Destroy opaque GBoxed object thread-safely (not tested)
[cl-gtk2.git] / glib / gobject.boxed.lisp
1 (in-package :gobject)
3 (define-foreign-type g-boxed-foreign-type ()
4 ((info :initarg :info
5 :accessor g-boxed-foreign-info
6 :initform (error "info must be specified"))
7 (return-p :initarg :return-p
8 :accessor g-boxed-foreign-return-p
9 :initform nil))
10 (:actual-type :pointer))
12 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
13 (defstruct g-boxed-info
14 name
15 g-type))
17 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
18 (defun get-g-boxed-foreign-info (name)
19 (get name 'g-boxed-foreign-info)))
21 (defvar *g-type-name->g-boxed-foreign-info* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
23 (defun get-g-boxed-foreign-info-for-gtype (g-type-designator)
24 (or (gethash (g-type-string g-type-designator) *g-type-name->g-boxed-foreign-info*)
25 (error "Unknown GBoxed type '~A'" (g-type-string g-type-designator))))
27 (defgeneric make-foreign-type (info &key return-p))
29 (define-parse-method g-boxed-foreign (name &rest options)
30 (let ((info (get-g-boxed-foreign-info name)))
31 (assert info nil "Unknown foreign GBoxed type ~A" name)
32 (make-foreign-type info :return-p (member :return options))))
34 (defgeneric boxed-copy-fn (type-info native)
35 (:method (type-info native)
36 (g-boxed-copy (g-boxed-info-g-type type-info) native)))
38 #+nil(defmethod boxed-copy-fn :before (type-info native)
39 (format t "(boxed-copy-fn ~A ~A)~%" (g-boxed-info-name type-info) native))
41 (defgeneric boxed-free-fn (type-info native)
42 (:method (type-info native)
43 (g-boxed-free (g-boxed-info-g-type type-info) native)))
45 #+nil(defmethod boxed-free-fn :before (type-info native)
46 (format t "(boxed-free-fn ~A ~A)~%" (g-boxed-info-name type-info) native))
48 (defgeneric has-callback-cleanup (foreign-type))
49 (defgeneric cleanup-translated-object-for-callback (foreign-type converted-object native-object))
51 (defmethod has-callback-cleanup ((type g-boxed-foreign-type))
54 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
55 (defstruct (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info (:include g-boxed-info))
56 cstruct-description))
58 (defclass boxed-cstruct-foreign-type (g-boxed-foreign-type) ())
60 (defstruct cstruct-slot-description
61 name
62 type
63 count
64 initform
65 inline-p)
67 (defstruct (cstruct-inline-slot-description (:include cstruct-slot-description))
68 boxed-type-name)
70 (defmethod make-load-form ((object cstruct-slot-description) &optional environment)
71 (make-load-form-saving-slots object :environment environment))
73 (defmethod make-load-form ((object cstruct-inline-slot-description) &optional environment)
74 (make-load-form-saving-slots object :environment environment))
76 (defstruct cstruct-description
77 name
78 slots)
80 (defmethod make-load-form ((object cstruct-description) &optional environment)
81 (make-load-form-saving-slots object :environment environment))
83 (defun parse-cstruct-slot (slot)
84 (destructuring-bind (name type &key count initform inline) slot
85 (if inline
86 (make-cstruct-inline-slot-description :name name :type (generated-cunion-name type)
87 :count count :initform initform :inline-p inline
88 :boxed-type-name type)
89 (make-cstruct-inline-slot-description :name name :type type
90 :count count :initform initform :inline-p inline))))
92 (defun parse-cstruct-definition (name slots)
93 (make-cstruct-description :name name
94 :slots (mapcar #'parse-cstruct-slot slots)))
96 (defmacro define-g-boxed-cstruct (name g-type-name &body slots)
97 (let ((cstruct-description (parse-cstruct-definition name slots)))
98 `(progn
99 (defstruct ,name
100 ,@(iter (for slot in (cstruct-description-slots cstruct-description))
