2 using System
3 using System
4 using System
7 // Information about this assembly is defined by the following
10 // change them to the information which is associated with the assembly
13 [assembly
: AssemblyTitle("CirC IRC client")]
14 [assembly
: AssemblyDescription("An IRC client for Linux/Gnome")]
15 [assembly
: AssemblyCopyright("(c) 2007 LAVAL Jérémie and contributors")]
17 [assembly
: CLSCompliant(true)]
18 [assembly
: ComVisible(false)]
20 // The assembly version has following format :
22 // Major.Minor.Build.Revision
24 // You can specify all values by your own or you can build default build and revision
25 // numbers with the '*' character (the default):
27 [assembly
: AssemblyVersion("0.1")]
29 // The following attributes specify the key for the sign of your assembly. See the
30 // .NET Framework documentation for more information about signing.
31 // This is not required, if you don't want signing let these attributes like they're.
32 [assembly
: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
33 [assembly
: AssemblyKeyFile("")]