3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
5 # DESCR: Verify that the word 'coreboot' is lowercase
8 cd -- "$
(dirname "$0")" > /dev/null 2>&1 || return
12 # shellcheck source=helper_functions.sh
13 .
='^3rdparty/\|util/crossgcc/xgcc\|Binary file\|coreboot\|COREBOOT\|CorebootPayload\|CorebootModule\|minnowboard.org/Coreboot\|.*\.patch$\|CorebootBdsLib\|^payloads/external'
17 # # Check last commit message if the code is in a git repo
18 if [ "${IN_GIT_TREE}" -eq 1 ]; then
19 if [ -n "$(${GIT} log -n 1 | grep -i 'coreboot' | grep -v "$EXCLUDE" )" ]; then
20 echo "'coreboot' should be lowercase in commit message"
24 ${GREP_FILES} -in "coreboot" |
grep -v "$EXCLUDE";