1 all-local: register_images.h
3 noinst_LIBRARIES = libimagedata.a
4 libimagedata_a_SOURCES = $(PNGS)
11 automationpatch_checked.png \
12 automationpatch_checkedhi.png \
13 automationpatch_dn.png \
14 automationpatch_hi.png \
15 automationpatch_up.png \
29 channel_position.png \
30 checkbox_checked.png \
31 checkbox_checkedhi.png \
44 drawpatch_checked.png \
45 drawpatch_checkedhi.png \
50 editpanel_checked.png \
51 editpanel_checkedhi.png \
56 expandpatch_checked.png \
57 expandpatch_checkedhi.png \
64 filebox_newfolder.png \
71 gangpatch_checked.png \
72 gangpatch_checkedhi.png \
79 hscroll_handle_bg.png \
80 hscroll_handle_dn.png \
81 hscroll_handle_hi.png \
82 hscroll_handle_up.png \
86 hscroll_right_dn.png \
87 hscroll_right_hi.png \
88 hscroll_right_up.png \
100 label_checkedhi.png \
106 labeltoggle_uphi.png \
115 mutepatch_checked.png \
116 mutepatch_checkedhi.png \
137 pan_channel_small.png \
141 pan_stick_small.png \
146 patches_checked.png \
147 patches_checkedhi.png \
153 playpatch_checked.png \
154 playpatch_checkedhi.png \
165 projectorkeyframe.png \
168 radial_checkedhi.png \
174 recordpatch_checked.png \
175 recordpatch_checkedhi.png \
177 recordpatch_dnhi.png \
180 recordpatch_uphi.png \
198 statusbar_cancel_dn.png \
199 statusbar_cancel_hi.png \
200 statusbar_cancel_up.png \
212 tumble_bottomdn.png \
217 vscroll_handle_bg.png \
218 vscroll_handle_dn.png \
219 vscroll_handle_hi.png \
220 vscroll_handle_up.png \
221 vscroll_left_dn.png \
222 vscroll_left_hi.png \
223 vscroll_left_up.png \
224 vscroll_right_dn.png \
225 vscroll_right_hi.png \
226 vscroll_right_up.png \
227 vwindow_timebar.png \
238 # this rule creates the .o files from the pngs
239 # the .png must be copied to the build directory so that only the basename
240 # (without a path) is used in the symbol name that objcopy inserts in the .o
241 # the test ensures that we don't erase the .png if $(srcdir) == $(builddir)
244 test -f $$f || ln -sf $< $$f; \
245 $(OBJCOPY) -I binary -B $(OBJCOPYARCH) -O $(OBJCOPYTARGET) $$f $@
247 # this creates a file that, if included in the constructor
248 # of a BCTheme derived class, will link in and register
249 # the .png data from libimagedata.a
250 register_images.h: $(PNGS) Makefile.am
251 (echo "// This file is generated automatically. Do not edit."; \
252 for i in $(PNGS); do \
253 png=`basename $$i .png`; \
254 echo "extern unsigned char _binary_$${png}_png_start[], _binary_$${png}_png_end[];"; \
255 echo "register_image(\"$$png.png\", _binary_$${png}_png_start, _binary_$${png}_png_end-_binary_$${png}_png_start);"; \
256 done) > $@ || { rm -f $@; exit 1; }
258 BUILT_SOURCES = register_images.h
260 CLEANFILES = register_images.h