2 # NOTE: Do not change anything without talking to asommers!
6 stringButton="color1|\#FF0000"
7 stringButton="contrast1|\#pcontrast1"
8 stringButton="contrast3|\#pcontrast3"
22 zone=space_ord_mantell
26 category=@spacequest\quests:imperial_category
27 category=@spacequest\quests:rebel_category
28 category=@spacequest\quests:neutral_category
29 category=@spacequest\quests:jabba_sidequest
30 category=@spacequest\quests:valarian_sidequest
31 category=@spacequest\quests:imperial_research_station_endor
32 category=@spacequest\quests:nym
33 category=@spacequest\quests:dantooine_station
34 category=@spacequest\quests:yavin4_station
35 category=@spacequest\quests:rori_station
36 category=@spacequest\quests:dathomir_station
37 category=@spacequest\quests:space_mining_category
38 category=@spacequest\quests:ep3_hunt_find_brody
39 category=@spacequest\quests:ep3_hunt_gain_access
40 category=@spacequest\quests:ep3_hunt_hunting_grounds
41 category=@spacequest\quests:ep3_trandoshan_slavers
42 category=@spacequest\quests:ep3_zssik
43 category=@spacequest\quests:ep3_kachirho
44 category=@spacequest\quests:ep3_kashyyyk_space_station
45 category=@spacequest\quests:ep3_civilian_protection_guild
46 category=@spacequest\quests:ep3_clone_relics_boba_fett
47 category=@spacequest\quests:ep3_clone_relics_queen
48 category=@spacequest\quests:ep3_clone_relics_jedi_starfighter
49 category=@spacequest\quests:syren_arc
50 category=@spacequest\quests:corellia_system
51 category=@spacequest\quests:naboo_system
52 category=@spacequest\quests:ord_mantell
53 category=@spacequest\quests:nova_orion_station
55 [MissionTemplateTypes]
60 type=delivery_no_pickup
63 type=destroy_surpriseattack
74 type=space_mining_destroy
78 information="This is a sample information string."
80 information="If you'd like, it can span multiple lines by including more than one information key in the mission template."
81 information="I'm not sure how much information is going to be displayed here. If you'd like something more than just a message box, let me know."
84 property="*PT_bool|i|PT_bool|Specifies a true or false value that will be written as an integer in the datatable"
85 property="*PT_cargo|s|PT_cargo(PT_spaceMobile)|A list of cargo entries from the space mobile specified in parens"
86 property="*PT_enumList|e(a=0,b=1,c=2,x=3,y=4,z=5)[a]|PT_enumList(a,b,c,x,y,z)|This is an example enum value"
87 property="*PT_integer|i|PT_integer|Integer value"
88 property="*PT_navPoint|s|PT_navPoint|This is a single nav point"
89 property="*PT_navPointList|s|PT_navPointList|This is a list of nav points"
90 property="*PT_notImplemented|s|PT_notImplemented|Use this as a temporary placeholder"
91 property="*PT_questName|s|PT_questName|This is a pointer to a quest name"
92 property="*PT_spaceFaction|s|PT_spaceFaction|Choose the space faction from space_mobile.iff"
93 property="*PT_spaceMobile|s|PT_spaceMobile|This is from space_mobile.iff"
94 property="*PT_spaceMobileList|s|PT_spaceMobileList|This is a list of mobiles from space_mobile.iff"
95 property="*PT_spaceZone|s|PT_spaceZone|Choose the space zone"
96 property="*PT_spawner|s|PT_spawner|This is a spawn type"
97 property="*PT_spawnerList|s|PT_spawnerList|This is a list of spawners"
98 property="*PT_string|s|PT_string|String value (rows separated by '|')"
99 string="*string_0|The title of the mission"
100 string="*string_1|What the goose says to the doctor."
101 string="*string_2|Tell the player he's a fool!"
102 string="*string_3|Think of a way to tell the player he's ugly"
103 string="*string_4|Hot diggity!"
104 string="string_5|1 + 1 = 2"
105 string="string_6|This is a test of the emergency broadcast system."
106 string="string_7|Sing for me!"
107 string="string_8|What? Ok! Yeah!"
108 string="string_9|Thank the customer for buying the game."
109 questStringSuffix="temp1|task"
110 questStringSuffix="temp2|task"
111 journalType="JT_default"
114 information="Assassination"
116 information="An enemy ship spawns and follows a path through the quest zone. The player wins by destroying the ship before it leaves the zone."
117 information="The player loses if the ship escapes. Optionally, the player may have to destroy the target's escort wing as well."
119 information="SPLIT CONDITION: This quest can only split on mission success with triggerOn==-1."
120 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
121 property="escortPath|s|PT_navPointList|The assassination target will follow this path. If it reaches the end the player will lose the mission."
122 property="targetShipType|s|PT_spaceMobile|The type of ship the player needs to assassinate to win the mission."
123 property="targetArrivalDelay|i|PT_integer|The amount of time between the player entering the questZone and the assassination target's arrival."
124 property="targetEscort|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships that will escort the assassination target."
125 property="targetAttackMode|e(returnfire=0,attackfreely=1,holdfire=2)[returnfire]|PT_enumList(returnfire,attackfreely,holdfire)|This will determine how aggressive the target and the target's escort is."
126 property="mustDestroyEscort|i|PT_bool|If true, the player must also destroy the target's escort to win."
127 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
128 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
129 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
130 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
131 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For an assassinate mission, the only valid value for this is -1 or -2. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
132 property="autoReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player. If you use this, you must specify the autoreward email strings."
133 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
134 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
135 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
136 string="*arrival_phase_1|Displayed when the player enters the quest zone and the arrival delay countdown begins. Uses quest_update."
137 string="*arrival_phase_2|Displayed when the target and its escort arrives. Uses quest_update."
138 string="*assassinate_success|Displayed when the player defeats all necessary enemies. Uses quest_update."
139 string="destroy_escort|If mustDestroyEscort is true, this is displayed when the player destroys the target but some of the escort remains. Uses quest_update."
140 string="*escort_remaining|Displayed when an escort ship dies, but some still remain. Use %DI to get the number remaining. Doesn't use quest_update."
141 string="*escort_wiped_out|Displayed when the escort is wiped out, but the assassinate target is still alive. Doesn't use quest_update."
142 string="*failed_escape|Displayed when the player fails the mission because the target made it to the end of their path. Uses quest_update."
143 string="*quest_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
144 string="*title|The title of the mission."
145 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
146 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
147 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
148 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
149 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
150 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
151 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
152 questStringSuffix="quest_target|Objective to kill target."
153 questStringSuffix="quest_escort|Objective to kill target's escort."
154 journalType="JT_genericLocationTitle"
159 information="Protect the convoy of ships as they path through the system."
160 information="GROUP MISSION"
161 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
162 property="convoySize|i|PT_integer|The number of ships that make up the convoy."
163 property="arrivalDelay|i|PT_integer|The time that passes between each ship's arrival."
164 property="escortShipTypes|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to escort. The target for each duty level will be chosen randomly from this list."
165 property="escortPath|s|PT_navPointList|The path the escort ship will follow."
166 property="arrivalReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award each group member per ship saved."
167 property="perfectReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award each group member for saving the entire group of ship."
168 property="numAttackShipLists|i|PT_integer|You may specify up to 8 lists of attack ship waves. Specify here how many lists you are using."
169 property="attackShips1|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
170 property="attackShips2|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
171 property="attackShips3|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
172 property="attackShips4|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
173 property="attackShips5|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
174 property="attackShips6|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
175 property="attackShips7|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
176 property="attackShips8|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
177 property="attackPeriod|i|PT_integer|The base amount of time between attacks. This is modified by an additional 30 seconds per attacking ship."
178 property="attackListType|e(sequential=0,random=1)[sequential]|PT_enumList(sequential,random)|Indicates whether attack spawning will use lists sequentially or pick a list randomly."
179 property="numResponses|i|PT_integer|To vary the number of enemy taunts, specify a value from 1 to 5 here."
180 property="damageMultiplier|i|PT_integer|A damage multiplier applied against the escort target by NPC attackers."
