Вывод подложек картинок в армори. Спс lovepsone
[cswow.git] / include / map_data.php
1 <?php
2 include_once("include/functions.php");
3 // Áàçû äàííûõ
5 //******************************************************************************
6 // Òàáëèöà ïðåîáðàçîâàíèÿ ãëîáàëüíûõ êîîðäèíàò â êîîðäèíàòû íà êàðòèíêå êàðòû
7 // ôîðìàò id=> Map, areaID, Y1, Y2, X1, X2, filename
8 $gAreaImagesCoord =array(
9 //******************************************************************************
10 //************************ Azeroth Areas ***************************************
11 //******************************************************************************
12 14=>array( 0, 0, 18171.971, -22569.211, 11176.344, -15973.344, "azeroth/Azeroth.jpg"),
13 15=>array( 0, 36, 783.333313, -2016.666626, 1500, -366.6666565, "azeroth/Alterac.jpg"),
14 16=>array( 0, 45, -866.666626, -4466.666504, -133.3333282, -2533.333252, "azeroth/Arathi.jpg"),
15 17=>array( 0, 3, -2079.166504, -4566.666504, -5889.583008, -7547.916504, "azeroth/Badlands.jpg"),
16 19=>array( 0, 4, -1241.666626, -4591.666504, -10566.66602, -12800, "azeroth/BlastedLands.jpg"),
17 20=>array( 0, 85, 3033.333252, -1485.416626, 3837.499756, 824.999939, "azeroth/Tirisfal.jpg"),
18 21=>array( 0, 130, 3449.999756, -750, 1666.666626, -1133.333252, "azeroth/Silverpine.jpg"),
19 22=>array( 0, 28, 416.6666565, -3883.333252, 3366.666504, 499.9999695, "azeroth/WesternPlaguelands.jpg"),
20 23=>array( 0, 139, -2185.416504, -6056.25, 3799.999756, 1218.75, "azeroth/EasternPlaguelands.jpg"),
21 24=>array( 0, 267, 1066.666626, -2133.333252, 400, -1733.333252, "azeroth/Hilsbrad.jpg"),
22 26=>array( 0, 47, -1575, -5425, 1466.666626, -1100, "azeroth/Hinterlands.jpg"),
23 27=>array( 0, 1, 1802.083252, -3122.916504, -3877.083252, -7160.416504, "azeroth/DunMorogh.jpg"),
24 28=>array( 0, 51, -322.9166565, -2554.166504, -6100, -7587.499512, "azeroth/SearingGorge.jpg"),
25 29=>array( 0, 46, -266.6666565, -3195.833252, -7031.249512, -8983.333008, "azeroth/BurningSteppes.jpg"),
26 30=>array( 0, 12, 1535.416626, -1935.416626, -7939.583008, -10254.16602, "azeroth/Elwynn.jpg"),
27 32=>array( 0, 41, -833.333313, -3333.333252, -9866.666016, -11533.33301, "azeroth/DeadwindPass.jpg"),
28 34=>array( 0, 10, 833.333313, -1866.666626, -9716.666016, -11516.66602, "azeroth/Duskwood.jpg"),
29 35=>array( 0, 38, -1993.749878, -4752.083008, -4487.5, -6327.083008, "azeroth/LochModan.jpg"),
30 36=>array( 0, 44, -1570.833252, -3741.666504, -8575, -10022.91602, "azeroth/Redridge.jpg"),
31 37=>array( 0, 33, 2220.833252, -4160.416504, -11168.75, -15422.91602, "azeroth/Stranglethorn.jpg"),
32 38=>array( 0, 8, -2222.916504, -4516.666504, -9620.833008, -11150, "azeroth/SwampOfSorrows.jpg"),
33 39=>array( 0, 40, 3016.666504, -483.333313, -9400, -11733.33301, "azeroth/Westfall.jpg"),
34 40=>array( 0, 11, -389.583313, -4525, -2147.916504, -4904.166504, "azeroth/Wetlands.jpg"),
35 301=>array( 0, 1519, 1722.917, -14.583, -7995.833, -9154.166, "azeroth/Stormwind.jpg"),
36 341=>array( 0, 1537, -713.5913696, -1504.216431, -4569.241211, -5096.845703, "azeroth/Ironforge.jpg"),
37 382=>array( 0, 1497, 873.192627, -86.18240356, 1877.945313, 1237.841187, "azeroth/Undercity.jpg"),
38 //******************************************************************************
39 //************************ Kalimdor Areas **************************************
40 //******************************************************************************
41 13=>array( 1, 0, 17066.59961, -19733.21094, 12799.90039, -11733.2998, "kalimdor/Kalimdor.jpg"),
42 4=>array( 1, 14, -1962.499878, -7249.999512, 1808.333252, -1716.666626, "kalimdor/Durotar.jpg"),
43 9=>array( 1, 215, 2047.916626, -3089.583252, -272.9166565, -3697.916504, "kalimdor/Mulgore.jpg"),
44 11=>array( 1, 17, 2622.916504, -7510.416504, 1612.499878, -5143.75, "kalimdor/Barrens.jpg"),
45 41=>array( 1, 141, 3814.583252, -1277.083252, 11831.25, 8437.5, "kalimdor/Teldrassil.jpg"),
46 42=>array( 1, 148, 2941.666504, -3608.333252, 8333.333008, 3966.666504, "kalimdor/Darkshore.jpg"),
47 43=>array( 1, 331, 1699.999878, -4066.666504, 4672.916504, 829.166626, "kalimdor/Ashenvale.jpg"),
48 61=>array( 1, 400, -433.333313, -4833.333008, -3966.666504, -6899.999512, "kalimdor/ThousandNeedles.jpg"),
49 81=>array( 1, 406, 3245.833252, -1637.499878, 2916.666504, -339.583313, "kalimdor/StonetalonMountains.jpg"),
50 101=>array( 1, 405, 4233.333008, -262.5, 452.083313, -2545.833252, "kalimdor/Desolace.jpg"),
51 121=>array( 1, 357, 5441.666504, -1508.333252, -2366.666504, -6999.999512, "kalimdor/Feralas.jpg"),
52 141=>array( 1, 15, -974.999939, -6225, -2033.333252, -5533.333008, "kalimdor/Dustwallow.jpg"),
53 161=>array( 1, 440, -218.7499847, -7118.749512, -5875, -10475, "kalimdor/Tanaris.jpg"),
54 181=>array( 1, 16, -3277.083252, -8347.916016, 5341.666504, 1960.416626, "kalimdor/Aszhara.jpg"),
55 182=>array( 1, 361, 1641.666626, -4108.333008, 7133.333008, 3299.999756, "kalimdor/Felwood.jpg"),
56 201=>array( 1, 490, 533.333313, -3166.666504, -5966.666504, -8433.333008, "kalimdor/UngoroCrater.jpg"),
57 241=>array( 1, 493, -1381.25, -3689.583252, 8491.666016, 6952.083008, "kalimdor/Moonglade.jpg"),
58 261=>array( 1, 1377, 2537.5, -945.8339844, -5958.333984, -8281.25, "kalimdor/Silithus.jpg"),
59 281=>array( 1, 618, -316.6666565, -7416.666504, 8533.333008, 3799.999756, "kalimdor/Winterspring.jpg"),
60 321=>array( 1, 1637, -3680.601074, -5083.205566, 2273.877197, 1338.460571, "kalimdor/Ogrimmar.jpg"),
61 362=>array( 1, 1638, 516.666626, -527.083313, -849.999939, -1545.833252, "kalimdor/ThunderBluff.jpg"),
62 381=>array( 1, 1657, 2938.362793, 1880.029541, 10238.31641, 9532.586914, "kalimdor/Darnassis.jpg"),
63 //******************************************************************************
