set a bunch of svn:executable properties
[couchdbimport.git] / CouchProjects / CouchDb / couch_btree.erl
1 %% CouchDb
2 %% Copyright (C) 2006 Damien Katz
3 %%
4 %% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 %% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6 %% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7 %% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 %%
9 %% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 %% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 %% GNU General Public License for more details.
13 %%
14 %% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 %% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 %% Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 -module(couch_btree).
20 -export([open/2, open/3, query_modify/4, add_remove/3, foldl/3, foldl/4]).
21 -export([foldr/3, foldr/4, fold/4, fold/5, lookup_single/2, row_count/1]).
22 -export([lookup/2, get_state/1, query_compute_if_missing/3, test/1, test/0]).
26 -define(CHUNK_THRESHOLD, 16#fff).
29 -record(btree,
31 fd,
32 root,
33 less_fun = fun(A,B) -> A < B end
34 }).
37 % pass in 'nil' for State if a new Btree.
38 open(State, Fd) ->
39 {ok, #btree{root=State, fd=Fd}}.
41 open(State, Fd, LessFun) ->
42 {ok, #btree{root=State, fd=Fd, less_fun=LessFun}}.
44 get_state(#btree{root=Root}) ->
45 Root.
47 row_count(#btree{root=nil}) ->
49 row_count(#btree{root={_RootPointer, Count}}) ->
50 Count.
52 foldl(Bt, Fun, Acc) ->
53 fold(Bt, fwd, Fun, Acc).
55 foldl(Bt, Key, Fun, Acc) ->
56 fold(Bt, Key, fwd, Fun, Acc).
58 foldr(Bt, Fun, Acc) ->
59 fold(Bt, rev, Fun, Acc).
61 foldr(Bt, Key, Fun, Acc) ->
62 fold(Bt, Key, rev, Fun, Acc).
64 % wraps a 2 arity function with the proper 3 arity function
65 convert_fun_arity(Fun) ->
66 case erlang:fun_info(Fun, arity) of
67 {arity, 2} ->
68 fun(KV, _Offset, AccIn) -> Fun(KV, AccIn) end;
69 {arity, 3} ->
70 Fun % Already arity 3
71 end.
73 fold(Bt, Dir, Fun, Acc) ->
74 {_ContinueFlag, Acc2} = stream_node(Bt, 0, Bt#btree.root, nil, Dir, convert_fun_arity(Fun), Acc),
75 {ok, Acc2}.
77 fold(Bt, Key, Dir, Fun, Acc) ->
78 {_ContinueFlag, Acc2} = stream_node(Bt, 0, Bt#btree.root, Key, Dir, convert_fun_arity(Fun), Acc),
79 {ok, Acc2}.
81 add_remove(Bt, InsertKeyValues, RemoveKeys) ->
82 {Result, [], Bt2} = query_modify(Bt, [], InsertKeyValues, RemoveKeys),
83 {Result, Bt2}.
85 query_compute_if_missing(Bt, Key, ComputeValueFun) ->
86 {ok, [Code, {Key, Result}]} = query_modify(Bt, [], [], [], [{Key, ComputeValueFun}]),
87 {Code, Result}.
89 query_modify(Bt, LookupKeys, InsertKeyValues, RemoveKeys) ->
90 query_modify(Bt, LookupKeys, InsertKeyValues, RemoveKeys, []).
92 query_modify(Bt, LookupKeys, InsertKeyValues, RemoveKeys, MissingInsertKeyFuns) ->
93 #btree{root=Root, less_fun=Less} = Bt,
94 InsertActions = [{insert, Key, Value} || {Key, Value} <- InsertKeyValues],
95 RemoveActions = [{remove, Key, nil} || Key <- RemoveKeys],
96 FetchActions = [{fetch, Key, nil} || Key <- LookupKeys],
97 MissingInsertActions = [{missing_insert, Key, Fun} || {Key, Fun} <- MissingInsertKeyFuns],
98 SortFun = fun({OpA,A,_},{OpB,B,_}) ->
99 case Less(A, B) of
100 true ->
101 true;
102 false ->
103 case Less(B, A) of
104 true ->
105 false;
106 false ->
107 % A and B are equal, sort by op. fetch < remove < insert < missing_insert
108 OpIntFunc = fun(Op) ->
109 case Op of
110 fetch -> 1;
111 remove -> 2;
112 insert -> 3;
113 missing_insert -> 4
115 end,
116 OpIntFunc(OpA) < OpIntFunc(OpB)
119 end,
120 Actions = lists:sort(SortFun, lists:append([InsertActions, RemoveActions, FetchActions, MissingInsertActions])),
121 {ok, KeyPointers, QueryResults, Bt2} = modify_node(Bt, Root, Actions, []),
122 {ok, NewRoot, Bt3} = complete_root(Bt2, KeyPointers),
123 {ok, QueryResults, Bt3#btree{root=NewRoot}}.