181 property="hateModifier|i|PT_integer|A hate modifier to determine how hard it is to pull the attackers off of their target."
182 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
183 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
184 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
185 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
186 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For an escort mission, the number of waves to trigger a split on. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
187 property="triggerEndsMission|i|PT_bool|If true, the mission will silently end when the split is triggered."
188 property="triggerDelay|i|PT_integer|If you set this the mission will split this many seconds after the trigger condition is reached, instead of right away."
189 property="noDistancePolling|i|PT_bool|If you set this to true, the mission target will not check how far the player is for failure."
190 property="customDistanceMessages|i|PT_bool|If you set this to true, the quest specific strings for escort_too_far will be used instead of defaults."
191 property="destroyIsSuccess|i|PT_bool|Only use for split quests where you need to destroy x number of waves to win. If you set this to true the quest will fail if the escort path completes or ship is destroyed."
192 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
193 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
194 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
195 string="*title|The title of the mission."
196 string="panic_1|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
197 string="panic_2|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
198 string="panic_3|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
199 string="panic_4|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
200 string="panic_5|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
201 string="panic_destroyed_1|One of the convoy ships will say this when an ally convoy ship dies."
202 string="panic_destroyed_2|One of the convoy ships will say this when an ally convoy ship dies."
203 string="panic_destroyed_3|One of the convoy ships will say this when an ally convoy ship dies."
204 string="panic_destroyed_4|One of the convoy ships will say this when an ally convoy ship dies."
205 string="panic_destroyed_5|One of the convoy ships will say this when an ally convoy ship dies."
206 string="thanks_1|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
207 string="thanks_2|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
208 string="thanks_3|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
209 string="thanks_4|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
210 string="thanks_5|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
211 string="*shields_depleted|A panic message from the target when its shields are out."
212 string="*hull_half|A panic message from the target when its hull integrity is at half."
213 string="*quest_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
214 string="*arrived_at_loc|Displayed when the player reaches the rendezvous point. Uses quest_update."
215 string="*convoy_arrived|Displayed when the entire convoy arrives. Uses quest_update."
216 string="*convoy_safe|Displayed when one of the convoy ships reaches the path end. Uses quest_update."
217 string="*arrival_greeting|Displayed when the lead ship of the convoy arrives. This is a chat message from the ship."
218 string="*attack_notify|Displayed when an enemy attack wing arrives."
219 string="*attack_stopped|Displayed when an enemy attack wing is destroyed."
220 string="*complete|Displayed when the player successfully escorts the target. Uses quest_update."
221 string="*found_loc|Displayed when the escort pickup rendezvous point waypoint is found."
222 string="*ready_to_go|Displayed when the convoy has arrived. This is a chat message from the lead ship."
223 string="*ship_greeting|Displayed when the player /comms a convoy ship."
224 string="*get_moving|Player response to tell the ship to move out."
225 string="*no_convoy|Ship response to get_moving that the convoy hasn't arrived yet."
226 string="*lets_move|Ship response to get_moving that the convoy is heading out."
227 string="*were_moving|Ship response to get_moving that the convoy is already underway."
228 string="*convoy_ship_lost|Message displayed when one of the convoy ships is destroyed. Uses quest_update."
229 string="*convoy_destroyed|Message displayed when the last convoy ship is destroyed. Uses quest_update."
230 string="taunt_1|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 1."
231 string="taunt_2|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 2."
232 string="taunt_3|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 3."
233 string="taunt_4|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 4."
234 string="taunt_5|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses == 5."
235 string="*abort|The target will say this if the player aborts the mission."
236 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
237 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
238 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
239 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
240 questStringSuffix="quest_rendezvous|Objective to rendezvous with target."
241 questStringSuffix="quest_escort|Objective to escort the target."
242 journalType="JT_genericLocationTitle"
245 allowNavPointsInMultipleZones=1
246 information="Delivery"
248 information="The player must dock with one ship and then move to another location and dock with a second ship while weathering attacks."
250 information="SPLIT CONDITION: This quest can split when the number of waves defeated equals the triggerOn value."
251 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
252 property="pickupPoint|s|PT_navPointList|The point where the player will meet the pickup ship."
253 property="deliveryPoint|s|PT_navPointList|The point where the player will meet the delivery ship."
254 property="pickupShip|s|PT_spaceMobile|The type of ship the player will pickup the shipment from."
255 property="deliveryShip|s|PT_spaceMobile|The type of ship the player will deliver the shipment to."
256 property="numAttackShipLists|i|PT_integer|You may specify up to 8 lists of attack ship waves. Specify here how many lists you are using."
257 property="attackShips1|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
258 property="attackShips2|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
259 property="attackShips3|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
260 property="attackShips4|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
261 property="attackShips5|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
262 property="attackShips6|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
263 property="attackShips7|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
264 property="attackShips8|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
265 property="attackPeriod|i|PT_integer|The base amount of time between attacks. This is modified by an additional 30 seconds per attacking ship."
266 property="attackListType|e(sequential=0,random=1)[sequential]|PT_enumList(sequential,random)|Indicates whether attack spawning will use lists sequentially or pick a list randomly."
267 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
268 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
269 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
270 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
271 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For an escort mission, the number of waves to trigger a split on. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
272 property="triggerEndsMission|i|PT_bool|If true, the mission will silently end when the split is triggered."
273 property="triggerDelay|i|PT_integer|If you set this the mission will split this many seconds after the trigger condition is reached, instead of right away."
274 property="autoReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player. If you use this, you must specify the autoreward email strings."
275 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
276 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
277 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
278 string="*title|The title of the mission."
279 string="*quest_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
280 string="*found_loc_d|Displayed when the delivery waypoint is given. Uses quest_update."
281 string="*found_loc_p|Displayed when the pickup waypoint is given. Uses quest_update."
282 string="*arrived_at_pickup|Displayed when the player arrives at the pickup waypoint. Uses quest_update."
283 string="*arrived_at_delivery|Displayed when the player arrives at the delivery waypoint. Uses quest_update."
284 string="*attack_notify|Displayed when an enemy attack wing arrives."
285 string="*attack_stopped|Displayed when an enemy attack wing is destroyed."
286 string="*hello_p|The pickup ship will say this when it arrives."
287 string="*hello_d|The delivery ship will say this when it arrives."
288 string="*docking_started_pickup|The pickup ship will say this when docking begins."
289 string="*docking_started_delivery|The delivery ship will say this when docking begins."
290 string="*docking_complete_pickup|The pickup ship will say this when docking ends."
291 string="*docking_complete_delivery|The delivery ship will say this when docking ends."
292 string="*failed_destroyed|Displayed when the player fails the mission because one of the delivery targets was destroyed. Uses quest_update."
293 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
294 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
295 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
296 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
297 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
298 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
299 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
300 questStringSuffix="quest_rendezvous1|Objective to rendezvous with pickup target."
301 questStringSuffix="quest_dock1|Objective to dock with pickup target."
302 questStringSuffix="quest_rendezvous2|Objective to rendezvous with dropoff target."
303 questStringSuffix="quest_dock2|Objective to dock with dropoff target."
304 journalType="JT_genericLocationTitle"
307 information="Delivery (No Pickup Phase)"
309 information="The player must dock with a ship while weathering attacks."
311 information="SPLIT CONDITION: This quest can split when the number of waves defeated equals the triggerOn value."
312 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
313 property="deliveryPoint|s|PT_navPointList|The point where the player will meet the delivery ship."
314 property="deliveryShip|s|PT_spaceMobile|The type of ship the player will deliver the shipment to."
315 property="numAttackShipLists|i|PT_integer|You may specify up to 8 lists of attack ship waves. Specify here how many lists you are using."
316 property="attackShips1|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
317 property="attackShips2|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
318 property="attackShips3|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
319 property="attackShips4|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
320 property="attackShips5|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
321 property="attackShips6|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
322 property="attackShips7|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
323 property="attackShips8|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
324 property="attackPeriod|i|PT_integer|The base amount of time between attacks. This is modified by an additional 30 seconds per attacking ship."
