Merge remote branch 'remotes/mathrick/gvalue-fix'
[cl-gtk2.git] / doc / colorize-lisp-examples.lisp
1 ;;; This is code was taken from lisppaste2 and is a quick hack
2 ;;; to colorize lisp examples in the html generated by Texinfo.
3 ;;; It is not general-purpose utility, though it could easily be
4 ;;; turned into one.
6 ;;;; colorize-package.lisp
8 (defpackage :colorize
9 (:use :common-lisp)
10 (:export :scan-string :format-scan :html-colorization
11 :find-coloring-type :autodetect-coloring-type
12 :coloring-types :scan :scan-any :advance :call-parent-formatter
13 :*coloring-css* :make-background-css :*css-background-class*
14 :colorize-file :colorize-file-to-stream :*version-token*))
16 ;;;; coloring-css.lisp
18 (in-package :colorize)
20 (defparameter *coloring-css*
21 ".symbol { color: #770055; background-color: transparent; border: 0px; margin: 0px;}
22 a.symbol:link { color: #229955; background-color : transparent; text-decoration: none; border: 0px; margin: 0px; }
23 a.symbol:active { color : #229955; background-color : transparent; text-decoration: none; border: 0px; margin: 0px; }
24 a.symbol:visited { color : #229955; background-color : transparent; text-decoration: none; border: 0px; margin: 0px; }
25 a.symbol:hover { color : #229955; background-color : transparent; text-decoration: none; border: 0px; margin: 0px; }
26 .special { color : #FF5000; background-color : inherit; }
27 .keyword { color : #770000; background-color : inherit; }
28 .comment { color : #007777; background-color : inherit; }
29 .string { color : #777777; background-color : inherit; }
30 .character { color : #0055AA; background-color : inherit; }
31 .syntaxerror { color : #FF0000; background-color : inherit; }
32 span.paren1:hover { color : inherit; background-color : #BAFFFF; }
33 span.paren2:hover { color : inherit; background-color : #FFCACA; }
34 span.paren3:hover { color : inherit; background-color : #FFFFBA; }
35 span.paren4:hover { color : inherit; background-color : #CACAFF; }
36 span.paren5:hover { color : inherit; background-color : #CAFFCA; }
37 span.paren6:hover { color : inherit; background-color : #FFBAFF; }
40 (defvar *css-background-class* "lisp-bg")
42 (defun for-css (thing)
43 (if (symbolp thing) (string-downcase (symbol-name thing))
44 thing))
46 (defun make-background-css (color &key (class *css-background-class*) (extra nil))
47 (format nil ".~A { background-color: ~A; color: black; ~{~A; ~}}~:*~:*~:*
48 .~A:hover { background-color: ~A; color: black; ~{~A; ~}}~%"
49 class color
50 (mapcar #'(lambda (extra)
51 (format nil "~A : ~{~A ~}"
52 (for-css (first extra))
53 (mapcar #'for-css (cdr extra))))
54 extra)))
56 ;;;; colorize.lisp
58 ;(in-package :colorize)
60 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
61 (defparameter *coloring-types* nil)
62 (defparameter *version-token* (gensym)))
64 (defclass coloring-type ()
65 ((modes :initarg :modes :accessor coloring-type-modes)
66 (default-mode :initarg :default-mode :accessor coloring-type-default-mode)
67 (transition-functions :initarg :transition-functions :accessor coloring-type-transition-functions)
68 (fancy-name :initarg :fancy-name :accessor coloring-type-fancy-name)
69 (term-formatter :initarg :term-formatter :accessor coloring-type-term-formatter)
70 (formatter-initial-values :initarg :formatter-initial-values :accessor coloring-type-formatter-initial-values :initform nil)
71 (formatter-after-hook :initarg :formatter-after-hook :accessor coloring-type-formatter-after-hook :initform (constantly ""))
72 (autodetect-function :initarg :autodetect-function :accessor coloring-type-autodetect-function
73 :initform (constantly nil))
74 (parent-type :initarg :parent-type :accessor coloring-type-parent-type
75 :initform nil)
76 (visible :initarg :visible :accessor coloring-type-visible
77 :initform t)))
79 (defun find-coloring-type (type)
80 (if (typep type 'coloring-type)
81 type
82 (cdr (assoc (symbol-name type) *coloring-types* :test #'string-equal :key #'symbol-name))))
84 (defun autodetect-coloring-type (name)
85 (car
86 (find name *coloring-types*
87 :key #'cdr
88 :test #'(lambda (name type)
89 (and (coloring-type-visible type)
90 (funcall (coloring-type-autodetect-function type) name))))))
92 (defun coloring-types ()
93 (loop for type-pair in *coloring-types*
