenVertexArraysOESFn(GLsizei n
, GLuint
* arrays
) = 0;
1521 virtual void glGetActiveAttribFn(GLuint program
1528 virtual void glGetActiveUniformFn(GLuint program
1535 virtual void glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn(GLuint program
1536 GLuint uniformBlockIndex
1539 virtual void glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn(GLuint program
1540 GLuint uniformBlockIndex
1543 char* uniformBlockName
) = 0;
1544 virtual void glGetActiveUniformsivFn(GLuint program
1545 GLsizei uniformCount
1546 const GLuint
* uniformIndices
1549 virtual void glGetAttachedShadersFn(GLuint program
1552 GLuint
* shaders
) = 0;
1553 virtual GLint
glGetAttribLocationFn(GLuint program
, const char* name
) = 0;
1554 virtual void glGetBooleanvFn(GLenum pname
, GLboolean
* params
) = 0;
1555 virtual void glGetBufferParameterivFn(GLenum target
1558 virtual GLenum
glGetErrorFn(void) = 0;
1559 virtual void glGetFenceivNVFn(GLuint fence
, GLenum pname
, GLint
* params
) = 0;
1560 virtual void glGetFloatvFn(GLenum pname
, GLfloat
* params
) = 0;
1561 virtual GLint
glGetFragDataLocationFn(GLuint program
, const char* name
) = 0;
1562 virtual void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn(GLenum target
1566 virtual GLenum
glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn(void) = 0;
1567 virtual void glGetInteger64i_vFn(GLenum target
1570 virtual void glGetInteger64vFn(GLenum pname
, GLint64
* params
) = 0;
1571 virtual void glGetIntegeri_vFn(GLenum target
, GLuint index
, GLint
* data
) = 0;
1572 virtual void glGetIntegervFn(GLenum pname
, GLint
* params
) = 0;
1573 virtual void glGetInternalformativFn(GLenum target
1574 GLenum internalformat
1578 virtual void glGetProgramBinaryFn(GLuint program
1581 GLenum
* binaryFormat
1582 GLvoid
* binary
) = 0;
1583 virtual void glGetProgramInfoLogFn(GLuint program
1587 virtual void glGetProgramivFn(GLuint program
1590 virtual GLint
glGetProgramResourceLocationFn(GLuint program
1591 GLenum programInterface
1592 const char* name
) = 0;
1593 virtual void glGetQueryivFn(GLenum target
, GLenum pname
, GLint
* params
) = 0;
1594 virtual void glGetQueryivARBFn(GLenum target
1597 virtual void glGetQueryObjecti64vFn(GLuint id
1599 GLint64
* params
) = 0;
1600 virtual void glGetQueryObjectivFn(GLuint id
, GLenum pname
, GLint
* params
) = 0;
1601 virtual void glGetQueryObjectivARBFn(GLuint id
1604 virtual void glGetQueryObjectui64vFn(GLuint id
1606 GLuint64
* params
) = 0;
1607 virtual void glGetQueryObjectuivFn(GLuint id
1609 GLuint
* params
) = 0;
1610 virtual void glGetQueryObjectuivARBFn(GLuint id
1612 GLuint
* params
) = 0;
1613 virtual void glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn(GLenum target
1616 virtual void glGetSamplerParameterfvFn(GLuint sampler
1618 GLfloat
* params
) = 0;
1619 virtual void glGetSamplerParameterivFn(GLuint sampler
1622 virtual void glGetShaderInfoLogFn(GLuint shader
1626 virtual void glGetShaderivFn(GLuint shader
, GLenum pname
, GLint
* params
) = 0;
1627 virtual void glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn(GLenum shadertype
1628 GLenum precisiontype
1630 GLint
* precision
) = 0;
1631 virtual void glGetShaderSourceFn(GLuint shader
1635 virtual const GLubyte
* glGetStringFn(GLenum name
) = 0;
1636 virtual const GLubyte
* glGetStringiFn(GLenum name
, GLuint index
) = 0;
1637 virtual void glGetSyncivFn(GLsync sync
1642 virtual void glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn(GLenum target
1645 GLfloat
* params
) = 0;
1646 virtual void glGetTexLevelParameterivFn(GLenum target
1650 virtual void glGetTexParameterfvFn(GLenum target
1652 GLfloat
* params
) = 0;
1653 virtual void glGetTexParameterivFn(GLenum target
1656 virtual void glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn(GLuint program
1663 virtual void glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn(GLuint shader
1667 virtual GLuint
glGetUniformBlockIndexFn(GLuint program
1668 const char* uniformBlockName
) = 0;
1669 virtual void glGetUniformfvFn(GLuint program
1671 GLfloat
* params
) = 0;
1672 virtual void glGetUniformIndicesFn(GLuint program
1673 GLsizei uniformCount
1674 const char* const* uniformNames
1675 GLuint
* uniformIndices
) = 0;
1676 virtual void glGetUniformivFn(GLuint program
1679 virtual GLint
glGetUniformLocationFn(GLuint program
, const char* name
) = 0;
1680 virtual void glGetVertexAttribfvFn(GLuint index
1682 GLfloat
* params
) = 0;
1683 virtual void glGetVertexAttribivFn(GLuint index
1686 virtual void glGetVertexAttribPointervFn(GLuint index
1688 void** pointer
) = 0;
1689 virtual void glHintFn(GLenum target
, GLenum mode
) = 0;
1690 virtual void glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn(GLsizei length
, const char* marker
) = 0;
1691 virtual void glInvalidateFramebufferFn(GLenum target
1692 GLsizei numAttachments
1693 const GLenum
* attachments
) = 0;
1694 virtual void glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn(GLenum target
1695 GLsizei numAttachments
1696 const GLenum
* attachments
1701 virtual GLboolean
glIsBufferFn(GLuint buffer
) = 0;
1702 virtual GLboolean
glIsEnabledFn(GLenum cap
) = 0;
1703 virtual GLboolean
glIsFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence
) = 0;
1704 virtual GLboolean
glIsFenceNVFn(GLuint fence
) = 0;
1705 virtual GLboolean
glIsFramebufferEXTFn(GLuint framebuffer
) = 0;
1706 virtual GLboolean
glIsProgramFn(GLuint program
) = 0;
1707 virtual GLboolean
glIsQueryFn(GLuint query
) = 0;
1708 virtual GLboolean
glIsQueryARBFn(GLuint query
) = 0;
1709 virtual GLboolean
glIsRenderbufferEXTFn(GLuint renderbuffer
) = 0;
1710 virtual GLboolean