325 property="attackListType|e(sequential=0,random=1)[sequential]|PT_enumList(sequential,random)|Indicates whether attack spawning will use lists sequentially or pick a list randomly."
326 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
327 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
328 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
329 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
330 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For an escort mission, the number of waves to trigger a split on. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
331 property="triggerEndsMission|i|PT_bool|If true, the mission will silently end when the split is triggered."
332 property="triggerDelay|i|PT_integer|If you set this the mission will split this many seconds after the trigger condition is reached, instead of right away."
333 property="autoReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player. If you use this, you must specify the autoreward email strings."
334 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
335 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
336 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
337 string="*title|The title of the mission."
338 string="*quest_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
339 string="*found_loc_d|Displayed when the delivery waypoint is given. Uses quest_update."
340 string="*arrived_at_delivery|Displayed when the player arrives at the delivery waypoint. Uses quest_update."
341 string="*hello_d|The delivery ship will say this when it arrives."
342 string="*docking_started_delivery|The delivery ship will say this when docking begins."
343 string="*docking_complete_delivery|The delivery ship will say this when docking ends."
344 string="*attack_notify|Displayed when an enemy attack wing arrives."
345 string="*attack_stopped|Displayed when an enemy attack wing is destroyed."
346 string="*failed_destroyed|Displayed when the player fails the mission because one of the delivery targets was destroyed. Uses quest_update."
347 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
348 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
349 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
350 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
351 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
352 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
353 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
354 questStringSuffix="quest_rendezvous2|Objective to rendezvous with dropoff target."
355 questStringSuffix="quest_dock2|Objective to dock with dropoff target."
356 journalType="JT_genericLocationTitle"
359 information="Destroy"
361 information="The player wins by destroying a given number of static spawn ships."
363 information="SPLIT CONDITION: This quest can split when the number of ships destroyed equals the triggerOn value."
364 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
365 property="shipList|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ship types that can be killed for mission credit."
366 property="validSpawns|s|PT_spawnerList|Optional: A list of spawn points that the target ships must originate from."
367 property="giveSpawnWaypoint|i|PT_bool|Optional: If true, the player will receive a waypoint to the first spawner listed in validSpawns."
368 property="spawnsForWaypointsOnly|i|PT_bool|Optional: If true, the validSpawns array will only be used to give waypoints. Any ship in the shipList will be a valid kill."
369 property="killCount|i|PT_integer|The number of ships the player must destroy to win."
370 property="killVariance|i|PT_integer|Optional: A random variance added or subtracted to the killcount."
371 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
372 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
373 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
374 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
375 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For a destroy mission, the number of kills to trigger a split on. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
376 property="triggerEndsMission|i|PT_bool|If true, the destroy mission will silently end when the split is triggered."
377 property="triggerDelay|i|PT_integer|If you set this the mission will split this many seconds after the trigger condition is reached, instead of right away."
378 property="autoReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player. If you use this, you must specify the autoreward email strings."
379 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
380 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
381 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
382 string="*title|The title of the mission."
383 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
384 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
385 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
386 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
387 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
388 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
389 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
390 questStringSuffix="quest_destroy|Objective to travel to destroy the target."
391 journalType="JT_spawners"
394 information="Destroy Duty"
396 information="The player has to fight through waves of dynamically spawned ships."
397 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
398 property="wavesPerRound|i|PT_integer|The number of waves fought per round."
399 property="roundsPerLevel|i|PT_integer|The number of rounds in one duty level."
400 property="levelsPerDuty|i|PT_integer|The number of levels the player must beat in order to win the duty. Limit 5."
401 property="shipTypes|i|PT_integer|You may specify up to 8 lists of ships for the duty waves. Specify how many lists you are using here."
402 property="shipType1|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to include in a wave."
403 property="shipType2|s|PT_spaceMobileList|If all of the ships from list one are spawned, the duty will start to use this list."
404 property="shipType3|s|PT_spaceMobileList|List 3 is used if all ships from lists 1 and 2 are spawned."
405 property="shipType4|s|PT_spaceMobileList|List 4 is used if all ships from lists 1, 2, and 3 are spawned."
406 property="shipType5|s|PT_spaceMobileList|List 5 is used if all ships from the above lists are spawned."
407 property="shipType6|s|PT_spaceMobileList|List 6 is used if all ships from the above lists are spawned."
408 property="shipType7|s|PT_spaceMobileList|List 7 is used if all ships from the above lists are spawned."
409 property="shipType8|s|PT_spaceMobileList|List 8 is used if all ships from the above lists are spawned."
410 property="bossType|s|PT_spaceMobile|Between each level a boss wave is spawned consisting of ships of this type."
411 property="numResponses|i|PT_integer|To vary the number of enemy taunts, specify a value from 1 to 5 here."
412 property="reward|i|PT_integer|The cash reward to give the player for each kill."
413 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
414 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
415 string="*title|The title of the mission."
416 string="*duty_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
417 string="*boss_detected|A message to display when the boss level begins. Uses duty_update."
418 string="boss_title_1|The title of boss 1."
419 string="boss_title_2|The title of boss 2."
420 string="boss_title_3|The title of boss 3."
421 string="boss_title_4|The title of boss 4."
422 string="boss_title_5|The title of boss 5."
423 string="*complete|A message to display when the duty is completed. Uses duty_update."
424 string="dd_boss_taunt_1|A taunt for an enemy boss to say if numResponses >= 1."
425 string="dd_boss_taunt_2|A taunt for an enemy boss to say if numResponses >= 2."
426 string="dd_boss_taunt_3|A taunt for an enemy boss to say if numResponses >= 3."
427 string="dd_boss_taunt_4|A taunt for an enemy boss to say if numResponses >= 4."
428 string="dd_boss_taunt_5|A taunt for an enemy boss to say if numResponses == 5."
429 string="*found_loc|A message to display when the next round's waypoint is found. Uses duty_update."
430 string="*level_boss|A message to display when the boss is dispatched. Uses prose. Use the code %TO to get the boss's title. Uses duty_update."
431 string="*level_boss_dead|A message to display when the boss has been defeated. Uses duty_update."
432 string="*level_increase|A message to display when the level difficulty increases. Uses duty_update."
433 string="*targets_detected|A message to display when enemy ships attack."
434 string="*targets_behind|A message to display when an enemy wave attacks from behind."
435 string="taunt_1|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 1."
436 string="taunt_2|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 2."
437 string="taunt_3|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 3."
438 string="taunt_4|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 4."
439 string="taunt_5|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses == 5."
440 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
441 questStringSuffix="quest_destroy|Objective to travel to destroy the target."
442 journalType="JT_genericLocationTitle"
444 [destroy_surpriseattack]
445 information="Surprise Attack"
447 information="The player has to defeat a group of ships suddenly spawned in near him."
449 information="SPLIT CONDITION: This quest can split when triggerOn == the # of kills so far."
450 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
451 property="shipType|s|PT_spaceMobileList|The type of ships to spawn. Currently surprise attack only supports one ship type at a time."
452 property="shipCount|i|PT_integer|The number of ships to spawn in the attack group."
453 property="behavior|e(attack=0,loiter=1,patrol=2)[attack]|PT_enumList(attack,loiter,patrol)|The behavior that should be assigned to the group of ships."
454 property="patrollist|s|PT_navPointList|If behavior==patrol, this is the path the ships will patrol."
455 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
456 property="leaveEarlyTimer|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission ships will leave the area after this many seconds. This will result in a mission win for the player."
457 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
458 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
459 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
460 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
461 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For a destroy mission, the number of kills to trigger a split on."
462 property="triggerEndsMission|i|PT_bool|If true, the destroy mission will silently end when the split is triggered."
463 property="triggerDelay|i|PT_integer|If you set this the mission will split this many seconds after the trigger condition is reached, instead of right away."
464 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
465 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
466 string="*title|The title of the mission."
467 string="*complete|A message displayed when the mission is completed."
468 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
469 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
470 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
471 string="leave_early|Message sent to the player if the leaveEarlyTimer is used and the timer elapses."
472 questStringSuffix="unused1|Unused string."
473 questStringSuffix="unused2|Unused string."