94 if (coloring-type-visible (cdr type-pair))
95 collect (cons (car type-pair)
96 (coloring-type-fancy-name (cdr type-pair)))))
98 (defun (setf find-coloring-type) (new-value type)
99 (if new-value
100 (let ((found (assoc type *coloring-types*)))
101 (if found
102 (setf (cdr found) new-value)
103 (setf *coloring-types*
104 (nconc *coloring-types*
105 (list (cons type new-value))))))
106 (setf *coloring-types* (remove type *coloring-types* :key #'car))))
108 (defvar *scan-calls* 0)
110 (defvar *reset-position* nil)
112 (defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest names) &body body)
113 `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (name)
114 (list name `(make-symbol ,(symbol-name name)))) names)
115 ,@body))
117 (defmacro with-scanning-functions (string-param position-place mode-place mode-wait-place &body body)
118 (with-gensyms (num items position not-preceded-by string item new-mode until advancing)
119 `(labels ((advance (,num)
120 (setf ,position-place (+ ,position-place ,num))
122 (peek-any (,items &key ,not-preceded-by)
123 (incf *scan-calls*)
124 (let* ((,items (if (stringp ,items)
125 (coerce ,items 'list) ,items))
126 (,not-preceded-by (if (characterp ,not-preceded-by)
127 (string ,not-preceded-by) ,not-preceded-by))
128 (,position ,position-place)
129 (,string ,string-param))
130 (let ((,item (and
131 (< ,position (length ,string))
132 (find ,string ,items
133 :test #'(lambda (,string ,item)
134 #+nil
135 (format t "looking for ~S in ~S starting at ~S~%"
136 ,item ,string ,position)
137 (if (characterp ,item)
138 (char= (elt ,string ,position)
139 ,item)
140 (search ,item ,string :start2 ,position
141 :end2 (min (length ,string)
142 (+ ,position (length ,item))))))))))
143 (if (characterp ,item)
144 (setf ,item (string ,item)))
146 (if ,item
147 (if ,not-preceded-by
148 (if (>= (- ,position (length ,not-preceded-by)) 0)
149 (not (string= (subseq ,string
150 (- ,position (length ,not-preceded-by))
151 ,position)
152 ,not-preceded-by))
155 nil)
156 ,item
157 (progn
158 (and *reset-position*
159 (setf ,position-place *reset-position*))
160 nil)))))
161 (scan-any (,items &key ,not-preceded-by)
162 (let ((,item (peek-any ,items :not-preceded-by ,not-preceded-by)))
163 (and ,item (advance (length ,item)))))
164 (peek (,item &key ,not-preceded-by)
165 (peek-any (list ,item) :not-preceded-by ,not-preceded-by))
166 (scan (,item &key ,not-preceded-by)
167 (scan-any (list ,item) :not-preceded-by ,not-preceded-by)))
168 (macrolet ((set-mode (,new-mode &key ,until (,advancing t))
169 (list 'progn
170 (list 'setf ',mode-place ,new-mode)
171 (list 'setf ',mode-wait-place
172 (list 'lambda (list ',position)
173 (list 'let (list (list '*reset-position* ',position))
174 (list 'values ,until ,advancing)))))))
175 ,@body))))
177 (defvar *formatter-local-variables*)
179 (defmacro define-coloring-type (name fancy-name &key modes default-mode transitions formatters
180 autodetect parent formatter-variables (formatter-after-hook '(constantly ""))
181 invisible)
182 (with-gensyms (parent-type term type string current-mode position position-foobage mode-wait new-position advance)
183 `(let ((,parent-type (or (find-coloring-type ,parent)
184 (and ,parent
185 (error "No such coloring type: ~S" ,parent)))))
186 (setf (find-coloring-type ,name)
187 (make-instance 'coloring-type
188 :fancy-name ',fancy-name
189 :modes (append ',modes (if ,parent-type (coloring-type-modes ,parent-type)))
190 :default-mode (or ',default-mode
191 (if ,parent-type (coloring-type-default-mode ,parent-type)))
192 ,@(if autodetect
193 `(:autodetect-function ,autodetect))
194 :parent-type ,parent-type
195 :visible (not ,invisible)
196 :formatter-initial-values (lambda nil
197 (list* ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (e)
198 `(cons ',(car e) ,(second e)))
199 formatter-variables)
200 (if ,parent-type
201 (funcall (coloring-type-formatter-initial-values ,parent-type))
202 nil)))
203 :formatter-after-hook (lambda nil
204 (symbol-macrolet ,(mapcar #'(lambda (e)
205 `(,(car e) (cdr (assoc ',(car e) *formatter-local-variables*))))
206 formatter-variables)
207 (concatenate 'string
208 (funcall ,formatter-after-hook)
209 (if ,parent-type
210 (funcall (coloring-type-formatter-after-hook ,parent-type))