101 (for name = (cstruct-slot-description-name slot))
102 (for initform = (cstruct-slot-description-initform slot))
103 (collect (list name initform))))
104 (defcstruct ,(generated-cstruct-name name)
105 ,@(iter (for slot in (cstruct-description-slots cstruct-description))
106 (for name = (cstruct-slot-description-name slot))
107 (for type = (cstruct-slot-description-type slot))
108 (for count = (cstruct-slot-description-count slot))
109 (collect `(,name ,type ,@(when count `(:count ,count))))))
110 (defcunion ,(generated-cunion-name name)
111 (,name ,(generated-cstruct-name name)))
112 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
113 (setf (get ',name 'g-boxed-foreign-info)
114 (make-g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info :name ',name
115 :g-type ,g-type-name
116 :cstruct-description ,cstruct-description)
117 (gethash ,g-type-name *g-type-name->g-boxed-foreign-info*)
118 (get ',name 'g-boxed-foreign-info)
119 (get ',name 'structure-constructor)
120 ',(intern (format nil "MAKE-~A" (symbol-name name)) (symbol-package name)))))))
122 (defmethod make-foreign-type ((info g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info) &key return-p)
123 (make-instance 'boxed-cstruct-foreign-type :info info :return-p return-p))
125 (defun memcpy (target source bytes)
126 (iter (for i from 0 below bytes)
127 (setf (mem-aref target :uchar i)
128 (mem-aref source :uchar i))))
130 (defmethod boxed-copy-fn ((info g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info) native)
131 (if (g-boxed-info-g-type info)
132 (g-boxed-copy (g-boxed-info-g-type info) native)
133 (let ((copy (foreign-alloc (generated-cstruct-name (g-boxed-info-name info)))))
134 (memcpy copy native (foreign-type-size (generated-cstruct-name (g-boxed-info-name info))))
135 copy)))
137 (defmethod boxed-free-fn ((info g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info) native)
138 (if (g-boxed-info-g-type info)
139 (g-boxed-free (g-boxed-info-g-type info) native)
140 (foreign-free native)))
142 (defun copy-slots-to-native (proxy native cstruct-description)
143 (iter (with cstruct-type = (generated-cstruct-name (cstruct-description-name cstruct-description)))
144 (for slot in (cstruct-description-slots cstruct-description))
145 (for slot-name = (cstruct-slot-description-name slot))
146 (cond
147 ((cstruct-slot-description-count slot)
148 (iter (with ptr = (foreign-slot-pointer native cstruct-type slot-name))
149 (with array = (slot-value proxy slot-name))
150 (for i from 0 below (cstruct-slot-description-count slot))
151 (setf (mem-aref ptr (cstruct-slot-description-type slot) i)
152 (aref array i))))
153 ((cstruct-slot-description-inline-p slot)
154 (let ((info (get-g-boxed-foreign-info (cstruct-inline-slot-description-boxed-type-name slot))))
155 (copy-slots-to-native (slot-value proxy slot-name)
156 (foreign-slot-pointer native cstruct-type slot-name)
157 (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-cstruct-description info))))
159 (setf (foreign-slot-value native cstruct-type slot-name)
160 (slot-value proxy slot-name))))))
162 (defun create-structure (structure-name)
163 (let ((constructor (get structure-name 'structure-constructor)))
164 (assert constructor nil "Don't know how to create structure of type ~A" structure-name)
165 (funcall constructor)))
167 (defun copy-slots-to-proxy (proxy native cstruct-description)
168 (iter (with cstruct-type = (generated-cstruct-name (cstruct-description-name cstruct-description)))
169 (for slot in (cstruct-description-slots cstruct-description))
170 (for slot-name = (cstruct-slot-description-name slot))
171 (cond
172 ((cstruct-slot-description-count slot)
173 (setf (slot-value proxy slot-name) (make-array (list (cstruct-slot-description-count slot))))
