return correct image_id in process_image.
[cxgn-corelibs.git] / lib / CXGN /
2 =head1 NAME
4 CXGN::Marker
6 =head1 AUTHOR
8 John Binns <>
12 Marker object for retrieving marker data. It is streamlined to work fairly efficiently with both scripts which only want one or two pieces of marker data, and scripts which want all of a marker's data. The module for storing marker data is a subclass of this, CXGN::Marker::Modifiable.
14 =cut
16 use strict;
17 package CXGN::Marker;
18 use CXGN::Marker::Tools;
19 use CXGN::Marker::Location;
20 use CXGN::Marker::PCR::Experiment;
21 use CXGN::Marker::RFLP::Experiment;
22 use CXGN::Map::Tools;
23 use CXGN::Tools::Text;
24 use CXGN::DB::Connection;
25 use Carp;
27 =head2 new
29 my $marker=CXGN::Marker->new($dbh,$marker_id);
31 Takes a dbh and marker ID and returns a marker object.
33 =cut
35 #this is the constructor for a marker whose data you want to get from the database. you must send in a dbh and a marker id. this returns undef if the marker is not found.
36 sub new {
37 my $class=shift;
38 my($dbh,$marker_id)=@_;
39 my $self=bless({},$class);
40 if(CXGN::DB::Connection::is_valid_dbh($dbh)) {
41 $self->{dbh}=$dbh;
43 else {
44 croak"You must supply a dbh as the first argument to the marker constructor";
46 unless($marker_id and $marker_id=~/^\d+$/ and $marker_id>0) {
47 croak"Marker ID '$marker_id' is not a valid ID";
49 $self->{marker_id}=CXGN::Marker::Tools::is_valid_marker_id($dbh,$marker_id);
50 unless($self->{marker_id}) {
51 warn"Marker ID '$marker_id' not found in database";
52 return undef;
54 return $self;
57 =head2 new_with_name
59 Usage: my $marker = CXGN::Marker->new($dbh, $name)
60 Desc: retrieves the marker with name $name.
61 The name must be in the marker_alias table
62 as the preferred name (which is unique).
63 Ret: a CXGN::Marker object
64 Args: a database handle, and a marker name [string]
65 Side Effects: accesses the database
67 =cut
69 sub new_with_name {
70 my $class = shift;
71 my $dbh = shift;
72 my $name = shift;
74 my $query = "SELECT marker_id FROM sgn.marker_alias WHERE alias ilike ? and preferred='t'";
75 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
76 $sth->execute($name);
77 my ($marker_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
78 if (!defined($marker_id)) { return undef; }
79 my $self = $class->new($dbh, $marker_id);
80 return $self;
85 =head2 _should_we_run_query
87 For internal use only.
89 =cut
91 #store whether this query has already been run, so we don't have to run it again.
92 #this helps optimize the speed of the display object, for scripts that use a lot of them.
93 #also, it prevents the Modifiable subclass from being able to clobber its own modifications by calling accessors
94 #which reload data from the database.
95 sub _should_we_run_query {
96 my $self=shift;
97 my($query_name)=@_;
99 #if we do not have a marker id yet, we are a new marker being created for future insertion. therefore, our
100 #data will not be in the database, and running a query would be unnecessary and/or bad.
101 unless($self->{marker_id}) {
102 return 0;
105 #if this query has already been run, return that we do not need to run it again
106 if($self->{data_populated}->{$query_name}) {
107 return 0;
110 #if it hasn't already been run, note that we assume it will be now be run, and return that it should be run
111 $self->{data_populated}->{$query_name}=1;
112 return 1;
116 =head2 as_string
118 print $marker->as_string();
120 Returns a string of this markers data for debugging.
122 =cut
124 #for debugging and such
125 sub as_string {
126 my $self=shift;
128 #any time you need a fully populated marker, you must run populate_from_db
129 $self->populate_from_db();
131 my $string='';
132 $string.="<marker>\n";
133 $string.="Name(s): ".CXGN::Tools::Text::list_to_string(@{$self->{marker_names}});
135 if($self->{marker_id}) {
136 $string.="\tSGN-M$self->{marker_id}\n";
138 else {
139 $string.="\t(Marker not yet inserted into database)\n";
142 $string.="Collections: ".CXGN::Tools::Text::list_to_string(@{$self->{collections}})."\n";
143 for my $location(@{$self->{locations}}) {
144 $string.="Location:\tMap version ID '$location->{map_version_id}'\tLinkage group ID '$location->{lg_id}'\tPosition '$location->{position}'\tConfidence '$location->{confidence}'\tSubscript '$location->{subscript}'\n";
145 $string.="Mapped via:\tPCR exp ID: '$location->{pcr_experiment_id}'\tRFLP exp ID: '$location->{rflp_experiment_id}'\n";
147 $string.="Non-mapping PCR experiments:\n";
148 for my $pcr_id(@{$self->{non_mapping_pcr_experiment_ids}}) {
149 $string.=CXGN::Marker::PCR::Experiment->new($self->{dbh},$pcr_id)->as_string();
152 $string.="</marker>\n";
154 return $string;
157 =head2 marker_id
159 my $id=$marker->marker_id();
