Clav (CLuster Algebra Visualizer) is a program to visualize cluster
algebras [0], [1], [2], [3] as quivers. It is similar to Keller's Java
applet [4], but handles the half-weight edges and fat vertices needed
to deal with the quivers of Zicket [5].
Clav comes with two interfaces: an SDL interface and a more simplistic
CLI interface (which may prove useful for scripting). The program
clav-mutation-finder has also proven useful for automation of mass
quiver computations (it is probably best to compile that with an
optimizing compiler).
If you wish to cite Clav, something like this probably works:
@misc {gilles2019,
author = {S. Gilles},
title = {{CLAV}: {CLuster} {Algebra} {Visualizer}},
url = {},
version = {1.2},
date = {2019-03-27},
[0] Robert Marsh, Lecture notes on cluster algebras, European
Mathematical Society, Zürich, 2013.