set a bunch of svn:executable properties
[couchdbimport.git] / CouchProjects / CouchDb / couch_fabric.erl
1 %% CouchDb
2 %% Copyright (C) 2006 Damien Katz
3 %%
4 %% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 %% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6 %% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7 %% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 %%
9 %% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 %% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 %% GNU General Public License for more details.
13 %%
14 %% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 %% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 %% Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 -module(couch_fabric).
19 -behaviour(gen_server).
21 -include("couch_db.hrl").
23 -export([start_link/1, test/0]).
25 -export([init/1, terminate/2, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,code_change/3,stop/0]).
26 -export([check/2, check_all/1, table_compute/2, table_columns/1]).
28 -define(ERR_HANDLE, {Port, {exit_status, Status}} -> {stop, {unknown_error, Status}, {unknown_error, Status}, Port}).
30 start_link(FabricExec) ->
31 gen_server:start_link({local, couch_fabric}, couch_fabric, FabricExec, []).
33 stop() ->
34 exit(whereis(couch_fabric), close).
36 check(Formula, Type) ->
37 {ok, [Result]} = check_all([{Formula,Type}]),
38 Result.
40 check_all(Formulas) ->
41 gen_server:call(couch_fabric, {check, Formulas}).
43 timeout() ->
44 % in Msecs. maybe need to make this a configurable value
45 30000.
47 table_compute(Docs, Formulas) ->
48 gen_server:call(couch_fabric, {table_compute, Docs, Formulas}, timeout()).
50 table_columns(Formulas) ->
51 gen_server:call(couch_fabric, {table_columns, Formulas}).
53 init(FabricExec) ->
54 Cmd =
55 case erlang:system_info(os_type) of
56 {unix, _} ->
57 lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s launched_from_erlang", [FabricExec]));
58 {win32, _} ->
59 lists:flatten(io_lib:format("cmd /c\"~s\" launched_from_erlang", [FabricExec]))
60 end,
61 Port = open_port({spawn, Cmd}, [{packet, 4}, exit_status, hide]),
62 {ok, Port}.
64 terminate(_Reason, _Server) ->
65 ok.
68 handle_call({check, Formulas}, _From, Port) ->
69 % send the formulas
70 lists:foreach(fun({Formula, Type}) ->
71 send_dword(Port, 1), % indicate compilation
72 case Type of
73 simple ->
74 send_dword(Port, 0);
75 table ->
76 send_dword(Port, 1)
77 end,
78 send_string(Port, Formula)
79 end,
80 Formulas),
82 Results = lists:map(fun(_Formula) ->
83 case get_dword(Port) of
84 0 ->
85 ok;
86 1 ->
87 get_error(Port)
88 end
89 end,
90 Formulas),
91 {reply, {ok, Results}, Port};
92 handle_call({table_columns, Formulas}, _From, Port) ->
93 % indicate table columns
94 send_dword(Port, 3),
95 % send the number of formulas
96 send_dword(Port, length(Formulas)),
97 % send the formulas
98 Results = lists:map(fun(Formula) ->
99 send_string(Port, Formula),
100 case get_dword(Port) of
101 0 -> % compile error
102 get_error(Port);
103 1 ->
104 Names = get_list(Port),
105 {ok, [list_to_atom(Name) || Name <- Names]}
107 end,
108 Formulas),
109 {reply, {ok, Results}, Port};
110 handle_call({table_compute, Docs, Formulas}, _From, Port) ->
111 % indicate table computation
112 send_dword(Port, 2),
113 % send the number of formulas
114 send_dword(Port, length(Formulas)),
115 % send the formulas
116 lists:foreach(fun(Formula) ->
117 send_string(Port, Formula)
118 end,
119 Formulas),
121 % send the number of documents
122 send_dword(Port, length(Docs)),
124 % send the documents
125 lists:foreach(fun(Doc) ->
126 send_doc(Port, Doc)
127 end,
128 Docs),
130 % get the results
131 DocResults =
132 lists:map(fun(_Doc) ->
133 % loop for each document and receive the corresponding response
134 lists:map(fun(_Formula) ->
135 % loop for each formula
136 % did the formula match?
137 case get_dword(Port) of
138 0 -> % no match
139 no_match;
140 1 -> % did match
141 {ok, get_values(Port)}
143 end,
144 Formulas)
145 end,
146 Docs),
147 {reply, {ok, DocResults}, Port}.
149 handle_cast(_Whatever, Port) ->
150 {noreply, Port}.
152 handle_info({Port, {exit_status, Status}}, Port) ->
153 {stop, {fabric_server_exited, Status}, Port};
154 handle_info(_Whatever, Port) ->
155 {noreply, Port}.
