1 package SGN
6 use base
10 __PACKAGE__
13 data_type
=> "integer",
14 default_value
=> "nextval('organism_organism_id_seq'::regclass)",
15 is_auto_increment
=> 1,
21 data_type
=> "character varying",
22 default_value
=> undef,
28 data_type
=> "bigint",
29 default_value
=> undef,
37 default_value
=> undef,
43 data_type
=> "character varying",
44 default_value
=> undef,
50 data_type
=> "integer",
51 default_value
=> undef,
58 data_type
=> "integer",
59 default_value
=> undef,
66 data_type
=> "integer",
67 default_value
=> undef,
74 data_type
=> "integer",
75 default_value
=> undef,
81 { data_type
=> "integer", default_value
=> undef, is_nullable
=> 1, size
=> 4 },
84 data_type
=> "character varying",
85 default_value
=> undef,
91 data_type
=> "character varying",
92 default_value
=> undef,
99 default_value
=> undef,
103 "est_attribution_tqmc",
106 default_value
=> undef,
111 __PACKAGE__
112 __PACKAGE__
->add_unique_constraint("unique_organism_name", ["organism_name"]);
113 __PACKAGE__
115 "SGN::Schema::Accession",
116 { "foreign.organism_id" => "self.organism_id" },
118 __PACKAGE__
119 "deprecated_map_crosses",
120 "SGN::Schema::DeprecatedMapCross",
121 { "foreign.organism_id" => "self.organism_id" },
123 __PACKAGE__
125 "SGN::Schema::Taxonomy",
126 { tax_id
=> "order_tax" },
127 { join_type
=> "LEFT" },
129 __PACKAGE__
131 "SGN::Schema::Taxonomy",
132 { tax_id
=> "family_tax" },
133 { join_type
=> "LEFT" },
135 __PACKAGE__
137 "SGN::Schema::Taxonomy",
138 { tax_id
=> "genus_tax" },
139 { join_type
=> "LEFT" },
141 __PACKAGE__
143 "SGN::Schema::Taxonomy",
144 { tax_id
=> "subfamily_tax" },
145 { join_type
=> "LEFT" },
147 __PACKAGE__
149 "SGN::Schema::CommonName",
150 { common_name_id
=> "common_name_id" },
154 # Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.04999_07 @ 2009-09-04 13:21:55
155 # DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE! md5sum:hIsxt1nQ/SSj6bkmAl7lzg
158 # You can replace this text with custom content, and it will be preserved on regeneration