125 lookup_single(Bt, Key) ->
126 {ok, [{Status, {Key, Value}}]} = lookup(Bt, [Key]),
127 case Status of
128 ok ->
129 {ok, Value};
130 not_found ->
131 not_found
132 end.
134 lookup(Bt, Keys) ->
135 #btree{root=Root,less_fun=Less} = Bt,
136 SortedKeys = lists:sort(Less, Keys),
137 {ok, SortedResults} = lookup(Bt, Root, SortedKeys),
138 % We want to return the results in the same order as the keys were input
139 % but we may have changed the order when we sorted. So we need to put the
140 % order back into the results.
141 KeyDict = dict:from_list(SortedResults),
142 Results =
143 lists:map(fun(Key) ->
144 {ok, {Result, Value}} = dict:find(Key, KeyDict),
145 {Result, {Key, Value}}
146 end,
147 Keys),
148 {ok, Results}.
150 lookup(_Bt, nil, Keys) ->
151 {ok, [{Key, {not_found, nil}} || Key <- Keys]};
152 lookup(Bt, {Pointer, _Count}, Keys) ->
153 {ok, {NodeType, NodeList}} = couch_file:pread_term(Bt#btree.fd, Pointer),
154 case NodeType of
155 kp_node ->
156 {ok, NewResults} = lookup_kpnode(Bt, NodeList, Keys, []);
157 kv_node ->
158 {ok, NewResults} = lookup_kvnode(Bt, NodeList, Keys, [])
159 end,
160 {ok, NewResults}.
163 lookup_kpnode(_Bt, [], Keys, Output) ->
164 {ok, lists:reverse(Output, [{Key, {not_found, nil}} || Key <- Keys])};
166 lookup_kpnode(_Bt, _KPs, [], Output) ->
167 {ok, lists:reverse(Output)};
169 lookup_kpnode(Bt, [{Key, PointerInfo} | RestKPs], LookupKeys, Output) ->
170 LessFun = Bt#btree.less_fun,
171 % Split the Keys into two lists, queries of values less
172 % than equals, and greater than the current key
173 SplitFun = fun(LookupKey) -> not LessFun(Key, LookupKey) end,
174 case lists:splitwith(SplitFun, LookupKeys) of
175 {[], GreaterQueries} ->
176 lookup_kpnode(Bt, RestKPs, GreaterQueries, Output);
177 {LessEqQueries, GreaterQueries} ->
178 {ok, Results} = lookup(Bt, PointerInfo, LessEqQueries),
179 lookup_kpnode(Bt, RestKPs, GreaterQueries, lists:reverse(Results, Output))
180 end.
184 lookup_kvnode(_Bt, _KVs, [], Output) ->
185 {ok, lists:reverse(Output)};
186 lookup_kvnode(_Bt, [], Keys, Output) ->
187 % keys not found
188 {ok, lists:reverse(Output, [{Key, {not_found, nil}} || Key <- Keys])};
189 lookup_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], [LookupKey | RestLookupKeys], Output) ->
190 LessFun = Bt#btree.less_fun,
191 case LessFun(LookupKey, Key) of
192 true ->
193 lookup_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestLookupKeys, [{LookupKey, {not_found, nil}} | Output]);
194 false ->
195 case LessFun(Key, LookupKey) of
196 true ->
197 % LookupKey is greater than Key
198 lookup_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, [LookupKey | RestLookupKeys], Output);
199 false ->
200 % LookupKey is equal to Key
201 lookup_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, RestLookupKeys, [{LookupKey, {ok, Value}} | Output])
203 end.
206 complete_root(Bt, []) ->
207 {ok, nil, Bt};
208 complete_root(Bt, [{_Key, PointerInfo}])->
209 {ok, PointerInfo, Bt};
210 complete_root(Bt, KPs) ->
211 {ok, ResultKeyPointers, Bt2} = write_node(Bt, kp_node, KPs),
212 complete_root(Bt2, ResultKeyPointers).