174 (iter (with ptr = (foreign-slot-pointer native cstruct-type slot-name))
175 (with array = (slot-value proxy slot-name))
176 (for i from 0 below (cstruct-slot-description-count slot))
177 (setf (aref array i)
178 (mem-aref ptr (cstruct-slot-description-type slot) i))))
179 ((cstruct-slot-description-inline-p slot)
180 (let ((info (get-g-boxed-foreign-info (cstruct-inline-slot-description-boxed-type-name slot))))
181 (setf (slot-value proxy slot-name) (create-structure (cstruct-inline-slot-description-boxed-type-name slot)))
182 (copy-slots-to-proxy (slot-value proxy slot-name)
183 (foreign-slot-pointer native cstruct-type slot-name)
184 (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-cstruct-description info))))
185 (t (setf (slot-value proxy slot-name)
186 (foreign-slot-value native cstruct-type slot-name))))))
188 (defmethod translate-to-foreign (proxy (type boxed-cstruct-foreign-type))
189 (if (null proxy)
190 (null-pointer)
191 (let* ((info (g-boxed-foreign-info type))
192 (native-structure-type (generated-cstruct-name (g-boxed-info-name info))))
193 (with-foreign-object (native-structure native-structure-type)
194 (copy-slots-to-native proxy native-structure (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-cstruct-description info))
195 (values (boxed-copy-fn info native-structure) proxy)))))
197 (defmethod free-translated-object (native-structure (type boxed-cstruct-foreign-type) proxy)
198 (when proxy
199 (let ((info (g-boxed-foreign-info type)))
200 (copy-slots-to-proxy proxy native-structure (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-cstruct-description info))
201 (boxed-free-fn info native-structure))))
203 (defmethod translate-from-foreign (native-structure (type boxed-cstruct-foreign-type))
204 (unless (null-pointer-p native-structure)
205 (let* ((info (g-boxed-foreign-info type))
206 (proxy-structure-type (g-boxed-info-name info))
207 (proxy (create-structure proxy-structure-type)))
208 (copy-slots-to-proxy proxy native-structure (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-cstruct-description info))
209 (when (g-boxed-foreign-return-p type)
210 (boxed-free-fn info native-structure))
211 proxy)))
213 (defmethod cleanup-translated-object-for-callback ((type boxed-cstruct-foreign-type) proxy native-structure)
214 (when proxy
215 (let ((info (g-boxed-foreign-info type)))
216 (copy-slots-to-native proxy native-structure (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-cstruct-description info)))))
218 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
219 (defstruct (g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info (:include g-boxed-info))
220 alloc free))
222 (define-foreign-type boxed-opaque-foreign-type (g-boxed-foreign-type) ())
224 (defclass g-boxed-opaque ()
225 ((pointer :initarg :pointer
226 :initform nil
227 :accessor g-boxed-opaque-pointer)))
229 (defmethod pointer ((object g-boxed-opaque))
230 (g-boxed-opaque-pointer object))
232 (defmethod make-foreign-type ((info g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info) &key return-p)
233 (make-instance 'boxed-opaque-foreign-type :info info :return-p return-p))
235 (defmethod translate-to-foreign (proxy (type boxed-opaque-foreign-type))
236 (prog1 (g-boxed-opaque-pointer proxy)
237 (when (g-boxed-foreign-return-p type)
238 (tg:cancel-finalization proxy)
239 (setf (g-boxed-opaque-pointer proxy) nil))))
241 (defmethod free-translated-object (native (type boxed-opaque-foreign-type) param)
242 (declare (ignore native type param)))
244 (defvar *gboxed-gc-hooks-lock* (make-recursive-lock "gboxed-gc-hooks-lock"))
245 (defvar *gboxed-gc-hooks* nil);;pointers to objects to be freed
247 (defun activate-gboxed-gc-hooks ()
248 (with-recursive-lock-held (*gboxed-gc-hooks-lock*)
