1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; -*-
3 ;;; cuddsat.lisp --- SAT solver based on CUDD BDDs
5 ;; Copyright (C) 2009 Utz-Uwe Haus <lisp@uuhaus.de>
7 ;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 ;; it under the terms of the version 3 of the GNU General
9 ;; Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, as
10 ;; clarified by the prequel found in LICENSE.Lisp-GPL-Preface.
12 ;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 ;; without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU
15 ;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 ;; Version 3 of the GNU General Public License is in the file
18 ;; LICENSE.GPL that was distributed with this file. If it is not
19 ;; present, you can access it from
20 ;; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt (until superseded by a
21 ;; newer version) or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
22 ;; Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
30 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel
31 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 1) (safety 1))))
43 (vars #() :type simple-vector
45 (defmacro reference
51 (defmacro dereference
(f manager
54 (cuddapi:cudd-recursive-deref
58 `(integer ,#.
(1- (- (expt 2 (* 8 (- (cffi:foreign-type-size
) 1)))))
59 ,#.
(expt 2 (* 8 (- (cffi:foreign-type-size
) 1)))))
61 (defun make-clause-tree (env c
62 (loop :with f
:= (reference (sat-env-false env
63 :with manager
:= (sat-env-manager env
64 :with vars
:= (sat-env-vars env
65 :for x
:of-type fixnum
:in c
66 :as var
:= (svref vars
(the cudd-int
(abs x
67 :as phase
:= (signum x
68 :do
(let* ((var (if (= 1 phase
70 (cuddapi:cudd-bdd-nand manager var var
71 (tmp (cuddapi:cudd-bdd-or manager var f
73 (dereference f manager
77 (defun sat-env-add-clause (env c
78 (let* ((subtree (make-clause-tree env c
79 (newcnf (cuddapi:cudd-bdd-and
(sat-env-manager env
80 (sat-env-cnf env
) subtree
82 (cuddapi:cudd-ref newcnf
83 ;; deref consumed old tree
84 (cuddapi:cudd-recursive-deref
(sat-env-manager env
) (sat-env-cnf env
85 (cuddapi:cudd-recursive-deref
(sat-env-manager env
) subtree
86 (setf (sat-env-cnf env
) newcnf
89 (defun destroy-sat-env (env)
90 (with-slots (name manager cnf vars
92 (declare (type simple-vector vars
93 (format *debug-io
* "~&Cleaning up sat-env ~A, tree has ~D nodes~%" name
94 (cuddapi:cudd-dag-size cnf
95 ;; goes to stderr, unfortunately:
96 ;; (cuddapi:cudd-print-debug manager cnf (length (sat-env-vars env)) 4)
97 ;; (cuddapi:cudd-print-minterm manager cnf)
99 ;; (format *debug-io* " ~D refs initially~%"
100 ;; (cuddapi:cudd-check-zero-ref manager))
101 (cuddapi:cudd-recursive-deref manager cnf
102 (when (= 0 (the cudd-int
(cuddapi:cudd-check-zero-ref manager
103 (break "env ~A empty too early: ~A" name env
105 ;; (format *debug-io* " destroyed tree, ~D left~%"
106 ;; (cuddapi:cudd-check-zero-ref manager))
107 (when (/= (length vars
) (the cudd-int
(cuddapi:cudd-check-zero-ref manager
108 (break "env ~A occupation does not match varcount: ~D vs ~D; ~A"
111 (cuddapi:cudd-check-zero-ref manager
114 (loop :for x
:across vars
115 :do
(cuddapi:cudd-deref x
116 ;; (format *debug-io* " ~D vars deleted, ~D left~%"
117 ;; (length vars) (cuddapi:cudd-check-zero-ref manager))
118 (unless (= 0 (the cudd-int
(cuddapi:cudd-check-zero-ref manager
119 (break "env ~A unclean: ~A" name env
120 (unless (= 0 (the cudd-int
(cuddapi:cudd-debug-check manager
121 (break "debug check failed ~D~%" (cuddapi:cudd-debug-check manager
123 (cuddapi:cudd-quit manager
124 ;; (format *debug-io* " done.~%")
128 (defun make-cnf (numatoms clauses
129 (let* ((name (gensym "cnf-sat-env"))
130 (manager (make-cudd-manager :initial-num-vars
(1+ numatoms
131 (truevar (cuddapi:cudd-read-one manager
132 (falsevar (cuddapi:cudd-read-logic-zero manager
133 (vars (coerce (the list
134 (loop :for i
:of-type fixnum
0 :upto numatoms
135 :collecting
(reference (cuddapi:cudd-bdd-new-var manager