211 ""))))
212 :term-formatter
213 (symbol-macrolet ,(mapcar #'(lambda (e)
214 `(,(car e) (cdr (assoc ',(car e) *formatter-local-variables*))))
215 formatter-variables)
216 (lambda (,term)
217 (labels ((call-parent-formatter (&optional (,type (car ,term))
218 (,string (cdr ,term)))
219 (if ,parent-type
220 (funcall (coloring-type-term-formatter ,parent-type)
221 (cons ,type ,string))))
222 (call-formatter (&optional (,type (car ,term))
223 (,string (cdr ,term)))
224 (funcall
225 (case (first ,type)
226 ,@formatters
227 (t (lambda (,type text)
228 (call-parent-formatter ,type text))))
229 ,type ,string)))
230 (call-formatter))))
231 :transition-functions
232 (list
233 ,@(loop for transition in transitions
234 collect (destructuring-bind (mode &rest table) transition
235 `(cons ',mode
236 (lambda (,current-mode ,string ,position)
237 (let ((,mode-wait (constantly nil))
238 (,position-foobage ,position))
239 (with-scanning-functions ,string ,position-foobage
240 ,current-mode ,mode-wait
241 (let ((*reset-position* ,position))
242 (cond ,@table))
243 (values ,position-foobage ,current-mode
244 (lambda (,new-position)
245 (setf ,position-foobage ,new-position)
246 (let ((,advance (nth-value 1 (funcall ,mode-wait ,position-foobage))))
247 (values ,position-foobage ,advance)))))
248 )))))))))))
250 (defun full-transition-table (coloring-type-object)
251 (let ((parent (coloring-type-parent-type coloring-type-object)))
252 (if parent
253 (append (coloring-type-transition-functions coloring-type-object)
254 (full-transition-table parent))
255 (coloring-type-transition-functions coloring-type-object))))
257 (defun scan-string (coloring-type string)
258 (let* ((coloring-type-object (or (find-coloring-type coloring-type)
259 (error "No such coloring type: ~S" coloring-type)))
260 (transitions (full-transition-table coloring-type-object))
261 (result nil)
262 (low-bound 0)
263 (current-mode (coloring-type-default-mode coloring-type-object))
264 (mode-stack nil)
265 (current-wait (constantly nil))
266 (wait-stack nil)
267 (current-position 0)
268 (*scan-calls* 0))
269 (flet ((finish-current (new-position new-mode new-wait &key (extend t) push pop)
270 (let ((to (if extend new-position current-position)))
271 (if (> to low-bound)
272 (setf result (nconc result
273 (list (cons (cons current-mode mode-stack)
274 (subseq string low-bound
275 to))))))
276 (setf low-bound to)
277 (when pop
278 (pop mode-stack)
279 (pop wait-stack))
280 (when push
281 (push current-mode mode-stack)
282 (push current-wait wait-stack))
283 (setf current-mode new-mode
284 current-position new-position
285 current-wait new-wait))))
286 (loop
287 (if (> current-position (length string))
288 (return-from scan-string
289 (progn
290 #+nil(format *trace-output* "Scan was called ~S times.~%"
291 *scan-calls*)
292 (finish-current (length string) nil (constantly nil))
293 result))
295 (loop for transition in
296 (mapcar #'cdr
297 (remove current-mode transitions
298 :key #'car
299 :test-not #'(lambda (a b)
300 (or (eql a b)
301 (if (listp b)
302 (member a b))))))
304 (and transition
305 (multiple-value-bind
306 (new-position new-mode new-wait)
307 (funcall transition current-mode string current-position)
308 (when (> new-position current-position)
309 (finish-current new-position new-mode new-wait :extend nil :push t)
310 t)))
311 return t)
312 (multiple-value-bind
313 (pos advance)
314 (funcall current-wait current-position)
315 #+nil
316 (format t "current-wait returns ~S ~S (mode is ~S, pos is ~S)~%" pos advance current-mode current-position)
317 (and pos
318 (when (> pos current-position)
319 (finish-current (if advance
321 current-position)
322 (car mode-stack)
323 (car wait-stack)
324 :extend advance
325 :pop t)
326 t)))
327 (progn
328 (incf current-position)))
329 )))))
331 (defun format-scan (coloring-type scan)
332 (let* ((coloring-type-object (or (find-coloring-type coloring-type)
333 (error "No such coloring type: ~S" coloring-type)))
334 (color-formatter (coloring-type-term-formatter coloring-type-object))
335 (*formatter-local-variables* (funcall (coloring-type-formatter-initial-values coloring-type-object))))
336 (format nil "~{~A~}~A"
337 (mapcar color-formatter scan)
338 (funcall (coloring-type-formatter-after-hook coloring-type-object)))))
