Dependency changed from clocc/port to trivial-shell; write-change-record fixed.
[clldap.git] / ldif / src / write.lisp
1 (in-package :net.quadium.ldif)
3 (defun write-attributes (attributes &optional (stream *standard-output*))
4 (dolist (attribute attributes)
5 (let ((attribute-name (car attribute)))
6 (dolist (attribute-value (cdr attribute))
7 (format stream "~A: ~A~%" attribute-name (cadr attribute-value))))))
9 (defun write-record (record &optional (stream *standard-output*))
10 "Writes the data record RECORD as LDIF to STREAM."
11 (destructuring-bind (distinguished-name object-classes attributes)
12 record
13 (format stream "dn: ~A~%" distinguished-name)
14 (format stream "~{objectClass: ~A~%~}" (mapcar 'cadr object-classes))
15 (write-attributes attributes stream)
16 (terpri stream)))
18 (defun fold-object-classes-and-attributes (object-classes attributes)
19 (if object-classes
20 (cons (cons "objectClass" object-classes)
21 attributes)
22 attributes))
24 (defun write-change-record (record &optional (stream *standard-output*))
25 "Writes the change record RECORD as LDIF to STREAM."
26 (destructuring-bind (distinguished-name change-type attributes)
27 record
28 (format stream "dn: ~A~%" distinguished-name)
29 (format stream "changetype: ~A~%" (ecase change-type
30 ((add delete modify)
31 (string-downcase (symbol-name change-type)))))
32 (ecase change-type
33 (add (write-attributes attributes stream))
34 (delete (assert (null attributes)))
35 (modify
36 (dolist (attribute attributes)
37 (destructuring-bind (attribute-name attribute-action &rest attribute-values)
38 attribute
39 (format stream "~A: ~A~%"
40 (ecase attribute-action
41 ((add replace delete)
42 (string-downcase (symbol-name attribute-action))))
43 attribute-name)
44 (dolist (attribute-value attribute-values)
45 (format stream "~A: ~A~%" attribute-name (cadr attribute-value))))
46 (format stream "-~%"))))
47 (terpri stream)))