214 %%%%%%%%%%%%% The chunkify function sucks!
215 %%%%%%%%%%%%% Could be much more intelligent about sizing the blocks for output.
217 chunkify(_Bt, []) ->
219 chunkify(Bt, InList) ->
220 case size(term_to_binary(InList)) of
221 Size when Size > ?CHUNK_THRESHOLD ->
222 NumberOfChunksLikely = ((Size div ?CHUNK_THRESHOLD) + 1),
223 ChunkThreshold = Size div NumberOfChunksLikely,
224 chunkify(Bt, InList, ChunkThreshold, [], 0, []);
225 _Else ->
226 [InList]
227 end.
229 chunkify(_Bt, [], _ChunkThreshold, [], 0, OutputChunks) ->
230 lists:reverse(OutputChunks);
231 chunkify(_Bt, [], _ChunkThreshold, OutList, _OutListSize, OutputChunks) ->
232 lists:reverse([lists:reverse(OutList) | OutputChunks]);
233 chunkify(Bt, [InElement | RestInList], ChunkThreshold, OutList, OutListSize, OutputChunks) ->
234 case size(term_to_binary(InElement)) of
235 Size when (Size + OutListSize) > ChunkThreshold ->
236 chunkify(Bt, RestInList, ChunkThreshold, [], 0, [lists:reverse([InElement | OutList]) | OutputChunks]);
237 Size ->
238 chunkify(Bt, RestInList, ChunkThreshold, [InElement | OutList], OutListSize + Size, OutputChunks)
239 end.
241 modify_node(Bt, RootPointerInfo, Actions, QueryOutput) ->
242 case RootPointerInfo of
243 nil ->
244 NodeType = kv_node,
245 NodeList =[];
246 {Pointer, _count} ->
247 {ok, {NodeType, NodeList}} = couch_file:pread_term(Bt#btree.fd, Pointer)
248 end,
249 case NodeType of
250 kp_node ->
251 {ok, NewNodeList, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_kpnode(Bt, NodeList, Actions, [], QueryOutput);
252 kv_node ->
253 {ok, NewNodeList, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_kvnode(Bt, NodeList, Actions, [], QueryOutput)
254 end,
255 case NewNodeList of
256 [] -> % no nodes remain
257 {ok, [], QueryOutput2, Bt2};
258 NodeList -> % nothing changed
259 {LastKey, _LastValue} = lists:last(NodeList),
260 {ok, [{LastKey, RootPointerInfo}], QueryOutput2, Bt2};
261 _Else2 ->
262 {ok, ResultList, Bt3} = write_node(Bt2, NodeType, NewNodeList),
263 {ok, ResultList, QueryOutput2, Bt3}
264 end.
267 count(kv_node, NodeList) ->
268 length(NodeList);
269 count(kp_node, NodeList) ->
270 lists:foldl( fun({_Key, {_Pointer, Count}}, AccCount) ->
271 Count + AccCount
272 end,
273 0, NodeList).
275 write_node(Bt, NodeType, NodeList) ->
276 % split up nodes into smaller sizes
277 NodeListList = chunkify(Bt, NodeList),
278 % now write out each chunk and return the KeyPointer pairs for those nodes
279 ResultList = [
280 begin
281 {ok, Pointer} = couch_file:append_term(Bt#btree.fd, {NodeType, ANodeList}),
282 {LastKey, _} = lists:last(ANodeList),
283 {LastKey, {Pointer, count(NodeType, ANodeList)}}
286 ANodeList <- NodeListList
288 {ok, ResultList, Bt}.
290 modify_kpnode(Bt, KPs, [], ResultNode, QueryOutput) ->
291 % processed all queries for the current tree
292 {ok, lists:reverse(ResultNode, KPs), QueryOutput, Bt};
294 modify_kpnode(Bt, [], Actions, [{_Key, PointerInfo} | ResultNode], QueryOutput) ->
295 {ok, ChildKPs, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_node(Bt, PointerInfo, Actions, QueryOutput),
296 {ok, lists:reverse(ResultNode, ChildKPs), QueryOutput2, Bt2};
298 modify_kpnode(Bt, [{Key,PointerInfo} | RestKPs], Actions, ResultNode, QueryOutput) ->
299 LessFun = Bt#btree.less_fun,
300 % Split the actions into two lists, queries of values less
301 % than equals, and greater than the current key
302 SplitFun = fun({_ActionType, ActionKey, _ActionValue}) ->
303 not LessFun(Key, ActionKey)
304 end,
305 case lists:splitwith(SplitFun, Actions) of
306 {[], GreaterQueries} ->
307 modify_kpnode(Bt, RestKPs, GreaterQueries, [{Key, PointerInfo} | ResultNode], QueryOutput);
308 {LessEqQueries, GreaterQueries} ->
309 {ok, ChildKPs, QueryOutput2, Bt2} = modify_node(Bt, PointerInfo, LessEqQueries, QueryOutput),
310 modify_kpnode(Bt2, RestKPs, GreaterQueries, lists:reverse(ChildKPs, ResultNode), QueryOutput2)
311 end.
