1 Here is some information about the manual translation process. It is intended
2 to be read by the maintainers of the Cinelerra CV manual in other languages
5 - To start a new translation, contact the Cinelerra CV documentation
6 maintainer: Nicolas MAUFRAIS - Email: e.conti@gmx.net
7 - Fetch the latest manual edition using the procedure described in the manual,
8 section "Introduction", subsection "About this manual".
9 - Translate the texinfo file cinelerra_cv_manual_en.texi, and rename it to
10 cinelerra_cv_manual_xx.texi, "xx" being the two-letter ISO-639 code of the
11 language you translate the manual to.
12 - Copy the manual_images_en folder, and rename it to manual_images_xx
13 - Change the images location in cinelerra_cv_manual_xx.texi, in order to point
14 to the images contained in manual_images_xx
15 - Avoid changing the texinfo commands as much as possible. If you need some
16 information about texinfo, get its excellent manual at www.gnu.org
17 - Keep as is the edition number of the English manual you fetched.
18 - Test everything works fine by running make_manuals.sh <language code>
19 - When you have finished, send everything to the Cinelerra CV documentation
22 The translated manual will then be put into the Cinelerra CV documentation
23 repository and uploaded to the Cinelerra CV website.
25 While you translate the manual, chances are that a new edition of the English
26 manual is released. To keep track of the changes in the git repository, you can
27 use the gitk GUI. To easily find differences between each edition, we recommend
30 As regards to the images, some of them contain English text. You can edit
31 pictures in the manual_images_<country code> folder. Please also put in there
32 the .xcf Gimp files, in addition to the png images. That will ease work on
33 those pictures in the future. Keeping in English the name of the pictures is