fixed recursive_children cvterm function, and added tests for parents and children
[cxgn-corelibs.git] / lib / SGN / Schema /
1 package SGN::Schema::SsrPrimerUnigeneMatch;
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 use base 'DBIx::Class';
8 __PACKAGE__->load_components("Core");
9 __PACKAGE__->table("ssr_primer_unigene_matches");
10 __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
11 "ssr_primer_unigene_match_id",
13 data_type => "integer",
14 default_value => "nextval('ssr_primer_unigene_matches_ssr_primer_unigene_match_id_seq'::regclass)",
15 is_auto_increment => 1,
16 is_nullable => 0,
17 size => 4,
19 "ssr_id",
21 data_type => "bigint",
22 default_value => "(0)::bigint",
23 is_foreign_key => 1,
24 is_nullable => 0,
25 size => 8,
27 "unigene_id",
29 data_type => "bigint",
30 default_value => "(0)::bigint",
31 is_foreign_key => 1,
32 is_nullable => 0,
33 size => 8,
35 "primer_direction",
37 data_type => "smallint",
38 default_value => "(0)::smallint",
39 is_nullable => 0,
40 size => 2,
42 "match_length",
44 data_type => "bigint",
45 default_value => "(0)::bigint",
46 is_nullable => 0,
47 size => 8,
49 "primer_match_start",
51 data_type => "bigint",
52 default_value => "(0)::bigint",
53 is_nullable => 0,
54 size => 8,
56 "primer_match_end",
58 data_type => "bigint",
59 default_value => "(0)::bigint",
60 is_nullable => 0,
61 size => 8,
63 "unigene_match_start",
65 data_type => "bigint",
66 default_value => "(0)::bigint",
67 is_nullable => 0,
68 size => 8,
70 "unigene_match_end",
72 data_type => "bigint",
73 default_value => "(0)::bigint",
74 is_nullable => 0,
75 size => 8,
77 "e_value",
79 data_type => "character varying",
80 default_value => "''::character varying",
81 is_nullable => 0,
82 size => 32,
85 __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("ssr_primer_unigene_match_id");
86 __PACKAGE__->belongs_to("ssr", "SGN::Schema::Ssr", { ssr_id => "ssr_id" });
87 __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(
88 "unigene",
89 "SGN::Schema::Unigene",
90 { unigene_id => "unigene_id" },
94 # Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.04999_07 @ 2009-09-04 13:21:55
95 # DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE! md5sum:GZ6q121kHisxdchL9pmQgg
98 # You can replace this text with custom content, and it will be preserved on regeneration