Version 0.1.4b
[cl-vectors.git] / doc.lisp
1 ;;;; cl-vectors -- Rasterizer and paths manipulation library
2 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2007 Frédéric Jolliton <>
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 ;;;; modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
6 ;;;; (, known as the LLGPL.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
9 ;;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 ;;;; Lesser GNU Public License for more details.
13 (defpackage #:net.tuxee.vectors-doc
14 (:use #:cl #:aa #:paths)
15 (:export #:generate))
17 (in-package #:net.tuxee.vectors-doc)
19 (defvar *target* "/home/fred/Devel/cl-vectors/doc-pictures/")
21 ;;;--[ Path annotation ]-----------------------------------------------------
23 (defun path-map-line (path function)
24 "Iterate over all the line on the contour of the path."
25 (loop with iterator = (path-iterator-segmented path)
26 for previous-knot = nil then knot
27 for (interpolation knot end-p) = (multiple-value-list (path-iterator-next iterator))
28 while knot
29 when previous-knot
30 do (funcall function previous-knot knot)
31 until end-p
32 finally (when knot
33 (funcall function knot (nth-value 1 (path-iterator-next iterator))))))
35 (defun rasterize-paths (paths image &optional (color #(0 0 0)) (opacity 1.0) (scale 1.0))
36 (let ((state (make-state)))
37 (flet ((do-line (p1 p2)
38 (line-f state
39 (* scale (point-x p1)) (* scale (point-y p1))
40 (* scale (point-x p2)) (* scale (point-y p2)))))
41 (loop for path in (flatten paths)
42 do (path-map-line path #'do-line)))
43 (cells-sweep state (aa-misc:image-put-pixel image color opacity))))
45 (defun flatten (path)
46 (if (not (listp path))
47 (list path)
48 (loop for item in path nconc (flatten item))))
50 (defun paths-bounding-box (paths &optional (scale 1.0))
51 (let ((state (make-state))
52 min-x max-x
53 min-y max-y)
54 (flet ((do-line (p1 p2)
55 (line-f state
56 (* scale (point-x p1)) (* scale (point-y p1))
57 (* scale (point-x p2)) (* scale (point-y p2))))
58 (do-cell (x y alpha)
59 (declare (ignore alpha))
60 (cond
61 (min-x
62 (cond
63 ((< x min-x) (setf min-x x))
64 ((> x max-x) (setf max-x x)))
65 (cond
66 ((< y min-y) (setf min-y y))
67 ((> y max-y) (setf max-y y))))
69 (setf min-x x
70 max-x x
71 min-y y
72 max-y y)))))
73 (loop for path in (flatten paths)
74 do (path-map-line path #'do-line))
75 (cells-sweep state #'do-cell (lambda (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)))))
76 (when min-x
77 (values min-x min-y (1+ max-x) (1+ max-y)))))
79 (defun show-paths (paths &key (color #(0 0 0)) (opacity 1.0) (width 800) (height 600)
80 (background #(255 255 255)))
81 (let ((image (aa-misc:make-image width height background)))
82 (rasterize-paths paths image color opacity)
83 (aa-misc:show-image image)))
85 (defun create-graph (graph &key subgraphs (width 800) (height 600) (auto-size t) (scale 1.0)
86 (background #(255 255 255)))
87 (when auto-size
88 (let (min-x max-x
89 min-y max-y)
90 (flet ((update-limits (graph)
91 (loop for (color . paths) in graph
92 do (multiple-value-bind (x1 y1 x2 y2) (paths-bounding-box paths scale)
93 (when x1
94 (when (or (null min-x) (< x1 min-x)) (setf min-x x1))
95 (when (or (null max-x) (> x2 max-x)) (setf max-x x2))
96 (when (or (null min-y) (< y1 min-y)) (setf min-y y1))
97 (when (or (null max-y) (> y2 max-y)) (setf max-y y2)))))))
98 (when graph
99 (update-limits graph))
100 (when subgraphs