249 (when *gboxed-gc-hooks*
250 (log-for :gc "activating gc hooks for boxeds: ~A~%" *gboxed-gc-hooks*)
251 (loop
252 for (pointer type) in *gboxed-gc-hooks*
253 do (boxed-free-fn type pointer))
254 (setf *gboxed-gc-hooks* nil))))
256 (defcallback gboxed-idle-gc-hook :boolean ((data :pointer))
257 (declare (ignore data))
258 (activate-gboxed-gc-hooks)
259 nil)
261 (defun register-gboxed-for-gc (type pointer)
262 (with-recursive-lock-held (*gboxed-gc-hooks-lock*)
263 (let ((locks-were-present (not (null *gboxed-gc-hooks*))))
264 (push (list pointer type) *gboxed-gc-hooks*)
265 (unless locks-were-present
266 (log-for :gc "adding gboxed idle-gc-hook to main loop~%")
267 (g-idle-add (callback gboxed-idle-gc-hook) (null-pointer))))))
269 (defun make-boxed-free-finalizer (type pointer)
270 (lambda () (register-gboxed-for-gc type pointer)))
272 (defmethod translate-from-foreign (native (foreign-type boxed-opaque-foreign-type))
273 (let* ((type (g-boxed-foreign-info foreign-type))
274 (proxy (make-instance (g-boxed-info-name type) :pointer native)))
275 proxy))
277 (defmethod cleanup-translated-object-for-callback ((type boxed-opaque-foreign-type) proxy native)
278 (declare (ignore native))
279 (tg:cancel-finalization proxy)
280 (setf (g-boxed-opaque-pointer proxy) nil))
282 (defmacro define-g-boxed-opaque (name g-type-name &key
283 (alloc (error "Alloc must be specified")))
284 (let ((native-copy (gensym "NATIVE-COPY-"))
285 (instance (gensym "INSTANCE-")))
286 `(progn (defclass ,name (g-boxed-opaque) ())
287 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((,instance ,name) &key &allow-other-keys)
288 (unless (g-boxed-opaque-pointer ,instance)
289 (let ((,native-copy ,alloc))
290 (setf (g-boxed-opaque-pointer ,instance) ,native-copy)
291 (finalize ,instance (make-boxed-free-finalizer (get ',name 'g-boxed-foreign-info) ,native-copy)))))
292 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
293 (setf (get ',name 'g-boxed-foreign-info)
294 (make-g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info :name ',name
295 :g-type ,g-type-name)
296 (gethash ,g-type-name *g-type-name->g-boxed-foreign-info*)
297 (get ',name 'g-boxed-foreign-info))))))
299 (defstruct var-structure
300 name
301 parent
302 slots
303 discriminator-slot
304 variants
305 resulting-cstruct-description)
307 (defstruct var-structure-variant
308 discriminating-values
309 structure)
311 (defmethod make-load-form ((object var-structure) &optional env)
312 (make-load-form-saving-slots object :environment env))
314 (defmethod make-load-form ((object var-structure-variant) &optional env)
315 (make-load-form-saving-slots object :environment env))
317 (defun var-struct-all-slots (struct)
318 (when struct
319 (append (var-struct-all-slots (var-structure-parent struct))
320 (var-structure-slots struct))))
322 (defun all-structures (structure)
323 (append (iter (for variant in (var-structure-variants structure))
324 (appending (all-structures (var-structure-variant-structure variant))))
325 (list structure)))
327 (defun parse-variant-structure-definition (name slots &optional parent)
328 (iter (with result = (make-var-structure :name name
329 :parent parent
330 :slots nil
331 :discriminator-slot nil
332 :variants nil))
333 (for slot in slots)
334 (if (eq :variant (first slot))
335 (progn
336 (when (var-structure-discriminator-slot result)
337 (error "Structure has more than one discriminator slot"))
338 (setf (var-structure-discriminator-slot result) (second slot)
339 (var-structure-variants result) (parse-variants result (nthcdr 2 slot))))
340 (push (parse-cstruct-slot slot) (var-structure-slots result)))
341 (finally (setf (var-structure-slots result)
342 (reverse (var-structure-slots result)))
343 (unless parent