313 modify_kvnode(Bt, KVs, [], ResultNode, QueryOutput) ->
314 {ok, lists:reverse(ResultNode, KVs), QueryOutput, Bt};
315 modify_kvnode(Bt, [], [{ActionType, ActionKey, ActionValue} | RestActions], ResultNode, QueryOutput) ->
316 case ActionType of
317 insert ->
318 modify_kvnode(Bt, [], RestActions, [{ActionKey, ActionValue} | ResultNode], QueryOutput);
319 remove ->
320 % just drop the action
321 modify_kvnode(Bt, [], RestActions, ResultNode, QueryOutput);
322 fetch ->
323 % the key/value must not exist in the tree
324 modify_kvnode(Bt, [], RestActions, ResultNode, [{not_found, {ActionKey, nil}} | QueryOutput]);
325 missing_insert ->
326 Value = ActionValue(),
327 modify_kvnode(Bt, [], RestActions, [{ActionKey, ActionValue} | ResultNode], [{ok, {ActionKey, Value}} | QueryOutput])
328 end;
329 modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], [{ActionType, ActionKey, ActionValue} | RestActions], ResultNode, QueryOutput) ->
330 LessFun = Bt#btree.less_fun,
331 case LessFun(ActionKey, Key) of
332 true ->
333 case ActionType of
334 insert ->
335 % ActionKey is less than the Key, so insert
336 modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestActions, [{ActionKey, ActionValue} | ResultNode], QueryOutput);
337 remove ->
338 % ActionKey is less than the Key, just drop the action
339 modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestActions, ResultNode, QueryOutput);
340 fetch ->
341 % ActionKey is less than the Key, the key/value must not exist in the tree
342 modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestActions, ResultNode, [{not_found, {ActionKey, nil}} | QueryOutput]);
343 missing_insert ->
344 Value = ActionValue(),
345 modify_kvnode(Bt, [], RestActions, [{ActionKey, Value} | ResultNode], [{ok, {ActionKey, Value}} | QueryOutput])
346 end;
347 false ->
348 case LessFun(Key, ActionKey) of
349 true ->
350 % ActionKey is greater than Key
351 modify_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, [{ActionType, ActionKey, ActionValue} | RestActions], [{Key, Value} | ResultNode], QueryOutput);
352 false ->
353 % InsertKey is equal to Key
354 case ActionType of
355 insert ->
356 % ActionKey is less than the Key, so insert
357 modify_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, RestActions, [{ActionKey, ActionValue} | ResultNode], QueryOutput);
358 remove ->
359 modify_kvnode(Bt, RestKVs, RestActions, ResultNode, QueryOutput);
360 fetch ->
361 % ActionKey is equal to the Key, insert into the QueryOuput, but re-process the node
362 % since an identical action key can follow it.
363 modify_kvnode(Bt, [{Key, Value} | RestKVs], RestActions, ResultNode, [{ok, {Key, Value}} | QueryOutput]);
364 missing_insert ->
365 modify_kvnode(Bt, [], RestActions, [{Key, Value} | ResultNode], [{ok, {Key, Value}} | QueryOutput])
368 end.
370 adjust_dir(fwd, List) ->
371 List;
372 adjust_dir(rev, List) ->
373 lists:reverse(List).
375 stream_node(Bt, Offset, PointerInfo, nil, Dir, Fun, Acc) ->
376 stream_node(Bt, Offset, PointerInfo, Dir, Fun, Acc);
377 stream_node(_Bt, _Offset, nil, _StartKey, _Dir, _Fun, Acc) ->
378 {ok, Acc};
379 stream_node(#btree{fd=Fd} = Bt, Offset, {Pointer, _Count}, StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc) ->
380 {ok, {NodeType, NodeList}} = couch_file:pread_term(Fd, Pointer),
381 case NodeType of
382 kp_node ->
383 stream_kp_node(Bt, Offset, adjust_dir(Dir, NodeList), StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc);
384 kv_node ->
385 stream_kv_node(Bt, Offset, adjust_dir(Dir, NodeList), StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc)
386 end.
