1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; -*-
3 ;;; dimacs.lisp --- DIMACS read/write procedures
5 ;; Copyright (C) 2010 Utz-Uwe Haus <lisp@uuhaus.de>
7 ;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 ;; it under the terms of the version 3 of the GNU General
9 ;; Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, as
10 ;; clarified by the prequel found in LICENSE.Lisp-GPL-Preface.
12 ;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 ;; without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU
15 ;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 ;; Version 3 of the GNU General Public License is in the file
18 ;; LICENSE.GPL that was distributed with this file. If it is not
19 ;; present, you can access it from
20 ;; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt (until superseded by a
21 ;; newer version) or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
22 ;; Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
30 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel
31 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 1) (safety 1))))
33 (in-package #:satwrap
35 (defun split-delimited-string (string char
36 "Return a list of the substrings of STRING that are separated by CHAR. Without CHAR."
37 (declare (type string string
38 (type character char
40 (loop :as last-pos
:= 0 :then
(1+ next-pos
41 :as next-pos
:= (position char string
:start last-pos
43 :do
(push (subseq string last-pos next-pos
) res
44 :finally
(push (subseq string last-pos
) res
47 (defgeneric read-dimacs
(solver source
48 (:documentation
"Read DIMACS-style sat problem from SOURCE into SOLVER.")
49 (:method
((solver sat-solver
) (source pathname
50 (with-open-file (f source
51 (loop :as line
:= (read-line f nil nil nil
52 :as pieces
:= (and line
53 (split-delimited-string line
55 :when
(string= "p" (first pieces
56 ;; format specification:
57 :do
(destructuring-bind (p format m n
60 (unless (string= "cnf" format
61 (error "Dimacs file not in CNF format: ~A" line
62 (setf (sat-solver-numvars solver
) (parse-integer m
65 :as var
:= (read f nil nil nil
69 (add-clause solver
(nreverse clause
72 :collect
(push var clause
73 (unless (= (parse-integer n
) (sat-solver-numclauses solver
74 (error "Dimacs file ends prematurely: parsed ~D clauses, expected ~A"
75 (sat-solver-numclauses solver
77 (setf (sat-solver-new-clauses solver
) (nreverse (sat-solver-new-clauses solver
80 (defgeneric write-dimacs
(solver dst
&key comments
81 (:documentation
"Write DIMACS-STYLE sat problem of SOLVER to DST.")
82 (:method
((solver sat-solver
) (dst pathname
) &key
(comments "Generated by cl-satwrap"))
83 (with-open-file (f dst
84 ;; See CLHS 22.3.3. example:
85 (format f
"~&c ~{~<~%c ~1:;~A~>~^ ~}~%" (split-delimited-string comments
86 (format f
"~&p cnf ~D ~D~%"
87 (sat-solver-numvars solver
88 (sat-solver-numclauses solver
89 (format f
"~{~&~{~D~^ ~} 0~%~}" (sat-solver-old-clauses solver
90 (format f
"~{~&~{~D~^ ~} 0~%~}" (sat-solver-new-clauses solver
92 (defun make-sat-solver-for-dimacs-instance (source)
93 (read-dimacs (make-instance 'sat-solver
) source