glIsSamplerFn(GLuint sampler
) = 0;
1711 virtual GLboolean
glIsShaderFn(GLuint shader
) = 0;
1712 virtual GLboolean
glIsSyncFn(GLsync sync
) = 0;
1713 virtual GLboolean
glIsTextureFn(GLuint texture
) = 0;
1714 virtual GLboolean
glIsTransformFeedbackFn(GLuint id
) = 0;
1715 virtual GLboolean
glIsVertexArrayOESFn(GLuint array
) = 0;
1716 virtual void glLineWidthFn(GLfloat width
) = 0;
1717 virtual void glLinkProgramFn(GLuint program
) = 0;
1718 virtual void* glMapBufferFn(GLenum target
, GLenum access
) = 0;
1719 virtual void* glMapBufferRangeFn(GLenum target
1722 GLbitfield access
) = 0;
1723 virtual void glMatrixLoadfEXTFn(GLenum matrixMode
, const GLfloat
* m
) = 0;
1724 virtual void glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn(GLenum matrixMode
) = 0;
1725 virtual void glPauseTransformFeedbackFn(void) = 0;
1726 virtual void glPixelStoreiFn(GLenum pname
, GLint param
) = 0;
1727 virtual void glPointParameteriFn(GLenum pname
, GLint param
) = 0;
1728 virtual void glPolygonOffsetFn(GLfloat factor
, GLfloat units
) = 0;
1729 virtual void glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn(void) = 0;
1730 virtual void glProgramBinaryFn(GLuint program
1731 GLenum binaryFormat
1732 const GLvoid
* binary
1733 GLsizei length
) = 0;
1734 virtual void glProgramParameteriFn(GLuint program
1737 virtual void glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn(GLsizei length
, const char* marker
) = 0;
1738 virtual void glQueryCounterFn(GLuint id
, GLenum target
) = 0;
1739 virtual void glReadBufferFn(GLenum src
) = 0;
1740 virtual void glReadPixelsFn(GLint x
1747 virtual void glReleaseShaderCompilerFn(void) = 0;
1748 virtual void glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn(GLenum target
1749 GLenum internalformat
1751 GLsizei height
) = 0;
1752 virtual void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn(GLenum target
1754 GLenum internalformat
1756 GLsizei height
) = 0;
1757 virtual void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn(GLenum target
1759 GLenum internalformat
1761 GLsizei height
) = 0;
1762 virtual void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn(GLenum target
1764 GLenum internalformat
1766 GLsizei height
) = 0;
1767 virtual void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn(GLenum target
1769 GLenum internalformat
1771 GLsizei height
) = 0;
1772 virtual void glResumeTransformFeedbackFn(void) = 0;
1773 virtual void glSampleCoverageFn(GLclampf value
, GLboolean invert
) = 0;
1774 virtual void glSamplerParameterfFn(GLuint sampler
1777 virtual void glSamplerParameterfvFn(GLuint sampler
1779 const GLfloat
* params
) = 0;
1780 virtual void glSamplerParameteriFn(GLuint sampler
1783 virtual void glSamplerParameterivFn(GLuint sampler
1785 const GLint
* params
) = 0;
1786 virtual void glScissorFn(GLint x
, GLint y
, GLsizei width
, GLsizei height
) = 0;
1787 virtual void glSetFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence
) = 0;
1788 virtual void glSetFenceNVFn(GLuint fence
, GLenum condition
) = 0;
1789 virtual void glShaderBinaryFn(GLsizei n
1790 const GLuint
* shaders
1791 GLenum binaryformat
1793 GLsizei length
) = 0;
1794 virtual void glShaderSourceFn(GLuint shader
1796 const char* const* str
1797 const GLint
* length
) = 0;
1798 virtual void glStencilFuncFn(GLenum func
, GLint ref
, GLuint mask
) = 0;
1799 virtual void glStencilFuncSeparateFn(GLenum face
1803 virtual void glStencilMaskFn(GLuint mask
) = 0;
1804 virtual void glStencilMaskSeparateFn(GLenum face
, GLuint mask
) = 0;
1805 virtual void glStencilOpFn(GLenum fail
, GLenum zfail
, GLenum zpass
) = 0;
1806 virtual void glStencilOpSeparateFn(GLenum face
1810 virtual GLboolean
glTestFenceAPPLEFn(GLuint fence
) = 0;
1811 virtual GLboolean
glTestFenceNVFn(GLuint fence
) = 0;
1812 virtual void glTexImage2DFn(GLenum target
1814 GLint internalformat
1820 const void* pixels
) = 0;
1821 virtual void glTexImage3DFn(GLenum target
1823 GLint internalformat
1830 const void* pixels
) = 0;
1831 virtual void glTexParameterfFn(GLenum target
1834 virtual void glTexParameterfvFn(GLenum target
1836 const GLfloat
* params
) = 0;
1837 virtual void glTexParameteriFn(GLenum target
, GLenum pname
, GLint param
) = 0;
1838 virtual void glTexParameterivFn(GLenum target
1840 const GLint
* params
) = 0;
1841 virtual void glTexStorage2DEXTFn(GLenum target
1843 GLenum internalformat
1845 GLsizei height
) = 0;
1846 virtual void glTexStorage3DFn(GLenum target
1848 GLenum internalformat
1852 virtual void glTexSubImage2DFn(GLenum target
1860 const void* pixels
) = 0;
1861 virtual void glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn(GLuint program
1863 const char* const* varyings
1864 GLenum bufferMode
) = 0;
1865 virtual void glUniform1fFn(GLint location
, GLfloat x
) = 0;
1866 virtual void glUniform1fvFn(GLint location
1868 const GLfloat
* v
) = 0;
1869 virtual void glUniform1iFn(GLint location
, GLint x
) = 0;
1870 virtual void glUniform1ivFn(GLint location
1872 const GLint
* v
) = 0;
1873 virtual void glUniform1uiFn(GLint location
, GLuint v0
) = 0;
1874 virtual void glUniform1uivFn(GLint location
1876 const GLuint
* v
) = 0;
1877 virtual void glUniform2fFn(GLint location
, GLfloat x
, GLfloat y
) = 0;
1878 virtual void glUniform2fvFn(GLint location
1880 const GLfloat
* v
) = 0;
1881 virtual void glUniform2iFn(GLint location
, GLint x
, GLint y
) = 0;
1882 virtual void glUniform2ivFn(GLint location
1884 const GLint
* v
) = 0;
1885 virtual void glUniform2uiFn(GLint location
, GLuint v0
, GLuint v1
) = 0;
1886 virtual void glUniform2uivFn(GLint location
1888 const GLuint
* v
) = 0;