64 //***************************** BG Areas **************************************
65 //******************************************************************************
66 401=>array( 30, 2597, 1781.249878, -2456.25, 1085.416626, -1739.583252, "bg/alteracvalley.jpg"),
67 443=>array(489, 3277, 2041.666626, 895.833313, 1627.083252, 862.499939, "bg/warsonggulch.jpg"),
68 461=>array(529, 3358, 1858.333252, 102.0833282, 1508.333252, 337.5, "bg/arathibasin.jpg"),
69 482=>array(566, 3820, 2660.416504, 389.583313, 2918.75, 1404.166626, "bg/netherstormarena.jpg"),
70 512=>array(607, 4384, 787.5, -956.25, 1883.333, 720.833, "bg/strandoftheancients.jpg"),
71 //******************************************************************************
72 //************************* Island Areas **************************************
73 //******************************************************************************
74 480=>array(530, 3487, -6400.75, -7612.208496, 10153.70898, 9346.938477, "islands/SilvermoonCity.jpg"),
75 462=>array(530, 3430, -4487.5, -9412.5, 11041.66602, 7758.333008, "islands/EversongWoods.jpg"),
76 463=>array(530, 3433, -5283.333008, -8583.333008, 8266.666016, 6066.666504, "islands/Ghostlands.jpg"),
77 471=>array(530, 3557, -11066.36719, -12123.1377, -3609.68335, -4314.371094, "islands/TheExodar.jpg"),
78 464=>array(530, 3524, -10500, -14570.83301, -2793.75, -5508.333008, "islands/AzuremystIsle.jpg"),
79 476=>array(530, 3525, -10075, -13337.49902, -758.333313, -2933.333252, "islands/BloodmystIsle.jpg"),
80 499=>array(530, 4080, -5302.083008, -8629.166016, 13568.74902, 11350, "islands/Sunwell.jpg"),
81 502=>array(609, 4298, -4047.917, -7210.417, 3087.5, 979.167, "islands/ScarletEnclave.jpg"),
82 //******************************************************************************
83 //************************* Outland Areas **************************************
84 //******************************************************************************
85 466=>array(530, 0, 12996.03906, -4468.039063, 5821.359375, -5821.359375, "outland/outland.jpg"),
86 465=>array(530, 3483, 5539.583008, 375, 1481.25, -1962.499878, "outland/Hellfire.jpg"),
87 467=>array(530, 3521, 9475, 4447.916504, 1935.416626, -1416.666626, "outland/Zangarmarsh.jpg"),
88 473=>array(530, 3520, 4225, -1275, -1947.916626, -5614.583008, "outland/ShadowmoonValley.jpg"),
89 475=>array(530, 3522, 8845.833008, 3420.833252, 4408.333008, 791.666626, "outland/BladesEdgeMountains.jpg"),
90 477=>array(530, 3518, 10295.83301, 4770.833008, 41.66666412, -3641.666504, "outland/Nagrand.jpg"),
91 478=>array(530, 3519, 7083.333008, 1683.333252, -999.999939, -4600, "outland/TerokkarForest.jpg"),
92 479=>array(530, 3523, 5483.333008, -91.666664, 5456.25, 1739.583252, "outland/Netherstorm.jpg"),
93 481=>array(530, 3703, 6135.258789, 4829.008789, -1473.954468, -2344.787842, "outland/ShattrathCity.jpg"),
94 //******************************************************************************
95 //************************ Northrend Areas **************************************
96 //******************************************************************************
97 485=>array(571, 0, 9217.152, -8534.246, 10593.375, -1240.89, "northrend/Northrend.jpg"),
98 486=>array(571, 3537, 8570.833, 2806.25, 4897.917, 1054.167, "northrend/BoreanTundra.jpg"),
99 488=>array(571, 65, 3627.083, -1981.25, 5575, 1835.417, "northrend/Dragonblight.jpg"),
100 490=>array(571, 394, -1110.417, -6360.417, 5516.667, 2016.667, "northrend/GrizzlyHills.jpg"),
101 491=>array(571, 495, -1397.917, -7443.75, 3116.667, -914.583, "northrend/HowlingFjord.jpg"),
102 492=>array(571, 210, 5443.75, -827.083, 9427.083, 5245.833, "northrend/IcecrownGlacier.jpg"),
103 493=>array(571, 3711, 6929.167, 2572.917, 7287.5, 4383.333, "northrend/SholazarBasin.jpg"),
104 495=>array(571, 67, 1841.667, -5270.833, 10197.916, 5456.25, "northrend/TheStormPeaks.jpg"),
105 496=>array(571, 66, -600, -5593.75, 7668.75, 4339.583, "northrend/ZulDrak.jpg"),
106 501=>array(571, 4197, 4329.167, 1354.167, 5716.667, 3733.333, "northrend/LakeWintergrasp.jpg"),
107 504=>array(571, 4395, 1052.51, 222.495, 6066.67, 5513.33, "northrend/Dalaran1_1.jpg"),
108 510=>array(571, 2817, 1443.75, -1279.167, 6502.083, 4687.5, "northrend/CrystalsongForest.jpg")
111 $gZoneToAreaImage = array(
112 '-1'=>'0',
113 '1'=>'27', // DunMorogh
114 '3'=>'17', // Badlands
115 '4'=>'19', // BlastedLands
116 '8'=>'38', // SwampOfSorrows
117 '10'=>'34', // Duskwood
118 '11'=>'40', // Wetlands
119 '12'=>'30', // Elwynn
120 '14'=>'4', // Durotar
121 '15'=>'141', // Dustwallow
122 '16'=>'181', // Aszhara
123 '17'=>'11', // Barrens
124 '28'=>'22', // WesternPlaguelands
125 '33'=>'37', // Stranglethorn
126 '36'=>'15', // Alterac
127 '38'=>'35', // LochModan
128 '40'=>'39', // Westfall
129 '41'=>'32', // DeadwindPass
130 '44'=>'36', // Redridge
131 '45'=>'16', // Arathi
132 '46'=>'29', // BurningSteppes
133 '47'=>'26', // Hinterlands
134 '51'=>'28', // SearingGorge
135 '65'=>'488', // Dragonblight
136 '66'=>'496', // ZulDrak
137 '67'=>'495', // TheStormPeaks
138 '85'=>'20', // Tirisfal
139 '130'=>'21', // Silverpine
140 '139'=>'23', // EasternPlaguelands
141 '141'=>'41', // Teldrassil
142 '148'=>'42', // Darkshore
143 '206'=>'523', // Utgarde Keep
144 '210'=>'492', // IcecrownGlacier
145 '215'=>'9', // Mulgore
146 '267'=>'24', // Hilsbrad
147 '331'=>'43', // Ashenvale
148 '357'=>'121', // Feralas
149 '361'=>'182', // Felwood
150 '394'=>'490', // GrizzlyHills
151 '400'=>'61', // ThousandNeedles
152 '405'=>'101', // Desolace
153 '406'=>'81', // StonetalonMountains
154 '440'=>'161', // Tanaris
155 '490'=>'201', // UngoroCrater
156 '493'=>'241', // Moonglade
157 '495'=>'491', // HowlingFjord
158 '618'=>'281', // Winterspring
159 '1196'=>'524', // Utgarde Pinnacle
160 '1377'=>'261', // Silithus
161 '1497'=>'382', // Undercity