101 (mapcar #'update-limits subgraphs)))
102 (ecase auto-size
103 (:border
104 (setf width (max 1 (+ (max 0 min-x) max-x))
105 height (max 1 (+ (max 0 min-y) max-y))))
107 (setf width (max 1 max-x)
108 height (max 1 max-y))))))
109 (let ((image (aa-misc:make-image width height background)))
110 (when graph
111 (loop for (color . paths) in graph
112 do (rasterize-paths paths image color 1.0 scale)))
113 (dolist (subgraph subgraphs)
114 (loop for (color . paths) in subgraph
115 do (rasterize-paths paths image color 0.3 scale)))
116 image))
118 (defun generate-annotated-path (path &rest args &key reference &allow-other-keys)
119 (apply #'create-graph (when path (path-annotated path))
120 :subgraphs (mapcar #'path-annotated (if (listp reference) reference (list reference)))
121 :allow-other-keys t
122 args))
124 (defun show-annotated-path (&rest args)
125 (aa-misc:show-image (apply #'generate-annotated-path args)))
127 (defun show-graph (graph)
128 (aa-misc:show-image (create-graph graph)))
130 (defun save-image* (filename image)
131 (aa-misc:save-image (merge-pathnames filename *target*) image :pnm))
133 (defun save-graph (filename graph)
134 (aa-misc:save-image (merge-pathnames filename *target*) (create-graph graph) :pnm))
136 (defun save-annotated-path (filename &rest args)
137 (aa-misc:save-image (merge-pathnames filename *target*) (apply #'generate-annotated-path args) :pnm))
139 ;;;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 (defun test ()
142 (let ((path (create-path :polygon)))
143 (path-reset path (make-point 25 15))
144 (path-extend path (make-straight-line) (make-point 250 25))
145 (path-extend path (make-bezier-curve (list (make-point 300 40)
146 (make-point 400 150)
147 (make-point 200 100)))
148 (make-point 250 250))
149 (path-extend path (make-arc 100 200 :x-axis-rotation -0.8)
150 (make-point 25 250))
151 (path-extend path (make-catmull-rom (make-point 10 270)
152 (list (make-point 10 200)
153 (make-point 40 160)
154 (make-point 25 120)
155 (make-point 60 90))
156 (make-point 70 40))
157 (make-point 55 55))
158 (show-annotated-path path)))
160 (defun generate ()
162 ;; Reference path
164 (let ((path (make-simple-path '((125 . 20)
165 (75 . 105)
166 (45 . 110)
167 (25 . 25)
168 (200 . 55)
169 (75 . 155)
170 (90 . 170)
171 (240 . 120)
172 (125 . 90)))))
173 (save-annotated-path
174 "pic-main.pnm"
175 path
176 :auto-size :border))
178 ;; Interpolations
180 (let ((path (create-path :polygon)))
181 (path-reset path (make-point 25 15))
182 (path-extend path (make-straight-line) (make-point 250 25))
183 (path-extend path (make-bezier-curve (list (make-point 300 40)
184 (make-point 400 150)
185 (make-point 200 100)))
186 (make-point 250 250))
187 (path-extend path (make-arc 100 200 :x-axis-rotation -0.8)
188 (make-point 25 250))
189 (path-extend path (make-catmull-rom (make-point 10 270)
190 (list (make-point 10 200)
191 (make-point 40 160)
192 (make-point 25 120)
193 (make-point 60 90))
194 (make-point 70 40))
195 (make-point 55 55))
196 (save-annotated-path
197 "pic-interpolations.pnm"
198 path
199 :auto-size :border))
201 ;; Discrete path - Before
203 (let ((path (make-simple-path '((80 . 80) (100 . 200) (250 . 80) (300 . 200)))))
204 (save-annotated-path
205 "pic-before-discrete.pnm"
206 (paths:stroke-path path 100.0
207 :caps :round
208 :joint :round
209 :inner-joint :miter)
210 :reference path
211 :auto-size :border))
213 ;; Discrete path - After
