Merge branch 'fare-master'
[cl-tuples.git] / utils.lisp
1 (in-package :cl-tuples)
3 ;; float that fits within range of x86 hardware register minus tag (rather sbcl oriented)
4 (deftype fast-float ()
5 #+sbcl `(single-float (#.(- (expt 2f0 63))) (#.(expt 2f0 63)))
6 #-sbcl 'single-float)
8 (defconstant fast-pi
9 #.(coerce pi 'fast-float))
11 ;; TO DO -- possibly can be replaced by alexandria::symbolicate -- must check
12 (defun make-adorned-symbol (name &key prefix suffix asterisk package)
13 "Construct symbol for use as a function name, prefixed or suffixed
14 with some string, and optionally an added asterisk"
15 (check-type name (or string symbol))
16 (check-type prefix (or symbol string null))
17 (check-type suffix (or symbol string null))
18 (intern (concatenate 'string
19 (when prefix
20 (string prefix))
21 (when prefix "-")
22 (string name)
23 (when suffix
24 "-")
25 (when suffix
26 (string suffix))
27 (when asterisk
28 (string "*")))
29 (if package package *package*)))
31 (defun last-char (str)
32 (char str (1- (length str))))
34 (defun symbol-to-string (sym)
35 "If the argument is a symbol or string, return it as a string."
36 (check-type sym (or symbol string))
37 (cond
38 ((symbolp sym)
39 (symbol-name sym))
40 ((stringp sym)
41 sym)))
43 (defun is-asterisk-symbol (s)
44 (let
45 ((ss (symbol-to-string s)))
46 (eql (aref ss (1- (length ss))) #\*)))
49 (defmacro multiply-arguments (operator factor arguments)
50 `(,operator ,@(mapcar (lambda (argument) `(* ,factor ,argument)) arguments)))
52 (defun matrix-symbol (i j &optional (prefix '#:e))
53 "Construct a symbol that will represent an elemnet of a matrix."
54 (find-symbol (format NIL "~A~D~D" prefix i j) #.(find-package '#:cl-tuples)))
56 (defun matrix-minor (x y length &optional (prefix '#:e))
57 (let ((symbol-prefix (format NIL "~A~D~:*~D" '#:matrix (1- length))))
58 `(,(find-symbol (concatenate 'string symbol-prefix #.(string '#:-determinant*)) #.(find-package '#:cl-tuples))
59 (,(find-symbol (concatenate 'string symbol-prefix #.(string '#:-values*)) #.(find-package '#:cl-tuples))
60 ,@(iterate values
61 (for i from 1 to length)
62 (iterate
63 (for j from 1 to length)
64 (unless (or (eql i x) (eql j y))
65 (in values (collect (matrix-symbol (1- i) (1- j) prefix))))))))))
67 (defun matrix-cofactors (length)
68 (iterate values
69 (for i from 1 to length)
70 (iterate
71 (for j from 1 to length)
72 (for value = (matrix-minor i j length))
73 (in values
74 (collect (if (oddp (+ i j))
75 `(- ,value)
76 value))))))