Switch global error menu icon to vectorized MD asset
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / libxml / src / win32 / wince / libxml2.vcl
1 <html>
2 <body>
3 <pre>
4 <h1>Build Log</h1>
5 <h3>
6 --------------------Configuration: libxml2 - Win32 (WCE x86em) Debug--------------------
7 </h3>
8 <h3>Command Lines</h3>
9 Creating temporary file "C:\DOCUME~1\fjvg\CONFIG~1\Temp\RSP12E.tmp" with contents
11 /nologo /W3 /Zi /Od /I "..\..\..\include" /I "..\..\include" /I "c:\ppc\libxml\XML\win32\wince" /D "DEBUG" /D _WIN32_WCE=300 /D "WIN32" /D "STRICT" /D "_WIN32_WCE_EMULATION" /D "INTERNATIONAL" /D "USA" /D "INTLMSG_CODEPAGE" /D "WIN32_PLATFORM_PSPC" /D "i486" /D UNDER_CE=300 /D "UNICODE" /D "_UNICODE" /D "_X86_" /D "x86" /Fp"X86EMDbg/libxml2.pch" /YX /Fo"X86EMDbg/" /Fd"X86EMDbg/" /Gz /c 
12 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\DOCBparser.c"
13 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\encoding.c"
14 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\entities.c"
15 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\error.c"
16 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\globals.c"
17 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\hash.c"
18 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\list.c"
19 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\parser.c"
20 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\parserInternals.c"
21 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\SAX.c"
22 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\threads.c"
23 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\tree.c"
24 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\uri.c"
25 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\valid.c"
26 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\win32\wince\wincecompat.c"
27 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\xlink.c"
28 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\xmlIO.c"
29 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\xmlmemory.c"
30 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\c14n.c"
31 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\catalog.c"
32 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\debugXML.c"
33 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\HTMLparser.c"
34 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\HTMLtree.c"
35 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\nanoftp.c"
36 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\nanohttp.c"
37 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\xinclude.c"
38 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\xpath.c"
39 "C:\ppc\libxml\XML\xpointer.c"
41 Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\fjvg\CONFIG~1\Temp\RSP12E.tmp" 
42 Creating temporary file "C:\DOCUME~1\fjvg\CONFIG~1\Temp\RSP12F.tmp" with contents
44 corelibc.lib winsock.lib commctrl.lib coredll.lib /nologo /stack:0x10000,0x1000 /dll /incremental:yes /pdb:"X86EMDbg/libxml2.pdb" /debug /nodefaultlib:"OLDNAMES.lib" /nodefaultlib:libc.lib /nodefaultlib:libcd.lib /nodefaultlib:libcmt.lib /nodefaultlib:libcmtd.lib /nodefaultlib:msvcrt.lib /nodefaultlib:msvcrtd.lib /nodefaultlib:oldnames.lib /def:".\libxml2.def" /out:"X86EMDbg/libxml2.dll" /implib:"X86EMDbg/libxml2.lib" /windowsce:emulation /MACHINE:IX86 
45 .\X86EMDbg\DOCBparser.obj
46 .\X86EMDbg\encoding.obj
47 .\X86EMDbg\entities.obj
48 .\X86EMDbg\error.obj
49 .\X86EMDbg\globals.obj
50 .\X86EMDbg\hash.obj
51 .\X86EMDbg\list.obj
52 .\X86EMDbg\parser.obj
53 .\X86EMDbg\parserInternals.obj
54 .\X86EMDbg\SAX.obj
55 .\X86EMDbg\threads.obj
56 .\X86EMDbg\tree.obj
57 .\X86EMDbg\uri.obj
58 .\X86EMDbg\valid.obj
59 .\X86EMDbg\wincecompat.obj
60 .\X86EMDbg\xlink.obj
61 .\X86EMDbg\xmlIO.obj
62 .\X86EMDbg\xmlmemory.obj
63 .\X86EMDbg\c14n.obj
64 .\X86EMDbg\catalog.obj
65 .\X86EMDbg\debugXML.obj
66 .\X86EMDbg\HTMLparser.obj
67 .\X86EMDbg\HTMLtree.obj
68 .\X86EMDbg\nanoftp.obj
69 .\X86EMDbg\nanohttp.obj
70 .\X86EMDbg\xinclude.obj
71 .\X86EMDbg\xpath.obj
72 .\X86EMDbg\xpointer.obj
74 Creating command line "link.exe @C:\DOCUME~1\fjvg\CONFIG~1\Temp\RSP12F.tmp"
75 <h3>Output Window</h3>
76 Compiling...
77 DOCBparser.c
78 encoding.c
79 entities.c
80 error.c
81 globals.c
82 hash.c
83 list.c
84 parser.c
85 C:\ppc\libxml\XML\parser.c(2282) : warning C4090: '=' : different 'const' qualifiers
86 parserInternals.c
87 SAX.c
88 threads.c
89 tree.c
90 uri.c
91 valid.c
92 wincecompat.c
93 C:\ppc\libxml\XML\win32\wince\wincecompat.c(37) : warning C4047: '=' : 'char ' differs in levels of indirection from 'char [2]'
94 C:\ppc\libxml\XML\win32\wince\wincecompat.c(39) : warning C4047: '=' : 'char ' differs in levels of indirection from 'char [2]'
95 C:\ppc\libxml\XML\win32\wince\wincecompat.c(40) : warning C4047: 'return' : 'int ' differs in levels of indirection from 'void *'
96 xlink.c
97 xmlIO.c
98 C:\ppc\libxml\XML\xmlIO.c(2404) : warning C4101: 'dir' : unreferenced local variable
99 C:\ppc\libxml\XML\xmlIO.c(2405) : warning C4101: 'cur' : unreferenced local variable
100 xmlmemory.c
101 c14n.c
102 catalog.c
103 debugXML.c
104 HTMLparser.c
105 HTMLtree.c
106 nanoftp.c
107 nanohttp.c
108 C:\ppc\libxml\XML\nanoftp.c(892) : warning C4761: integral size mismatch in argument; conversion supplied
109 xinclude.c
110 C:\ppc\libxml\XML\nanohttp.c(921) : warning C4761: integral size mismatch in argument; conversion supplied
111 xpath.c
112 xpointer.c
113 Linking...
114    Creating library X86EMDbg/libxml2.lib and object X86EMDbg/libxml2.exp
118 <h3>Results</h3>
119 libxml2.dll - 0 error(s), 8 warning(s)
120 </pre>
121 </body>
122 </html>