388 stream_node(_Bt, _Offset, nil, _Dir, _Fun, Acc) ->
389 {ok, Acc};
390 stream_node(#btree{fd=Fd} = Bt, Offset, {Pointer, _Count}, Dir, Fun, Acc) ->
391 {ok, {NodeType, NodeList}} = couch_file:pread_term(Fd, Pointer),
392 case NodeType of
393 kp_node ->
394 stream_kp_node(Bt, Offset, adjust_dir(Dir, NodeList), Dir, Fun, Acc);
395 kv_node ->
396 stream_kv_node(Offset, adjust_dir(Dir, NodeList), Dir, Fun, Acc)
397 end.
399 stream_kp_node(_Bt, _Offset, [], _Dir, _Fun, Acc) ->
400 {ok, Acc};
401 stream_kp_node(Bt, Offset, [{_Key, {Pointer, Count}} | Rest], Dir, Fun, Acc) ->
402 case stream_node(Bt, Offset, {Pointer, Count}, Dir, Fun, Acc) of
403 {ok, Acc2} ->
404 stream_kp_node(Bt, Offset + Count, Rest, Dir, Fun, Acc2);
405 {stop, Acc2} ->
406 {stop, Acc2}
407 end.
409 drop_nodes(Offset, _LessFun, _StartKey, []) ->
410 {Offset, []};
411 drop_nodes(Offset, LessFun, StartKey, [{NodeKey, {Pointer, Count}} | RestKPs]) ->
412 case LessFun(NodeKey, StartKey) of
413 true -> drop_nodes(Offset + Count, LessFun, StartKey, RestKPs);
414 false -> {Offset, [{NodeKey, {Pointer, Count}} | RestKPs]}
415 end.
417 stream_kp_node(Bt, Offset, KPs, StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc) ->
418 #btree{less_fun=LessFun} = Bt,
419 {NewOffset, NodesToStream} =
420 case Dir of
421 fwd ->
422 % drop all nodes sorting before the key
423 drop_nodes(Offset, LessFun, StartKey, KPs);
424 rev ->
425 % keep all nodes sorting before the key, AND the first node to sort after
426 RevKPs = lists:reverse(KPs),
427 case lists:splitwith(fun({Key, _Pointer}) -> LessFun(Key, StartKey) end, RevKPs) of
428 {_RevBefore, []} ->
429 % everything sorts before it
430 {Offset, KPs};
431 {RevBefore, [FirstAfter | Drop]} ->
432 {Offset + count(kp_node, Drop), [FirstAfter | lists:reverse(RevBefore)]}
434 end,
435 case NodesToStream of
436 [] ->
437 {ok, Acc};
438 [{_Key, PointerInfo} | Rest] ->
439 case stream_node(Bt, NewOffset, PointerInfo, StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc) of
440 {ok, Acc2} ->
441 stream_kp_node(Bt, NewOffset, Rest, Dir, Fun, Acc2);
442 {stop, Acc2} ->
443 {stop, Acc2}
445 end.
447 stream_kv_node(_Offset, [], _Dir, _Fun, Acc) ->
448 {ok, Acc};
449 stream_kv_node(Offset, [KV | RestKVs], Dir, Fun, Acc) ->
450 case Fun(KV, Offset, Acc) of
451 {ok, Acc2} ->
452 stream_kv_node(Offset + 1, RestKVs, Dir, Fun, Acc2);
453 {stop, Acc2} ->
454 {stop, Acc2}
455 end.
457 stream_kv_node(Bt, Offset, KVs, StartKey, Dir, Fun, Acc) ->
458 LessFun = Bt#btree.less_fun,
459 DropFun =
460 case Dir of
461 fwd ->
462 fun({Key, _}) -> LessFun(Key, StartKey) end;
463 rev ->
464 fun({Key, _}) -> LessFun(StartKey, Key) end
465 end,
466 % drop all nodes preceding the key
467 GTEKVs = lists:dropwhile(DropFun, KVs),
468 LenSkipped = length(KVs) - length(GTEKVs),
469 stream_kv_node(Offset + LenSkipped, GTEKVs, Dir, Fun, Acc).
