1 # Print values for human reference.
13 message("${v}=${${v}}")
16 # Verify that file names match as expected.
17 set(pc_file_components ${perconfig_file_dir}/${perconfig_file_name})
18 if(NOT "${pc_file_components}" STREQUAL "${perconfig_file}")
20 "File components ${pc_file_components} do not match ${perconfig_file}")
22 if(NOT "${pcStatic_file}" STREQUAL "${pcStatic_linker_file}")
24 "pcStatic_file does not match pcStatic_linker_file:\n"
26 " ${pcStatic_linker_file}\n"
30 # Verify that the implementation files are named correctly.
31 foreach(lib pcStatic pcShared)
32 file(STRINGS "${${lib}_file}" info LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "INFO:[^[]*\\[")
33 if(NOT "${info}" MATCHES ".*INFO:symbol\\[${lib}\\].*")
34 message(SEND_ERROR "No INFO:symbol[${lib}] found in:\n ${${lib}_file}")
37 execute_process(COMMAND ${perconfig_file} RESULT_VARIABLE result)
39 message(SEND_ERROR "Error running:\n ${perconfig_file}\n(${result})")