344 (set-variant-result-structure result))
345 (return result))))
347 (defun set-variant-result-structure (var-structure)
348 (setf (var-structure-resulting-cstruct-description var-structure)
349 (make-cstruct-description
350 :name
351 (var-structure-name var-structure)
352 :slots
353 (append
354 (when (var-structure-parent var-structure)
355 (cstruct-description-slots (var-structure-resulting-cstruct-description (var-structure-parent var-structure))))
356 (var-structure-slots var-structure))))
357 (iter (for variant in (var-structure-variants var-structure))
358 (for child-var-structure = (var-structure-variant-structure variant))
359 (set-variant-result-structure child-var-structure)))
361 (defun ensure-list (thing)
362 (if (listp thing)
363 thing
364 (list thing)))
366 (defun parse-variants (parent variants)
367 (iter (for (options variant-name . slots) in variants)
368 (for variant =
369 (make-var-structure-variant
370 :discriminating-values (ensure-list options)
371 :structure (parse-variant-structure-definition variant-name slots parent)))
372 (collect variant)))
374 (defun generated-cstruct-name (symbol)
375 (intern (format nil "~A-CSTRUCT" (symbol-name symbol)) (symbol-package symbol)))
377 (defun generated-cunion-name (symbol)
378 (intern (format nil "~A-CUNION" (symbol-name symbol)) (symbol-package symbol)))
380 (defun generate-cstruct-1 (struct)
381 `(defcstruct ,(generated-cstruct-name (cstruct-description-name struct))
382 ,@(iter (for slot in (cstruct-description-slots struct))
383 (collect `(,(cstruct-slot-description-name slot) ,(cstruct-slot-description-type slot)
384 ,@(when (cstruct-slot-description-count slot)
385 `(:count ,(cstruct-slot-description-count slot))))))))
387 (defun generate-c-structures (structure)
388 (iter (for str in (all-structures structure))
389 (for cstruct = (var-structure-resulting-cstruct-description str))
390 (collect (generate-cstruct-1 cstruct))))
392 (defun generate-variant-union (struct)
393 `(defcunion ,(generated-cunion-name (var-structure-name struct))
394 ,@(iter (for str in (all-structures struct))
395 (collect `(,(var-structure-name str)
396 ,(generated-cstruct-name (var-structure-name str)))))))
398 (defun generate-structure-1 (str)
399 (let ((name (var-structure-name str)))
400 `(progn
401 (defstruct ,(if (var-structure-parent str)
402 `(,(var-structure-name str) (:include ,(var-structure-name (var-structure-parent str))
403 (,(var-structure-discriminator-slot (var-structure-parent str))
404 ,(first (var-structure-variant-discriminating-values
405 (find str
406 (var-structure-variants
407 (var-structure-parent str))
408 :key #'var-structure-variant-structure))))))
409 `,(var-structure-name str))
410 ,@(iter (for slot in (var-structure-slots str))
411 (collect `(,(cstruct-slot-description-name slot)
412 ,(cstruct-slot-description-initform slot)))))
413 (setf (get ',name 'structure-constructor)
414 ',(intern (format nil "MAKE-~A" (symbol-name name)) (symbol-package name))))))
416 (defun generate-structures (str)
417 (iter (for variant in (reverse (all-structures str)))
418 (collect (generate-structure-1 variant))))
420 (defun generate-native-type-decision-procedure-1 (str proxy-var)
421 (if (null (var-structure-discriminator-slot str))
422 `(values ',(var-structure-resulting-cstruct-description str))
423 `(typecase ,proxy-var
424 ,@(iter (for variant in (var-structure-variants str))
425 (for v-str = (var-structure-variant-structure variant))
426 (collect `(,(var-structure-name v-str)
427 ,(generate-native-type-decision-procedure-1 v-str proxy-var))))
428 (,(var-structure-name str)
429 (values ',(var-structure-resulting-cstruct-description str))))))
431 (defun generate-proxy-type-decision-procedure-1 (str native-var)
