Apply the new ground_level method.
[crawl.git] / crawl-ref / source / misc /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 #
5 # Checks that the DNGN feature names in match up with the enum
6 # constants in enum.h.
9 use strict;
10 use warnings;
12 my $FEATFILE = "enum.h";
13 my $FNAMEFILE = "";
14 my ($features, $fnummap) = read_features($FEATFILE);
15 my @fnames = read_feature_names($FNAMEFILE);
17 verify_names($features, $fnummap, \@fnames);
19 sub read_feature_names {
20 my $file = shift;
21 my $text = do { local(@ARGV, $/) = $file; <> };
22 my ($array) = $text =~
23 /dngn_feature_names.*?=.*?{([^}]+)}/xs;
24 my @names = $array =~ /"([^"]*)"/gs;
25 return @names;
28 sub verify_names {
29 my ($farr, $fmap, $fnames) = @_;
30 for (my $i = 0; $i < @$fnames; ++$i) {
31 my $name = $$fnames[$i];
32 next unless $name;
33 my $feat = "DNGN_\U$name";
34 $$fmap{$feat} = -1 unless exists $$fmap{$feat};
35 if ($$fmap{$feat} != $i) {
36 die "$name is at $i, was expecting $$fmap{$feat} as in enum.\n";
39 print "Feature names in $FNAMEFILE and $FEATFILE match ok.\n";
42 sub read_features {
43 my $file = shift;
44 my @lines = do { local (@ARGV) = $file; <> };
46 my @features = ([]) x 500;
47 my $in_enum;
48 my %fnummap;
49 my $currval = 0;
50 for my $line (@lines) {
51 if (!$in_enum) {
52 $in_enum = 1 if $line =~ /enum\s+dungeon_feature_type/;
54 else {
55 last if $line =~ /^\s*};/;
57 s/^\s+//, s{//.*}{}, s/\s+$// for $line;
58 next unless $line =~ /\S/;
60 my ($key, $val) = $line =~ /(DNGN\w+)(?:\s*=\s*(\w+))?/;
61 next unless $key;
63 if (defined $val) {
64 if ($val =~ /^DNGN/) {
65 $val = $fnummap{$val};
68 else {
69 $val = $currval;
71 $currval = $val + 1;
73 $fnummap{$key} = $val;
74 push @{$features[$val]}, $key;
77 return (\@features, \%fnummap);