r793: Small API addon, so plugins can 'see' camera and projector automation
[cinelerra_cv/mob.git] / cinelerra / Makefile.am
1 SUBDIRS = data
3 bin_PROGRAMS = cinelerra
6 firewire_SOURCES = \
7         audio1394.C \
8         avc1394control.C \
9         avc1394transport.C \
10         device1394input.C \
11         device1394output.C \
12         iec61883input.C \
13         iec61883output.C \
14         vdevice1394.C
15 endif
17 cinelerra_SOURCES = aattachmentpoint.C \
18                     aautomation.C \
19                     aboutprefs.C \
20                     adeviceprefs.C \
21                     aedit.C \
22                     aedits.C \
23                     amodule.C \
24                     apatchgui.C \
25                     apluginarray.C \
26                     aplugin.C \
27                     apluginset.C \
28                     arender.C \
29                     asset.C \
30                     assetedit.C \
31                     assetpopup.C \
32                     assetremove.C \
33                     assets.C \
34                     atrack.C \
35                     attachmentpoint.C \
36                     audioalsa.C \
37                     audiodevice.C \
38                     audioesound.C \
39                     audioidevice.C \
40                     audioodevice.C \
41                     audiooss.C \
42                     auto.C \
43                     autoconf.C \
44                     automation.C \
45                     autos.C \
46                     awindow.C \
47                     awindowgui.C \
48                     awindowmenu.C \
49                     batch.C \
50                     batchrender.C \
51                     bitspopup.C \
52                     brender.C \
53                     browsebutton.C \
54                     byteorderpopup.C \
55                     cache.C \
56                     canvas.C \
57                     canvastools.C \
58                     channel.C \
59                     channeldb.C \
60                     channeledit.C \
61                     channelpicker.C \
62                     chantables.C \
63                     clipedit.C \
64                     commonrender.C \
65                     confirmquit.C \
66                     confirmsave.C \
67                     cpanel.C \
68                     cplayback.C \
69                     ctimebar.C \
70                     ctracking.C \
71                     cursor.C \
72                     cwindow.C \
73                     cwindowgui.C \
74                     cwindowtool.C \
75                     dcoffset.C \
76                     dcraw.c \
77                     deleteallindexes.C \
78                     drivesync.C \
79                     edit.C \
80                     edithandles.C \
81                     editpanel.C \
82                     editpopup.C \
83                     edits.C \
84                     edl.C \
85                     edlsession.C \
86                     exportedl.C \
87                     fadeengine.C \
88                     ffmpeg.C \
89                     fileac3.C \
90                     fileavi.C \
91                     filebaseaudio.C \
92                     filebase.C \
93                     filebaseima4.C \
94                     filebaseulaw.C \
95                     file.C \
96                     filecr2.C \
97                     filedv.C \
98                     fileogg.C \
99                     fileexr.C \
100                     fileformat.C \
101                     filejpeg.C \
102                     filelist.C \
103                     filemov.C \
104                     filempeg.C \
105                     filepng.C \
106                     filesndfile.C \
107                     filetga.C \
108                     filethread.C \
109                     filetiff.C \
110                     filevorbis.C \
111                     filexml.C \
112                     fileyuv.C \
113                     floatauto.C \
114                     floatautos.C \
115                     formatcheck.C \
116                     formatpopup.C \
117                     formatpresets.C \
118                     formattools.C \
119                     framecache.C \
120                     gwindow.C \
121                     gwindowgui.C \
122                     indexfile.C \
123                     indexthread.C \
124                     intauto.C \
125                     intautos.C \
126                     interfaceprefs.C \
127                     keyframe.C \
128                     keyframehandles.C \
129                     keyframepopup.C \
130                     keyframes.C \
131                     labeledit.C \
132                     labelnavigate.C \
133                     labels.C \
134                     levelwindow.C \
135                     levelwindowgui.C \
136                     loadbalance.C \
137                     loadfile.C \
138                     loadmode.C \
139                     localsession.C \
140                     main.C \
141                     mainclock.C \
142                     maincursor.C \
143                     mainindexes.C \
144                     mainmenu.C \
145                     mainprogress.C \
146                     mainsession.C \
147                     mainundo.C \
148                     manualgoto.C \
149                     maskauto.C \
150                     maskautos.C \
151                     maskengine.C \
152                     mbuttons.C \
153                     menuaeffects.C \
154                     menueffects.C \
155                     menuveffects.C \