474 journalType="JT_generic"
479 information="The player wins by successfully escorting a ship through a path. Waves of enemy ships will attack the player during the escort."
481 information="SPLIT CONDITION: This quest can split when the number of waves defeated equals the triggerOn value."
482 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
483 property="escortShipType|s|PT_spaceMobile|The type of ship the player will escort."
484 property="escortPath|s|PT_navPointList|The path the escort ship will follow."
485 property="numAttackShipLists|i|PT_integer|You may specify up to 8 lists of attack ship waves. Specify here how many lists you are using."
486 property="attackShips1|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
487 property="attackShips2|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
488 property="attackShips3|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
489 property="attackShips4|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
490 property="attackShips5|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
491 property="attackShips6|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
492 property="attackShips7|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
493 property="attackShips8|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
494 property="attackPeriod|i|PT_integer|The base amount of time between attacks. This is modified by an additional 30 seconds per attacking ship."
495 property="attackListType|e(sequential=0,random=1)[sequential]|PT_enumList(sequential,random)|Indicates whether attack spawning will use lists sequentially or pick a list randomly."
496 property="numResponses|i|PT_integer|To vary the number of enemy taunts, specify a value from 1 to 5 here."
497 property="damageMultiplier|i|PT_integer|A damage multiplier applied against the escort target by NPC attackers."
498 property="hateModifier|i|PT_integer|A hate modifier to determine how hard it is to pull the attackers off of their target."
499 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
500 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
501 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
502 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
503 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For an escort mission, the number of waves to trigger a split on. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
504 property="triggerEndsMission|i|PT_bool|If true, the mission will silently end when the split is triggered."
505 property="triggerDelay|i|PT_integer|If you set this the mission will split this many seconds after the trigger condition is reached, instead of right away."
506 property="noDistancePolling|i|PT_bool|If you set this to true, the mission target will not check how far the player is for failure."
507 property="customDistanceMessages|i|PT_bool|If you set this to true, the quest specific strings for escort_too_far will be used instead of defaults."
508 property="destroyIsSuccess|i|PT_bool|Only use for split quests where you need to destroy x number of waves to win. If you set this to true the quest will fail if the escort path completes or ship is destroyed."
509 property="autoReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player. If you use this, you must specify the autoreward email strings."
510 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
511 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
512 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
513 string="*title|The title of the mission."
514 string="reason_1|The target will say this reason for needing an escort when they arrive. Use token %TO to get the name of the ship's cargo."
515 string="reason_2|The target will say this reason for needing an escort when they arrive. Use token %TO to get the name of the ship's cargo."
516 string="reason_3|The target will say this reason for needing an escort when they arrive. Use token %TO to get the name of the ship's cargo."
517 string="reason_4|The target will say this reason for needing an escort when they arrive. Use token %TO to get the name of the ship's cargo."
518 string="reason_5|The target will say this reason for needing an escort when they arrive. Use token %TO to get the name of the ship's cargo."
519 string="*failed_protect|Displayed when the player loses because the target moved out of range or hyperspaced out early. Uses quest_update."
520 string="panic_1|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
521 string="panic_2|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
522 string="panic_3|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
523 string="panic_4|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
524 string="panic_5|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
525 string="thanks_1|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
526 string="thanks_2|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
527 string="thanks_3|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
528 string="thanks_4|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
529 string="thanks_5|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
530 string="*shields_depleted|A panic message from the target when its shields are out."
531 string="*hull_half|A panic message from the target when its hull integrity is at half."
532 string="*quest_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
533 string="*failed_destroy|Displayed when the player loses because the target was destroyed. Uses quest_update."
534 string="*arrived_at_loc|Displayed when the player reaches the rendezvous point. Uses quest_update."
535 string="*attack_notify|Displayed when an enemy attack wing arrives."
536 string="*attack_stopped|Displayed when an enemy attack wing is destroyed."
537 string="*complete|Displayed when the player successfully escorts the target. Uses quest_update."
538 string="*found_loc|Displayed when the escort pickup rendezvous point waypoint is found."
539 string="goodbye_1|The target will say this before hyperspacing out at the end."
540 string="goodbye_2|The target will say this before hyperspacing out at the end."
541 string="goodbye_3|The target will say this before hyperspacing out at the end."
542 string="goodbye_5|The target will say this before hyperspacing out at the end."
543 string="goodbye_4|The target will say this before hyperspacing out at the end."
544 string="taunt_1|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 1."
545 string="taunt_2|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 2."
546 string="taunt_3|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 3."
547 string="taunt_4|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 4."
548 string="taunt_5|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses == 5."
549 string="*abort|The target will say this if the player aborts the mission."
550 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
551 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
552 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
553 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
554 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
555 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
556 string="escort_too_far1|Custom escort message displayed if customDistanceMessages is true."
557 string="escort_too_far2|Custom escort message displayed if customDistanceMessages is true."
558 string="escort_too_far3|Custom escort message displayed if customDistanceMessages is true."
559 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
560 questStringSuffix="quest_rendezvous|Objective to rendezvous with target."
561 questStringSuffix="quest_escort|Objective to escort the target."
562 journalType="JT_genericLocationTitle"
565 information="Escort Duty"
567 information="Same as an escort mission, but this repeats as long as the player continues to successfully deliver escorts."
568 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
569 property="escortShipTypes|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to escort. The target for each duty level will be chosen randomly from this list."
570 property="escortPoints|s|PT_navPointList|The path poins for the escort ship to follow. The actual path will start at a random point in this list."
571 property="numAttackShipLists|i|PT_integer|You may specify up to 8 lists of attack ship waves. Specify here how many lists you are using."
572 property="attackShips1|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
573 property="attackShips2|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
574 property="attackShips3|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
575 property="attackShips4|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
576 property="attackShips5|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
577 property="attackShips6|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
578 property="attackShips7|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
579 property="attackShips8|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the escort."
580 property="attackPeriod|i|PT_integer|The base amount of time between attacks. This is modified by an additional 30 seconds per attacking ship."
581 property="attackListType|e(sequential=0,random=1)[sequential]|PT_enumList(sequential,random)|Indicates whether attack spawning will use lists sequentially or pick a list randomly."
582 property="damageMultiplier|i|PT_integer|A damage multiplier applied against the escort target by NPC attackers."
583 property="hateModifier|i|PT_integer|A hate modifier to determine how hard it is to pull the attackers off of their target."
584 property="numResponses|i|PT_integer|To vary the number of enemy taunts, specify a value from 1 to 5 here."
585 property="noDistancePolling|i|PT_bool|If you set this to true, the mission target will not check how far the player is for failure."
586 property="customDistanceMessages|i|PT_bool|If you set this to true, the quest specific strings for escort_too_far will be used instead of defaults."
587 property="reward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player for a successful escort."
588 property="killReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player per attacking ship defeated."
589 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
590 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
591 string="*title|The title of the mission."
592 string="reason_1|The target will say this reason for needing an escort when they arrive. Use token %TO to get the name of the ship's cargo."
593 string="reason_2|The target will say this reason for needing an escort when they arrive. Use token %TO to get the name of the ship's cargo."
594 string="reason_3|The target will say this reason for needing an escort when they arrive. Use token %TO to get the name of the ship's cargo."
595 string="reason_4|The target will say this reason for needing an escort when they arrive. Use token %TO to get the name of the ship's cargo."
596 string="reason_5|The target will say this reason for needing an escort when they arrive. Use token %TO to get the name of the ship's cargo."
597 string="*failed_protect|Displayed when the player loses because the target moved out of range or hyperspaced out early. Uses quest_update."
598 string="panic_1|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
599 string="panic_2|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
600 string="panic_3|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
601 string="panic_4|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
602 string="panic_5|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
603 string="thanks_1|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
604 string="thanks_2|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
605 string="thanks_3|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
606 string="thanks_4|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
607 string="thanks_5|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
608 string="*shields_depleted|A panic message from the target when its shields are out."
609 string="*hull_half|A panic message from the target when its hull integrity is at half."
610 string="*duty_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
611 string="*failed_destroy|Displayed when the player loses because the target was destroyed. Uses duty_update."