474 test()->
475 test(1000).
477 test(N) ->
478 KeyValues = [{random:uniform(), random:uniform()} || _Seq <- lists:seq(1, N)],
479 test_btree(KeyValues), % randomly distributed
480 Sorted = lists:sort(KeyValues),
481 test_btree(Sorted), % sorted regular
482 test_btree(lists:reverse(Sorted)). % sorted reverse
485 test_btree(KeyValues) ->
486 {ok, Fd} = couch_file:open("foo", [create,overwrite]),
487 {ok, Btree} = open(nil, Fd),
489 % first dump in all the values in one go
490 {ok, Btree10} = add_remove(Btree, KeyValues, []),
492 ok = test_keys(Btree10, KeyValues),
494 % remove everything
495 {ok, Btree20} = test_remove(Btree10, KeyValues),
497 % make sure its empty
498 {ok, false} = foldl(Btree20, fun(_X, _Acc) ->
499 {ok, true} % change Acc to 'true'
500 end,
501 false),
503 % add everything back one at a time.
504 {ok, Btree30} = test_add(Btree20, KeyValues),
506 ok = test_keys(Btree30, KeyValues),
508 KeyValuesRev = lists:reverse(KeyValues),
510 % remove everything, in reverse order
511 {ok, Btree40} = test_remove(Btree30, KeyValuesRev),
513 % make sure its empty
514 {ok, false} = foldl(Btree40, fun(_X, _Acc) ->
515 {ok, true} % change Acc to 'true'
516 end,
517 false),
520 {A, B} = every_other(KeyValues),
522 % add everything back
523 {ok, Btree50} = test_add(Btree40,KeyValues),
525 ok = test_keys(Btree50, KeyValues),
527 % remove half the values
528 {ok, Btree60} = test_remove(Btree50, A),
530 % verify the remaining
531 ok = test_keys(Btree60, B),
533 % add A back
534 {ok, Btree70} = test_add(Btree60, A),
536 % verify
537 ok = test_keys(Btree70, KeyValues),
539 % remove B
540 {ok, Btree80} = test_remove(Btree70, B),
542 % verify the remaining
543 ok = test_keys(Btree80, A),
545 ok = couch_file:close(Fd).
550 every_other(List) ->
551 every_other(List, [], [], 1).
553 every_other([], AccA, AccB, _Flag) ->
554 {lists:reverse(AccA), lists:reverse(AccB)};
555 every_other([H|T], AccA, AccB, 1) ->
556 every_other(T, [H|AccA], AccB, 0);
557 every_other([H|T], AccA, AccB, 0) ->
558 every_other(T, AccA, [H|AccB], 1).
560 test_keys(Btree, List) ->
561 FoldFun =
562 fun(Element, [HAcc|TAcc]) ->
563 Element = HAcc, % must match
564 {ok, TAcc}
565 end,
566 Sorted = lists:sort(List),
567 {ok, []} = foldl(Btree, FoldFun, Sorted),
568 {ok, []} = foldr(Btree, FoldFun, lists:reverse(Sorted)),
570 test_lookup(Btree, List).
572 % Makes sure each key value pair is found in the btree
573 test_lookup(_Btree, []) ->
574 ok;
575 test_lookup(Btree, [{Key, Value} | Rest]) ->
576 {ok, [{ok,{Key, Value}}]} = lookup(Btree, [Key]),
577 {ok, []} = foldl(Btree, Key, fun({KeyIn, ValueIn}, []) ->
578 KeyIn = Key,
579 ValueIn = Value,
580 {stop, []}
581 end,
582 []),
583 {ok, []} = foldr(Btree, Key, fun({KeyIn, ValueIn}, []) ->
584 KeyIn = Key,
585 ValueIn = Value,
586 {stop, []}
587 end,
588 []),
589 test_lookup(Btree, Rest).
591 % removes each key one at a time from the btree
592 test_remove(Btree, []) ->
593 {ok, Btree};
594 test_remove(Btree, [{Key, _Value} | Rest]) ->
595 {ok, Btree2} = add_remove(Btree,[], [Key]),
596 test_remove(Btree2, Rest).
598 % adds each key one at a time from the btree
599 test_add(Btree, []) ->
600 {ok, Btree};
601 test_add(Btree, [KeyValue | Rest]) ->
602 {ok, Btree2} = add_remove(Btree, [KeyValue], []),
603 test_add(Btree2, Rest).