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87 \typeout{Dissertation
89 %%% To compile only one or some chapters, use the following
91 %\includeonly{chapter_1,chapter_2,chapter_3,chapter_4,appendix_A}
92 %\includeonly{thesis_acknowledgements,chapter_3}
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107 \newcommand{\enVert}[1]{\left\|
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116 \let\epsilon=
117 \newcommand{\la}{\langle}
118 \newcommand{\ra}{\rangle}
120 \newcommand{\Emax}{\ensuremath{E_
121 \newcommand{\me}{m_
122 \newcommand{\mx}{m_
123 \newcommand{\NAv}{N_
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129 \ifx\hslash\undefined\let\hslash=
133 %%% \include the `front matter'
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135 \include{thesis_front
136 \include{thesis_dedication
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157 %------------------------------
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174 %------------------------------
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178 % create the appendix and include it
179 \pagenumbering{arabic
180 %\include{./General.Theory/DFT/DFT.Introduction}
181 \include{./Ag.Cu-System/Introduction/Ag.Cu.Introduction
183 %\include{appendix_A}
185 %% include the bibliography
186 \renewcommand{\publ}{}
189 \addcontentsline{toc
190 \bibliography{./Bibliography/Full_Library.bib
192 %%% options for the bibliography style
194 \bibliographystyle{plain
195 %\bibliographystyle{newagsm}
196 %\bibliographystyle{mykluwer}
197 %\bibliographystyle{IEEE}
201 \addcontentsline{toc