432 (if (null (var-structure-discriminator-slot str))
433 `(values ',(var-structure-name str)
434 ',(var-structure-resulting-cstruct-description str))
435 `(case (foreign-slot-value ,native-var
436 ',(generated-cstruct-name (var-structure-name str))
437 ',(var-structure-discriminator-slot str))
438 ,@(iter (for variant in (var-structure-variants str))
439 (for v-str = (var-structure-variant-structure variant))
440 (collect `(,(var-structure-variant-discriminating-values variant)
441 ,(generate-proxy-type-decision-procedure-1
442 v-str
443 native-var))))
444 (t (values ',(var-structure-name str)
445 ',(var-structure-resulting-cstruct-description str))))))
447 (defun generate-proxy-type-decision-procedure (str)
448 (let ((native (gensym "NATIVE-")))
449 `(lambda (,native)
450 (declare (ignorable ,native))
451 ,(generate-proxy-type-decision-procedure-1 str native))))
453 (defun generate-native-type-decision-procedure (str)
454 (let ((proxy (gensym "PROXY-")))
455 `(lambda (,proxy)
456 (declare (ignorable ,proxy))
457 ,(generate-native-type-decision-procedure-1 str proxy))))
459 (defun compile-proxy-type-decision-procedure (str)
460 (compile nil (generate-proxy-type-decision-procedure str)))
462 (defun compile-native-type-decision-procedure (str)
463 (compile nil (generate-native-type-decision-procedure str)))
465 (defstruct (g-boxed-variant-cstruct-info (:include g-boxed-info))
466 root
467 native-type-decision-procedure
468 proxy-type-decision-procedure)
470 (defmethod make-load-form ((object g-boxed-variant-cstruct-info) &optional env)
471 (make-load-form-saving-slots object :environment env))
473 (define-foreign-type boxed-variant-cstruct-foreign-type (g-boxed-foreign-type) ())
475 (defmethod make-foreign-type ((info g-boxed-variant-cstruct-info) &key return-p)
476 (make-instance 'boxed-variant-cstruct-foreign-type :info info :return-p return-p))
478 (defmacro define-g-boxed-variant-cstruct (name g-type-name &body slots)
479 (let* ((structure (parse-variant-structure-definition name slots)))
480 `(progn ,@(generate-c-structures structure)
481 ,(generate-variant-union structure)
482 ,@(generate-structures structure)
483 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
484 (setf (get ',name 'g-boxed-foreign-info)
485 (make-g-boxed-variant-cstruct-info :name ',name
486 :g-type ,g-type-name
487 :root ,structure
488 :native-type-decision-procedure
489 ,(generate-native-type-decision-procedure structure)
490 :proxy-type-decision-procedure
491 ,(generate-proxy-type-decision-procedure structure))
492 (gethash ,g-type-name *g-type-name->g-boxed-foreign-info*)
493 (get ',name 'g-boxed-foreign-info))))))
495 (defun decide-native-type (info proxy)
496 (funcall (g-boxed-variant-cstruct-info-native-type-decision-procedure info) proxy))
498 (defmethod boxed-copy-fn ((info g-boxed-variant-cstruct-info) native)
499 (if (g-boxed-info-g-type info)
500 (g-boxed-copy (g-boxed-info-g-type info) native)
501 (let ((copy (foreign-alloc (generated-cunion-name (g-boxed-info-name info)))))
502 (memcpy copy native (foreign-type-size (generated-cunion-name (g-boxed-info-name info))))
503 copy)))
505 (defmethod boxed-free-fn ((info g-boxed-variant-cstruct-info) native)
506 (if (g-boxed-info-g-type info)
507 (g-boxed-free (g-boxed-info-g-type info) native)
508 (foreign-free native)))
510 (defmethod translate-to-foreign (proxy (foreign-type boxed-variant-cstruct-foreign-type))
511 (if (null proxy)
512 (null-pointer)
513 (let* ((type (g-boxed-foreign-info foreign-type))
514 (cstruct-description (decide-native-type type proxy)))
515 (with-foreign-object (native-structure (generated-cunion-name
516 (var-structure-name
517 (g-boxed-variant-cstruct-info-root type))))
518 (copy-slots-to-native proxy native-structure cstruct-description)
