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[couchdbimport.git] / CouchProjects / Fabric / Fabric.h
1 /*
2 Fabric formula engine
3 Copyright (C) 2006 Damien Katz
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
21 #ifndef FABRIC_H
22 #define FABRIC_H
24 #ifdef WIN32
26 #include "crtdbg.h"
27 #define ASSERT _ASSERT
29 #else
31 #include "assert.h"
33 #ifdef NDEBUG
34 #define ASSERT
35 #else
36 #define ASSERT assert
37 #endif
39 #endif
41 #include "Exceptions.h"
42 #include "MemoryPool.h"
43 #include "antlr/CommonAST.hpp"
44 #include "FabricSTL.h"
45 #include <string.h>
49 //forward declarations
50 class Document;
51 class List;
52 class RuntimeNode;
53 class TextElement;
54 class FailedAssertHandler;
55 class UserFunctionDescriptor;
56 class VariableScope;
57 class Destructable;
59 class TextElementILess
61 public:
62 bool operator () (const TextElement& left, const TextElement& right) const;
65 typedef size_t IdAtom;
66 typedef fmap<const IdAtom, const UserFunctionDescriptor*> AtomUserFunctionMap;
68 enum FormulaType {
69 kSimple,
70 kTable
73 // This is the main interface class.
74 // It compiles and executes formulas, and keeps all the formula specific state
75 class Formula
77 public:
78 static void ProcessInit();
80 Formula();
81 ~Formula();
83 // Compiles a formula and sets up the runtime machinery to execute the formula
84 void Compile(const char* pInputFormula, FormulaType formulaType = kSimple);
86 // Executes the formula and returns the result of computation
87 const List* Execute();
89 bool IsReady();
90 bool SelectCompute(Document& doc);
91 const fvector<const List*>& GetColumns();
92 void AppendColumnList(const List* pList);
93 const char* CompileError();
95 fvector<TextElement> GetColumnNames();
97 void Reset();
99 // Converts a string to a number that is unique to that string.
100 // For each subsequent request using the same string (case insensitive)
101 // results in the same atom
102 IdAtom GetIdAtom(const TextElement& ident);
104 // Set/Get variable values. The IdAtom versions are faster if you have
105 // the IdAtom already computed, otherwise just use the text versions.
106 const List* GetVariableValue(const TextElement& varId);
107 void SetVariableValue(const TextElement& varId, const List* pList);
108 const List* GetVariableValue(IdAtom varIdAtom);
109 void SetVariableValue(IdAtom varIdAtom, const List* pList);
111 // Get a value but first looking in the Variables, then in the document fields
112 const List* GetValue(const TextElement& varId, IdAtom varIdAtom);
114 // Get/Set the user function during runtime
115 const UserFunctionDescriptor* GetUserFunction(IdAtom idAtom);
116 void SetUserFunction(IdAtom idAtom, const UserFunctionDescriptor*);
118 // Create/destoys variable scope
119 void PushVariableScope();
120 void PopVariableScope();
122 VariableScope& GetCurrentScope();
124 // Various commonly returned values. Functions should
125 // return these to avoid allocating new values unnecessarily.
126 const List* TrueList();
127 const List* FalseList();
128 const List* NilList();
129 const List* BoolList(bool trueOrFalse);
131 // Set a context document for the compuation
132 void SetDocument(Document* pDoc);
134 // Get the context document for the computation. If once doesn't exist,
135 // fabric creates a special default one to use.
136 Document& GetDocument();
138 // Built in to Fabric are ASSERT and ASSERTFALSE, and they are used
139 // by the test suite. When Fabric encounters an ASSERT but an assert
140 // handler is not set, then the entire contained expression is skipped.
141 FailedAssertHandler* GetFailedAssertHandler();
142 void SetFailedAssertHandler(FailedAssertHandler* pHandler);
144 void SetEarlyReturnList(const List* pList);
146 class SyntaxException : public std::runtime_error
148 public:
149 SyntaxException(const char* message)
150 : std::runtime_error(message)
154 void SetSelected(bool flag);
155 bool GetSelected();
157 void AddToDestructionQueue(Destructable* d);
159 AllocOnlyMemoryPool<0xFFFF> indefMa; // Memory only needed for the current formula execution
160 AllocOnlyMemoryPool<0xFFFF> transMa; // Memory needed across all formula executions
161 MA* ma; // pointer to indefMa, for convenience
163 private:
165 const List* Execute(const RuntimeNode* pRoot);
166 RuntimeNode* BuildTree(antlr::RefAST pAST);
168 // this in NewRuntimeNode.cpp
169 RuntimeNode* NewRuntimeNode(int type, const char* pNodeText);
171 fmap<const TextElement, IdAtom, TextElementILess> m_idAtoms;
172 IdAtom m_nextIdAtom;
174 VariableScope* m_pCurrentVarScope;
176 AtomUserFunctionMap* m_pUserFunctions;
178 RuntimeNode* m_pRootNode;
180 char* m_pCompileError;
182 const List* m_pTrueList;
183 const List* m_pFalseList;
184 const List* m_pNilList;
186 const List* m_pEarlyReturnList;
188 Document* m_pDoc;
189 Document* m_pDefaultDoc;
191 fvector<const List*> m_columnLists;
193 fvector<Destructable*> m_destructables;
195 bool m_selectedFlag;
197 FailedAssertHandler* m_pFailedAssertHandler;
202 // UserFunctionDescriptor - Describes a user function.
204 class UserFunctionDescriptor
206 public:
207 fvector<IdAtom> m_argIds; // the IdAtoms of the argument variable names
208 const RuntimeNode* pRuntimeNode; // the actual function itself
210 UserFunctionDescriptor(MA* ma)
211 : m_argIds(ma)
217 // VariableScope - Contains the variables, input args
218 // and return value for the current scope.
220 class VariableScope
222 public:
223 fmap<const IdAtom, const List*> map;
225 VariableScope* pPrev;
226 VariableScope* pNext;
228 const List* pReturnList;
230 fvector<const List*> inputArgs;
233 VariableScope(MA* ma)
234 : map(ma), pPrev(NULL), pNext(NULL), pReturnList(NULL), inputArgs(ma)
241 // FailedAssertHandler - Interface class so callers can dealing with failed
242 // asserts. Used only during testing.
244 class FailedAssertHandler
246 public:
247 virtual void HandleFailedAssert() = 0;
251 class Destructable
253 public:
254 virtual void Destruct() = 0;
259 template<class T> int cmp(const T& a, const T& b)
261 if (a < b) {
262 return -1;
264 if (b < a) {
265 return 1;
267 return 0;
272 //*******************************************
273 // Inline functions below:
274 //*******************************************
281 #endif // FABRIC_H