612 string="*arrived_at_loc|Displayed when the player reaches the rendezvous point. Uses duty_update."
613 string="*attack_notify|Displayed when an enemy attack wing arrives."
614 string="*attack_stopped|Displayed when an enemy attack wing is destroyed."
615 string="*found_loc|Displayed when the escort pickup rendezvous point waypoint is found."
616 string="*complete|Displayed when an escort circuit is complete."
617 string="goodbye_1|The target will say this before hyperspacing out at the end."
618 string="goodbye_2|The target will say this before hyperspacing out at the end."
619 string="goodbye_3|The target will say this before hyperspacing out at the end."
620 string="goodbye_5|The target will say this before hyperspacing out at the end."
621 string="goodbye_4|The target will say this before hyperspacing out at the end."
622 string="taunt_1|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 1."
623 string="taunt_2|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 2."
624 string="taunt_3|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 3."
625 string="taunt_4|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 4."
626 string="taunt_5|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses == 5."
627 string="*abort|The target will say this if the player aborts the mission."
628 string="escort_too_far1|Custom escort message displayed if customDistanceMessages is true."
629 string="escort_too_far2|Custom escort message displayed if customDistanceMessages is true."
630 string="escort_too_far3|Custom escort message displayed if customDistanceMessages is true."
631 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
632 questStringSuffix="quest_rendezvous|Objective to rendezvous with target."
633 questStringSuffix="quest_escort|Objective to escort the target."
634 journalType="JT_genericLocationTitle"
637 information="Inspect"
639 information="The player wins by successfully transfering a type of cargo from an enemy ship. The ship must be disabled and inspected before the cargo can be transferred."
641 information="SPLIT CONDITION: This quest can split when the number of ships inspected equals the triggerOn value."
642 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
643 property="shipList|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ship types that can be inspected for mission credit."
644 property="validSpawns|s|PT_spawnerList|Optional: A list of spawn points that the target ships must originate from."
645 property="giveSpawnWaypoint|i|PT_bool|Optional: If true, the player will receive a waypoint to the first spawner listed in validSpawns."
646 property="cargo|s|PT_cargo(shipList)|The type of cargo the player needs to find to win."
647 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
648 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
649 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
650 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
651 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For an inspect mission, the number of inspect attempts before the split triggers. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
652 property="triggerEndsMission|i|PT_bool|If true, the destroy will silently end when the split is triggered."
653 property="triggerDelay|i|PT_integer|If you set this the mission will split this many seconds after the trigger condition is reached, instead of right away."
654 property="autoReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player. If you use this, you must specify the autoreward email strings."
655 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
656 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
657 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
658 string="*title|The title of the mission."
659 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
660 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
661 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
662 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
663 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
664 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
665 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
666 questStringSuffix="quest_inspect|Objective to inspect the target."
667 questStringSuffix="quest_dock|Objective to dock with target."
668 journalType="JT_spawners"
673 information="The player wins by navigating a patrol route. Optionally, the player may have to destroy an additional target ship as well as complete the route."
675 information="SPLIT CONDITION: This quest can split when the number of points patrolled equals the triggerOn value."
676 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
677 property="navPoints|s|PT_navPointList|The path the player must follow to win the patrol."
678 property="navRadius|i[150]|PT_integer|The radius around the navPoint the player must patrol to. (Defaults to 150m)"
679 property="laps|i[1]|PT_integer|The number of laps the player must make to win."
680 property="specialTarget|s|PT_spaceMobile|Optional: The ship type of a ship the player must destroy on the patrol to win."
681 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
682 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
683 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
684 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
685 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For a destroy mission, the number of kills to trigger a split on. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
686 property="triggerEndsMission|i|PT_bool|If true, the mission will silently end when the split is triggered."
687 property="triggerDelay|i|PT_integer|If you set this the mission will split this many seconds after the trigger condition is reached, instead of right away."
688 property="autoReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player. If you use this, you must specify the autoreward email strings."
689 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
690 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
691 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
692 string="*title|The title of the mission."
693 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
694 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
695 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
696 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
697 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
698 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
699 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
700 questStringSuffix="quest_target|Objective to kill special target. ONLY USE IF SPECIALTARGET IS DEFINED."
701 questStringSuffix="quest_patrol|Objective to patrol."
702 journalType="JT_navigationPoints"
705 information="Recovery"
707 information="The player must disable an enemy ship, wait for it to change faction, and then escort it to safety."
709 information="SPLIT CONDITION: This quest can only split on mission success with triggerOn==-1."
710 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
711 property="escortPath|s|PT_navPointList|The path the target will follow when it arrives."
712 property="recoveryPath|s|PT_navPointList|The path the target will follow once converted."
713 property="targetShipType|s|PT_spaceMobile|The target ship's type."
714 property="targetArrivalDelay|i|PT_integer|The amount of time between the player entering the questZone and the target's arrival."
715 property="targetRecoverTime|i|PT_integer|The amount of time it takes to capture the target."
716 property="recoverFaction|s|PT_spaceFaction|The faction to assign the ship after it's captured."
717 property="recoveryAppearance|s|PT_objectTemplate(object/mobile)|A new appearance to assign the ship's pilot when the ship is captured."
718 property="targetEscort|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of enemy ships to spawn as escorts for the target."
719 property="damageMultiplier|i|PT_integer|A damage multiplier applied against the escort target by NPC attackers."
720 property="hateModifier|i|PT_integer|A hate modifier to determine how hard it is to pull the attackers off of their target."
721 property="numAttackShipLists|i|PT_integer|You may specify up to 8 lists of attack ship waves. Specify here how many lists you are using."
722 property="attackShips1|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
723 property="attackShips2|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
724 property="attackShips3|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
725 property="attackShips4|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
726 property="attackShips5|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
727 property="attackShips6|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
728 property="attackShips7|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
729 property="attackShips8|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
730 property="attackPeriod|i|PT_integer|The base amount of time between attacks. This is modified by an additional 30 seconds per attacking ship."
731 property="attackListType|e(sequential=0,random=1)[sequential]|PT_enumList(sequential,random)|Indicates whether attack spawning will use lists sequentially or pick a list randomly."
732 property="numResponses|i|PT_integer|To vary the number of enemy taunts, specify a value from 1 to 5 here."
733 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
734 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
735 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
736 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
737 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For a recovery mission, the only valid value for this is -1. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
738 property="autoReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player. If you use this, you must specify the autoreward email strings."
739 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
740 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
741 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
742 string="*title|The title of the mission."
743 string="panic_1|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
744 string="panic_2|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
745 string="panic_3|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
746 string="panic_4|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
747 string="panic_5|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
748 string="thanks_1|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
749 string="thanks_2|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
750 string="thanks_3|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
751 string="thanks_4|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
752 string="thanks_5|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
753 string="taunt_1|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 1."
754 string="taunt_2|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 2."
755 string="taunt_3|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 3."
756 string="taunt_4|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 4."
757 string="taunt_5|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses == 5."
758 string="*arrival_phase_1|Displayed when the player enters the quest zone and the arrival delay countdown begins. Uses quest_update."
759 string="*arrival_phase_2|Displayed when the target and its escort arrives. Uses quest_update."
760 string="*quest_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
761 string="*capture_phase_1|The target will say this when the capture begins."
762 string="*capture_phase_2|The target will say this when the capture is almost complete."
763 string="*target_disabled|Displayed when the target is disabled. Uses quest_update."
764 string="*capture_started|Displayed when the capture process begins."
765 string="*capture_complete|Displayed when the capture process completes."
766 string="*recovery_success|Displayed when the player successfully escorts the recovered ship to the end of the recoveryPath. Uses quest_update."
767 string="*complete|A message to display when the mission is completed. Uses duty_update."
768 string="*failed_escape|Displayed when the player loses because the target made it to the end of their escortPath. Uses quest_update."
769 string="*failed_destroy|Displayed when the player loses because the target was destroyed. Uses quest_update."
770 string="*abort|The recovered target will say this if the player aborts the mission."
771 string="*escort_wiped_out|Displayed when the enemy escort is destroyed."
772 string="*escort_remaining|Displayed when one of the enemy escort ships is destroyed. Use token %DI to get the number of ships remaining in the escort wing."