162 '1519'=>'301', // Stormwind
163 '1537'=>'341', // Ironforge
164 '1637'=>'321', // Ogrimmar
165 '1638'=>'362', // ThunderBluff
166 '1657'=>'381', // Darnassis
167 '2597'=>'401', // AlteracValley
168 '2817'=>'510', // CrystalsongForest
169 '3277'=>'443', // WarsongGulch
170 '3358'=>'461', // ArathiBasin
171 '3430'=>'462', // EversongWoods
172 '3433'=>'463', // Ghostlands
173 '3456'=>'535', // Naxxramas
174 '3483'=>'465', // Hellfire
175 '3487'=>'480', // SilvermoonCity
176 '3518'=>'477', // Nagrand
177 '3519'=>'478', // TerokkarForest
178 '3520'=>'473', // ShadowmoonValley
179 '3521'=>'467', // Zangarmarsh
180 '3522'=>'475', // BladesEdgeMountains
181 '3523'=>'479', // Netherstorm
182 '3524'=>'464', // AzuremystIsle
183 '3525'=>'476', // BloodmystIsle
184 '3537'=>'486', // BoreanTundra
185 '3557'=>'471', // TheExodar
186 '3703'=>'481', // ShattrathCity
187 '3711'=>'493', // SholazarBasin
188 '3820'=>'482', // NetherstormArena
189 '4080'=>'499', // Sunwell
190 '4100'=>'521', // The Culling of Stratholme
191 '4196'=>'534', // Drak'Tharon Keep
192 '4197'=>'501', // LakeWintergrasp
193 '4228'=>'528', // The Oculus
194 '4264'=>'526', // Halls of Stone
195 '4265'=>'520', // The Nexus
196 '4272'=>'525', // Halls of Lightning
197 '4273'=>'529', // Ulduar
198 '4277'=>'533', // Azjol-Nerub
199 '4298'=>'502', // ScarletEnclave
200 '4384'=>'512', // StrandoftheAncients
201 '4395'=>'504', // Dalaran
202 '4415'=>'536', // The Violet Hold
203 '4416'=>'530', // Gundrak
204 '4493'=>'531', // The Obsidian Sanctum
205 '4494'=>'522', // Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
206 '4500'=>'527', // The Eye of Eternity
207 '4603'=>'532', // Vault of Archavon
208 '4710'=>'540', // Isle of Conquest
209 '4722'=>'542', // Trial of the Crusader
210 '4723'=>'543', // Trial of the Champion
211 '4742'=>'541', // Hrothgar's Landing
212 '4809'=>'601', // The Forge of Souls
213 '4812'=>'604', // Icecrown Citadel
214 '4813'=>'602', // Pit of Saron
215 '4820'=>'603', // Halls of Reflection
216 '4987'=>'609', // The Ruby Sanctum
219 function getRenderAreaData($area)
221 global $gAreaImagesCoord;
222 return @$gAreaImagesCoord[$area];
225 // Ïðåîáðàçóåò êîðäèíàòû äëÿ àðåà êàðò (ôàéë worldMapTransform.dbc)
226 // Êîãäà îáúåêò ôèçè÷åñêè íàõîäèòñÿ íà:
227 // - ðàçíûõ êàðòàõ (êàðòû îñòðîâîâ)
228 // À âûâîä èäeò íà îäíó êàðòèíêó íî ïî äðóãèì êîîðäèíàòàì
229 // ôîðìàò map, y1, y2, x1, x2, newmap, dx, dy
230 $areaMapTransform = array(
231 2=>array(530, -4000, -10000, 14000, 5000, 0, -2400, 2400),
232 3=>array(530, -6933.333, -16000, 533.333, -8000, 1,10133.333, 17600)
235 function transformAreaCoordinates(&$map, &$x, &$y)
237 global $areaMapTransform;
238 foreach ($areaMapTransform as $conv)
240 if ($conv[0] == $map AND
241 $conv[1] >= $y AND $conv[2] <= $y AND
242 $conv[3] >= $x AND $conv[4] <= $x )
244 $map = $conv[5];
245 $x += $conv[6];
246 $y += $conv[7];
247 return;
250 return;
253 // Ïðåîáðàçóåò êîðäèíàòû
254 // Êîãäà îáúåêò ôèçè÷åñêè íàõîäèòñÿ íà:
255 // - ðàçíûõ êàðòàõ (êàðòû îñòðîâîâ)
256 // - êàðòà ìíîãîýòàæíàÿ
257 // À âûâîä èä¸ò íà îäíó êàðòèíêó, íî ïî äðóãèì êîîðäèíàòàì
258 // ôîðìàò map, z1, z2, y1, y2, x1, x2, newmap, dx, dy, dz
259 $worldMapTransform = array(
260 2=>array(530, 2000, -2000, -4000, -10000, 14000, 5000, 0, -2638, 2496, 0),
261 3=>array(530, 2000, -2000, -6933, -16000, 533, -8000, 1, 10133.333, 17600, 0),
262 // Scarlet Monastery
263 4=>array(189, 2000, -2000, -200, -500, 300, 100, 189, 578, 1469, 0), // Library
264 5=>array(189, 2000, -2000, -300, -500, 2000, 1600, 189, -756, 1591, 0), // Armory
265 6=>array(189, 2000, -2000, 1500, 1000, 1900, 1700, 189, -970, 275, 0), // Caveyard
266 // Shadowfang
267 7=>array( 33, 140,113.4, 2200, 2100, -70, -180, 33, 7, -56, 0), // 2 floor
268 8=>array( 33, 160, 140, 2200, 2100, -70, -180, 33, -12, -108, 0), // 3 floor
272 function transformWorldCoordinates(&$map, &$x, &$y, &$z)
274 global $worldMapTransform;
275 foreach ($worldMapTransform as $conv)
277 if ($conv[0] == $map AND
278 $conv[1] >= $z AND $conv[2] <= $z AND
279 $conv[3] >= $y AND $conv[4] <= $y AND
280 $conv[5] >= $x AND $conv[6] <= $x)
282 $map = $conv[7];
283 $x += $conv[8];
284 $y += $conv[9];
285 $z += $conv[10];
286 return;
289 return;
292 // return true if map - dungeon
293 function isDungeon($id)
295 if ($id==0 || $id == 1 || $id == 530 || $id ==571)
296 return false;
297 return true;
300 // Ñîáñòâåííûå äàííûå äëÿ ïîêàçà êàðò
301 // id, y1, y2, x1, x2, sizeY, sizeX, filename
302 static $gMapCoord =array(
303 0=>array( 11200, -16000, 4264, -6936,1632, 672,"../azeroth_8x.jpg"),
304 1=>array( 12262, -12804, 8536, -9064,1504,1056,"../kalimdor_8x.jpg"),
305 530=>array( 5333, -5867, 10133, -1067,1344,1344,"../outland_4x.jpg"),
306 571=>array( 10667, -1066, 8533, -8000,1408,1984,'../northrend_4x.jpg'),
307 // 13=>array( , , , , , ,"Testing.jpg"), // not use
308 // 25=>array( , , , , , ,"ScottTest.jpg"), // not use
309 // 29=>array( , , , , , ,"CashTest.jpg"), // not use
310 30=>array( 1032, -1676, 296, -754,1300, 504,"AlteracValley.jpg"),
311 33=>array( -73, -317, 2355, 2001, 488, 708,"ShadowfangKeep.jpg"), // ïîâîðîò íà -69,16 (multilevel map)
312 34=>array( 201, -11, 158, -158, 424, 632,"Stockade.jpg"),
313 // 35=>array( , , , , , ,"unusedStormwindPrison.jpg"), // not use
314 36=>array( 128, -321, -339, -1151, 898,1623,"Deadmines.jpg"),
315 // 37=>array( , , , , , ,"AzsharaCrater.jpg"), // not use
316 // 42=>array( , , , , , ,"CollinTest.jpg"), // not use
317 43=>array( 192, -399, 560, -388,1182,1896,"WailingCaverns.jpg"),
318 // 44=>array( , , , , , ,"unusedMonastery.jpg"), // not use
319 47=>array( 2241, 1926, 2044, 1380, 630,1326,"RazorfenKraul.jpg"), // ïîâîðîò íà 47,29 ãðàä
320 48=>array( -72, -900, 429, -507,1656,1872,"BlackfathomDeeps.jpg"),
321 70=>array( 189, -375, 472, -75,1128,1094,"Uldaman.jpg"),