161 Returns this markers ID.
163 =cut
165 #you cannot set the marker id except in the constructor
166 sub marker_id {
167 my $self=shift;
168 return $self->{marker_id};
171 =head2 name_that_marker
173 my $marker_name=$marker->name_that_marker();
174 my @marker_names=$marker->name_that_marker();
176 Returns a the preferred alias, or all aliases starting with the preferred, depending on what you are expecting.
178 =cut
180 #the marker name is stored as a "preferred" alias
181 sub name_that_marker {
182 my $self=shift;
183 if ($self->_should_we_run_query('name_that_marker')) {
184 my $name_q = $self->{dbh}->prepare("select alias from marker_alias where marker_id=? order by preferred desc,alias");
185 $name_q->execute($self->{marker_id});
186 while(my ($alias) = $name_q->fetchrow_array()) {
187 push(@{$self->{marker_names}},$alias);
190 if (wantarray) {
191 return @{$self->{marker_names}};
193 else {
194 return $self->{marker_names}->[0];
198 =head2 get_name
200 Usage:
201 Desc:
202 Ret:
203 Args:
204 Side Effects:
205 Example:
207 =cut
209 sub get_name {
210 my $self = shift;
211 return $self->name_that_marker();
216 =head2 associated_loci
218 Usage: my @locus_info = $marker->associated_loci()
219 Desc: retrieves information about associated loci.
220 Ret: a list of listrefs of the form [ $locus_id, $locus_name].
221 Args: none
222 Side Effects: accesses the database
223 Example:
225 =cut
227 sub associated_loci {
228 my $self = shift;
230 my $kfg_query = $self->{dbh}->prepare('SELECT locus_id, locus_name FROM phenome.locus_marker inner join using(locus_id) where marker_id=?');
231 $kfg_query->execute($self->marker_id);
233 return unless $kfg_query->rows() > 0;
235 my @loci = ();
236 while (my ($locus_id, $locus_name) = $kfg_query->fetchrow_array()){
237 push @loci, [$locus_id, $locus_name];
239 return @loci;
242 =head2 rflp_data
244 Usage: my $hashref = $marker->rflp_data()
245 Desc:
246 Ret: a hashref with the following keys:
247 r.rflp_id, r.marker_id, r.rflp_name, r.insert_size,
248 r.vector, r.cutting_site, r.drug_resistance,
249 fs.fasta_sequence as forward_seq,
250 rs.fasta_sequence as reverse_seq, r.forward_seq_id,
251 r.reverse_seq_id
252 Args:
253 Side Effects:
254 Example:
256 =cut
258 sub rflp_data {
259 my $self = shift;
261 my $rflp_query = q{SELECT r.rflp_id, r.marker_id, r.rflp_name, r.insert_size,
262 r.vector, r.cutting_site, r.drug_resistance,
263 fs.fasta_sequence as forward_seq,
264 rs.fasta_sequence as reverse_seq, r.forward_seq_id,
265 r.reverse_seq_id FROM
266 rflp_markers AS r LEFT JOIN rflp_sequences AS fs ON
267 r.forward_seq_id=fs.seq_id LEFT JOIN rflp_sequences AS rs
268 ON r.reverse_seq_id=rs.seq_id WHERE marker_id=?};
270 my $rflp_sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($rflp_query);
271 $rflp_sth->execute($self->marker_id());
272 my $r = $rflp_sth->fetchrow_hashref();
273 unless($r->{rflp_id}){return'';}
275 return $r;
279 =head2 rflp_unigene_matches
281 Usage: my ($a_ref, $b_ref) = $marker->rflp_unigene_matches($forward_id, $reverse_id)
282 Desc: returns unigene match data for rflp markers
283 Ret: a listref with the forward matches and a listref
284 with the reverse matches.
