Switch global error menu icon to vectorized MD asset
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / polymer / v1_0 / components-chromium / paper-toolbar / paper-toolbar.html
1 <!--
2 Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
3 This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt
4 The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt
5 The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt
6 Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
7 subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt
8 --><html><head><link rel="import" href="../polymer/polymer.html">
9 <link rel="import" href="../paper-styles/paper-styles.html">
11 <!--
12 `paper-toolbar` is a horizontal bar containing items that can be used for
13 label, navigation, search and actions. The items place inside the
14 `paper-toolbar` are projected into a `class="horizontal center layout"` container inside of
15 `paper-toolbar`'s Shadow DOM. You can use flex attributes to control the items'
16 sizing.
18 Example:
20 <paper-toolbar>
21 <paper-icon-button icon="menu" on-tap="menuAction"></paper-icon-button>
22 <div class="title">Title</div>
23 <paper-icon-button icon="more-vert" on-tap="moreAction"></paper-icon-button>
24 </paper-toolbar>
26 `paper-toolbar` has a standard height, but can made be taller by setting `tall`
27 class on the `paper-toolbar`. This will make the toolbar 3x the normal height.
29 <paper-toolbar class="tall">
30 <paper-icon-button icon="menu"></paper-icon-button>
31 </paper-toolbar>
33 Apply `medium-tall` class to make the toolbar medium tall. This will make the
34 toolbar 2x the normal height.
36 <paper-toolbar class="medium-tall">
37 <paper-icon-button icon="menu"></paper-icon-button>
38 </paper-toolbar>
40 When `tall`, items can pin to either the top (default), middle or bottom. Use
41 `middle` class for middle content and `bottom` class for bottom content.
43 <paper-toolbar class="tall">
44 <paper-icon-button icon="menu"></paper-icon-button>
45 <div class="middle title">Middle Title</div>
46 <div class="bottom title">Bottom Title</div>
47 </paper-toolbar>
49 For `medium-tall` toolbar, the middle and bottom contents overlap and are
50 pinned to the bottom. But `middleJustify` and `bottomJustify` attributes are
51 still honored separately.
53 To make an element completely fit at the bottom of the toolbar, use `fit` along
54 with `bottom`.
56 <paper-toolbar class="tall">
57 <div id="progressBar" class="bottom fit"></div>
58 </paper-toolbar>
60 ### Styling
62 The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling:
64 Custom property | Description | Default
65 ----------------|-------------|----------
66 `--paper-toolbar-background` | Toolbar background color | `--default-primary-color`
67 `--paper-toolbar-color` | Toolbar foreground color | `--text-primary-color`
68 `--paper-toolbar` | Mixin applied to the toolbar | `{}`
70 ### Accessibility
72 `<paper-toolbar>` has `role="toolbar"` by default. Any elements with the class `title` will
73 be used as the label of the toolbar via `aria-labelledby`.
75 @demo demo/index.html
76 -->
78 </head><body><dom-module id="paper-toolbar">
80 <style>
81 :host {
82 /* technical */
83 display: block;
84 position: relative;
85 box-sizing: border-box;
86 -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
88 /* size */
89 height: 64px;
91 background: var(--paper-toolbar-background, --default-primary-color);
92 color: var(--paper-toolbar-color, --text-primary-color);
94 @apply(--paper-toolbar);
97 :host(.animate) {
98 /* transition */
99 transition: height 0.18s ease-in;
102 :host(.medium-tall) {
103 height: 128px;
106 :host(.tall) {
107 height: 192px;
110 .toolbar-tools {
111 position: relative;
112 height: 64px;
113 padding: 0 16px;
114 pointer-events: none;
118 * TODO: Where should media query breakpoints live so they can be shared between elements?
121 @media (max-width: 639px) {
122 :host {
123 height: 56px;
126 :host(.medium-tall) {
127 height: 112px;
130 :host(.tall) {
131 height: 168px;
134 .toolbar-tools {
135 height: 56px;
139 #topBar {
140 position: relative;
143 /* middle bar */
144 #middleBar {
145 position: absolute;
146 top: 0;
147 right: 0;
148 left: 0;
151 :host(.tall) #middleBar,
152 :host(.medium-tall) #middleBar {
153 -webkit-transform: translateY(100%);
154 transform: translateY(100%);
157 /* bottom bar */
158 #bottomBar {
159 position: absolute;
160 right: 0;
161 bottom: 0;
162 left: 0;
166 * make elements (e.g. buttons) respond to mouse/touch events
168 * `.toolbar-tools` disables touch events so multiple toolbars can stack and not
169 * absorb events. All children must have pointer events re-enabled to work as
170 * expected.
172 .toolbar-tools > ::content > *:not([disabled]) {
173 pointer-events: auto;
176 .toolbar-tools > ::content .title {
177 @apply(--paper-font-title);
178 @apply(--layout-flex);
180 pointer-events: none;
181 text-overflow: ellipsis;
182 white-space: nowrap;
183 overflow: hidden;
186 * Polymer/polymer/issues/1525
187 * --paper-font-title defines a `font-weight`
188 * let's override its value, but we need `important!`
189 * because all mixins are resolved in rule's selector that has higher precedence
190 * than the current selector.
192 font-weight: 400 !important;
196 * TODO: Refactor these selectors
197 * Work in progress.
199 .toolbar-tools > ::content paper-icon-button[icon=menu] {
200 margin-right: 24px;
203 .toolbar-tools > ::content > .title,
204 .toolbar-tools > ::content[select=".middle"] > .title,
205 .toolbar-tools > ::content[select=".bottom"] > .title {
206 margin-left: 56px;
209 .toolbar-tools > ::content > paper-icon-button + .title,
210 .toolbar-tools > ::content[select=".middle"] paper-icon-button + .title,
211 .toolbar-tools > ::content[select=".bottom"] paper-icon-button + .title {
212 margin-left: 0;
215 .toolbar-tools > ::content > .fit {
216 position: absolute;
217 top: auto;
218 right: 0;
219 bottom: 0;
220 left: 0;
221 width: auto;
222 margin: 0;
225 </style>
227 <template>
229 <div id="topBar" class$="[[_computeBarClassName(justify)]]">
230 <content select=":not(.middle):not(.bottom)"></content>
231 </div>
233 <div id="middleBar" class$="[[_computeBarClassName(middleJustify)]]">
234 <content select=".middle"></content>
235 </div>
237 <div id="bottomBar" class$="[[_computeBarClassName(bottomJustify)]]">
238 <content select=".bottom"></content>
239 </div>
241 </template>
243 </dom-module>
245 <script src="paper-toolbar-extracted.js"></script></body></html>