Source tree pruned and flattened.
[clldap.git] / utils.lisp
1 (in-package :net.quadium.ldap)
3 (defun ldap-escape (string)
4 (labels ((worker (char-list)
5 (unless (endp char-list)
6 (let* ((char (car char-list))
7 (rest (cons char (worker (cdr char-list)))))
8 (if (find char "\\(),!&|<>=")
9 (cons #\\ rest)
10 rest)))))
11 (coerce (worker (coerce string 'list))
12 'string)))
14 (defun compose-ldap-search-arguments (filter attributes
15 &key
16 bind-dn
17 base
18 (scope :sub)
19 ; (password-file *password-file*)
20 password-file
21 password
22 (simple-auth-p *simple-auth-p*)
23 starttlsp
24 host)
25 "Helper function to handle arglists common to searching functions."
26 (format nil "~{~{ ~S~}~}"
27 (list (when bind-dn
28 (list "-D" bind-dn))
29 (when password-file
30 (list "-y" (namestring (truename password-file))))
31 (when password
32 (list "-w" password)); TODO: remove when finished
33 (when base
34 (list "-b" base))
35 (when simple-auth-p
36 (list "-x"))
37 (when starttlsp
38 (list "-ZZ"))
39 (when host
40 (list "-h" host))
41 (list "-s" (ecase scope
42 (:sub "sub")
43 (:base "base")
44 (:one "one")))
45 (list "-LLL")
46 (list
47 (cond
48 ((zerop (length filter)) "(objectClass=*)")
49 ((stringp filter) filter)
50 ((listp filter) (convert-search-filter filter))))
51 attributes)))
53 (defun ldap-search (&rest args)
54 "Searches by FILTER and returns matching ATTRIBUTES.
55 FILTER may be a filter string in the form expected by ldap_search(3),
56 or a sexp which will be converted by CONVERT-SEARCH-FILTER. A null
57 FILTER is equivalent to \"(objectClass=*)\". ATTRIBUTES is a list of
58 strings, each string designating the name of an attribute. If
59 ATTRIBUTES is empty, all attributes of a matching record will be
60 returned."
61 (with-input-from-string (ldif (funcall #'trivial-shell:shell-command
62 (concatenate 'string *ldapsearch-command*
63 (apply #'compose-ldap-search-arguments args))))
64 (ldif:parse-ldif-stream ldif)))
66 (defun ldap-fetch-by-dn (dn attributes
67 &rest args)
68 "Fetches the object designated by the distinguished name DN.
69 ATTRIBUTES are handled as by LDAP-SEARCH."
70 (car (apply 'ldap-search "" attributes
71 :base dn
72 :scope :base
73 args)))
76 (defun compose-ldap-modify-arguments (&key
77 bind-dn
78 ;(password-file *password-file*)
79 password-file
80 password
81 (simple-auth-p *simple-auth-p*)
82 starttlsp
83 host)
84 "Helper function to handle arglists common to modifying functions."
85 (format nil "~{~{ ~S~}~}"
86 (list (when bind-dn
87 (list "-D" bind-dn))
88 (when password-file
89 (list "-y" *password-file*))
90 (when password
91 (list "-w" password)); TODO: remove when finished
92 (when simple-auth-p
93 (list "-x"))
94 (when starttlsp
95 (list "-ZZ"))
96 (when host
97 (list "-h" host)))))
99 (defun ldap-modify (change-records &rest args)
100 "Transmits CHANGE-RECORDS to the LDAP server for execution."
101 (with-open-stream (ldif (make-string-output-stream))
102 (dolist (record change-records change-records)
103 (ldif:write-change-record record ldif)
104 (funcall #'trivial-shell:shell-command
105 (concatenate 'string *ldapmodify-command*
106 (apply #'compose-ldap-modify-arguments args))
107 :input (get-output-stream-string ldif)))))