285 Args:
286 Side Effects:
287 Example:
288 TO DO: This needs to be refactored, because sorting by evalue is not a good idea.
290 =cut
292 sub rflp_unigene_matches {
293 my $self = shift;
295 my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare(<<'');
297 'SGN-U' || unigene_id
298 , e_val
299 , align_length
300 FROM rflp_unigene_associations
301 WHERE rflp_seq_id=?
302 ORDER BY e_val DESC
304 return map {
305 my $id = $_;
306 $sth->execute( $id );
307 $sth->fetchall_arrayref
308 } @_;
311 =head2 primer_unigene_matches
313 Usage: @unigene_ids = $marker->primer_unigene_matches()
314 Desc: returns a list of unigene ids that have primers
315 matching this marker sequence
316 Ret: a list of unigene ids
317 Args: none
318 Side Effects: accesses the database
319 Example:
321 =cut
323 sub primer_unigene_matches {
324 my $self = shift;
325 return $self->{dbh}->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT DISTINCT unigene_id FROM primer_unigene_match WHERE marker_id=".$self->marker_id());
328 =head2 ssr_data
330 Usage: my @data = $marker->ssr_data()
331 Desc: returns ssr data.
332 Ret: returns a list with the following values:
333 $ssr_id, $marker_id, $ssr_name, $est_trace,
334 $start_primer, $end_primer, $pcr_length, $ann_high,
335 $ann_low;
336 Args:
337 Side Effects:
338 Example:
340 =cut
342 sub ssr_data {
343 my $self = shift;
345 # get legacy information
347 my $ssr_sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT s.ssr_id, s.ssr_name, et.trace_name, s.start_primer, s.end_primer, s.pcr_product_ln, s.ann_high, s.ann_low FROM ssr AS s LEFT JOIN seqread AS et ON s.est_read_id=et.read_id where marker_id=?");
349 $ssr_sth->execute($self->marker_id());
350 if(my ($ssr_id, $ssr_name, $est_trace, $start_primer, $end_primer, $pcr_length, $ann_high, $ann_low) = $ssr_sth->fetchrow_array) {
352 my $mapped = '';
353 return ($ssr_id, $ssr_name, $est_trace, $start_primer, $end_primer, $pcr_length, $ann_high, $ann_low);
356 # get information from the new way to store things (sequence table)
357 my $ssr_sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT sequence, as seq_type, marker_experiment.protocol FROM sgn.marker_alias join sgn.marker_experiment using(marker_id) JOIN sgn.pcr_experiment using(pcr_experiment_id) JOIN sgn.pcr_experiment_sequence using(pcr_experiment_id) join sgn.sequence using(sequence_id) JOIN cvterm on (type_id=cvterm_id) where marker_alias.marker_id=?");
359 $ssr_sth->execute($self->marker_id());
361 my %seqs;
362 my $protocol_name;
363 while (my ($seq, $seq_type, $protocol) = $ssr_sth->fetchrow_array()) {
364 $seqs{$seq_type} = $seq;
365 $protocol_name = $protocol;
368 if ($protocol_name=~/ssr/i) {
369 print STDERR "\n\n\n:-)\n\n\n";
371 return (0, $self->get_name(), 0, $seqs{forward_primer}, $seqs{reverse_primer}, 0, undef, undef, undef);
376 =head2 ssr_motif_info
378 Usage: my @motif_info = $marker->ssr_motif_info();
379 Desc: returns motif information if the $marker is an
380 SSR marker, an empty list otherwise
381 Ret: a list of lists with [ $motif, $repeat_count ]
382 for each motif.
383 Args:
384 Side Effects:
385 Example:
387 =cut
389 sub ssr_motif_info {
390 my $self = shift;
391 my $ssr_id = shift;
393 #legacy data
394 my $repeats_sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT repeat_motif, reapeat_nr FROM ssr_repeats WHERE ssr_id=?");
395 $repeats_sth->execute($ssr_id);
396 my @motif_info = ();
397 while (my ($motif, $r_nr) = $repeats_sth->fetchrow_array) {
398 push @motif_info, [ $motif, $r_nr ];
402 #data from sequence table
403 my $repeats_sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT sequence FROM sgn.sequence JOIN sgn.pcr_experiment_sequence using(sequence_id) JOIN cvterm on (type_id=cvterm_id) JOIN sgn.pcr_experiment on (pcr_experiment_sequence.pcr_experiment_id=pcr_experiment.pcr_experiment_id) WHERE marker_id=? and name='repeat_unit'");
404 $repeats_sth->execute($self->marker_id());
405 push @motif_info, [ $repeats_sth->fetchrow_array() ];
408 return @motif_info;
414 =head2 cos_data
416 Usage: my $hashref = $marker->cos_data()
417 Desc: retrieves cos marker related data
418 Ret: a hashref with the following keys:
419 c.cos_marker_id
420 c.marker_id
421 c.cos_id
422 c.at_match
423 c.at_position
424 c.bac_id
425 c.best_gb_prot_hit
426 c.at_evalue
427 c.at_identities
428 c.mips_cat
429 c.description
430 c.comment
431 c.gbprot_evalue
432 c.gbprot_identities
433 s.trace_name
435 Args:
436 Side Effects:
437 Example:
439 =cut
441 sub cos_data {
442 my $self = shift;
443 my $marker_id = shift;
445 my $cos_query = q{SELECT c.cos_marker_id, c.marker_id, c.cos_id, c.at_match,
446 c.at_position, c.bac_id, c.best_gb_prot_hit, c.at_evalue,
447 c.at_identities, c.mips_cat, c.description, c.comment,
448 c.gbprot_evalue, c.gbprot_identities, s.trace_name
449 FROM cos_markers AS c LEFT JOIN seqread AS s ON
450 c.est_read_id=s.read_id WHERE c.marker_id = ?};
452 my $cos_sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($cos_query);
453 $cos_sth->execute($self->marker_id());
454 my $r = $cos_sth->fetchrow_hashref();
456 return $r;
460 =head2 collections
462 my $collections=$marker->collections();