773 string="attack_notify|Displayed when enemy ships attack."
774 string="attack_stopped|Displayed when enemy ships are destroyed."
775 string="angry_disable|If you use recoveryAppearance, the target will say this with the original appearance when captured."
776 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
777 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
778 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
779 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
780 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
781 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
782 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
783 questStringSuffix="quest_disable|Objective to disable target."
784 questStringSuffix="quest_recover|Objective to recover target."
785 questStringSuffix="quest_escort|Objective to escort target."
786 journalType="JT_default"
789 information="Recovery Duty"
791 information="Same as a recovery mission, but this repeats as long as the player continues to successfully deliver captured ships."
792 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
793 property="escortPath|s|PT_navPointList|The path the target will follow when it arrives."
794 property="recoveryPath|s|PT_navPointList|The path the target will follow once converted."
795 property="targetShipTypes|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to recover. The ship used for each level will be chosen from this list."
796 property="targetArrivalDelay|i|PT_integer|The amount of time between the player entering the questZone and the target's arrival."
797 property="targetRecoverTime|i|PT_integer|The amount of time it takes to capture the target."
798 property="recoverFaction|s|PT_spaceFaction|The faction to assign the ship after it's captured."
799 property="recoveryAppearance|s|PT_objectTemplate(object/mobile)|A new appearance to assign the ship's pilot when the ship is captured."
800 property="targetEscort|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of enemy ships to spawn as escorts for the target."
801 property="damageMultiplier|i|PT_integer|A damage multiplier applied against the escort target by NPC attackers."
802 property="hateModifier|i|PT_integer|A hate modifier to determine how hard it is to pull the attackers off of their target."
803 property="numAttackShipLists|i|PT_integer|You may specify up to 8 lists of attack ship waves. Specify here how many lists you are using."
804 property="attackShips1|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
805 property="attackShips2|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
806 property="attackShips3|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
807 property="attackShips4|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
808 property="attackShips5|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
809 property="attackShips6|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
810 property="attackShips7|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
811 property="attackShips8|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
812 property="attackPeriod|i|PT_integer|The base amount of time between attacks. This is modified by an additional 30 seconds per attacking ship."
813 property="attackListType|e(sequential=0,random=1)[sequential]|PT_enumList(sequential,random)|Indicates whether attack spawning will use lists sequentially or pick a list randomly."
814 property="numResponses|i|PT_integer|To vary the number of enemy taunts, specify a value from 1 to 5 here."
815 property="reward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player for a successful recovery."
816 property="killReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player per attacking ship defeated."
817 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
818 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
819 string="*title|The title of the mission."
820 string="panic_1|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
821 string="panic_2|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
822 string="panic_3|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
823 string="panic_4|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
824 string="panic_5|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
825 string="thanks_1|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
826 string="thanks_2|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
827 string="thanks_3|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
828 string="thanks_4|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
829 string="thanks_5|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
830 string="taunt_1|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 1."
831 string="taunt_2|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 2."
832 string="taunt_3|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 3."
833 string="taunt_4|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 4."
834 string="taunt_5|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses == 5."
835 string="complete|Random thing to say when done."
836 string="*arrival_phase_1|Displayed when the player enters the quest zone and the arrival delay countdown begins. Uses quest_update."
837 string="*arrival_phase_2|Displayed when the target and its escort arrives. Uses quest_update."
838 string="*quest_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
839 string="*capture_phase_1_1|The target will say this when the capture begins."
840 string="*capture_phase_1_2|The target will say this when the capture begins."
841 string="*capture_phase_1_3|The target will say this when the capture begins."
842 string="*capture_phase_1_4|The target will say this when the capture begins."
843 string="*capture_phase_1_5|The target will say this when the capture begins."
844 string="*capture_phase_2_1|The target will say this when the capture is almost complete."
845 string="*capture_phase_2_2|The target will say this when the capture is almost complete."
846 string="*capture_phase_2_3|The target will say this when the capture is almost complete."
847 string="*capture_phase_2_4|The target will say this when the capture is almost complete."
848 string="*capture_phase_2_5|The target will say this when the capture is almost complete."
849 string="*target_disabled|Displayed when the target is disabled."
850 string="*capture_started|Displayed when the capture process begins."
851 string="*capture_complete|Displayed when the capture process completes."
852 string="*recovery_success|Displayed when the player successfully escorts the recovered ship to the end of the recoveryPath. Uses quest_update."
853 string="*failed_escape|Displayed when the player loses because the target made it to the end of their escortPath. Uses quest_update."
854 string="*failed_destroy|Displayed when the player loses because the target was destroyed. Uses quest_update."
855 string="attack_notify|Displayed when enemy ships attack."
856 string="attack_stopped|Displayed when enemy ships are destroyed."
857 string="angry_disable|If you use recoveryAppearance, the target will say this with the original appearance when captured."
858 string="*abort|The recovered target will say this if the player aborts the mission."
859 string="*escort_wiped_out|Displayed when the enemy escort is destroyed."
860 string="*escort_remaining|Displayed when one of the enemy escort ships is destroyed. Use token %DI to get the number of ships remaining in the escort wing."
861 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
862 questStringSuffix="quest_disable|Objective to disable target."
863 questStringSuffix="quest_recover|Objective to recover target."
864 questStringSuffix="quest_escort|Objective to escort target."
865 journalType="JT_default"
870 information="Similar to a recovery mission, but the player must dock with a stationary ship to begin the escort process."
872 information="SPLIT CONDITION: This quest can only split on mission success with triggerOn==-1."
873 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
874 property="recoveryPath|s|PT_navPointList|The path to escort the rescued ship on."
875 property="targetShipType|s|PT_spaceMobile|The type of ship that needs rescuing."
876 property="targetArrivalDelay|i|PT_integer|The amount of time before the ship that needs rescuing shows up. (Can be zero.)"
877 property="damageMultiplier|i|PT_integer|A damage multiplier applied against the escort target by NPC attackers."
878 property="hateModifier|i|PT_integer|A hate modifier to determine how hard it is to pull the attackers off of their target."
879 property="numAttackShipLists|i|PT_integer|You may specify up to 8 lists of attack ship waves. Specify here how many lists you are using."
880 property="attackShips1|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
881 property="attackShips2|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
882 property="attackShips3|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
883 property="attackShips4|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
884 property="attackShips5|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
885 property="attackShips6|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
886 property="attackShips7|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
887 property="attackShips8|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
888 property="attackPeriod|i|PT_integer|The base amount of time between attacks. This is modified by an additional 30 seconds per attacking ship."
889 property="attackListType|e(sequential=0,random=1)[sequential]|PT_enumList(sequential,random)|Indicates whether attack spawning will use lists sequentially or pick a list randomly."
890 property="numResponses|i|PT_integer|To vary the number of enemy taunts, specify a value from 1 to 5 here."
891 property="autoReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player. If you use this, you must specify the autoreward email strings."
892 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
893 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
894 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
895 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
896 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
897 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For a rescue mission, the only valid value for this is -1. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
898 property="rescueAppearance|s|PT_objectTemplate(object/mobile)|The appearance to apply to the rescue target's comm image."
899 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
900 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
901 string="*title|The title of the mission."
902 string="*arrival_phase_1|Displayed when the player enters the quest zone and the arrival delay countdown begins. Uses quest_update."
903 string="*arrival_phase_2|Displayed when the target and its escort arrives. Uses quest_update."
904 string="*rescue_phase_1|The rescue target says this when docking begins."
905 string="*rescue_phase_2|The rescue target says this when docking ends."
906 string="*rescue_abandoned|The rescue target says this when mission is aborted."
907 string="*attack_notify|Displayed when an enemy attack wing arrives."
908 string="*attack_stopped|Displayed when an enemy attack wing is destroyed."
909 string="*docking_started|Displayed when the player begins docking. Uses quest_update."
910 string="*docking_complete|Displayed when the player ends docking. Uses quest_update."