322 90=>array( -196, -920, 762, -146,1448,1816,"Gnomeregan.jpg"),
323 109=>array( -241, -718, 329, -141, 954, 940,"SunkenTemple.jpg"),
324 129=>array( 2635, 2244, 1145, 601, 781,1088,"RazorfenDowns.jpg"),
325 //169=>array( , , , , , ,"EmeraldDream.jpg"), // not use
326 189=>array( 1237, 637, 1724, 1014,1200,1420,"ScarletMonastery.jpg"), // use transform coordinates
327 209=>array( 2062, 1143, 1433, 604, 441, 398,"ZulFarrak.jpg"),
328 //229=>array( , , , , , ,"BlackrockSpire.jpg"), // have many level -> passed
329 230=>array( 1491, 252, 271, -855,2478,2252,"BlackrockDepths.jpg"),
330 249=>array( 67, -225, -8, -292, 583, 568,"OnyxiasLair.jpg"),
331 269=>array( -1327, -2421, 7698, 6527, 525, 562,"CavernsOfTime.jpg"),
332 //289=>array( , , , , , ,"Scholomance.jpg"), // have many level -> passed
333 309=>array(-11335, -12568, -1106, -2137, 592, 495,"ZulGurub.jpg"),
334 329=>array( 4155, 3373, -2923, -3809,1564,1772,"Stratholme.jpg"),
335 349=>array( 1172, -174, 300, -819,2692,2238,"Maraudon.jpg"),
336 //369=>array( , , , , , ,"DeeprunTram.jpg"), // not use ýòî êàðòà æåëåçíîé äîðîãè ìåæäó ñòîðìîì è àéðîíîì
337 389=>array( 23, -426, 280, -113, 898, 786,"OrgrimarInstance.jpg"),
338 409=>array( 1338, 483, -267, -1260,1710,1986,"MoltenCore.jpg"),
339 429=>array( 943, -224, 984, -876,1167,1860,"DireMaul.jpg"),
340 449=>array( 88, -32, 43, -97, 240, 280,"AlliancePVPBarracks.jpg"),
341 450=>array( 277, -87, 120, -188, 729, 618,"HordePVPBarracks.jpg"),
342 //451=>array( , , , , , ,"DevelopmentLand.jpg"), // not use
343 //469=>array( , , , , , ,"BlackwingLair.jpg"), // have many level -> passed
344 489=>array( 1698, 827, 1864, 994, 418, 418,"WarsongGulch.jpg"),
345 509=>array( -8070, -10257, 2470, 950,1050, 730,"RuinsofAhnQiraj.jpg"),
346 //529=>array( , , , , , ,"ArathiBasin.jpg"), // bg
347 531=>array( -7840, -9372, 2255, 782,3064,2947,"AhnQirajTemple.jpg"), // Ïîâîðîò íà 21.5 ãðàä
348 //532=>array( , , , , , ,"Karazhan.jpg"), // have many level -> passed
349 533=>array( 3569, 2428, -2862, -4080,2282,2436,"Naxxramas.jpg"),
350 534=>array( 5958, 4075, -1104, -4123, 904,1449,"TheBattleforMountHyjal.jpg"),
351 540=>array( 582, -46, 357, -168,1256,1050,"TheShatteredHalls.jpg"),
352 542=>array( 558, -49, 219, -229,1214, 896,"TheBloodFurnace.jpg"),
353 543=>array( -508, -2176, 2376, 900, 834, 738,"Ramparts.jpg"),
354 544=>array( 242, -127, 122, -111, 738, 466,"MagtheridonsLair.jpg"),
355 545=>array( 132, -406, 35, -622,1076,1314,"TheSteamvault.jpg"),
356 546=>array( 427, -189, 191, -610,1232,1602,"TheUnderbog.jpg"),
357 547=>array( 157.5, -357.5, 44.5,-829.5,1030,1748,"TheSlavePens.jpg"),
358 548=>array( 579, -396, 121, -1161,1950,2564,"SerpentshrineCavern.jpg"),
359 550=>array( 883, -78, 501, -509,1923,2021,"TheEye.jpg"),
360 552=>array( 547, -56, 247, -306,1206,1106,"TheArcatraz.jpg"),
361 553=>array( 232, -266, 641, -104, 996,1490,"TheBotanica.jpg"),
362 554=>array( 354, -104, 212, -221, 916, 866,"TheMechanar.jpg"),
363 555=>array( 86, -588.5, 83.5,-575.5,1349,1318,"ShadowLabyrinth.jpg"),
364 556=>array( 124, -295.5, 385, -70, 839, 910,"SethekkHalls.jpg"),
365 557=>array( 84.5, -438, 65.5,-306.5,1045, 744,"ManaTombs.jpg"),
366 558=>array(298.75,-187.25, 56,-448.5, 972,1009,"AuchenaiCrypts.jpg"),
367 //559=>array( , , , , , ,"NagrandArena.jpg"), // bg
368 560=>array( 3730, 530, 2667, -533,1536,1536,"TheEscapeFromDurnholde.jpg"),
369 //562=>array( , , , , , ,"BladeEdgeArena.jpg"), // bg
370 //564=>array( , , , , , ,"BlackTemple.jpg"),
371 565=>array( 304, -37, 445, -32, 682, 954,"GruulsLair.jpg"),
372 566=>array( 2873, 1433, 2118, 942, 891, 565,"EyeoftheStorm.jpg"), // bg
373 568=>array( 681, -381, 1990, 254, 510, 833,"ZulAman.jpg"),
374 //572=>array( , , , , , ,"RuinsofLordaeron.jpg"), // not use
375 //573=>array( , , , , , ,"ExteriorTest.jpg"), // not use
376 //574=>array( , , , , , ,"UtgardeKeep.jpg"), //
377 //575=>array( , , , , , ,"UtgardePinnacle.jpg"), //
378 //576=>array( , , , , , ,"TheNexus.jpg"), //
379 //578=>array( , , , , , ,"TheOculus.jpg"), //
380 580=>array( 2768, 512, 1691, -259,1083, 937,"SunwellPlateau.jpg"),
381 //582=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Rut'theran to Auberdine
382 //584=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Menethil to Theramore
383 //585=>array( , , , , , ,"MagisterTerrace.jpg"), //
384 //586=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Exodar to Auberdine
385 //587=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Feathermoon Ferry
386 //588=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Menethil to Auberdine
387 //589=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Orgrimmar to Grom'Gol
388 //590=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Grom'Gol to Undercity
389 //591=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Undercity to Orgrimmar
390 //592=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Borean Tundra Test
391 //593=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Booty Bay to Ratchet
392 //594=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Howling Fjord Sister Mercy (Quest)
393 //595=>array( , , , , , ,"CullingOfStratholme.jpg"), //
394 //596=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Naglfar
395 //597=>array( , , , , , ,"CraigTest.jpg"), // not use
396 //598=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Sunwell Fix
397 //599=>array( , , , , , ,"HallsOfStone.jpg"),
398 //600=>array( , , , , , ,"DrakTharonKeep.jpg"),
399 //601=>array( , , , , , ,"AzjolNerub.jpg"),
400 //602=>array( , , , , , ,"HallsOfLightning.jpg"),
401 //603=>array( , , , , , ,"Ulduar.jpg"),
402 //604=>array( , , , , , ,"Gundrak.jpg"),
403 //605=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Development Land (non-weighted textures)