1889 virtual void glUniform3fFn(GLint location
1893 virtual void glUniform3fvFn(GLint location
1895 const GLfloat
* v
) = 0;
1896 virtual void glUniform3iFn(GLint location
, GLint x
, GLint y
, GLint z
) = 0;
1897 virtual void glUniform3ivFn(GLint location
1899 const GLint
* v
) = 0;
1900 virtual void glUniform3uiFn(GLint location
1904 virtual void glUniform3uivFn(GLint location
1906 const GLuint
* v
) = 0;
1907 virtual void glUniform4fFn(GLint location
1912 virtual void glUniform4fvFn(GLint location
1914 const GLfloat
* v
) = 0;
1915 virtual void glUniform4iFn(GLint location
1920 virtual void glUniform4ivFn(GLint location
1922 const GLint
* v
) = 0;
1923 virtual void glUniform4uiFn(GLint location
1928 virtual void glUniform4uivFn(GLint location
1930 const GLuint
* v
) = 0;
1931 virtual void glUniformBlockBindingFn(GLuint program
1932 GLuint uniformBlockIndex
1933 GLuint uniformBlockBinding
) = 0;
1934 virtual void glUniformMatrix2fvFn(GLint location
1936 GLboolean transpose
1937 const GLfloat
* value
) = 0;
1938 virtual void glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn(GLint location
1940 GLboolean transpose
1941 const GLfloat
* value
) = 0;
1942 virtual void glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn(GLint location
1944 GLboolean transpose
1945 const GLfloat
* value
) = 0;
1946 virtual void glUniformMatrix3fvFn(GLint location
1948 GLboolean transpose
1949 const GLfloat
* value
) = 0;
1950 virtual void glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn(GLint location
1952 GLboolean transpose
1953 const GLfloat
* value
) = 0;
1954 virtual void glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn(GLint location
1956 GLboolean transpose
1957 const GLfloat
* value
) = 0;
1958 virtual void glUniformMatrix4fvFn(GLint location
1960 GLboolean transpose
1961 const GLfloat
* value
) = 0;
1962 virtual void glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn(GLint location
1964 GLboolean transpose
1965 const GLfloat
* value
) = 0;
1966 virtual void glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn(GLint location
1968 GLboolean transpose
1969 const GLfloat
* value
) = 0;
1970 virtual GLboolean
glUnmapBufferFn(GLenum target
) = 0;
1971 virtual void glUseProgramFn(GLuint program
) = 0;
1972 virtual void glValidateProgramFn(GLuint program
) = 0;
1973 virtual void glVertexAttrib1fFn(GLuint indx
, GLfloat x
) = 0;
1974 virtual void glVertexAttrib1fvFn(GLuint indx
, const GLfloat
* values
) = 0;
1975 virtual void glVertexAttrib2fFn(GLuint indx
, GLfloat x
, GLfloat y
) = 0;
1976 virtual void glVertexAttrib2fvFn(GLuint indx
, const GLfloat
* values
) = 0;
1977 virtual void glVertexAttrib3fFn(GLuint indx
1981 virtual void glVertexAttrib3fvFn(GLuint indx
, const GLfloat
* values
) = 0;
1982 virtual void glVertexAttrib4fFn(GLuint indx
1987 virtual void glVertexAttrib4fvFn(GLuint indx
, const GLfloat
* values
) = 0;
1988 virtual void glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn(GLuint index
, GLuint divisor
) = 0;
1989 virtual void glVertexAttribI4iFn(GLuint indx
1994 virtual void glVertexAttribI4ivFn(GLuint indx
, const GLint
* values
) = 0;
1995 virtual void glVertexAttribI4uiFn(GLuint indx
2000 virtual void glVertexAttribI4uivFn(GLuint indx
, const GLuint
* values
) = 0;
2001 virtual void glVertexAttribIPointerFn(GLuint indx
2005 const void* ptr
) = 0;
2006 virtual void glVertexAttribPointerFn(GLuint indx
2009 GLboolean normalized
2011 const void* ptr
) = 0;
2012 virtual void glViewportFn(GLint x
2015 GLsizei height
) = 0;
2016 virtual GLenum
glWaitSyncFn(GLsync sync
2018 GLuint64 timeout
) = 0;
2023 #define glActiveTexture ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glActiveTextureFn
2024 #define glAttachShader ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glAttachShaderFn
2025 #define glBeginQuery ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBeginQueryFn
2026 #define glBeginQueryARB ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBeginQueryARBFn
2027 #define glBeginTransformFeedback \
2028 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBeginTransformFeedbackFn
2029 #define glBindAttribLocation ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindAttribLocationFn
2030 #define glBindBuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindBufferFn
2031 #define glBindBufferBase ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindBufferBaseFn
2032 #define glBindBufferRange ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindBufferRangeFn
2033 #define glBindFragDataLocation \
2034 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindFragDataLocationFn
2035 #define glBindFragDataLocationIndexed \
2036 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindFragDataLocationIndexedFn
2037 #define glBindFramebufferEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindFramebufferEXTFn
2038 #define glBindRenderbufferEXT \
2039 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindRenderbufferEXTFn
2040 #define glBindSampler ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindSamplerFn
2041 #define glBindTexture ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindTextureFn
2042 #define glBindTransformFeedback \
2043 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindTransformFeedbackFn
2044 #define glBindVertexArrayOES ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBindVertexArrayOESFn
2045 #define glBlendBarrierKHR ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlendBarrierKHRFn
2046 #define glBlendColor ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlendColorFn
2047 #define glBlendEquation ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlendEquationFn
2048 #define glBlendEquationSeparate \
2049 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlendEquationSeparateFn
2050 #define glBlendFunc ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlendFuncFn
2051 #define glBlendFuncSeparate ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlendFuncSeparateFn
2052 #define glBlitFramebuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlitFramebufferFn
2053 #define glBlitFramebufferANGLE \
2054 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlitFramebufferANGLEFn
2055 #define glBlitFramebufferEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBlitFramebufferEXTFn
2056 #define glBufferData ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBufferDataFn
2057 #define glBufferSubData ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glBufferSubDataFn
2058 #define glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT \
2059 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCheckFramebufferStatusEXTFn
2060 #define glClear ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearFn
2061 #define glClearBufferfi ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearBufferfiFn
2062 #define glClearBufferfv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearBufferfvFn
2063 #define glClearBufferiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearBufferivFn
2064 #define glClearBufferuiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearBufferuivFn
2065 #define glClearColor ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearColorFn
2066 #define glClearDepth ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearDepthFn
2067 #define glClearDepthf ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearDepthfFn
2068 #define glClearStencil ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClearStencilFn
2069 #define glClientWaitSync ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glClientWaitSyncFn
2070 #define glColorMask ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glColorMaskFn
2071 #define glCompileShader ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCompileShaderFn
2072 #define glCompressedTexImage2D \
2073 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCompressedTexImage2DFn
2074 #define glCompressedTexImage3D \
2075 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCompressedTexImage3DFn
2076 #define glCompressedTexSubImage2D \
2077 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCompressedTexSubImage2DFn
2078 #define glCopyBufferSubData ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCopyBufferSubDataFn
2079 #define glCopyTexImage2D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCopyTexImage2DFn
2080 #define glCopyTexSubImage2D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCopyTexSubImage2DFn
2081 #define glCopyTexSubImage3D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCopyTexSubImage3DFn
2082 #define glCreateProgram ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCreateProgramFn
2083 #define glCreateShader ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCreateShaderFn
2084 #define glCullFace ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glCullFaceFn
2085 #define glDeleteBuffersARB ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteBuffersARBFn
2086 #define glDeleteFencesAPPLE ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteFencesAPPLEFn
2087 #define glDeleteFencesNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteFencesNVFn
2088 #define glDeleteFramebuffersEXT \
2089 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteFramebuffersEXTFn
2090 #define glDeleteProgram ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteProgramFn
2091 #define glDeleteQueries ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteQueriesFn
2092 #define glDeleteQueriesARB ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteQueriesARBFn
2093 #define glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT \
2094 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteRenderbuffersEXTFn
2095 #define glDeleteSamplers ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteSamplersFn
2096 #define glDeleteShader ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteShaderFn
2097 #define glDeleteSync ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteSyncFn
2098 #define glDeleteTextures ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteTexturesFn
2099 #define glDeleteTransformFeedbacks \
2100 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteTransformFeedbacksFn
2101 #define glDeleteVertexArraysOES \
2102 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDeleteVertexArraysOESFn
2103 #define glDepthFunc ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDepthFuncFn
2104 #define glDepthMask ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDepthMaskFn
2105 #define glDepthRange ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDepthRangeFn
2106 #define glDepthRangef ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDepthRangefFn
2107 #define glDetachShader ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDetachShaderFn
2108 #define glDisable ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDisableFn
2109 #define glDisableVertexAttribArray \
2110 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDisableVertexAttribArrayFn
2111 #define glDiscardFramebufferEXT \
2112 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDiscardFramebufferEXTFn
2113 #define glDrawArrays ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawArraysFn
2114 #define glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE \
2115 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawArraysInstancedANGLEFn
2116 #define glDrawBuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawBufferFn
2117 #define glDrawBuffersARB ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawBuffersARBFn
2118 #define glDrawElements ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawElementsFn
2119 #define glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE \
2120 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawElementsInstancedANGLEFn
2121 #define glDrawRangeElements ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glDrawRangeElementsFn
2122 #define glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES \
2123 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOESFn
2124 #define glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES \
2125 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOESFn
2126 #define glEnable ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glEnableFn
2127 #define glEnableVertexAttribArray \
2128 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glEnableVertexAttribArrayFn
2129 #define glEndQuery ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glEndQueryFn
2130 #define glEndQueryARB ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glEndQueryARBFn
2131 #define glEndTransformFeedback \
2132 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glEndTransformFeedbackFn
2133 #define glFenceSync ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFenceSyncFn
2134 #define glFinish ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFinishFn
2135 #define glFinishFenceAPPLE ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFinishFenceAPPLEFn
2136 #define glFinishFenceNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFinishFenceNVFn
2137 #define glFlush ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFlushFn
2138 #define glFlushMappedBufferRange \
2139 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFlushMappedBufferRangeFn
2140 #define glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT \
2141 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFramebufferRenderbufferEXTFn
2142 #define glFramebufferTexture2DEXT \
2143 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFramebufferTexture2DEXTFn
2144 #define glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT \
2145 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXTFn
2146 #define glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG \
2147 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMGFn
2148 #define glFramebufferTextureLayer \
2149 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFramebufferTextureLayerFn
2150 #define glFrontFace ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glFrontFaceFn
2151 #define glGenBuffersARB ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenBuffersARBFn
2152 #define glGenerateMipmapEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenerateMipmapEXTFn
2153 #define glGenFencesAPPLE ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenFencesAPPLEFn
2154 #define glGenFencesNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenFencesNVFn
2155 #define glGenFramebuffersEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenFramebuffersEXTFn
2156 #define glGenQueries ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenQueriesFn
2157 #define glGenQueriesARB ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenQueriesARBFn
2158 #define glGenRenderbuffersEXT \
2159 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenRenderbuffersEXTFn
2160 #define glGenSamplers ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenSamplersFn
2161 #define glGenTextures ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenTexturesFn
2162 #define glGenTransformFeedbacks \
2163 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenTransformFeedbacksFn
2164 #define glGenVertexArraysOES ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGenVertexArraysOESFn
2165 #define glGetActiveAttrib ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetActiveAttribFn
2166 #define glGetActiveUniform ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetActiveUniformFn
2167 #define glGetActiveUniformBlockiv \
2168 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetActiveUniformBlockivFn
2169 #define glGetActiveUniformBlockName \
2170 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetActiveUniformBlockNameFn
2171 #define glGetActiveUniformsiv \
2172 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetActiveUniformsivFn
2173 #define glGetAttachedShaders ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetAttachedShadersFn
2174 #define glGetAttribLocation ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetAttribLocationFn
2175 #define glGetBooleanv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetBooleanvFn
2176 #define glGetBufferParameteriv \
2177 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetBufferParameterivFn
2178 #define glGetError ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetErrorFn
2179 #define glGetFenceivNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetFenceivNVFn
2180 #define glGetFloatv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetFloatvFn
2181 #define glGetFragDataLocation \
2182 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetFragDataLocationFn
2183 #define glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT \
2184 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXTFn
2185 #define glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB \
2186 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetGraphicsResetStatusARBFn
2187 #define glGetInteger64i_v ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetInteger64i_vFn
2188 #define glGetInteger64v ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetInteger64vFn
2189 #define glGetIntegeri_v ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetIntegeri_vFn
2190 #define glGetIntegerv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetIntegervFn
2191 #define glGetInternalformativ \
2192 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetInternalformativFn
2193 #define glGetProgramBinary ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetProgramBinaryFn
2194 #define glGetProgramInfoLog ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetProgramInfoLogFn
2195 #define glGetProgramiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetProgramivFn
2196 #define glGetProgramResourceLocation \
2197 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetProgramResourceLocationFn
2198 #define glGetQueryiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetQueryivFn
2199 #define glGetQueryivARB ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetQueryivARBFn
2200 #define glGetQueryObjecti64v ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetQueryObjecti64vFn
2201 #define glGetQueryObjectiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetQueryObjectivFn
2202 #define glGetQueryObjectivARB \
2203 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetQueryObjectivARBFn
2204 #define glGetQueryObjectui64v \
2205 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetQueryObjectui64vFn
2206 #define glGetQueryObjectuiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetQueryObjectuivFn
2207 #define glGetQueryObjectuivARB \
2208 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetQueryObjectuivARBFn
2209 #define glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXT \
2210 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetRenderbufferParameterivEXTFn
2211 #define glGetSamplerParameterfv \
2212 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetSamplerParameterfvFn
2213 #define glGetSamplerParameteriv \
2214 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetSamplerParameterivFn
2215 #define glGetShaderInfoLog ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetShaderInfoLogFn
2216 #define glGetShaderiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetShaderivFn
2217 #define glGetShaderPrecisionFormat \
2218 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetShaderPrecisionFormatFn
2219 #define glGetShaderSource ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetShaderSourceFn
2220 #define glGetString ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetStringFn
2221 #define glGetStringi ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetStringiFn
2222 #define glGetSynciv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetSyncivFn
2223 #define glGetTexLevelParameterfv \
2224 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetTexLevelParameterfvFn
2225 #define glGetTexLevelParameteriv \
2226 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetTexLevelParameterivFn
2227 #define glGetTexParameterfv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetTexParameterfvFn
2228 #define glGetTexParameteriv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetTexParameterivFn
2229 #define glGetTransformFeedbackVarying \
2230 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetTransformFeedbackVaryingFn
2231 #define glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE \
2232 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLEFn
2233 #define glGetUniformBlockIndex \
2234 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetUniformBlockIndexFn
2235 #define glGetUniformfv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetUniformfvFn
2236 #define glGetUniformIndices ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetUniformIndicesFn
2237 #define glGetUniformiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetUniformivFn
2238 #define glGetUniformLocation ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetUniformLocationFn
2239 #define glGetVertexAttribfv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetVertexAttribfvFn
2240 #define glGetVertexAttribiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetVertexAttribivFn
2241 #define glGetVertexAttribPointerv \
2242 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glGetVertexAttribPointervFn
2243 #define glHint ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glHintFn
2244 #define glInsertEventMarkerEXT \
2245 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glInsertEventMarkerEXTFn
2246 #define glInvalidateFramebuffer \
2247 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glInvalidateFramebufferFn
2248 #define glInvalidateSubFramebuffer \
2249 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glInvalidateSubFramebufferFn
2250 #define glIsBuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsBufferFn
2251 #define glIsEnabled ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsEnabledFn
2252 #define glIsFenceAPPLE ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsFenceAPPLEFn
2253 #define glIsFenceNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsFenceNVFn
2254 #define glIsFramebufferEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsFramebufferEXTFn
2255 #define glIsProgram ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsProgramFn
2256 #define glIsQuery ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsQueryFn
2257 #define glIsQueryARB ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsQueryARBFn
2258 #define glIsRenderbufferEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsRenderbufferEXTFn
2259 #define glIsSampler ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsSamplerFn
2260 #define glIsShader ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsShaderFn
2261 #define glIsSync ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsSyncFn
2262 #define glIsTexture ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsTextureFn
2263 #define glIsTransformFeedback \
2264 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsTransformFeedbackFn
2265 #define glIsVertexArrayOES ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glIsVertexArrayOESFn
2266 #define glLineWidth ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glLineWidthFn
2267 #define glLinkProgram ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glLinkProgramFn
2268 #define glMapBuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glMapBufferFn
2269 #define glMapBufferRange ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glMapBufferRangeFn
2270 #define glMatrixLoadfEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glMatrixLoadfEXTFn
2271 #define glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT \
2272 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glMatrixLoadIdentityEXTFn
2273 #define glPauseTransformFeedback \
2274 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPauseTransformFeedbackFn
2275 #define glPixelStorei ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPixelStoreiFn
2276 #define glPointParameteri ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPointParameteriFn
2277 #define glPolygonOffset ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPolygonOffsetFn
2278 #define glPopGroupMarkerEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPopGroupMarkerEXTFn
2279 #define glProgramBinary ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glProgramBinaryFn
2280 #define glProgramParameteri ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glProgramParameteriFn
2281 #define glPushGroupMarkerEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glPushGroupMarkerEXTFn
2282 #define glQueryCounter ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glQueryCounterFn
2283 #define glReadBuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glReadBufferFn
2284 #define glReadPixels ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glReadPixelsFn
2285 #define glReleaseShaderCompiler \
2286 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glReleaseShaderCompilerFn
2287 #define glRenderbufferStorageEXT \
2288 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glRenderbufferStorageEXTFn
2289 #define glRenderbufferStorageMultisample \
2290 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleFn
2291 #define glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE \
2292 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLEFn
2293 #define glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT \
2294 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXTFn
2295 #define glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG \
2296 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMGFn
2297 #define glResumeTransformFeedback \
2298 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glResumeTransformFeedbackFn
2299 #define glSampleCoverage ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSampleCoverageFn
2300 #define glSamplerParameterf ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSamplerParameterfFn
2301 #define glSamplerParameterfv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSamplerParameterfvFn
2302 #define glSamplerParameteri ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSamplerParameteriFn
2303 #define glSamplerParameteriv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSamplerParameterivFn
2304 #define glScissor ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glScissorFn
2305 #define glSetFenceAPPLE ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSetFenceAPPLEFn
2306 #define glSetFenceNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glSetFenceNVFn
2307 #define glShaderBinary ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glShaderBinaryFn
2308 #define glShaderSource ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glShaderSourceFn
2309 #define glStencilFunc ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glStencilFuncFn
2310 #define glStencilFuncSeparate \
2311 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glStencilFuncSeparateFn
2312 #define glStencilMask ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glStencilMaskFn
2313 #define glStencilMaskSeparate \
2314 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glStencilMaskSeparateFn
2315 #define glStencilOp ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glStencilOpFn
2316 #define glStencilOpSeparate ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glStencilOpSeparateFn
2317 #define glTestFenceAPPLE ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTestFenceAPPLEFn
2318 #define glTestFenceNV ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTestFenceNVFn
2319 #define glTexImage2D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexImage2DFn
2320 #define glTexImage3D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexImage3DFn
2321 #define glTexParameterf ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexParameterfFn
2322 #define glTexParameterfv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexParameterfvFn
2323 #define glTexParameteri ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexParameteriFn
2324 #define glTexParameteriv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexParameterivFn
2325 #define glTexStorage2DEXT ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexStorage2DEXTFn
2326 #define glTexStorage3D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexStorage3DFn
2327 #define glTexSubImage2D ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTexSubImage2DFn
2328 #define glTransformFeedbackVaryings \
2329 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glTransformFeedbackVaryingsFn
2330 #define glUniform1f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform1fFn
2331 #define glUniform1fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform1fvFn
2332 #define glUniform1i ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform1iFn
2333 #define glUniform1iv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform1ivFn
2334 #define glUniform1ui ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform1uiFn
2335 #define glUniform1uiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform1uivFn
2336 #define glUniform2f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform2fFn
2337 #define glUniform2fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform2fvFn
2338 #define glUniform2i ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform2iFn
2339 #define glUniform2iv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform2ivFn
2340 #define glUniform2ui ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform2uiFn
2341 #define glUniform2uiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform2uivFn
2342 #define glUniform3f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform3fFn
2343 #define glUniform3fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform3fvFn
2344 #define glUniform3i ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform3iFn
2345 #define glUniform3iv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform3ivFn
2346 #define glUniform3ui ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform3uiFn
2347 #define glUniform3uiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform3uivFn
2348 #define glUniform4f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform4fFn
2349 #define glUniform4fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform4fvFn
2350 #define glUniform4i ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform4iFn
2351 #define glUniform4iv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform4ivFn
2352 #define glUniform4ui ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform4uiFn
2353 #define glUniform4uiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniform4uivFn
2354 #define glUniformBlockBinding \
2355 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformBlockBindingFn
2356 #define glUniformMatrix2fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix2fvFn
2357 #define glUniformMatrix2x3fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix2x3fvFn
2358 #define glUniformMatrix2x4fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix2x4fvFn
2359 #define glUniformMatrix3fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix3fvFn
2360 #define glUniformMatrix3x2fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix3x2fvFn
2361 #define glUniformMatrix3x4fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix3x4fvFn
2362 #define glUniformMatrix4fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix4fvFn
2363 #define glUniformMatrix4x2fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix4x2fvFn
2364 #define glUniformMatrix4x3fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUniformMatrix4x3fvFn
2365 #define glUnmapBuffer ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUnmapBufferFn
2366 #define glUseProgram ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glUseProgramFn
2367 #define glValidateProgram ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glValidateProgramFn
2368 #define glVertexAttrib1f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib1fFn
2369 #define glVertexAttrib1fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib1fvFn
2370 #define glVertexAttrib2f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib2fFn
2371 #define glVertexAttrib2fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib2fvFn
2372 #define glVertexAttrib3f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib3fFn
2373 #define glVertexAttrib3fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib3fvFn
2374 #define glVertexAttrib4f ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib4fFn
2375 #define glVertexAttrib4fv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttrib4fvFn
2376 #define glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE \
2377 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribDivisorANGLEFn
2378 #define glVertexAttribI4i ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribI4iFn
2379 #define glVertexAttribI4iv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribI4ivFn
2380 #define glVertexAttribI4ui ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribI4uiFn
2381 #define glVertexAttribI4uiv ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribI4uivFn
2382 #define glVertexAttribIPointer \
2383 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribIPointerFn
2384 #define glVertexAttribPointer \
2385 ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glVertexAttribPointerFn
2386 #define glViewport ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glViewportFn
2387 #define glWaitSync ::gfx::g_current_gl_context->glWaitSyncFn