519 (values (boxed-copy-fn type native-structure) proxy)))))
521 (defun decide-proxy-type (info native-structure)
522 (funcall (g-boxed-variant-cstruct-info-proxy-type-decision-procedure info) native-structure))
524 (defmethod free-translated-object (native (foreign-type boxed-variant-cstruct-foreign-type) proxy)
525 (when proxy
526 (let ((type (g-boxed-foreign-info foreign-type)))
527 (multiple-value-bind (actual-struct cstruct-description) (decide-proxy-type type native)
528 (unless (eq (type-of proxy) actual-struct)
529 (restart-case
530 (error "Expected type of boxed variant structure ~A and actual type ~A do not match"
531 (type-of proxy) actual-struct)
532 (skip-parsing-values () (return-from free-translated-object))))
533 (copy-slots-to-proxy proxy native cstruct-description)
534 (boxed-free-fn type native)))))
536 (defmethod translate-from-foreign (native (foreign-type boxed-variant-cstruct-foreign-type))
537 (unless (null-pointer-p native)
538 (let ((type (g-boxed-foreign-info foreign-type)))
539 (multiple-value-bind (actual-struct cstruct-description) (decide-proxy-type type native)
540 (let ((proxy (create-structure actual-struct)))
541 (copy-slots-to-proxy proxy native cstruct-description)
542 (when (g-boxed-foreign-return-p foreign-type)
543 (boxed-free-fn type native))
544 proxy)))))
546 (defmethod cleanup-translated-object-for-callback ((foreign-type boxed-variant-cstruct-foreign-type) proxy native)
547 (when proxy
548 (let ((type (g-boxed-foreign-info foreign-type)))
549 (let ((cstruct-description (decide-native-type type proxy)))
550 (copy-slots-to-native proxy native cstruct-description)))))
552 (defgeneric boxed-parse-g-value (gvalue-ptr info))
554 (defgeneric boxed-set-g-value (gvalue-ptr info proxy))
556 (defmethod parse-g-value-for-type (gvalue-ptr (type-numeric (eql +g-type-boxed+)) parse-kind)
557 (declare (ignore parse-kind))
558 (if (g-type= (g-value-type gvalue-ptr) (g-strv-get-type))
559 (convert-from-foreign (g-value-get-boxed gvalue-ptr) '(glib:gstrv :free-from-foreign nil))
560 (let ((boxed-type (get-g-boxed-foreign-info-for-gtype (g-value-type gvalue-ptr))))
561 (boxed-parse-g-value gvalue-ptr boxed-type))))
563 (defmethod set-gvalue-for-type (gvalue-ptr (type-numeric (eql +g-type-boxed+)) value)
564 (if (g-type= (g-value-type gvalue-ptr) (g-strv-get-type))
565 (g-value-set-boxed gvalue-ptr (convert-to-foreign value '(glib:gstrv :free-from-foreign nil)))
566 (let ((boxed-type (get-g-boxed-foreign-info-for-gtype (g-value-type gvalue-ptr))))
567 (boxed-set-g-value gvalue-ptr boxed-type value))))
569 (defmethod boxed-parse-g-value (gvalue-ptr (info g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info))
570 (translate-from-foreign (g-value-get-boxed gvalue-ptr) (make-foreign-type info :return-p nil)))
572 (defmethod boxed-set-g-value (gvalue-ptr (info g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info) proxy)
573 (g-value-take-boxed gvalue-ptr (translate-to-foreign proxy (make-foreign-type info :return-p nil))))
575 (defmethod boxed-parse-g-value (gvalue-ptr (info g-boxed-variant-cstruct-info))
576 (translate-from-foreign (g-value-get-boxed gvalue-ptr) (make-foreign-type info :return-p nil)))
578 (defmethod boxed-set-g-value (gvalue-ptr (info g-boxed-variant-cstruct-info) proxy)
579 (g-value-take-boxed gvalue-ptr (translate-to-foreign proxy (make-foreign-type info :return-p nil))))
581 (defmethod boxed-parse-g-value (gvalue-ptr (info g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info))
582 (translate-from-foreign (boxed-copy-fn info (g-value-get-boxed gvalue-ptr)) (make-foreign-type info :return-p nil)))
584 (defmethod boxed-set-g-value (gvalue-ptr (info g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info) proxy)