911 string="panic_1|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
912 string="panic_2|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
913 string="panic_3|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
914 string="panic_4|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
915 string="panic_5|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
916 string="thanks_1|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
917 string="thanks_2|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
918 string="thanks_3|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
919 string="thanks_4|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
920 string="thanks_5|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
921 string="taunt_1|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 1."
922 string="taunt_2|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 2."
923 string="taunt_3|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 3."
924 string="taunt_4|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 4."
925 string="taunt_5|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses == 5."
926 string="*quest_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
927 string="*recovery_success|The recovered target will say this when the mission is completed."
928 string="*complete|A message to display when the mission is completed. Uses quest_update."
929 string="*failed_destroy|Displayed when the player loses because the target was destroyed. Uses quest_update."
930 string="*abort|The recovered target will say this if the player aborts the mission."
931 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
932 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
933 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
934 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
935 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
936 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
937 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
938 questStringSuffix="quest_dock|Objective to dock with target."
939 questStringSuffix="quest_escort|Objective to escort target."
940 journalType="JT_default"
946 information="Same as a rescue mission, but repeats on success."
947 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
948 property="recoveryPath|s|PT_navPointList|The path to escort the rescued ship on."
949 property="targetShipTypes|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to pick the ship for rescue from."
950 property="targetArrivalDelay|i|PT_integer|The amount of time before the ship that needs rescuing shows up. (Can be zero.)"
951 property="damageMultiplier|i|PT_integer|A damage multiplier applied against the escort target by NPC attackers."
952 property="hateModifier|i|PT_integer|A hate modifier to determine how hard it is to pull the attackers off of their target."
953 property="numAttackShipLists|i|PT_integer|You may specify up to 8 lists of attack ship waves. Specify here how many lists you are using."
954 property="attackShips1|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
955 property="attackShips2|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
956 property="attackShips3|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
957 property="attackShips4|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
958 property="attackShips5|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
959 property="attackShips6|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
960 property="attackShips7|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
961 property="attackShips8|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
962 property="attackPeriod|i|PT_integer|The base amount of time between attacks. This is modified by an additional 30 seconds per attacking ship."
963 property="attackListType|e(sequential=0,random=1)[sequential]|PT_enumList(sequential,random)|Indicates whether attack spawning will use lists sequentially or pick a list randomly."
964 property="numResponses|i|PT_integer|To vary the number of enemy taunts, specify a value from 1 to 5 here."
965 property="reward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player for a successful rescue."
966 property="killReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player per attacking ship defeated."
967 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
968 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
969 string="*title|The title of the mission."
970 string="*arrival_phase_1|Displayed when the player enters the quest zone and the arrival delay countdown begins. Uses quest_update."
971 string="*arrival_phase_2|Displayed when the target and its escort arrives. Uses quest_update."
972 string="*attack_notify|Displayed when an enemy attack wing arrives."
973 string="*attack_stopped|Displayed when an enemy attack wing is destroyed."
974 string="rescue_phase_1_1|The rescue target says this when docking begins."
975 string="rescue_phase_1_2|The rescue target says this when docking begins."
976 string="rescue_phase_1_3|The rescue target says this when docking begins."
977 string="rescue_phase_1_4|The rescue target says this when docking begins."
978 string="rescue_phase_1_5|The rescue target says this when docking begins."
979 string="rescue_phase_2_1|The rescue target says this when docking ends."
980 string="rescue_phase_2_2|The rescue target says this when docking ends."
981 string="rescue_phase_2_3|The rescue target says this when docking ends."
982 string="rescue_phase_2_4|The rescue target says this when docking ends."
983 string="rescue_phase_2_5|The rescue target says this when docking ends."
984 string="*docking_started|Displayed when the player begins docking. Uses quest_update."
985 string="*docking_complete|Displayed when the player ends docking. Uses quest_update."
986 string="panic_1|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
987 string="panic_2|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
988 string="panic_3|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
989 string="panic_4|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
990 string="panic_5|The target will say this panic message when an enemy wing attacks."
991 string="thanks_1|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
992 string="thanks_2|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
993 string="thanks_3|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
994 string="thanks_4|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
995 string="thanks_5|The target will say this when the enemy wing is defeated."
996 string="taunt_1|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 1."
997 string="taunt_2|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 2."
998 string="taunt_3|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 3."
999 string="taunt_4|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 4."
1000 string="taunt_5|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses == 5."
1001 string="*quest_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
1002 string="*recovery_success|Displayed when the player successfully escorts the rescued ship to the end of the recoveryPath. Uses quest_update."
1003 string="*complete|A message to display when the mission is completed. Uses quest_update."
1004 string="*failed_destroy|Displayed when the player loses because the target was destroyed. Uses quest_update."
1005 string="*abort|The recovered target will say this if the player aborts the mission."
1006 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
1007 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
1008 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
1009 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
1010 questStringSuffix="quest_dock|Objective to dock with target."
1011 questStringSuffix="quest_escort|Objective to escort target."
1012 journalType="JT_default"
1015 information="Salvage"
1017 information="Disabled ship spawns, player must use a tractor beam to extract resources from it while they are attacked."
1019 information="SPLIT CONDITION: This quest can only split on mission success with triggerOn==-1."
1020 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
1021 property="spawnLocs|s|PT_navPointList|Nav point list that dictates numerous places the salvage ship can spawn."
1022 property="targetShipType|s|PT_spaceMobile|The type of ship that needs rescuing."
1023 property="targetArrivalDelay|i|PT_integer|The amount of time before the ship the salvage ship shows up. (Can be zero.)"
1024 property="salvageResources|i|PT_integer|Number of resources to be salvaged from the ship."
1025 property="salvageResourceType|s|PT_string|Type of resources to be salvaged from the ship."
1026 property="numAttackShipLists|i|PT_integer|You may specify up to 3 lists of attack ship waves. Specify here how many lists you are using."
1027 property="attackShips1|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
1028 property="attackShips2|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
1029 property="attackShips3|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
1030 property="attackListType|e(sequential=0,random=1)[sequential]|PT_enumList(sequential,random)|Indicates whether attack spawning will use lists sequentially or pick a list randomly."
1031 property="numResponses|i|PT_integer|To vary the number of enemy taunts, specify a value from 1 to 5 here."
1032 property="autoReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player. If you use this, you must specify the autoreward email strings."
1033 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
1034 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
1035 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
1036 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
1037 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
1038 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For a rescue mission, the only valid value for this is -1. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
1039 property="rescueAppearance|s|PT_objectTemplate(object/mobile)|The appearance to apply to the rescue target's comm image."
1040 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
1041 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
1042 string="*title|The title of the mission."
1043 string="*arrival_phase_1|Displayed when the player enters the quest zone and the arrival delay countdown begins. Uses quest_update."
1044 string="*arrival_phase_2|Displayed when the target and its escort arrives. Uses quest_update."
1045 string="*attack_notify|Displayed when an enemy attack wing arrives."
1046 string="*attack_stopped|Displayed when an enemy attack wing is destroyed."
1047 string="taunt_1|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 1."
1048 string="taunt_2|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 2."
1049 string="taunt_3|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 3."
1050 string="taunt_4|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses >= 4."
1051 string="taunt_5|A taunt for an enemy ship to say if numResponses == 5."
1052 string="*quest_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
1053 string="*recovery_success|The recovered target will say this when the mission is completed."
1054 string="*complete|A message to display when the mission is completed. Uses quest_update."
1055 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
1056 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
1057 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
1058 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
1059 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
1060 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
1061 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
1062 journalType="JT_genericLocationTitle"
1065 information="Space Battle"
1067 information="Two groups of ships collect in space and fight. The player wins if all enemy ships are destroyed."
1068 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
1069 property="battlePoint|s|PT_navPoint|The nav point the battle will be centered around."
1070 property="damageMultiplier|i|PT_integer|A damage multiplier vs other NPCs applied to each of the ships involved in the battle."
1071 property="allyArrivalDelay|i|PT_integer|The amount of delay until the allies arrive, after the player enters the quest zone."
1072 property="enemyArrivalDelay|i|PT_integer|The amount of delay until the enemies arrive, after the player enters the quest zone."
1073 property="allyOriginDist|i|PT_integer|The allies will arrive this far away from the nav point. Either this or the enemy origin distance should be negative."
