Add some type initializers to classes to remove some warnings
[cl-gtk2.git] / gtk / gtk.cell-layout.lisp
1 (in-package :gtk)
3 ; TODO: GtkCellLayout vtable
5 (defcfun gtk-cell-layout-pack-start :void
6 (cell-layout g-object)
7 (cell g-object)
8 (expand :boolean))
10 (defun cell-layout-pack-start (cell-layout cell &key (expand t))
11 (gtk-cell-layout-pack-start cell-layout cell expand))
13 (export 'cell-layout-pack-start)
15 (defcfun gtk-cell-layout-pack-end :void
16 (cell-layout g-object)
17 (cell g-object)
18 (expand :boolean))
20 (defun cell-layout-pack-end (cell-layout cell &key (expand t))
21 (gtk-cell-layout-pack-end cell-layout cell expand))
23 (export 'cell-layout-pack-end)
25 (defcfun (cell-layout-cells "gtk_cell_layout_get_cells") (glist g-object :free-from-foreign t)
26 (cell-layout g-object))
28 (export 'cell-layout-cells)
30 (defcfun (cell-layout-reorder "gtk_cell_layout_reorder") :void
31 (cell-layout g-object)
32 (cell g-object)
33 (positin :int))
35 (export 'cell-layout-reorder)
37 (defcfun (cell-layout-clear "gtk_cell_layout_clear") :void
38 (cell-layout g-object))
40 (export 'cell-layout-clear)
42 (defcfun (cell-layout-add-attribute "gtk_cell_layout_add_attribute") :void
43 (cell-layout g-object)
44 (cell g-object)
45 (attribute (:string :free-to-foreign t))
46 (column :int))
48 (export 'cell-layout-add-attribute)
50 (defcallback gtk-cell-layout-cell-data-func-callback :void
51 ((cell-layout g-object) (cell g-object) (tree-model g-object) (iter (g-boxed-foreign tree-iter)) (data :pointer))
52 (restart-case
53 (funcall (get-stable-pointer-value data)
54 cell-layout cell tree-model iter)
55 (return () nil)))
57 (defcfun gtk-cell-layout-set-cell-data-func :void
58 (cell-layout g-object)
59 (cell g-object)
60 (func :pointer)
61 (data :pointer)
62 (destroy-notify :pointer))
64 (defun cell-layout-set-cell-data-func (cell-layout cell func)
65 (gtk-cell-layout-set-cell-data-func cell-layout
66 cell
67 (callback gtk-cell-layout-cell-data-func-callback)
68 (allocate-stable-pointer func)
69 (callback stable-pointer-free-destroy-notify-callback)))
71 (export 'cell-layout-set-cell-data-func)
73 (defcfun (cell-layout-clear-attributes "gtk_cell_layout_clear_attributes") :void
74 (cell-layout g-object)
75 (cell g-object))
77 (export 'cell-layout-clear-attributes)