137 (env (make-sat-env :name name
143 (cuddapi:cudd-ref truevar
) ;; it is used as inital cnf
144 (cuddapi:cudd-enable-reordering-reporting manager
145 ; (cuddapi:cudd-autodyn-enable manager :cudd-reorder-symm-sift)
146 ; (cuddapi:cudd-autodyn-enable manager :cudd-reorder-symm-sift-conv)
147 ; (cuddapi:cudd-autodyn-enable manager :cudd-reorder-sift)
148 (cuddapi:cudd-autodyn-enable manager
149 (cuddapi:cudd-autodyn-enable manager
150 (cuddapi:cudd-set-max-growth manager
151 (format T
";; cudd: max sift growth ~D, max number of variables sifted: ~D~%"
152 (cuddapi:cudd-read-max-growth manager
153 (cuddapi:cudd-read-sift-max-var manager
154 (loop :for c
:in clauses
155 :with numclauses
:= (length clauses
156 :for counter
:downfrom numclauses
157 :do
(sat-env-add-clause env c
158 :when
(= 0 (mod counter
159 :do
(format T
"~&;; ~D clauses to go~%" counter
164 (defmacro with-sat-bdd
((name numatoms clauses
) &body body
165 `(let ((,name
(make-cnf ,numatoms
166 (declare (dynamic-extent ,name
169 (destroy-sat-env ,name
171 (defun satisfiablep (sat-env f
174 (cuddapi:cudd-bdd-leq
(sat-env-manager sat-env
175 f
(sat-env-false sat-env
177 (defun get-essential-vars (sat-env)
178 "Return a list of two lists: the indices of vars fixed to FALSE and those
179 fixed to TRUE in the current cnf of sat-env"
182 (loop :with bdd
:= (reference (sat-env-cnf sat-env
183 :with manager
:= (sat-env-manager sat-env
184 :for i
:of-type fixnum
1 :below
(length (sat-env-vars sat-env
185 :as var
:= (svref (sat-env-vars sat-env
) i
186 :as negvar
:= (cuddapi:cudd-bdd-nand manager var var
187 :do
(let ((tmp1 (reference
188 (cuddapi:cudd-bdd-and manager var bdd
190 (cuddapi:cudd-bdd-and manager negvar bdd
191 (let ((sat-with-T (satisfiablep sat-env tmp1
192 (sat-with-F (satisfiablep sat-env tmp2
194 ((or (and sat-with-T sat-with-F
195 (and (not sat-with-T
) (not sat-with-F
196 (dereference tmp1 manager
197 (dereference tmp2 manager
198 ((and sat-with-T
(not sat-with-F
200 (dereference bdd manager
201 (dereference tmp2 manager
203 ((and (not sat-with-T
) sat-with-F
205 (dereference bdd manager
206 (dereference tmp1 manager
208 :finally
(dereference bdd manager
214 (defun satcheck (numatoms clauses
215 "Check the CNF of CLAUSES or satisfiability.
216 NUMATOMS is the number of variables occuring in clauses, they are numbered from 1 through NUMATOMS.
217 CLAUSES is a list of lists, where the sublists are (sparse) disjunctions of atom-indices. Positive/negative sign of index determine phase of literal in the clause.
218 Return 3 values: T or NIL to answer SAT(clauses), and two lists of fixed-to-1 and fixed-to-0 atoms."
219 (with-sat-bdd (bdd numatoms clauses
221 (satisfiablep bdd
(sat-env-cnf bdd
222 (get-essential-vars bdd
224 ;; (format T "computing...~%")
227 (defmacro with-index-hash
((mapping &key
(test 'cl
)) objects
&body body
228 "Execute BODY while binding MAPPING to a hash-table (with predicate
229 TEST, defaults to #'cl:eq) mapping the OBJECTS to small integers."
230 `(let ((,mapping
(loop :with ht
:= (make-hash-table :test
233 :do
(setf (gethash x ht
) num
234 :finally
(return ht
237 (defun clauses-for-if (lhs rhs
238 "Return clauses for LHS -> RHS, both being disjunctions."
239 (mapcar #'(lambda (lhsatom)
240 (cons (- lhsatom
) rhs
243 (defun clauses-for-iff (lhs rhs
244 "Return clauses for LHS -> RHS, both being disjunctions."
245 (append (clauses-for-if lhs rhs
246 (clauses-for-if rhs lhs
248 (defun testsat (numvars numclauses
249 (maxlhs (/ numvars
250 (maxrhs (/ numvars
251 (declare (type fixnum numvars numclauses
252 (setf maxlhs
(ceiling maxlhs
253 (setf maxrhs
(ceiling maxrhs
255 (declare (type fixnum maxlhs maxrhs
256 (loop :repeat numclauses
257 :as lhs
:= (loop :repeat
(random maxlhs
258 :collecting
(1+ (random numvars
259 :as rhs
:= (loop :repeat
(random maxrhs
260 :collecting
(1+ (random numvars
261 :do
(dolist (c (clauses-for-iff lhs rhs
263 ; (format T "~D ~A~%" numvars clauses)
264 (satcheck numvars clauses