340 (defun encode-for-pre (string)
341 (declare (simple-string string))
342 (let ((output (make-array (truncate (length string) 2/3)
343 :element-type 'character
344 :adjustable t
345 :fill-pointer 0)))
346 (with-output-to-string (out output)
347 (loop for char across string
348 do (case char
349 ((#\&) (write-string "&amp;" out))
350 ((#\<) (write-string "&lt;" out))
351 ((#\>) (write-string "&gt;" out))
352 (t (write-char char out)))))
353 (coerce output 'simple-string)))
355 (defun string-substitute (string substring replacement-string)
356 "String substitute by Larry Hunter. Obtained from Google"
357 (let ((substring-length (length substring))
358 (last-end 0)
359 (new-string ""))
360 (do ((next-start
361 (search substring string)
362 (search substring string :start2 last-end)))
363 ((null next-start)
364 (concatenate 'string new-string (subseq string last-end)))
365 (setq new-string
366 (concatenate 'string
367 new-string
368 (subseq string last-end next-start)
369 replacement-string))
370 (setq last-end (+ next-start substring-length)))))
372 (defun decode-from-tt (string)
373 (string-substitute (string-substitute (string-substitute string "&amp;" "&")
374 "&lt;" "<")
375 "&gt;" ">"))
377 (defun html-colorization (coloring-type string)
378 (format-scan coloring-type
379 (mapcar #'(lambda (p)
380 (cons (car p)
381 (let ((tt (encode-for-pre (cdr p))))
382 (if (and (> (length tt) 0)
383 (char= (elt tt (1- (length tt))) #\>))
384 (format nil "~A~%" tt) tt))))
385 (scan-string coloring-type string))))
387 (defun colorize-file-to-stream (coloring-type input-file-name s2 &key (wrap t) (css-background "default"))
388 (let* ((input-file (if (pathname-type (merge-pathnames input-file-name))
389 (merge-pathnames input-file-name)
390 (make-pathname :type "lisp"
391 :defaults (merge-pathnames input-file-name))))
392 (*css-background-class* css-background))
393 (with-open-file (s input-file :direction :input)
394 (let ((lines nil)
395 (string nil))
396 (block done
397 (loop (let ((line (read-line s nil nil)))
398 (if line
399 (push line lines)
400 (return-from done)))))
401 (setf string (format nil "~{~A~%~}"
402 (nreverse lines)))
403 (if wrap
404 (format s2
405 "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\" \"\">
406 <html><head><style type=\"text/css\">~A~%~A</style><body>
407 <table width=\"100%\"><tr><td class=\"~A\">
408 <tt>~A</tt>
409 </tr></td></table></body></html>"
410 *coloring-css*
411 (make-background-css "white")
412 *css-background-class*
413 (html-colorization coloring-type string))
414 (write-string (html-colorization coloring-type string) s2))))))
416 (defun colorize-file (coloring-type input-file-name &optional output-file-name)
417 (let* ((input-file (if (pathname-type (merge-pathnames input-file-name))
418 (merge-pathnames input-file-name)
419 (make-pathname :type "lisp"
420 :defaults (merge-pathnames input-file-name))))
421 (output-file (or output-file-name
422 (make-pathname :type "html"
423 :defaults input-file))))
424 (with-open-file (s2 output-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
425 (colorize-file-to-stream coloring-type input-file-name s2))))
427 ;; coloring-types.lisp
429 ;(in-package :colorize)
431 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
432 (defparameter *version-token* (gensym)))
434 (defparameter *symbol-characters*
435 "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ*!%$&+-1234567890")
437 (defparameter *non-constituent*
438 '(#\space #\tab #\newline #\linefeed #\page #\return
439 #\" #\' #\( #\) #\, #\; #\` #\[ #\]))
441 (defparameter *special-forms*
442 '("let" "load-time-value" "quote" "macrolet" "progn" "progv" "go" "flet" "the"
443 "if" "throw" "eval-when" "multiple-value-prog1" "unwind-protect" "let*"
444 "labels" "function" "symbol-macrolet" "block" "tagbody" "catch" "locally"
445 "return-from" "setq" "multiple-value-call"))
447 (defparameter *common-macros*
448 '("loop" "cond" "lambda"))
450 (defparameter *open-parens* '(#\())
451 (defparameter *close-parens* '(#\)))
453 (define-coloring-type :lisp "Basic Lisp"
454 :modes (:first-char-on-line :normal :symbol :escaped-symbol :keyword :string :comment
455 :multiline :character
456 :single-escaped :in-list :syntax-error)
457 :default-mode :first-char-on-line