215 (let ((path (make-simple-path '((80 . 80) (100 . 200) (250 . 80) (300 . 200)))))
216 (save-annotated-path
217 "pic-after-discrete.pnm"
218 (make-discrete-path (first (paths:stroke-path path 100.0
219 :caps :round
220 :joint :round
221 :inner-joint :miter)))
222 :reference path
223 :auto-size :border))
225 ;; Stroke
227 (let* ((path (make-simple-path '((50 . 50) (70 . 170) (190 . 90) (270 . 170) (300 . 40))))
228 (stroked (stroke-path path 40.0
229 :caps :square
230 :joint :round
231 :inner-joint :miter
232 :assume-type :open-polyline)))
233 (save-annotated-path
234 "pic-stroke-open.pnm"
235 stroked
236 :reference path
237 :auto-size :border))
238 (let* ((path (make-simple-path '((50 . 50) (70 . 170) (190 . 90) (270 . 170) (300 . 40))))
239 (stroked (stroke-path path 40.0
240 :caps :square
241 :joint :round
242 :inner-joint :miter
243 :assume-type :closed-polyline)))
244 (save-annotated-path
245 "pic-stroke-closed.pnm"
246 stroked
247 :reference path
248 :auto-size :border))
249 (let* ((path (make-simple-path '((50 . 50) (70 . 170) (190 . 90) (270 . 170) (300 . 40))))
250 (stroked (stroke-path path 40.0
251 :caps :square
252 :joint :round
253 :inner-joint :miter
254 :assume-type :polygon)))
255 (save-annotated-path
256 "pic-stroke-polygon.pnm"
257 stroked
258 :reference path
259 :auto-size :border))
261 ;; Dash
263 (let ((path (create-path :open-polyline)))
264 (path-reset path (make-point 30 30))
265 (path-extend path (make-straight-line) (make-point 180 80))
266 (path-extend path (make-arc 80 80 :large-arc-flag t :sweep-flag t) (make-point 150 150))
267 (path-extend path (make-straight-line) (make-point 90 200))
268 (save-annotated-path
269 "pic-dash-1.pnm"
270 (dash-path path #(80 50))
271 :reference path
272 :auto-size :border))
274 ;; Clipping
276 (let ((path (make-simple-path '((50 . 50) (70 . 170) (190 . 30) (270 . 170))))
277 (clipping (make-rectangle-path/center 140 120 80 80)))
278 (paths::path-rotate clipping 0.3 (make-point 140 120))
279 (print (paths::clip-path/path path clipping))
280 (save-annotated-path
281 "pic-clipping.pnm"
282 (paths::clip-path/path path clipping)
283 :reference (list path clipping)
284 :auto-size :border))
286 ;; Rotate
288 (let* ((paths (stroke-path (make-simple-path '((50 . 50) (70 . 170) (190 . 30) (270 . 170)))
289 40.0 :caps :round :inner-joint :miter :joint :round))
290 (paths-copy (mapcar #'path-clone paths)))
291 (dolist (path paths)
292 (path-rotate path 0.4 (make-point 100 80)))
293 (save-annotated-path
294 "pic-rotate.pnm"
295 paths
296 :reference (list paths-copy)
297 :auto-size :border))
299 ;; Circle example
301 (let ((path (make-circle-path 100 50 90 40 0.2)))
302 (save-annotated-path
303 "pic-circle.pnm"
304 path
305 :auto-size :border))
307 ;; Rectangle example
309 (let ((path (make-rectangle-path 10 10 300 100 :round-x 20 :round-y 30)))
310 (save-annotated-path
311 "pic-rectangle.pnm"
312 path
313 :auto-size :border))
315 ;; Arc example
317 (let ((path (create-path :open-polyline)))
318 (path-reset path (make-point 20 300))
319 (path-extend path (make-straight-line) (make-point 70 275))
320 (path-extend path (make-arc 25 25 :x-axis-rotation -0.5 :sweep-flag t)
321 (make-point 120 250))
322 (path-extend path (make-straight-line) (make-point 170 225))
323 (path-extend path (make-arc 25 50 :x-axis-rotation -0.5 :sweep-flag t)
324 (make-point 220 200))
325 (path-extend path (make-straight-line) (make-point 270 175))
