4 Add the following line to the top of all web-accessible PHP pages. If you have
5 a common file included by everything, put it there.
7 include_once '/path/to/csrf-magic.php';
9 Do it, test it, then forget about it. csrf-magic is protecting you if nothing
10 bad happens. Read on if you run into problems.
15 CSRF, or cross-site request forgery, is a relatively new attack vector on
16 websites today. It involves an attacker tricking a browser into performing
17 an action on another website. For example, Bob is the human resources manager
18 for a large and important company. He has the ability to hire and fire with
19 a click of a button... specifically, a web form button. Mallory, as a practical
20 joke, decides to setup a CSRF attack against Bob; she crafts a webpage which
21 submits a form onto the internal website that performs hirings and firings; then
22 she sends Bob an email to this webpage. The next day, every employee wakes up
23 to find a rather nasty pink slip in their inbox.
25 The current standard for preventing CSRF is creating a nonce that every user
26 submits with any form he/she submits. This is reasonably effective [1], but
27 incredibly tedious work; if you were hand-writing your forms or have multiple
28 avenues for POST data to enter your application, adding CSRF protection may not
29 seem worth the trouble (trust me, it certainly is).
31 This is where csrf-magic comes into play. csrf-magic uses PHP's output
32 buffering capabilities to dynamically rewrite forms and scripts in your document.
33 It will also intercept POST requests and check their token (various algorithms
34 are used, some generate nonces, some generate user-specific tokens). This means
35 with a traditional website with forms, you can drop it into your application,
41 csrf-magic has the ability to dynamically rewrite AJAX requests which use
42 XMLHttpRequest. However, due to the invasiveness of this procedure, it is
43 not enabled by default. You can enable it by adding this code before you
44 include csrf-magic.php.
46 function csrf_startup() {
47 csrf_conf('rewrite-js', '/web/path/to/csrf-magic.js');
49 // include_once '/path/to/csrf-magic.php';
51 (Be sure to place csrf-magic.js somewhere web accessible). csrf-magic.js will
52 automatically detect and play nice with the following JavaScript frameworks:
56 * script.aculo.us (via Prototype)
58 We are currently implementing support for these JavaScript libraries:
65 If you are not using any of these JavaScript libraries, AJAX requests will
66 only work for browsers with support for XmlHttpRequest.prototype (this excludes
67 all versions of Internet Explorer).
69 To rewrite your own JavaScript library to use csrf-magic.js, note that when
70 JavaScript is enabled the csrfMagicName and csrfMagicToken global variables
71 become available. Simply add this to all POST AJAX requests as:
73 csrfMagicName + '=' + csrfMagicToken
75 You can see examples of these implementations in csrf-magic.js. Also, feel free
76 to prune csrf-magic.js to the code you need (just be careful when updating!)
81 csrf-magic has some configuration options that you can set inside the
82 csrf_startup() function. They are described in csrf-magic.php, and you can
83 set them using the convenience function csrf_conf($name, $value).
87 function csrf_startup() {
88 csrf_conf('input-name', 'magic-token');
89 csrf_conf('secret', 'ABCDEFG123456');
90 csrf_conf('rewrite-js', '/csrf-magic.js');
92 include_once '/path/to/csrf-magic.php';
97 My thanks to Chris Shiflett, for unintentionally inspiring the idea, as well
98 as telling me the original variant of the Bob and Mallory story,
99 and the Django CSRF Middleware authors, who thought up of this before me.
101 http://www.thespanner.co.uk/2007/08/20/protection-against-csrf/ is interesting
102 esp the frame breaker which we can automatically write in.
107 [1] There is an experimental attack in which a user makes an invisible iframe
108 of the website being attacked and overlays this on-top of an element on
109 their page that a user would normally click. This iframe has a different
110 button from the other website which activates the action. Nonces will
111 not protect against this type of attack, and csrf-magic doesn't deal with
115 http://own-the.net/cat_CSRF-(XSRF)_news.html