458 :transitions
459 (((:in-list)
460 ((or
461 (scan-any *symbol-characters*)
462 (and (scan #\.) (scan-any *symbol-characters*))
463 (and (scan #\\) (advance 1)))
464 (set-mode :symbol
465 :until (scan-any *non-constituent*)
466 :advancing nil))
467 ((or (scan #\:) (scan "#:"))
468 (set-mode :keyword
469 :until (scan-any *non-constituent*)
470 :advancing nil))
471 ((scan "#\\")
472 (let ((count 0))
473 (set-mode :character
474 :until (progn
475 (incf count)
476 (if (> count 1)
477 (scan-any *non-constituent*)))
478 :advancing nil)))
479 ((scan #\")
480 (set-mode :string
481 :until (scan #\")))
482 ((scan #\;)
483 (set-mode :comment
484 :until (scan #\newline)))
485 ((scan "#|")
486 (set-mode :multiline
487 :until (scan "|#")))
488 ((scan #\()
489 (set-mode :in-list
490 :until (scan #\)))))
491 ((:normal :first-char-on-line)
492 ((scan #\()
493 (set-mode :in-list
494 :until (scan #\)))))
495 (:first-char-on-line
496 ((scan #\;)
497 (set-mode :comment
498 :until (scan #\newline)))
499 ((scan "#|")
500 (set-mode :multiline
501 :until (scan "|#")))
502 ((advance 1)
503 (set-mode :normal
504 :until (scan #\newline))))
505 (:multiline
506 ((scan "#|")
507 (set-mode :multiline
508 :until (scan "|#"))))
509 ((:symbol :keyword :escaped-symbol :string)
510 ((scan #\\)
511 (let ((count 0))
512 (set-mode :single-escaped
513 :until (progn
514 (incf count)
515 (if (< count 2)
516 (advance 1))))))))
517 :formatter-variables ((paren-counter 0))
518 :formatter-after-hook (lambda nil
519 (format nil "~{~A~}"
520 (loop for i from paren-counter downto 1
521 collect "</span></span>")))
522 :formatters
523 (((:normal :first-char-on-line)
524 (lambda (type s)
525 (declare (ignore type))
527 ((:in-list)
528 (lambda (type s)
529 (declare (ignore type))
530 (labels ((color-parens (s)
531 (let ((paren-pos (find-if-not #'null
532 (mapcar #'(lambda (c)
533 (position c s))
534 (append *open-parens*
535 *close-parens*)))))
536 (if paren-pos
537 (let ((before-paren (subseq s 0 paren-pos))
538 (after-paren (subseq s (1+ paren-pos)))
539 (paren (elt s paren-pos))
540 (open nil)
541 (count 0))
542 (when (member paren *open-parens* :test #'char=)
543 (setf count (mod paren-counter 6))
544 (incf paren-counter)
545 (setf open t))
546 (when (member paren *close-parens* :test #'char=)
547 (decf paren-counter))
548 (if open
549 (format nil "~A<span class=\"paren~A\">~C<span class=\"~A\">~A"
550 before-paren
551 (1+ count)
552 paren *css-background-class*
553 (color-parens after-paren))
554 (format nil "~A</span>~C</span>~A"
555 before-paren
556 paren (color-parens after-paren))))
557 s))))
558 (color-parens s))))
559 ((:symbol :escaped-symbol)
560 (lambda (type s)
561 (declare (ignore type))
562 (let* ((colon (position #\: s :from-end t))
563 (new-s (or (and colon (subseq s (1+ colon))) s)))
564 (cond
565 ((or
566 (member new-s *common-macros* :test #'string-equal)
567 (member new-s *special-forms* :test #'string-equal)
568 (some #'(lambda (e)
569 (and (> (length new-s) (length e))
570 (string-equal e (subseq new-s 0 (length e)))))
571 '("WITH-" "DEF")))
572 (format nil "<i><span class=\"symbol\">~A</span></i>" s))
573 ((and (> (length new-s) 2)
574 (char= (elt new-s 0) #\*)
575 (char= (elt new-s (1- (length new-s))) #\*))
576 (format nil "<span class=\"special\">~A</span>" s))
577 (t s)))))
578 (:keyword (lambda (type s)
579 (declare (ignore type))
580 (format nil "<span class=\"keyword\">~A</span>"
581 s)))
582 ((:comment :multiline)
583 (lambda (type s)
584 (declare (ignore type))
585 (format nil "<span class=\"comment\">~A</span>"
586 s)))
587 ((:character)
588 (lambda (type s)
589 (declare (ignore type))
590 (format nil "<span class=\"character\">~A</span>"
591 s)))
592 ((:string)
593 (lambda (type s)
594 (declare (ignore type))
595 (format nil "<span class=\"string\">~A</span>"
596 s)))
597 ((:single-escaped)
598 (lambda (type s)
599 (call-formatter (cdr type) s)))
600 ((:syntax-error)
601 (lambda (type s)
602 (declare (ignore type))
603 (format nil "<span class=\"syntaxerror\">~A</span>"
604 s)))))
606 (define-coloring-type :scheme "Scheme"
607 :autodetect (lambda (text)
609 (search "scheme" text :test #'char-equal)
610 (search "chicken" text :test #'char-equal)))
611 :parent :lisp
612 :transitions
613 (((:normal :in-list)
614 ((scan "...")