1074 property="enemyOriginDist|i|PT_integer|The enemies will arrive this far away from the nav point. Either this or the ally origin distance should be negative."
1075 property="allyArrivalDist|i|PT_integer|After arriving, the allies will move this far away from the battle point."
1076 property="enemyArrivalDist|i|PT_integer|After arriving, the enemies will move this far away from the battle point."
1077 property="allyForce|s|PT_spaceMobileList|The list of ships to spawn on the allied side. The player loses if they all die."
1078 property="enemyForce|s|PT_spaceMobileList|The list of ships to spawn on the enemy side. The player wins if they all die."
1079 property="useConversation|i|PT_bool|If true, the two sides will converse before attacking. Define the conversation with convo and convo_delay."
1080 property="convo|s|PT_string|A pipe delimited list of user defined string_ids. Prefix the string_id with ally or enemy to have one of the sides say that."
1081 property="convo_delay|i|PT_string|A pipe delimited list of delays between each conversation string. This must contain as many entries as the convo list."
1082 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
1083 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
1084 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
1085 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
1086 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For a space_battle mission, you can only specify -1. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
1087 property="autoReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player. If you use this, you must specify the autoreward email strings."
1088 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
1089 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
1090 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
1091 string="*title|The title of the mission."
1092 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
1093 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
1094 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
1095 string="*found_loc|A message to display when the battle waypoint is found. Uses quest_update."
1096 string="*enemies_arrived|Displayed when the enemy group arrives. Uses quest_update."
1097 string="*allies_arrived|Displayed when the ally group arrives. Uses quest_update."
1098 string="*battle_started|Displayed when the battle begins. Uses quest_update."
1099 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
1100 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
1101 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
1102 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
1103 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
1104 string="*enemies_remain|Displayed when an enemy ship dies, but some still remain. Use %DI to get the number remaining. Doesn't use quest_update."
1105 string="*allies_remain|Displayed when an ally ship dies, but some still remain. Use %DI to get the number remaining. Doesn't use quest_update."
1106 string="*quest_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
1107 string="*allies_win|Displayed when the ally group wins the battle. Uses quest_update."
1108 string="*enemies_win|Displayed when the enemy group wins the battle."
1109 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
1110 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
1111 questStringSuffix="quest_findbattle|Objective to find the battle."
1112 questStringSuffix="quest_helpallies|Objective to help allies."
1113 journalType="JT_genericLocationTitle"
1115 [space_mining_destroy]
1116 information="Space Mining Destroy"
1118 information="The player wins by mining a given asteroid(s)."
1120 information="SPLIT CONDITION: This quest can split when the number of ships destroyed equals the triggerOn value."
1121 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
1122 property="asteroidType|s|PT_string|Valid asteroid type that can be mined for mission credit."
1123 property="mineCount|i|PT_integer|The number of minerals a player must mine to win."
1124 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
1125 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
1126 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
1127 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
1128 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For a destroy mission, the number of kills to trigger a split on. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
1129 property="triggerEndsMission|i|PT_bool|If true, the destroy mission will silently end when the split is triggered."
1130 property="triggerDelay|i|PT_integer|If you set this the mission will split this many seconds after the trigger condition is reached, instead of right away."
1131 property="autoReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player. If you use this, you must specify the autoreward email strings."
1132 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
1133 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
1134 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
1135 string="*title|The title of the mission."
1136 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
1137 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
1138 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
1139 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
1140 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
1141 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
1142 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
1143 questStringSuffix="quest_mine|Object to mine."
1144 journalType="JT_genericLocationTitle"
1147 information="Survival"
1149 information="The player must hang out near a specific location and defend it from waves of enemies for a given amount of time."
1151 information="SPLIT CONDITION: This quest can only split on mission success with triggerOn==-1."
1152 property="questZone|s|PT_spaceZone|The space zone the quest takes place in."
1153 property="transmissionPoint|s|PT_navPointList|The nav point the player must defend."
1154 property="totalTransmissionTime|i|PT_integer|The total amount of time the player must defend the point."
1155 property="timesToUpdateProgress|i|PT_integer|The number of times throughout the mission the player will be updated on the progress."
1156 property="transmissionStartDelay|i|PT_integer|The amount of time to delay the mission start from when the player arrives at the transmissionPoint."
1157 property="delayToFirstAttack|i|PT_integer|The amount of time after the transmission begins that the first wave attacks."
1158 property="numAttackShipLists|i|PT_integer|You may specify up to 8 lists of attack ship waves. Specify here how many lists you are using."
1159 property="attackShips1|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
1160 property="attackShips2|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
1161 property="attackShips3|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
1162 property="attackShips4|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
1163 property="attackShips5|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
1164 property="attackShips6|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
1165 property="attackShips7|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
1166 property="attackShips8|s|PT_spaceMobileList|A list of ships to attack the player during the recovery."
1167 property="attackPeriod|i|PT_integer|The base amount of time between attacks. This is modified by an additional 30 seconds per attacking ship."
1168 property="attackListType|e(sequential=0,random=1)[sequential]|PT_enumList(sequential,random)|Indicates whether attack spawning will use lists sequentially or pick a list randomly."
1169 property="triggerEvent|e(none=0,splitquest=1,surpriseattack=2)[none]|PT_enumList(none,splitquest)|Set this to splitquest if you want the mission to branch."
1170 property="triggerSplitCondition|e(triggerOn=0,success=1,failure=2,both=3)[triggerOn]|PT_enumList(triggerOn,success,failure,both)|If you are specifying a split mission, this indicates whether to use the triggerOn field, or a completion condition."
1171 property="triggerArg|s|PT_questName|The name of the quest to branch to during a splitquest."
1172 property="triggerArg2|s|PT_questName|The second argument for a trigger event."
1173 property="triggerOn|i|PT_integer|For a survival mission, the only valid value for this is -1. If -1, the quest will split when the player wins the mission."
1174 property="autoReward|i|PT_integer|An amount of credits to award the player. If you use this, you must specify the autoreward email strings."
1175 property="questDelay|i|PT_integer|If nonzero, the mission will be assigned this many seconds after the player enters the quest zone."
1176 property="_DESIGNER NOTES_|s|PT_string|Designer comments for the quest."
1177 property="questSeries|s|PT_string|used to track pilot profession quests."
1178 string="*title|The title of the mission."
1179 string="*quest_update|A prose wrapper that is used for most quest strings."
1180 string="*found_loc|Displayed when the mission waypoint is found. Uses quest_update."
1181 string="*arrived_at_loc|Displayed when the player arrives at the mission waypoint. Uses quest_update."
1182 string="*transmission_start|Displayed when the countdown timer begins."
1183 string="*trans_update|Displayed periodically, this is a prose string that tells the player the % of time elapsed. Use the token %DI to get the % of time."
1184 string="*transmission_received|Displayed when the countdown timer is complete. (The mission ends shortly thereafter.)"
1185 string="*mission_complete|Displayed when the mission is complete."
1186 string="*outofrange|Displayed when the player moves too far away from the survival point."
1187 string="*outofrange_failed|Displayed when the player loses the mission because they moved to far away."
1188 string="*first_attack|Displayed just as the first wave attacks. Uses quest_update."
1189 string="*attack_notify|Displayed when a wave attacks."
1190 string="*attack_stopped|Displayed when a wave is defeated."
1191 string="split_quest_alert|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
1192 string="split_quest_alert_fail|If you use a split quest, this string will be displayed just before the new quest is assigned."
1193 string="autorewardfrom|If you specify an autoReward, this is the from field of the reward email."
1194 string="autorewardsubject|If you specify an autoReward, this is the subject field of the reward email."
1195 string="autorewardbody|If you specify an autoReward, this is the body of the reward email."
1196 string="assigned_delayed|Displayed when the quest is assigned, if you used questDelay."
1197 questStringSuffix="quest_location|Objective to travel to the mission zone."
1198 questStringSuffix="quest_reachpoint|Objective to travel to survival location."
1199 questStringSuffix="quest_defendpoint|Objective to defend the survival location."
1200 journalType="JT_genericLocationTitle"