156                     messages.C \
157                     meterpanel.C \
158                     module.C \
159                     mtimebar.C \
160                     mwindow.C \
161                     mwindowedit.C \
162                     mwindowgui.C \
163                     mwindowmove.C \
164                     new.C \
165                     newfolder.C \
166                     overlayframe.C \
167                     packagedispatcher.C \
168                     packagerenderer.C \
169                     panauto.C \
170                     panautos.C \
171                     patchbay.C \
172                     patchgui.C \
173                     performanceprefs.C \
174                     picture.C \
175                     pipe.C \
176                     playabletracks.C \
177                     playbackconfig.C \
178                     playbackengine.C \
179                     playbackprefs.C \
180                     playtransport.C \
181                     pluginaclient.C \
182                     pluginaclientlad.C \
183                     pluginarray.C \
184                     pluginautos.C \
185                     plugin.C \
186                     pluginclient.C \
187                     plugindialog.C \
188                     pluginpopup.C \
189                     pluginserver.C \
190                     pluginset.C \
191                     plugintclient.C \
192                     pluginvclient.C \
193                     preferences.C \
194                     preferencesthread.C \
195                     question.C \
196                     quit.C \
197                     recconfirmdelete.C \
198                     recordableatracks.C \
199                     recordablevtracks.C \
200                     recordaudio.C \
201                     record.C \
202                     recordconfig.C \
203                     recordgui.C \
204                     recordlabel.C \
205                     recordmonitor.C \
206                     recordprefs.C \
207                     recordthread.C \
208                     recordtransport.C \
209                     recordvideo.C \
210                     recordwindow.C \
211                     render.C \
212                     renderengine.C \
213                     renderfarm.C \
214                     renderfarmclient.C \
215                     renderfarmfsclient.C \
216                     renderfarmfsserver.C \
217                     resample.C \
218                     resizetrackthread.C \
219                     resourcepixmap.C \
220                     samplescroll.C \
221                     savefile.C \
222                     setformat.C \
223                     sharedlocation.C \
224                     shmemory.C \
225                     sighandler.C \
226                     splashgui.C \
227                     statusbar.C \
228                     theme.C \
229                     threadexec.C \
230                     threadfork.C \
231                     threadindexer.C \
232                     threadloader.C \
233                     timebar.C \
234                     timeentry.C \
235                     tipwindow.C \
236                     track.C \
237                     trackcanvas.C \
238                     tracking.C \
239                     tracks.C \
240                     trackscroll.C \
241                     tracksedit.C \
242                     transition.C \
243                     transitionhandles.C \
244                     transitionpopup.C \
245                     transportque.C \
246                     undostackitem.C \
247                     vattachmentpoint.C \
248                     vautomation.C \
249                     vdevicebase.C \
250                     vdevicebuz.C \
251                     vdeviceprefs.C \
252                     vdevicev4l.C \
253                     vdevicev4l2.C \
254                     vdevicev4l2jpeg.C \
255                     vdevicex11.C \
256                     vedit.C \
257                     vedits.C \
258                     videodevice.C \
259                     viewmenu.C \
260                     virtualaconsole.C \
261                     virtualanode.C \
262                     virtualconsole.C \
263                     virtualnode.C \
264                     virtualvconsole.C \
265                     virtualvnode.C \
266                     vmodule.C \
267                     vpatchgui.C \
268                     vplayback.C \
269                     vpluginarray.C \
270                     vplugin.C \
271                     vpluginset.C \
272                     vrender.C \
273                     vtimebar.C \
274                     vtrack.C \
275                     vtracking.C \
276                     vwindow.C \
277                     vwindowgui.C \
278                     workarounds.C \
279                     yuvstream.C \
280                     zoombar.C \
281                     zoompanel.C \
282         $(firewire_SOURCES)
284 # set the include path found by configure
285 INCLUDES = \
286         -I$(top_srcdir)/quicktime \
287         -I$(top_srcdir)/guicast \
288         -I$(top_srcdir)/libmpeg3
291         $(LARGEFILE_CFLAGS) \
292         $(FIREWIRE_CFLAGS) \
293         $(SOUND_CFLAGS) \
294         $(XIPH_CFLAGS) \
295         $(MJPEG_CFLAGS) \
296         $(OPENEXR_CFLAGS) \
297         $(LIBDV_CFLAGS) \
298         -DPLUGIN_DIR=\"$(plugindir)\"
300 AM_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic
302 noinst_HEADERS = aattachmentpoint.h \
303                  aautomation.h \
304                  aboutprefs.h \
