page(threat-hunting): cmd without extension
[curben-blog.git] / _config.yml
1 # Hexo Configuration
2 ## Docs:
3 ## Source:
5 # Site
6 title: Ming Di Leom's Blog
7 subtitle:
8 description:
9 author: "Ming Di Leom"
10 language: en-GB
11 timezone:
13 # URL
14 ## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as '' and root as '/child/'
15 url:
16 root: /
17 permalink: blog/:year/:month/:day/:title/
18 permalink_defaults:
19 pretty_urls:
20   trailing_index: false
21   trailing_html: false
23 # Directory
24 source_dir: source
25 public_dir: public
26 tag_dir: tags
27 tag_generator:
28   enable_index_page: true
29 archive_dir: blog
30 category_dir: categories
31 code_dir: ""
32 i18n_dir: :lang
33 skip_render:
34   - "google5149b8b3449442e3.html"
35   - "yandex_210230bd98a5c664.html"
36   - "yandex_e54834b81be38a26.html"
37   - "yandex_6cc1f27a50282e72.html"
38   - "yandex_0aa588b63243f2b9.html"
39   - "yandex_e026a03a5dd06730.html"
40 include:
41   - "_headers" # Netlify header rule
42   - "_redirects" # Netlify redirects rule
43   - "_routes.json" # Cloudflare Pages function
45 # Writing
46 new_post_name: # File name of new posts
47 default_layout: post
48 titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase
49 external_link:
50   enable: false # Open external links in new tab
51 filename_case: 0
52 render_drafts: false
53 post_asset_folder: false
54 relative_link: false
55 future: true
56 highlight:
57   enable: true
58   line_number: false
59   auto_detect: false
60   tab_replace: "  "
61   hljs: true
62   wrap: false
64 # Tag
65 tag_map:
67 # Date / Time format
68 ## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date
69 ## You can customize the date format as defined in
70 ##
71 date_format: YYYY-MM-DD
72 time_format: HH:mm:ss
73 updated_option: empty
75 # Pagination
76 ## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination
77 per_page: 10
78 pagination_dir: page
80 marked:
81   descriptionLists: false
82   modifyAnchors: 1
84 # Extensions
85 ## Plugins:
86 ## Themes:
87 theme: chameleon
89 feed:
90   icon: "/svg/favicon.svg"
92 # theme config
93 theme_config:
94   # Header
95   menu:
96     Home: /
97     Blog: /blog/
98     Microblog: /microblog/
99     About: /about/
100     Feed: /atom.xml
102   footer:
103     Disclaimer: /disclaimer/
104     Status:
105     Onion: https://xw226dvxac7jzcpsf4xb64r4epr6o5hgn46dxlqk7gnjptakik6xnzqd.onion/
106     Eepsite:
107     GitLab:
109   # Load forkawesome icons?
110   icons: false
112 #
113 minify:
114   svg:
115     plugins:
116       cleanupIds: false
117   zstd:
118     enable: true