2 my $build = Module::Build->new(
5 dist_name => 'CXGN-corelibs',
7 create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough',
9 # current version of our core libraries distribution
10 dist_version => '0.1',
12 recursive_test_files => 1,
16 # 'Apache2::CmdParms' => 0,
17 # 'Apache2::Connection' => 0,
18 # 'Apache2::Const' => 0,
19 # 'Apache2::Cookie' => 0,
20 # 'Apache2::Filter' => 0,
21 # 'Apache2::Module' => 0,
22 # 'Apache2::Request' => 0,
23 # 'Apache2::RequestRec' => 0,
24 # 'Apache2::RequestUtil' => 0,
25 # 'Apache2::SubRequest' => 0,
26 # 'Apache2::Upload' => 0,
31 # 'Bio::Root::Version' => '1.006000',
32 # 'Bio::AlignIO' => 0,
33 # 'Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue' => 0,
34 # 'Bio::Annotation::Target' => 0,
35 # 'Bio::Assembly::IO' => 0,
36 # 'Bio::Chado::Schema' => 0,
37 # 'Bio::DB::GenBank' => 0,
38 # 'Bio::DB::GFF' => 0,
39 # 'Bio::Factory::SeqAnalysisParserFactory' => 0,
40 # 'Bio::FeatureIO' => 0,
41 # 'Bio::Index::Fasta' => 0,
42 # 'Bio::Ontology::OntologyI' => 0,
43 # 'Bio::Ontology::RelationshipI' => 0,
44 # 'Bio::PrimarySeq' => 0,
45 # 'Bio::Restriction::Analysis' => 0,
46 # 'Bio::Root::IO' => 0,
47 # 'Bio::Root::Root' => 0,
48 # 'Bio::SearchIO' => 0,
49 # 'Bio::SearchIO::FastHitEventBuilder' => 0,
50 # 'Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HTMLResultWriter' => 0,
52 # 'Bio::Seq::LargePrimarySeq' => 0,
53 # 'Bio::Seq::Quality' => 0,
54 # 'Bio::Seq::SeqFactory' => 0,
55 # 'Bio::Seq::SeqFastaSpeedFactory' => 0,
56 # 'Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated' => 0,
57 # 'Bio::SeqFeature::Computation' => 0,
58 # 'Bio::SeqFeature::Generic' => 0,
60 # 'Bio::SeqUtils' => 0,
61 # 'Bio::Tools::Gel' => 0,
62 # 'Bio::Tools::RepeatMasker' => 0,
63 # 'Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast' => 0,
64 # 'Bio::Tools::tRNAscanSE' => 0,
67 'Bio::GMOD::GenericGenePage' => 0,
71 'Array::Compare' => 0,
72 'Bio::Chado::Schema' => '0.04000',
76 # include a couple of deps necessary for shipwright to build
77 # Catalyst's deps correctly
78 'ExtUtils::Depends' => 0,
79 'B::Hooks::OP::Check' => 0,
81 'Bio::BLAST::Database' => 0,
82 'Catalyst::Utils' => 0,
84 'CGI::Session::ID::md5' => 0,
85 'Chart::Clicker' => 0, #< for GEM graphs
86 'Class::Accessor' => 0,
87 'Class::Accessor::Fast' => 0,
88 'Class::Data::Inheritable' => 0,
91 'Config::General' => 0,
97 'DBIx::Class::Schema' => 0,
98 'Devel::InnerPackage' => 0,
103 'File::Find::Rule' => 0,
105 'File::NFSLock' => 0,
106 'File::Path' => '2.08',
112 'HTML::Entities' => 0,
113 'HTML::TreeBuilder' => 0,
116 'List::Compare' => 0,
117 'List::MoreUtils' => 0,
120 'Log::Log4perl' => 0,
122 'LWP::UserAgent' => 0,
123 'Mail::Sendmail' => 0,
125 # 'ModPerl::RegistryCooker' => 0,
126 # 'ModPerl::Util' => 0,
127 'Module::Build' => 0,
128 'Module::Pluggable::Object' => 0,
131 'Moose::Util::TypeConstraints' => 0,
132 'MooseX::Getopt' => 0,
133 'MooseX::Role::DBIx::Connector' =>0,
134 'MooseX::Runnable' =>0,
135 'namespace::autoclean' => 0,
136 'Params::Validate' => 0,
139 'SOAP::Transport::HTTP' => 0,
141 'String::Random' => 0,
143 'Term::ReadKey' => 0,
144 'Test::Exception' => 0,
147 'Text::Shellwords' => 0,
148 'Tie::Function' => 0,
149 'Tie::UrlEncoder' => 0,
155 'XML::Generator' => 0,
162 #'Bio::Root::Version' => '1.006000',
163 #'Bio::FeatureIO' => 0,
164 #'Bio::Index::Fasta' => 0,
166 #'Bio::SeqUtils' => 0,
167 #'Bio::Tools::RepeatMasker' => 0,
168 'Class::MethodMaker' => 0,
169 'DBIx::Class::Schema' => 0,
174 'List::MoreUtils' => 0,
179 'Test::Exception' => 0,
184 'Tie::Function' => 0,
185 'HTTP::Server::Simple' => 0,
187 'Test::Class' => '0.33',
188 'MooseX::Runnable' => 0,
192 $build->create_build_script;