305                  adeviceprefs.h \
306                  aedit.h \
307                  aedits.h \
308                  amodule.h \
309                  apatchgui.h \
310                  apluginarray.h \
311                  aplugin.h \
312                  apluginset.h \
313                  arender.h \
314                  asset.h \
315                  assetedit.h \
316                  assetpopup.h \
317                  assetremove.h \
318                  assets.h \
319                  atrack.h \
320                  attachmentpoint.h \
321                  audio1394.h \
322                  audioalsa.h \
323                  audioconfig.h \
324                  audiodevice.h \
325                  audioesound.h \
326                  audiooss.h \
327                  autoconf.h \
328                  auto.h \
329                  automation.h \
330                  autos.h \
331                  avc1394control.h \
332                  avc1394transport.h \
333                  awindowgui.h \
334                  awindow.h \
335                  awindowmenu.h \
336                  batch.h \
337                  batchrender.h \
338                  binary.h \
339                  bitspopup.h \
340                  brender.h \
341                  browsebutton.h \
342                  builddate.h \
343                  buz.h \
344                  byteorder.h \
345                  byteorderpopup.h \
346                  cache.h \
347                  cameraauto.h \
348                  canvas.h \
349                  canvastools.h \
350                  channeledit.h \
351                  channel.h \
352                  channeldb.h \
353                  channelpicker.h \
354                  chantables.h \
355                  clipedit.h \
356                  commonrender.h \
357                  compresspopup.h \
358                  confirmquit.h \
359                  confirmsave.h \
360                  cpanel.h \
361                  cplayback.h \
362                  cropvideo.h \
363                  ctimebar.h \
364                  ctracking.h \
365                  cursor.h \
366                  cwindowgui.h \
367                  cwindow.h \
368                  cwindowtool.h \
369                  datatype.h \
370                  dcoffset.h \
371                  deleteallindexes.h \
372                  device1394input.h \
373                  device1394output.h \
374                  drivesync.h \
375                  dv1394.h \
376                  edit.h \
377                  edithandles.h \
378                  editpanel.h \
379                  editpopup.h \
380                  edits.h \
381                  edl.h \
382                  edlsession.h \
383                  exportedl.h \
384                  fadeengine.h \
385                  feather.h \
386                  featheredits.h \
387                  ffmpeg.h \
388                  fileac3.h \
389                  fileavi.h \
390                  filebase.h \
391                  fileformat.h \
392                  file.h \
393                  filecr2.h \
394             filedv.h \
395             fileogg.h \
396                  fileexr.h \
397                  filejpeg.h \
398                  filelist.h \
399                  filemov.h \
400                  filempeg.h \
401                  filepng.h \
402                  filesndfile.h \
403                  filetga.h \
404                  filethread.h \
405                  filetiff.h \
406                  filevorbis.h \
407                  filexml.h \
408                  fileyuv.h \
409                  floatauto.h \
410                  floatautos.h \
411                  formatcheck.h \
412                  formatpopup.h \
413                  formatpresets.h \
414                  formattools.h \
415                  formatwindow.h \
416                  framecache.h \
417                  gwindow.h \
418                  gwindowgui.h \
419                  headers.h \
420                  iec61883input.h \
421                  iec61883output.h \
422                  ieee1394-ioctl.h \
423                  indexfile.h \
424                  indexthread.h \
425                  intauto.h \
426                  intautos.h \
427                  interfaceprefs.h \
428                  jpegwrapper.h \
429                  keyframe.h \
430                  keyframehandles.h \
431                  keyframepopup.h \
432                  keyframes.h \
433                  labeledit.h \
434                  labelnavigate.h \
435                  labels.h \
436                  ladspa.h \
437                  levelwindowgui.h \
438                  levelwindow.h \
439                  loadbalance.h \
440                  loadfile.h \
441                  loadmode.h \
442                  localsession.h \
443                  mainclock.h \
444                  maincursor.h \
445                  mainindexes.h \
446                  mainmenu.h \
447                  mainprogress.h \
448                  mainsession.h \
449                  mainundo.h \
450                  manualgoto.h \
451                  maskauto.h \
452                  maskautos.h \
453                  maskengine.h \
454                  maxbuffers.h \
455                  maxchannels.h \
456                  mbuttons.h \
457                  menuaeffects.h \
458                  menueffects.h \
459                  menuveffects.h \
460                  messages.h \
461                  meterpanel.h \
462                  module.h \
463                  mtimebar.h \
464                  mwindowgui.h \
465                  mwindow.h \