326 (path-extend path (make-arc 25 75 :x-axis-rotation -0.5 :sweep-flag t)
327 (make-point 320 150))
328 (path-extend path (make-straight-line) (make-point 370 125))
329 (path-extend path (make-arc 25 100 :x-axis-rotation -0.5 :sweep-flag t)
330 (make-point 420 100))
331 (path-extend path (make-straight-line) (make-point 470 75))
332 (paths::path-scale path 0.7 0.7)
333 (save-annotated-path
334 "pic-arc.pnm"
335 path
336 :auto-size :border))
338 ;; Catmull-Rom example
340 (let ((path (create-path :open-polyline)))
341 (path-reset path (make-point 30 40))
342 (path-extend path (make-catmull-rom (make-point 20 20)
343 (list (make-point 80 20)
344 (make-point 140 190)
345 (make-point 200 140)
346 (make-point 130 30))
347 (make-point 300 90))
348 (make-point 270 40))
349 (save-annotated-path
350 "pic-catmull-rom.pnm"
351 path
352 :auto-size :border))
354 ;; Bezier example
356 (let ((path (create-path :open-polyline)))
357 (path-reset path (make-point 10 100))
358 (path-extend path (make-bezier-curve (list (make-point 80 10)
359 (make-point 140 250)
360 (make-point 200 200)
361 (make-point 250 90)))
362 (make-point 300 100))
363 (save-annotated-path
364 "pic-bezier.pnm"
365 path
366 :auto-size :border))
368 ;; list marker
370 (let ((path (create-path :polygon)))
371 (path-extend path (make-arc 50 50) (make-point 0 0))
372 (path-extend path (make-arc 34 34) (make-point 20 20))
373 (path-extend path (make-arc 34 34) (make-point 0 40))
374 (path-reverse path)
375 (save-graph "pic-list.pnm" (list (list #(120 120 120) (stroke-path path 2))
376 (list #(0 0 0) path))))
378 ;; black triangle antialiased
380 (let ((state (aa:make-state)))
381 (aa:line-f state 200 50 250 150)
382 (aa:line-f state 250 150 50 100)
383 (aa:line-f state 50 100 200 50)
384 (let* ((image (aa-misc:make-image 300 200 #(255 255 255)))
385 (put-pixel (aa-misc:image-put-pixel image #(0 0 0))))
386 (aa:cells-sweep state put-pixel)
387 (save-image* "pic-tut1.pnm" image)))
388 ;; 2 overlapping triangles
389 (let ((state (aa:make-state))) ; create the state
390 ;; the 1st triangle
391 (aa:line-f state 200 50 250 150) ; describe the 3 sides
392 (aa:line-f state 250 150 50 100) ; of the first triangle
393 (aa:line-f state 50 100 200 50)
394 ;; the 2nd triangle
395 (aa:line-f state 75 25 10 75) ; describe the 3 sides
396 (aa:line-f state 10 75 175 100) ; of the second triangle
397 (aa:line-f state 175 100 75 25)
398 (let* ((image (aa-misc:make-image 300 200 #(255 255 255)))
399 (put-pixel (aa-misc:image-put-pixel image #(0 0 0))))
400 (aa:cells-sweep state put-pixel) ; render it
401 (save-image* "pic-tut2.pnm" image)))
402 ;; 2 overlapping triangles red/blue
403 (let ((state1 (aa:make-state))
404 (state2 (aa:make-state)))
405 ;; the 1st triangle
406 (aa:line-f state1 200 50 250 150) ; describe the 3 sides
407 (aa:line-f state1 250 150 50 100) ; of the first triangle
408 (aa:line-f state1 50 100 200 50)
409 ;; the 2nd triangle
410 (aa:line-f state2 75 25 10 75) ; describe the 3 sides
411 (aa:line-f state2 10 75 175 100) ; of the second triangle
412 (aa:line-f state2 175 100 75 25)
413 (let ((image (aa-misc:make-image 300 200 #(255 255 255))))
414 (aa:cells-sweep state1 (aa-misc:image-put-pixel image #(255 0 0)))
415 (aa:cells-sweep state2 (aa-misc:image-put-pixel image #(0 0 255)))
416 (save-image* "pic-tut3.pnm" image)))
420 (defun path-extend-with-waves (path knot width frequency)
421 ;; generate a serie of arc to represent a wave up to knot