1 package SGN
6 use base
10 __PACKAGE__
13 data_type
=> "integer",
14 default_value
=> "nextval('blast_db_blast_db_id_seq'::regclass)",
15 is_auto_increment
=> 1,
21 data_type
=> "character varying",
22 default_value
=> undef,
28 data_type
=> "character varying",
29 default_value
=> undef,
35 data_type
=> "character varying",
36 default_value
=> undef,
42 data_type
=> "character varying",
43 default_value
=> undef,
49 data_type
=> "character varying",
50 default_value
=> undef,
56 data_type
=> "character varying",
57 default_value
=> "'monthly'::character varying",
63 data_type
=> "character varying",
64 default_value
=> undef,
70 data_type
=> "boolean",
71 default_value
=> "false",
77 data_type
=> "integer",
78 default_value
=> undef,
83 "web_interface_visible",
85 data_type
=> "boolean",
86 default_value
=> "false",
93 default_value
=> undef,
98 __PACKAGE__
99 __PACKAGE__
->add_unique_constraint("blast_db_file_base_key", ["file_base"]);
100 __PACKAGE__
102 "SGN::Schema::BlastDbGroup",
103 { blast_db_group_id
=> "blast_db_group_id" },
104 { join_type
=> "LEFT" },
106 __PACKAGE__
108 "SGN::Schema::UnigeneBuild",
109 { "foreign.blast_db_id" => "self.blast_db_id" },
113 # Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.04999_07 @ 2009-09-04 13:21:55
114 # DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE! md5sum:dgwbxWK+Txu+tex3qf0BFg
117 # You can replace this text with custom content, and it will be preserved on regeneration