466                  newfolder.h \
467                  new.h \
468                  newpresets.h \
469                  overlayframe.h \
470                  packagedispatcher.h \
471                  packagerenderer.h \
472                  panauto.h \
473                  panautos.h \
474                  patchbay.h \
475                  patchgui.h \
476                  patch.h \
477                  performanceprefs.h \
478                  picture.h \
479                  pipe.h \
480                  playabletracks.h \
481                  playbackconfig.h \
482                  playbackengine.h \
483                  playbackprefs.h \
484                  playtransport.h \
485                  pluginaclient.h \
486                  pluginaclientlad.h \
487                  pluginarray.h \
488                  pluginautos.h \
489                  pluginclient.h \
490                  plugincommands.h \
491                  plugindialog.h \
492                  plugin.h \
493                  pluginpopup.h \
494                  pluginprefs.h \
495                  pluginserver.h \
496                  pluginset.h \
497                  plugintclient.h \
498                  pluginvclient.h \
499                  preferences.h \
500                  preferencesthread.h \
501                  question.h \
502                  quit.h \
503                  recconfirmdelete.h \
504                  recordableatracks.h \
505                  recordablevtracks.h \
506                  recordaudio.h \
507                  recordconfig.h \
508                  recordengine.h \
509                  recordgui.h \
510                  record.h \
511                  recordlabel.h \
512                  recordmonitor.h \
513                  recordprefs.h \
514                  recordthread.h \
515                  recordtransport.h \
516                  recordvideo.h \
517                  recordwindow.h \
518                  renderengine.h \
519                  renderfarmclient.h \
520                  renderfarmfsclient.h \
521                  renderfarmfsserver.h \
522                  renderfarm.h \
523                  render.h \
524                  resample.h \
525                  resizetrackthread.h \
526                  resourcepixmap.h \
527                  samplescroll.h \
528                  savefile.h \
529                  scale.h \
530                  setformat.h \
531                  sharedlocation.h \
532                  shmemory.h \
533                  sighandler.h \
534                  splashgui.h \
535                  statusbar.h \
536                  testobject.h \
537                  theme.h \
538                  threadexec.h \
539                  threadfork.h \
540                  threadindexer.h \
541                  threadloader.h \
542                  timebar.h \
543                  timebomb.h \
544                  timeentry.h \
545                  tipwindow.h \
546                  trackcanvas.h \
547                  track.h \
548                  tracking.h \
549                  tracklist.h \
550                  trackscroll.h \
551                  tracks.h \
552                  transition.h \
553                  transitionhandles.h \
554                  transitionpopup.h \
555                  transportque.h \
556                  undostackitem.h \
557                  vattachmentpoint.h \
558                  vautomation.h \
559                  vdevice1394.h \
560                  vdevicebase.h \
561                  vdevicebuz.h \
562                  vdevicelml.h \
563                  vdeviceprefs.h \
564                  vdevicev4l.h \
565                  vdevicev4l2.h \
566                  vdevicev4l2jpeg.h \
567                  vdevicex11.h \
568                  vedit.h \
569                  vedits.h \
570                  video1394.h \
571                  videoconfig.h \
572                  videodev2.h \
573                  videodevfix.h \
574                  videodevice.h \
575                  videowindowgui.h \
576                  videowindow.h \
577                  viewer.h \
578                  viewmenu.h \
579                  virtualaconsole.h \
580                  virtualanode.h \
581                  virtualconsole.h \
582                  virtualnode.h \
583                  virtualvconsole.h \
584                  virtualvnode.h \
585                  vmodule.h \
586                  vpatchgui.h \
587                  vplayback.h \
588                  vpluginarray.h \
589                  vplugin.h \
590                  vpluginset.h \
591                  vrender.h \
592                  vtimebar.h \
593                  vtrack.h \
594                  vtracking.h \
595                  vwindowgui.h \
596                  vwindow.h \
597                  workarounds.h \
598                  yuvstream.h \
599                  zoombar.h \
600                  zoompanel.h \
601                 $(srcdir)/*.inc
603 cinelerra_LDADD = \
604         data/libimagedata.a \
605         $(top_builddir)/mpeg2enc/libmpeg2enc.la \
606         $(top_builddir)/toolame-02l/libtoolame.la \
607         $(top_builddir)/quicktime/libquicktimehv.la \
608         $(top_builddir)/guicast/libguicast.la \
609         $(top_builddir)/libmpeg3/libmpeg3hv.la \
610         $(XIPH_LIBS) \
611         $(A52DEC_LIBS) \
612         $(OPENEXR_LIBS) \
613         -lsndfile \
614         -lpng -ljpeg -ltiff -lz \
615         $(SOUND_LDFLAGS) \
616         $(FIREWIRE_LDFLAGS) \
617         $(LIBDV_LIBS) \
618         -luuid \
619         $(MJPEG_LIBS)
621 EXTRA_DIST = gen-feather-h