615 (set-mode :symbol
616 :until (scan-any *non-constituent*)
617 :advancing nil))
618 ((scan #\[)
619 (set-mode :in-list
620 :until (scan #\])))))
621 :formatters
622 (((:in-list)
623 (lambda (type s)
624 (declare (ignore type s))
625 (let ((*open-parens* (cons #\[ *open-parens*))
626 (*close-parens* (cons #\] *close-parens*)))
627 (call-parent-formatter))))
628 ((:symbol :escaped-symbol)
629 (lambda (type s)
630 (declare (ignore type))
631 (let ((result (if (find-package :r5rs-lookup)
632 (funcall (symbol-function (intern "SYMBOL-LOOKUP" :r5rs-lookup))
633 s))))
634 (if result
635 (format nil "<a href=\"~A\" class=\"symbol\">~A</a>"
636 result (call-parent-formatter))
637 (call-parent-formatter)))))))
639 (define-coloring-type :elisp "Emacs Lisp"
640 :autodetect (lambda (name)
641 (member name '("emacs")
642 :test #'(lambda (name ext)
643 (search ext name :test #'char-equal))))
644 :parent :lisp
645 :formatters
646 (((:symbol :escaped-symbol)
647 (lambda (type s)
648 (declare (ignore type))
649 (let ((result (if (find-package :elisp-lookup)
650 (funcall (symbol-function (intern "SYMBOL-LOOKUP" :elisp-lookup))
651 s))))
652 (if result
653 (format nil "<a href=\"~A\" class=\"symbol\">~A</a>"
654 result (call-parent-formatter))
655 (call-parent-formatter)))))))
657 (define-coloring-type :common-lisp "Common Lisp"
658 :autodetect (lambda (text)
659 (search "lisp" text :test #'char-equal))
660 :parent :lisp
661 :transitions
662 (((:normal :in-list)
663 ((scan #\|)
664 (set-mode :escaped-symbol
665 :until (scan #\|)))))
666 :formatters
667 (((:symbol :escaped-symbol)
668 (lambda (type s)
669 (declare (ignore type))
670 (let* ((colon (position #\: s :from-end t :test #'char=))
671 (to-lookup (if colon (subseq s (1+ colon)) s))
672 (result (if (find-package :clhs-lookup)
673 (funcall (symbol-function (intern "SYMBOL-LOOKUP" :clhs-lookup))
674 to-lookup))))
675 (if result
676 (format nil "<a href=\"~A\" class=\"symbol\">~A</a>"
677 result (call-parent-formatter))
678 (call-parent-formatter)))))))
680 (define-coloring-type :common-lisp-file "Common Lisp File"
681 :parent :common-lisp
682 :default-mode :in-list
683 :invisible t)
685 (defvar *c-open-parens* "([{")
686 (defvar *c-close-parens* ")]}")
688 (defvar *c-reserved-words*
689 '("auto" "break" "case" "char" "const"
690 "continue" "default" "do" "double" "else"
691 "enum" "extern" "float" "for" "goto"
692 "if" "int" "long" "register" "return"
693 "short" "signed" "sizeof" "static" "struct"
694 "switch" "typedef" "union" "unsigned" "void"
695 "volatile" "while" "__restrict" "_Bool"))
697 (defparameter *c-begin-word* "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789")
698 (defparameter *c-terminators* '(#\space #\return #\tab #\newline #\. #\/ #\- #\* #\+ #\{ #\} #\( #\) #\' #\" #\[ #\] #\< #\> #\#))
700 (define-coloring-type :basic-c "Basic C"
701 :modes (:normal :comment :word-ish :paren-ish :string :char :single-escape :preprocessor)
702 :default-mode :normal
703 :invisible t
704 :transitions
705 ((:normal
706 ((scan-any *c-begin-word*)
707 (set-mode :word-ish
708 :until (scan-any *c-terminators*)
709 :advancing nil))
710 ((scan "/*")
711 (set-mode :comment
712 :until (scan "*/")))
713 ((or
714 (scan-any *c-open-parens*)
715 (scan-any *c-close-parens*))
716 (set-mode :paren-ish
717 :until (advance 1)
718 :advancing nil))
719 ((scan #\")
720 (set-mode :string
721 :until (scan #\")))
722 ((or (scan "'\\")
723 (scan #\'))
724 (set-mode :character
725 :until (advance 2))))
726 (:string
727 ((scan #\\)
728 (set-mode :single-escape
729 :until (advance 1)))))
730 :formatter-variables
731 ((paren-counter 0))
732 :formatter-after-hook (lambda nil
733 (format nil "~{~A~}"
734 (loop for i from paren-counter downto 1
735 collect "</span></span>")))
736 :formatters
737 ((:normal
738 (lambda (type s)
739 (declare (ignore type))
741 (:comment
742 (lambda (type s)
743 (declare (ignore type))
744 (format nil "<span class=\"comment\">~A</span>"
745 s)))
746 (:string
747 (lambda (type s)
748 (declare (ignore type))
749 (format nil "<span class=\"string\">~A</span>"
750 s)))
751 (:character
752 (lambda (type s)
753 (declare (ignore type))
754 (format nil "<span class=\"character\">~A</span>"
755 s)))
756 (:single-escape
757 (lambda (type s)
758 (call-formatter (cdr type) s)))
759 (:paren-ish
760 (lambda (type s)
761 (declare (ignore type))
762 (let ((open nil)
763 (count 0))
764 (if (eql (length s) 1)
765 (progn
766 (when (member (elt s 0) (coerce *c-open-parens* 'list))
767 (setf open t)
768 (setf count (mod paren-counter 6))
769 (incf paren-counter))
770 (when (member (elt s 0) (coerce *c-close-parens* 'list))
771 (setf open nil)
772 (decf paren-counter)
773 (setf count (mod paren-counter 6)))
774 (if open
775 (format nil "<span class=\"paren~A\">~A<span class=\"~A\">"