585 (g-value-set-boxed gvalue-ptr (translate-to-foreign proxy (make-foreign-type info :return-p nil))))
587 (defun boxed-related-symbols (name)
588 (let ((info (get-g-boxed-foreign-info name)))
589 (etypecase info
590 (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info
591 (append (list name
592 (intern (format nil "MAKE-~A" (symbol-name name)))
593 (intern (format nil "COPY-~A" (symbol-name name))))
594 (iter (for slot in (cstruct-description-slots (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-cstruct-description info)))
595 (for slot-name = (cstruct-slot-description-name slot))
596 (collect (intern (format nil "~A-~A" (symbol-name name) (symbol-name slot-name)))))))
597 (g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info
598 (list name))
599 (g-boxed-variant-cstruct-info
600 (append (list name)
601 (iter (for var-struct in (all-structures (g-boxed-variant-cstruct-info-root info)))
602 (for s-name = (var-structure-name var-struct))
603 (for cstruct-description = (var-structure-resulting-cstruct-description var-struct))
604 (appending (append (list s-name)
605 (list (intern (format nil "MAKE-~A" (symbol-name s-name)))
606 (intern (format nil "COPY-~A" (symbol-name s-name))))
607 (iter (for slot in (cstruct-description-slots cstruct-description))
608 (for slot-name = (cstruct-slot-description-name slot))
609 (collect (intern (format nil "~A-~A" (symbol-name s-name)
610 (symbol-name slot-name)))))))))))))
612 (defmacro define-boxed-opaque-accessor (boxed-name accessor-name &key type reader writer)
613 (let ((var (gensym))
614 (n-var (gensym)))
615 `(progn ,@(when reader
616 (list (etypecase reader
617 (symbol `(defun ,accessor-name (,var)
618 (funcall ,reader ,var)))
619 (string `(defcfun (,accessor-name ,reader) ,type
620 (,var (g-boxed-foreign ,boxed-name)))))))
621 ,@(when writer
622 (list (etypecase reader
623 (symbol `(defun (setf ,accessor-name) (,n-var ,var)
624 (funcall ,reader ,n-var ,var)))
625 (string `(defun (setf ,accessor-name) (,n-var ,var)
626 (foreign-funcall ,writer (g-boxed-foreign ,boxed-name) ,var ,type ,n-var :void)))))))))
628 (defun copy-boxed-slots-to-foreign (structure native-ptr &optional (type (and structure (type-of structure))))
629 (when structure
630 (copy-slots-to-native
631 structure
632 native-ptr
633 (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-cstruct-description (get-g-boxed-foreign-info type)))))
635 (define-compiler-macro copy-boxed-slots-to-foreign (&whole whole structure native-ptr &optional type)
636 (if (and type
637 (constantp type))
638 (let* ((type-r (eval type))
639 (f-i (get-g-boxed-foreign-info type-r)))
640 (unless f-i
641 (warn "Unknown foreign GBoxed type ~S" type-r)
642 (return-from copy-boxed-slots-to-foreign whole))
643 (unless (typep f-i 'g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info)
644 (warn "Foreign GBoxed type ~S is not a C structure wrapper" type-r)
645 (return-from copy-boxed-slots-to-foreign whole))
646 `(when ,structure
647 (copy-slots-to-native
648 ,structure
649 ,native-ptr
650 (load-time-value (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-cstruct-description (get-g-boxed-foreign-info ',type-r))))))
651 whole))
653 (defmacro with-foreign-boxed-array ((n-var array-var type values-seq) &body body)
654 (let ((values-seq-1 (gensym "VALUES-SEQ-"))
655 (cstruct (generated-cstruct-name type))
656 (x (gensym "X-"))
657 (i (gensym "I-")))
658 `(let* ((,values-seq-1 ,values-seq)
659 (,n-var (length ,values-seq-1)))
660 (with-foreign-object (,array-var ',cstruct ,n-var)
661 (let ((,i 0))
662 (map nil (lambda (,x)
663 (copy-boxed-slots-to-foreign
665 (inc-pointer ,array-var (* ,i (foreign-type-size ',cstruct)))
666 ',type)
667 (incf ,i))
668 ,values-seq-1))
669 ,@body))))