404 //606=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use QA and DVD
405 //607=>array( , , , , , ,"StrandOfTheAncients.jpg"),
406 //608=>array( , , , , , ,"VioletHold.jpg"),
407 //609=>array( , , , , , ,"EbonHold.jpg"),
408 //610=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Tirisfal to Vengeance Landing
409 //612=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Menethil to Valgarde
410 //613=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Orgrimmar to Warsong Hold
411 //614=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Stormwind to Valiance Keep
412 //615=>array( , , , , , ,"TheObsidianSanctum.jpg"),
413 //616=>array( , , , , , ,"TheEyeOfEternity.jpg"),
414 //617=>array( , , , , , ,"DalaranSewers.jpg"),
415 //618=>array( , , , , , ,"TheRinOfValor.jpg"),
416 //619=>array( , , , , , ,"TheOldKingdom.jpg"),
417 //620=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Moa'ki to Unu'pe
418 //621=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Moa'ki to Kamagua
419 //622=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: Orgrim's Hammer
420 //623=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not use Transport: The Skybreaker
421 //624=>array( , , , , , ,"WintergraspRaid.jpg"),
422 //628=>array( , , , , , ,"IsleofConquest.jpg"),
423 //631=>array( , , , , , ,"IcecrownCitadel.jpg"),
424 //632=>array( , , , , , ,"IcecrownCitadel5Man.jpg"),
425 //641=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not useTransport_AllianceAirshipBG
426 //642=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not useTransport_HordeAirshipBG
427 //647=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not useTransport_Orgrimmar_to_Thunderbluff
428 //649=>array( , , , , , ,"ArgentTournamentRaid.jpg"),
429 //650=>array( , , , , , ,"ArgentTournamentDungeon.jpg"),
430 //658=>array( , , , , , ,"QuarryofTears.jpg"),
431 //668=>array( , , , , , ,"HallsOfReflection.jpg"),
432 //672=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not useTransport197347
433 //673=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not useTransport197348
434 //712=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not useTransport197349
435 //713=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not useTransport197350
436 //718=>array( , , , , , ,".jpg"), // not useTransport201834
437 //723=>array( , , , , , ,"Stormwind.jpg"),
438 //724=>array( , , , , , ,"ChamberofAspectsRed.jpg"),
441 function getRenderMapData($map)
443 global $gMapCoord;
444 return @$gMapCoord[$map];
447 $gMapIcon = array(
448 '0'=>"EasternKingdoms.gif",
449 '1'=>"Kalimdor.gif",
450 '30'=>"Battleground.gif",
451 '33'=>"ShadowFangKeep.gif",
452 '34'=>"StormwindStockades.gif",
453 '36'=>"Deadmines.gif",
454 '43'=>"WailingCaverns.gif",
455 '47'=>"RazorfenKraul.gif",
456 '48'=>"BlackfathomDeeps.gif",
457 '70'=>"Uldaman.gif",
458 '90'=>"Gnomeregan.gif",
459 '109'=>"SunkenTemple.gif",
460 '129'=>"RazorfenDowns.gif",
461 '189'=>"ScarletMonastery.gif",
462 '209'=>"ZulFarak.gif",
463 '229'=>"BlackrockSpire.gif",
464 '230'=>"BlackrockDepths.gif",
465 '249'=>"Raid.gif",
466 '269'=>"CavernsOfTime.gif",
467 '289'=>"Scholomance.gif",
468 '309'=>"ZulGurub.gif",
469 '329'=>"Stratholme.gif",
470 '349'=>"Maraudon.gif",
471 '389'=>"RagefireChasm.gif",
472 '409'=>"MoltenCore.gif",
473 '429'=>"DireMaul.gif",
474 '469'=>"BlackwingLair.gif",
475 '489'=>"WarsongGulch.gif",
476 '509'=>"AQRuins.gif",
477 '529'=>"ArathiBasin.gif",
478 '530'=>"Outland.gif",
479 '531'=>"AQTemple.gif",
480 '532'=>"Karazhan.gif",
481 '533'=>"Naxxramas.gif",
482 '534'=>"HyjalPast.gif",
483 '540'=>"HellfireCitadel.gif",
484 '542'=>"HellfireCitadel.gif",
485 '543'=>"HellfireCitadel.gif",
486 '544'=>"HellfireCitadelRaid.gif",
487 '545'=>"CoilFang.gif",
488 '546'=>"CoilFang.gif",
489 '547'=>"CoilFang.gif",
490 '548'=>"SerpentshrineCavern.gif",
491 '550'=>"TempestKeep.gif",
492 '552'=>"TempestKeep.gif",
493 '553'=>"TempestKeep.gif",
494 '554'=>"TempestKeep.gif",
495 '555'=>"Auchindoun.gif",
496 '556'=>"Auchindoun.gif",
497 '557'=>"Auchindoun.gif",
498 '558'=>"Auchindoun.gif",
499 '560'=>"CavernsOfTime.gif",
500 '564'=>"BlackTemple.gif",
501 '565'=>"GruulsLair.gif",
502 '568'=>"ZulAman.gif",
503 '580'=>"Sunwell.gif",
504 '585'=>"MagistersTerrace.gif"
507 function getMapIcon($map)
509 global $gMapIcon;
510 $ico = @$gMapIcon[$map];
511 if (empty($ico)) $ico = "Uncnown.gif";
512 return "images/map_icons/".$ico;
515 // Âûâîä êàðòèíêè íà îáùåé êàðòå GPS
516 // ôîðìàò:
517 // posX - êîîðäèíàòà ëåâîãî âåðõíåãî óãëà êàðòû
518 // posY - êîîðäèíàòà ëåâîãî âåðõíåãî óãëà êàðòû
519 // y - êîîðäèíàòà ôàêòè÷åñêîî ðàñïîëîæåíèÿ êàðòû íà èçîáðàæåíèè
520 // x - êîîðäèíàòà ôàêòè÷åñêîî ðàñïîëîæåíèÿ êàðòû íà èçîáðàæåíèè
521 // scale - ìàñøòàá
522 $gGpsMap = array(
523 0=>array(11200, 4264, 128, 960, 0.48/16),
524 1=>array(12262, 8536, 192, 0, 0.48/16),
525 530=>array( 5333,10133, 464, 576, 0.48/16),
526 571=>array(10667, 8533, 0, 496, 0.48/16),
529 function getRenderGPSMapData($map)
531 global $gGpsMap;
532 return @$gGpsMap[$map];
535 function getWMOArea($area, $map, $x, $y, $z)
537 // some hacks for areas above or underground for ground area
538 if ($map == 571 && $z > 563 && $y > 282 && $y < 982 && $x > 5568 && $x < 6116) $area = 4395; // Dalaran
539 else if ($map == 0 && $z < 30 && $y > -86 && $y < 873 && $x > 1237 && $x < 1877) $area = 1497; // Undecity
540 else if ($map == 530 && $z < -10 && $y >-12123 && $y <-11066 && $x >-4314 && $x <-3609) $area = 3557; // The Exodar
541 else if ($map == 0 && $y > -1504 && $y < -713 && $x >-5096 && $x <-4569) $area = 1537; // Ironforge
542 return $area;
545 //======================================================
546 // Ïîëó÷åíèèå id ñòðóêòóðû çîíû ïðè èìåþùèõñÿ êîîðäèíàòàõ
547 // Ðåàëèçîâàíî ñ ïîìîùüþ àíàëîãà GPS êàðòû òîëüêî íà êàðòèíêå
548 // öâåòàìè îáîçíà÷åíû çîíû.