776 (1+ count) s *css-background-class*)
777 (format nil "</span>~A</span>"
778 s)))
779 s))))
780 (:word-ish
781 (lambda (type s)
782 (declare (ignore type))
783 (if (member s *c-reserved-words* :test #'string=)
784 (format nil "<span class=\"symbol\">~A</span>" s)
785 s)))
788 (define-coloring-type :c "C"
789 :parent :basic-c
790 :transitions
791 ((:normal
792 ((scan #\#)
793 (set-mode :preprocessor
794 :until (scan-any '(#\return #\newline))))))
795 :formatters
796 ((:preprocessor
797 (lambda (type s)
798 (declare (ignore type))
799 (format nil "<span class=\"special\">~A</span>" s)))))
801 (defvar *c++-reserved-words*
802 '("asm" "auto" "bool" "break" "case"
803 "catch" "char" "class" "const" "const_cast"
804 "continue" "default" "delete" "do" "double"
805 "dynamic_cast" "else" "enum" "explicit" "export"
806 "extern" "false" "float" "for" "friend"
807 "goto" "if" "inline" "int" "long"
808 "mutable" "namespace" "new" "operator" "private"
809 "protected" "public" "register" "reinterpret_cast" "return"
810 "short" "signed" "sizeof" "static" "static_cast"
811 "struct" "switch" "template" "this" "throw"
812 "true" "try" "typedef" "typeid" "typename"
813 "union" "unsigned" "using" "virtual" "void"
814 "volatile" "wchar_t" "while"))
816 (define-coloring-type :c++ "C++"
817 :parent :c
818 :transitions
819 ((:normal
820 ((scan "//")
821 (set-mode :comment
822 :until (scan-any '(#\return #\newline))))))
823 :formatters
824 ((:word-ish
825 (lambda (type s)
826 (declare (ignore type))
827 (if (member s *c++-reserved-words* :test #'string=)
828 (format nil "<span class=\"symbol\">~A</span>"
830 s)))))
832 (defvar *java-reserved-words*
833 '("abstract" "boolean" "break" "byte" "case"
834 "catch" "char" "class" "const" "continue"
835 "default" "do" "double" "else" "extends"
836 "final" "finally" "float" "for" "goto"
837 "if" "implements" "import" "instanceof" "int"
838 "interface" "long" "native" "new" "package"
839 "private" "protected" "public" "return" "short"
840 "static" "strictfp" "super" "switch" "synchronized"
841 "this" "throw" "throws" "transient" "try"
842 "void" "volatile" "while"))
844 (define-coloring-type :java "Java"
845 :parent :c++
846 :formatters
847 ((:word-ish
848 (lambda (type s)
849 (declare (ignore type))
850 (if (member s *java-reserved-words* :test #'string=)
851 (format nil "<span class=\"symbol\">~A</span>"
853 s)))))
855 (let ((terminate-next nil))
856 (define-coloring-type :objective-c "Objective C"
857 :autodetect (lambda (text) (search "mac" text :test #'char=))
858 :modes (:begin-message-send :end-message-send)
859 :transitions
860 ((:normal
861 ((scan #\[)
862 (set-mode :begin-message-send
863 :until (advance 1)
864 :advancing nil))
865 ((scan #\])
866 (set-mode :end-message-send
867 :until (advance 1)
868 :advancing nil))
869 ((scan-any *c-begin-word*)
870 (set-mode :word-ish
871 :until (or
872 (and (peek-any '(#\:))
873 (setf terminate-next t))
874 (and terminate-next (progn
875 (setf terminate-next nil)
876 (advance 1)))
877 (scan-any *c-terminators*))
878 :advancing nil)))
879 (:word-ish
880 #+nil
881 ((scan #\:)
882 (format t "hi~%")
883 (set-mode :word-ish :until (advance 1) :advancing nil)
884 (setf terminate-next t))))
885 :parent :c++
886 :formatter-variables ((is-keyword nil) (in-message-send nil))
887 :formatters
888 ((:begin-message-send
889 (lambda (type s)
890 (setf is-keyword nil)
891 (setf in-message-send t)
892 (call-formatter (cons :paren-ish type) s)))
893 (:end-message-send
894 (lambda (type s)
895 (setf is-keyword nil)
896 (setf in-message-send nil)
897 (call-formatter (cons :paren-ish type) s)))
898 (:word-ish
899 (lambda (type s)
900 (declare (ignore type))
901 (prog1
902 (let ((result (if (find-package :cocoa-lookup)
903 (funcall (symbol-function (intern "SYMBOL-LOOKUP" :cocoa-lookup))
904 s))))
905 (if result
906 (format nil "<a href=\"~A\" class=\"symbol\">~A</a>"
907 result s)
908 (if (member s *c-reserved-words* :test #'string=)
909 (format nil "<span class=\"symbol\">~A</span>" s)
910 (if in-message-send
911 (if is-keyword
912 (format nil "<span class=\"keyword\">~A</span>" s)
914 s))))
915 (setf is-keyword (not is-keyword))))))))
918 ;#!/usr/bin/clisp
919 ;#+sbcl
920 ;(require :asdf)
921 ;(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :colorize)
923 (defmacro with-each-stream-line ((var stream) &body body)
924 (let ((eof (gensym))
925 (eof-value (gensym))
926 (strm (gensym)))
927 `(let ((,strm ,stream)
928 (,eof ',eof-value))
929 (do ((,var (read-line ,strm nil ,eof) (read-line ,strm nil ,eof)))
930 ((eql ,var ,eof))
931 ,@body))))
933 (defun system (control-string &rest args)
934 "Interpolate ARGS into CONTROL-STRING as if by FORMAT, and
935 synchronously execute the result using a Bourne-compatible shell, with
936 output to *verbose-out*. Returns the shell's exit code."