157 code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
158 {ok, State}.
160 send_dword(Port, Num) when Num =< 16#FFFFFFFF, Num >= 0 ->
161 port_command(Port, <<Num:32/native >>).
163 get_dword(Port) ->
164 receive
165 {Port, {data, Bytes}} ->
166 <<Result:32/native>> = list_to_binary(Bytes),
167 Result;
169 end.
171 get_float(Port) ->
172 receive
173 {Port, {data, Bytes}} ->
174 <<Result:64/float>> = list_to_binary(Bytes),
175 Result;
177 end.
179 get_error(Port) ->
180 ErrorAtom = get_atom(Port),
181 ErrorString = get_string(Port),
182 {ErrorAtom, ErrorString}.
185 send_float(Port, Num) ->
186 port_command(Port, <<Num:64/float>>).
188 send_string(Port, []) ->
189 % can't send null, send a single zeroed byte
190 port_command(Port, [0]);
191 send_string(Port, String) ->
192 port_command(Port, String).
194 get_string(Port) ->
195 receive
196 {Port, {data, [0]}} ->
197 % we can't send or receive null strings, so to represent a
198 % null string we send a zeroed 1 byte string and then
199 % convert to a null string
201 {Port, {data, String}} ->
202 String;
204 end.
206 get_atom(Port) ->
207 list_to_atom(get_string(Port)).
209 send_doc(Port, Doc) ->
210 Fields = [
211 {"$docid", [Doc#doc.uuid]},
212 {"$revisions", Doc#doc.revisions}
213 | dict:to_list(Doc#doc.summary_fields)],
214 send_fields(Port, Fields).
218 send_fields(Port, Fields) ->
219 % send the number of fields
220 send_dword(Port, length(Fields)),
221 % send the fields
222 lists:foreach(fun({FieldName, FieldValue}) ->
223 send_string(Port, FieldName),
224 send_list(Port, FieldValue)
225 end,
226 Fields).
228 get_values(Port) ->
229 get_values2(Port, get_dword(Port), []).
231 get_values2(_Port, 0, Acc) ->
232 lists:reverse(Acc);
233 get_values2(Port, Count, Acc) ->
234 Value = get_list(Port),
235 get_values2(Port, Count-1, [Value | Acc]).
238 send_list(Port, List) ->
239 send_dword(Port, length(List)),
240 send_list2(Port, List).
242 send_list2(_Port, []) ->
244 send_list2(Port, [Element | Rest]) when is_list(Element) ->
245 send_dword(Port, 0), % indicate string
246 send_string(Port, Element),
247 send_list2(Port, Rest);
248 send_list2(Port, [Element | Rest]) when is_number(Element) ->
249 send_dword(Port, 1), % indicate float
250 send_float(Port, Element),
251 send_list2(Port, Rest).
253 get_list(Port) ->
254 get_list2(Port, get_dword(Port), []).
256 get_list2(_Port, 0, Acc) ->
257 lists:reverse(Acc);
258 get_list2(Port, Count, Acc) ->
259 Element =
260 case get_dword(Port) of
261 0 ->
262 get_string(Port);
263 1 ->
264 get_float(Port)
265 end,
266 get_list2(Port, Count - 1, [Element | Acc]).
268 test() ->
269 ok = check("damien", simple),
270 io:format("Formula compiled~n"),
271 {ok, Columns} = table_columns([" select Foo == \"bar\"; COLUMN Food := Foo + Bar2", " select Foo != \"bar\";"]),
272 io:format("Table Columns: ~p~n", [Columns]),
273 Doc = couch_doc:new([{"Foo", ["bar"]}, {"Bar2", ["bar2"]}, {"Num", [1.0]}, {"gak", ["glopf"]}]),
274 Doc2 = couch_doc:new([{"Foo", ["bar"]}, {"Bar2", ["bbbbbbbabs"]}, {"Num", [2.0]}, {"gak", ["glopf"]}]),
275 {ok, [Result, ResultB]} = table_compute([Doc, Doc2], [" select Foo == \"bar\"; COLUMN Food := Num + 2", " select Foo != \"bar\";"]),
276 io:format("~p~n", [Result]),
277 io:format("ResultB: ~p~n", [ResultB]),
278 {ok, [Result2]} = table_compute([Doc], [" select Foo != \"bar\";"]),
279 io:format("~p~n", [Result2]),
280 {ok, [Result3]} = table_compute([Doc], [" select Num == 1"]),
281 io:format("~p~n", [Result3]),