549 $gAreaMaskImage = NULL;
550 function getAreaIdFromPoint(&$posMap, $posX, $posY, $posZ)
552 global $gAreaMaskImage, $gAreaColors;
553 // Îøèáêà çàãðóçêè êàðòèíêè - âîçâðàùàåìñÿ
554 if ($gAreaMaskImage == -1)
555 return -1;
556 // Åñëè êàðòèíêà íå áûëà åùå çàãðóæåíà - ãðóçèì åå
557 if ($gAreaMaskImage == 0)
559 $gAreaMaskImage = imagecreatefrompng("images/map_image/areamask.png");
560 if ($gAreaMaskImage == 0)
561 return $gAreaMaskImage = -1;
563 // Ïðåîáðàçóåì ñåòêó êîîðäèíàò
564 transformWorldCoordinates($posMap, $posX, $posY, $posZ);
565 // Òî÷êà ïðèñóòñòâóåò íà GPS êàðòå
566 if ($gps = getRenderGPSMapData($posMap))
568 $x = intval($gps[2]+$gps[4]*($gps[0] - $posX));
569 $y = intval($gps[3]+$gps[4]*($gps[1] - $posY));
570 // Ïîëó÷àåì öâåò òî÷êè ïî êîîðäèíàòàì è âû÷èñëåì çîíó
571 if ($area = @imagecolorat($gAreaMaskImage, $y, $x))
572 return getWMOArea($area, $posMap, $posX, $posY, $posZ);
574 return -1;
577 function getZoneFromPoint(&$posMap, $posX, $posY, $posZ)
579 $areaId = getAreaIdFromPoint($posMap, $posX, $posY, $posZ);
580 $area_data = getArea($areaId);
581 if ($area_data && $area_data['zone_id'])
582 return $area_data['zone_id'];
583 return $areaId;
586 // Âîçâðàùàåò id êàðòèíêè ïî êîîðäèíàòàì
587 function getAreaImageIdFromPoint(&$posMap, $posX, $posY, $posZ)
589 global $gZoneToAreaImage;
590 $zone = getZoneFromPoint($posMap, $posX, $posY, $posZ);
591 if ($zone > 0)
592 return isset($gZoneToAreaImage[$zone]) ? $gZoneToAreaImage[$zone] : -1;
593 return -1;
596 // Âîçâðàùàåò èìÿ çîíû ïî êîîðäèíàòàì
597 function getAreaNameFromPoint($posMap, $posX, $posY, $posZ)
599 $areaId = getAreaIdFromPoint($posMap, $posX, $posY, $posZ);
600 if ($areaId==-1)
601 return "";
602 $area_data = getArea($areaId);
603 $zone_data = $area_data['zone_id'] ? getArea($area_data['zone_id']):$area_data;
604 if ($zone_data['name']!=$area_data['name'])
605 return $zone_data['name']." - ".$area_data['name'];
606 return $zone_data['name'];
609 // Âîçâðàùàåò èìÿ êàðòû ïî êîîðäèíàòàì
610 function getMapNameFromPoint($posMap, $posX, $posY, $posZ)
612 transformWorldCoordinates($posMap, $posX, $posY, $posZ);
613 return getMapName($posMap);
616 // Ñàllback ôóíêöèÿ äëÿ âûâîäà òî÷åê è èõ èíôîðìàöèè íà êàðòàõ.
617 function defaultMapRenderCallback($data, $x, $y)
619 global $lang;
620 $img = "images/map_points/gps_icon.png";
621 $imgX = 16;
622 $imgY = 16;
623 $x = round($x-$imgX/2, 0);
624 $y = round($y-$imgY/2, 0);
626 $area = getAreaIdFromPoint($data['map'], $data['position_x'], $data['position_y'], $data['position_z']);
627 if ($area_data = getArea($area))
628 $areaname = $area_data['zone_id'] ? getAreaName($area_data['zone_id'],0).' ('.$area_data['name'].')' : $area_data['name'];
629 else
630 $areaname = '';
631 if ($data['type']=='n') {
632 $text = getCreatureName($data['id'], 0)." ($data[guid])<br>$areaname<br>$lang[respawn]&nbsp;".getTimeText($data['spawntimesecs']);
633 if (getCreatureEvent($data['guid'])>0)
634 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[spawn_at_event]&nbsp;-&nbsp;".getGameEventName(getCreatureEvent($data['guid'])), $text, 0, 0);
635 if (getCreatureEvent($data['guid'])<0)
636 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[despawn_at_event]&nbsp;-&nbsp;".getGameEventName(abs(getCreatureEvent($data['guid']))), $text, 0, 0);
637 if (getCreaturePool($data['guid']))
638 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[pool]&nbsp;(".getCreaturePool($data['guid']).")", $text, 0, 0);
639 if (getCreaturePoolTemplate($data['id']))
640 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[pool]&nbsp;(".getCreaturePoolTemplate($data['id']).")", $text, 0, 0);
642 if ($data['type']=='o') {
643 $text = getGameobjectName($data['id'], 0)." ($data[guid])<br>$areaname<br>$lang[respawn]&nbsp;".getTimeText($data['spawntimesecs']);
644 if (getGameobjectEvent($data['guid'])>0)
645 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[spawn_at_event]&nbsp;-&nbsp;".getGameEventName(getGameobjectEvent($data['guid'])), $text, 0, 0);
646 if (getGameobjectEvent($data['guid'])<0)
647 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[despawn_at_event]&nbsp;-&nbsp;".getGameEventName(abs(getGameobjectEvent($data['guid']))), $text, 0, 0);
648 if (getGameobjectPool($data['guid']))
649 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[pool]&nbsp;(".getGameobjectPool($data['guid']).")", $text, 0, 0);
650 if (getGameobjectPoolTemplate($data['id']))
651 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[pool]&nbsp;(".getGameobjectPoolTemplate($data['id']).")", $text, 0, 0);
653 if ($data['type']=='i')
654 $text = $areaname;
655 if ($data['type']=='w')
656 $text = $data['point'];
657 return '<img src="'.$img.'" class=point style="left: '.$x.'px; top: '.$y.'px;" '.addTooltip($text).'>'."\n";
660 function defaultAreaRenderCallback($area_id, $data, $x, $y)
662 global $gZoneToAreaImage, $lang;
663 $area = getAreaIdFromPoint($data['map'], $data['position_x'], $data['position_y'], $data['position_z']);
664 if (!$area)
665 return;
666 $area_data = getArea($area);
668 $zone = $area_data['zone_id'] ? $area_data['zone_id'] : $area;
669 $mapname = getMapName($data['map']);
670 $areaname = $area_data['zone_id'] ? getAreaName($area_data['zone_id'],0)." (".$area_data['name'].")" : $area_data['name'];
672 if ($data['type']=='n') {
673 $text = getCreatureName($data['id'], 0)."&nbsp;($data[guid])<br>$mapname&nbsp;-&nbsp;$areaname<br>$lang[respawn]&nbsp;".getTimeText($data['spawntimesecs']);
674 if (getCreatureEvent($data['guid'])>0)
675 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[spawn_at_event]&nbsp;-&nbsp;".getGameEventName(getCreatureEvent($data['guid'])), $text, 0, 0);
676 if (getCreatureEvent($data['guid'])<0)
677 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[despawn_at_event]&nbsp;-&nbsp;".getGameEventName(abs(getCreatureEvent($data['guid']))), $text, 0, 0);
678 if (getCreaturePool($data['guid']))
679 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[pool]&nbsp;(".getCreaturePool($data['guid']).")", $text, 0, 0);
680 if (getCreaturePoolTemplate($data['id']))
681 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[pool]&nbsp;(".getCreaturePoolTemplate($data['id']).")", $text, 0, 0);
683 if ($data['type']=='o') {
684 $text = getGameobjectName($data['id'], 0)."&nbsp;($data[guid])<br>$mapname&nbsp;-&nbsp;$areaname<br>$lang[respawn]&nbsp;".getTimeText($data['spawntimesecs']);
685 if (getGameobjectEvent($data['guid'])>0)
686 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[spawn_at_event]&nbsp;-&nbsp;".getGameEventName(getGameobjectEvent($data['guid'])), $text, 0, 0);