937 (let ((command (apply #'format nil control-string args)))
938 (format t "; $ ~A~%" command)
939 #+sbcl
940 (sb-impl::process-exit-code
941 (sb-ext:run-program
942 "/bin/sh"
943 (list "-c" command)
944 :input nil :output *standard-output*))
945 #+(or cmu scl)
946 (ext:process-exit-code
947 (ext:run-program
948 "/bin/sh"
949 (list "-c" command)
950 :input nil :output *verbose-out*))
951 #+clisp ;XXX not exactly *verbose-out*, I know
952 (ext:run-shell-command command :output :terminal :wait t)
955 (defun strcat (&rest strings)
956 (apply #'concatenate 'string strings))
958 (defun string-starts-with (start str)
959 (and (>= (length str) (length start))
960 (string-equal start str :end2 (length start))))
962 (defmacro string-append (outputstr &rest args)
963 `(setq ,outputstr (concatenate 'string ,outputstr ,@args)))
965 (defconstant +indent+ 2
966 "Indentation used in the examples.")
968 (defun texinfo->raw-lisp (code)
969 "Answer CODE with spurious Texinfo output removed. For use in
970 preprocessing output in a @lisp block before passing to colorize."
971 (decode-from-tt
972 (with-output-to-string (output)
973 (do* ((last-position 0)
974 (next-position
975 #0=(search #1="<span class=\"roman\">" code
976 :start2 last-position :test #'char-equal)
977 #0#))
978 ((eq nil next-position)
979 (write-string code output :start last-position))
980 (write-string code output :start last-position :end next-position)
981 (let ((end (search #2="</span>" code
982 :start2 (+ next-position (length #1#))
983 :test #'char-equal)))
984 (assert (integerp end) ()
985 "Missing ~A tag in HTML for @lisp block~%~
986 HTML contents of block:~%~A" #2# code)
987 (write-string code output
988 :start (+ next-position (length #1#))
989 :end end)
990 (setf last-position (+ end (length #2#))))))))
992 (defun process-file (from to)
993 (with-open-file (output to :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
994 (with-open-file (input from :direction :input)
995 (let ((line-processor nil)
996 (piece-of-code '()))
997 (labels
998 ((process-line-inside-pre (line)
999 (cond ((string-starts-with "</pre>" line)
1000 (with-input-from-string
1001 (stream (colorize:html-colorization
1002 :common-lisp
1003 (texinfo->raw-lisp
1004 (apply #'concatenate 'string
1005 (nreverse piece-of-code)))))
1006 (with-each-stream-line (cline stream)
1007 (format output " ~A~%" cline)))
1008 (write-line line output)
1009 (setq piece-of-code '()
1010 line-processor #'process-regular-line))
1011 (t (let ((to-append (subseq line +indent+)))
1012 (push (if (string= "" to-append)
1014 to-append) piece-of-code)
1015 (push (string #\Newline) piece-of-code)))))
1016 (process-regular-line (line)
1017 (let ((len (some (lambda (test-string)
1018 (when (string-starts-with test-string line)
1019 (length test-string)))
1020 '("<pre class=\"lisp\">"
1021 "<pre class=\"smalllisp\">"))))
1022 (cond (len
1023 #+nil(format t "processing ~A~%" line)
1024 (setq line-processor #'process-line-inside-pre)
1025 (write-string "<pre class=\"lisp\">" output)
1026 (push (subseq line (+ len +indent+)) piece-of-code)
1027 (push (string #\Newline) piece-of-code))
1028 (t (write-line line output))))))
1029 (setf line-processor #'process-regular-line)
1030 (with-each-stream-line (line input)
1031 (funcall line-processor line)))))))
1033 (defun process-dir (dir)
1034 (dolist (html-file (directory (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory dir)
1035 :type "html"
1036 :name :wild)))
1037 (let* ((name (namestring html-file))
1038 (temp-name (strcat name ".temp")))
1039 (format t "processing ~A~%" name)
1040 (process-file name temp-name)
1041 (system "mv ~A ~A" temp-name name))))
1043 ;; (go "/tmp/doc/manual/html_node/*.html")
1045 #+clisp
1046 (progn
1047 (assert (first ext:*args*))
1048 (process-dir (first ext:*args*)))
1050 #+sbcl
1051 (progn
1052 (assert (second sb-ext:*posix-argv*))
1053 (process-dir (second sb-ext:*posix-argv*))
1054 (sb-ext:quit))