687 if (getGameobjectEvent($data['guid'])<0)
688 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[despawn_at_event]&nbsp;-&nbsp;".getGameEventName(abs(getGameobjectEvent($data['guid']))), $text, 0, 0);
689 if (getGameobjectPool($data['guid']))
690 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[pool]&nbsp;(".getGameobjectPool($data['guid']).")", $text, 0, 0);
691 if (getGameobjectPoolTemplate($data['id']))
692 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[pool]&nbsp;(".getGameobjectPoolTemplate($data['id']).")", $text, 0, 0);
694 if ($data['type']=='i')
695 $text = "$mapname - $areaname";
696 if ($data['type']=='w')
697 $text = $data['point'];
698 if ($gZoneToAreaImage[$zone] == $area_id)
699 $img = "images/map_points/gps_icon.png";
700 else
701 $img = "images/map_points/gps_icon1.png";
702 $imgX = 16;
703 $imgY = 16;
704 $x = round($x-$imgX/2, 0);
705 $y = round($y-$imgY/2, 0);
707 return '<img src="'.$img.'" class=point style="left: '.$x.'px; top: '.$y.'px;" '.addTooltip($text).'>'."\n";
710 function renderGPSMap($header, $outSizeX, $pointsList = 0, $render = 'defaultMapRenderCallback')
712 $imageY = $outSizeX==0 ? 1296 : $outSizeX;
713 $imageX = $outSizeX==0 ? 944 : intval(944 * $outSizeX / 1296);
714 $imageScale = $imageY/1296;
715 $image = "images/map_image/gps_map.jpg";
717 $sizeX = $imageX+4;
718 $sizeY = $imageY;
719 $tableBorder = 1;
720 $tableWidth = $sizeY+$tableBorder*2+8;
721 echo "<table class=\"map\" border=$tableBorder width=$tableWidth>";
722 echo "<tbody>";
723 echo "<tr><td class=mapname>".$header."</td></tr>";
724 echo "<tr><td width=$sizeY height=$sizeX align=left valign=top>";
725 echo "<div style=\"position: relative; border: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px;\">";
726 echo "<img src=$image width={$imageY}px height={$imageX}px>\n";
728 if($pointsList)
729 foreach ($pointsList as $point)
731 if ($gps = getRenderGPSMapData($point['map']))
733 $posMap= $point['map'];
734 $posX = $point['position_x'];
735 $posY = $point['position_y'];
736 $posZ = $point['position_z'];
738 transformWorldCoordinates($posMap, $posX, $posY, $posZ);
739 if ($gps = getRenderGPSMapData($posMap))
741 $x = ($gps[2]+$gps[4]*($gps[0] - $posX))*$imageScale;
742 $y = ($gps[3]+$gps[4]*($gps[1] - $posY))*$imageScale;
743 if ($x>=0 && $x < 944 && $y>=0 && $y < 1296)
744 echo $render($point, $y, $x);
748 echo "</div>";
749 echo "</td></tr></tbody>";
750 echo "</table>";
753 function getAreaNameFromId($areaId)
755 $area = getRenderAreaData($areaId);
756 if (empty($area))
757 return "$lang[map_no_found]&nbsp;$areaId";
758 if ($area[1] == 0)
759 return getMapName($area[0]);
760 return getAreaName($area[1]);
763 function renderArea($areaId, $outSizeX = 0, $pointsList = 0, $render = 'defaultAreaRenderCallback')
765 global $gAreaCoord;
766 $area = getRenderAreaData($areaId);
767 if (empty($area))
769 echo "$lang[map_no_found]&nbsp;$areaId<br>";
770 return;
772 // Äàííûå êàðòû
773 $mapId = $area[0];
774 $name = $area[1] == 0 ? getMapName($mapId): getAreaName($area[1]);
775 $areaY1 = $area[2];
776 $areaY2 = $area[3];
777 $areaX1 = $area[4];
778 $areaX2 = $area[5];
779 $imageY = $outSizeX==0 ? 1002 : $outSizeX;
780 $imageX = $outSizeX==0 ? 668 : intval(668 * $outSizeX / 1002);
781 $image = "images/map_image/areas/".$area[6];
783 $sizeX = $imageX+4;
784 $sizeY = $imageY;
785 $tableBorder = 1;
786 $tableWidth = $sizeY+$tableBorder*2+8;
787 echo "<table class=\"map\" border=$tableBorder width=$tableWidth>";
788 echo "<tbody><tr><td class=mapname id=mappername>$name</td></tr>";
789 echo "<tr><td width=$sizeY height=$sizeX align=left valign=top>";
790 echo "<div id=mapperarea style=\"font-size: 10px; position: relative; border: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px;\" onmousemove=outMouseCoords(this,event,'mappercoord') onmouseout=cleanMouseCoords('mappercoord')>";
791 echo "<img src=$image width={$imageY}px height={$imageX}px>\n";
792 if($pointsList)
793 foreach ($pointsList as $point)
795 $posMap= $point['map'];
796 $posX = $point['position_x'];
797 $posY = $point['position_y'];
798 if ($area[1] == 0)
799 transformAreaCoordinates($posMap, $posX, $posY);
800 if ($mapId == $posMap AND
801 $areaY1 >= $posY AND $areaY2 <= $posY AND
802 $areaX1 >= $posX AND $areaX2 <= $posX)
804 $x = $imageX*($posX-$areaX1)/($areaX2-$areaX1);
805 $y = $imageY*($posY-$areaY1)/($areaY2-$areaY1);
806 echo $render($areaId, $point, $y, $x);
809 echo '<div id=mappercoord style="position: absolute; left: 10px; bottom: 15px;"></div>';
811 echo "</div>";
812 echo "</td></tr></tbody>";
813 echo "</table>";
816 function renderMap($mapId, $outSizeX = 0, $pointsList = 0, $render = 'defaultMapRenderCallback')
818 global $gMapCoord, $gmapName, $lang;
819 $mapName = '<a href=?instance='.$mapId.'>'.getMapName($mapId).'</a>';
820 if (empty($mapName))
822 echo "$lang[map_no_found]&nbsp;$mapId<br>";
823 return;
825 $map = getRenderMapData($mapId);
826 if (empty($map))
828 echo "$lang[no_image]&nbsp;$mapName&nbsp;($mapId)<br>";
829 return;
831 // Äàííûå êàðòû
832 $areaX1 = $map[0];
833 $areaX2 = $map[1];
834 $areaY1 = $map[2];
835 $areaY2 = $map[3];
836 $imageY = $outSizeX==0 ? $map[5] : $outSizeX;
837 $imageX = $outSizeX==0 ? $map[4] : intval($map[4] * $outSizeX / $map[5]);
838 $image = "images/map_image/maps/".$map[6];
840 $sizeX = $imageX+4;
841 $sizeY = $imageY;
842 $tableBorder = 1;
843 $tableWidth = $sizeY+$tableBorder*2+8;
844 echo "<table class=map border=$tableBorder width={$tableWidth}px>";
845 echo "<tbody><tr><td id=mappername class=mapname>$mapName</td></tr>";
846 echo "<tr><td width={$sizeY}px height={$sizeX}px align=left valign=top>";
847 echo "<div id=mapperarea style=\"position: relative; border: 0px; left: 0px; top: 0px;\">";
848 echo "<img src=$image width={$imageY}px height={$imageX}px>\n";
850 if ($pointsList)
851 foreach ($pointsList as $point)
853 $posMap= $point['map'];
854 $posX = $point['position_x'];
855 $posY = $point['position_y'];
856 $posZ = $point['position_z'];
857 transformWorldCoordinates($posMap, $posX, $posY, $posZ);
858 if ($mapId == $posMap AND
859 $areaY1 >= $posY AND $areaY2 <= $posY AND
860 $areaX1 >= $posX AND $areaX2 <= $posX)
862 $x = $imageX*($posX-$areaX1)/($areaX2-$areaX1);
863 $y = $imageY*($posY-$areaY1)/($areaY2-$areaY1);
864 echo $render($point, $y, $x);
867 echo "</div>";
868 echo "</td></tr></tbody>";
869 echo "</table>";
872 class mapPoints{
873 var $points = array();
874 function getCount(){ return count($this->points);}
875 //*************************************
876 // Add creature list
877 //*************************************
878 function addNpc($id, $map = -1)
880 global $dDB;
881 $list = $dDB->select('SELECT
882 \'n\' AS `type`,
883 `guid`,
884 `id`,
885 `map`,
886 `spawnMask`,
887 `phaseMask`,
888 `modelid`,
889 `equipment_id`,
890 `position_x`,
891 `position_y`,
892 `position_z`,
893 `orientation`,
894 `spawntimesecs`,
895 `spawndist`,
896 `currentwaypoint`,
897 `curhealth`,
898 `curmana`,
899 `DeathState`,
900 `MovementType`
901 FROM `creature` WHERE `id` = ?d {AND `map` = ?d}', $id, $map==-1? DBSIMPLE_SKIP:$map);
902 if ($list) $this->points = array_merge($this->points, $list);
904 //*************************************
905 // Add object list
906 //*************************************
907 function addGo($id, $map = -1)
909 global $dDB;
910 $list = $dDB->select('SELECT
911 \'o\' AS `type`,
912 `guid`,
913 `id`,
914 `map`,
915 `spawnMask`,
916 `phaseMask`,
917 `position_x`,
918 `position_y`,
919 `position_z`,
920 `orientation`,
921 `spawntimesecs`,
922 `state`
923 FROM `gameobject` WHERE `id` = ?d {AND `map` = ?d}', $id, $map==-1? DBSIMPLE_SKIP:$map);
924 if ($list) $this->points = array_merge($this->points, $list);
926 //*************************************
927 // Add waypoints list
928 //*************************************
929 function addWaypoint($id, $map)
931 global $dDB;
932 $list = $dDB->select('SELECT
933 \'w\' AS `type`,
934 `id`,
935 `point`,
936 ?d AS `map`,
937 `position_x`,
938 `position_y`,
939 `position_z`,
940 `waittime`,
941 `spell`
942 FROM `creature_movement` WHERE `id` = ?d ', $map, $id);
943 if ($list) $this->points = array_merge($this->points, $list);
946 //*************************************
947 // Add point
948 //*************************************
949 function addPoint($map, $x, $y, $z)
951 $this->points[] = array('type'=>'i', 'map'=>$map, 'position_x'=>$x, 'position_y'=>$y, 'position_z'=>$z);
954 //*************************************
955 // Create area and maps list from points
956 //*************************************
957 function getMapsList()
959 $gpsCount = 0;
960 $areaList= array();
961 $mapsList= array();
962 foreach ($this->points as $point)
964 $a = getAreaImageIdFromPoint($point['map'], $point['position_x'], $point['position_y'], $point['position_z']);
965 if ($a>0) @$areaList[$a]++;
966 @$mapsList[$point['map']]++;
968 $area_keys = array_keys($areaList);
969 $maps_keys = array_keys($mapsList);
971 $list = array();
972 if ($area_keys)
973 foreach($areaList as $id=>$count)
974 $list['area'][]=array('id'=>$id, 'text'=>getAreaNameFromId($id).' - ('.$count.')');
976 if ($mapsList)
977 foreach($mapsList as $id=>$count)
979 if (getRenderGPSMapData($id)) $gpsCount+=$count;
980 $list['map'][]=array('id'=>$id, 'text'=>getMapName($id).' - ('.$count.')');
982 if ($gpsCount)
983 $list['gps'][]=array('text'=>'('.$gpsCount.')');
985 return $list;
989 function getPointData($area_id, &$data, $x, $y)
991 global $gZoneToAreaImage, $lang;
993 $area = getAreaIdFromPoint($data['map'], $data['position_x'], $data['position_y'], $data['position_z']);
994 $area_data = getArea($area);
995 if (!$area_data)
996 return 0;
997 $zone = @$area_data['zone_id'] ? $area_data['zone_id'] : $area;
998 $areaname = $area_data['zone_id'] ? getAreaName($zone)." (".$area_data['name'].")" : $area_data['name'];
999 $img = 'images/map_points/';
1000 $img.= ($gZoneToAreaImage[$zone] == $area_id) ? 'gps_icon.png' : 'gps_icon1.png';
1001 $imgX = 16;
1002 $imgY = 16;
1003 $name = '';
1004 if (@$data['type']=='n') {
1005 $text = getCreatureName($data['id'], 0)."&nbsp;($data[guid])<br>$areaname<br>$lang[respawn]&nbsp;".getTimeText($data['spawntimesecs']);
1006 if (getCreatureEvent($data['guid'])>0)
1007 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[spawn_at_event]&nbsp;-&nbsp;".getGameEventName(getCreatureEvent($data['guid'])), $text, 0, 0);
1008 if (getCreatureEvent($data['guid'])<0)
1009 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[despawn_at_event]&nbsp;-&nbsp;".getGameEventName(abs(getCreatureEvent($data['guid']))), $text, 0, 0);
1010 if (getCreaturePool($data['guid']))
1011 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[pool]&nbsp;(".getCreaturePool($data['guid']).")", $text, 0, 0);
1012 if (getCreaturePoolTemplate($data['id']))
1013 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[pool]&nbsp;(".getCreaturePoolTemplate($data['id']).")", $text, 0, 0);
1015 if (@$data['type']=='o') {
1016 $text =getGameobjectName($data['id'], 0)."&nbsp;($data[guid])<br>$areaname<br>$lang[respawn]&nbsp;".getTimeText($data['spawntimesecs']);
1017 if (getGameobjectEvent($data['guid'])>0)
1018 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[spawn_at_event]&nbsp;-&nbsp;".getGameEventName(getGameobjectEvent($data['guid'])), $text, 0, 0);
1019 if (getGameobjectEvent($data['guid'])<0)
1020 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[despawn_at_event]&nbsp;-&nbsp;".getGameEventName(abs(getGameobjectEvent($data['guid']))), $text, 0, 0);
1021 if (getGameobjectPool($data['guid']))
1022 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[pool]&nbsp;(".getGameobjectPool($data['guid']).")", $text, 0, 0);
1023 if (getGameobjectPoolTemplate($data['id']))
1024 $text = substr_replace("<br>$lang[pool]&nbsp;(".getGameobjectPoolTemplate($data['id']).")", $text, 0, 0);
1026 return array(
1027 'id'=>$data['id'],
1028 'x'=>$y,
1029 'y'=>$x,
1030 'imgX'=>$imgX,
1031 'imgY'=>$imgY,
1032 'image'=>$img,
1033 'href'=>"",
1034 'tooltip'=> $text);
1036 function get_mapAreaData($areaId, $pointsList = 0)
1038 global $gAreaCoord;
1039 $area = getRenderAreaData($areaId);
1040 if (empty($area))
1042 echo "$lang[map_no_found]&nbsp;$areaId<br>";
1043 return;
1045 $map = array();
1046 // Äàííûå êàðòû
1047 $mapId = $area[0];
1048 $areaY1 = $area[2];
1049 $areaY2 = $area[3];
1050 $areaX1 = $area[4];
1051 $areaX2 = $area[5];
1053 $map['header']= $area[1] == 0 ? getMapName($mapId): getAreaName($area[1]);
1054 $map['width'] = 1002;
1055 $map['height']= 668;
1056 $map['coord'] = 0;
1057 $map['image'] = "images/map_image/areas/".$area[6];
1059 if($pointsList)
1060 foreach ($pointsList as &$point)
1062 $posMap= $point['map'];
1063 $posX = $point['position_x'];
1064 $posY = $point['position_y'];
1065 if ($area[1] == 0)
1066 transformAreaCoordinates($posMap, $posX, $posY);
1067 if ($mapId == $posMap AND
1068 $areaY1 >= $posY AND $areaY2 <= $posY AND
1069 $areaX1 >= $posX AND $areaX2 <= $posX)
1071 $x = ($posX-$areaX1)/($areaX2-$areaX1); // 0-1 on image
1072 $y = ($posY-$areaY1)/($areaY2-$areaY1); // 0-1 on image
1073 $map['points'][]=getPointData($areaId, $point, $x, $y);
1076 return $map;