464 Returns an arrayref of this markers collections.
466 =cut
468 #this is a list of groups this marker is considered to be a part of. this is usually a list of one or two collection names.
469 sub collections {
470 my $self=shift;
471 if($self->_should_we_run_query('collections')) {
472 my $collections_q=$self->{dbh}->prepare
474 select
475 mc_name
476 from
477 marker
478 inner join marker_collectible using (marker_id)
479 inner join marker_collection using (mc_id)
480 where
481 marker.marker_id=?
483 $collections_q->execute($self->{marker_id});
484 while(my($collection)=$collections_q->fetchrow_array()) {
485 push(@{$self->{collections}},$collection);
488 return $self->{collections};
491 =head2 derived_from_sources
493 my $sources=$marker->derived_from_sources();
494 if($sources) {
495 for my $source(@{$sources}) {
496 my $source_name=$source->{source_name};
497 my $id_in_source=$source->{id_in_source};
498 print"Marker is from source '$source_name' with ID '$id_in_source'\n";
502 Returns an arrayref of sources whence this marker came.
504 =cut
506 #ids of all sources from which this marker was derived
507 sub derived_from_sources {
508 my $self=shift;
509 if($self->_should_we_run_query('derived_from_sources')) {
510 my $sources_q=$self->{dbh}->prepare
512 select
513 source_name,
514 derived_from_source_id,
515 id_in_source
516 from
517 marker_derived_from
518 inner join derived_from_source using (derived_from_source_id)
519 where
520 marker_id=?
522 $sources_q->execute($self->{marker_id});
523 $self->{derived_from_sources}=$sources_q->fetchall_arrayref({});
525 return $self->{derived_from_sources};
528 =head2 experiments
530 my $exps=$marker->experiments();
531 if($exps) {
532 for my $exp(@{$exps}) {
533 if($exp->{location}){print $exp->{location}->as_string();}
534 if($exp->{pcr_experiment}){print $exp->{pcr_experiment}->as_string();}
535 if($exp->{rflp_experiment}){print $exp->{rflp_experiment}->as_string();}
539 Returns an arrayref of hashrefs with keys 'location', 'pcr_experiment', and 'rflp_experiment' which have values which are objects of these types.
541 =cut
543 #get information about all of this marker's locations on various maps
544 sub experiments {
545 my $self=shift;
546 my $dbh=$self->{dbh};
547 if($self->_should_we_run_query('experiments')) {
548 #the order-bys in this SQL statement make the marker_experiment entries with MORE information
549 #show up FIRST. the reason for doing this is that the display page ( assumes
550 #that if it has already displayed a location or experiment, that it does not need to display
551 #it again. if an entry with MORE information came LATER in the list, it might be overlooked
552 #by markerinfo. so, to reiterate:
556 my $locations_q=$dbh->prepare
558 select
559 marker_experiment_id,
560 location_id,
561 pcr_experiment_id,
562 rflp_experiment_id,
563 protocol
564 from
565 marker_experiment
566 left join marker_location using (location_id)
567 where
568 marker_id=?
569 order by
570 marker_location.map_version_id desc,
571 subscript,
572 pcr_experiment_id,
573 rflp_experiment_id,
574 protocol
578 $locations_q->execute($self->{marker_id});
579 while(my ($marker_experiment_id,$location_id,$pcr_experiment_id,$rflp_experiment_id,$protocol)=$locations_q->fetchrow_array()) {
580 my %experiment;
581 if($location_id) {
582 $experiment{location}=CXGN::Marker::Location->new($dbh,$location_id);
584 if($pcr_experiment_id) {
585 $experiment{pcr_experiment}=CXGN::Marker::PCR::Experiment->new($dbh,$pcr_experiment_id);
587 if($rflp_experiment_id) {
588 $experiment{rflp_experiment}=CXGN::Marker::RFLP::Experiment->new($dbh,$rflp_experiment_id);
590 $experiment{protocol}=$protocol;
591 $experiment{marker_experiment_id}=$marker_experiment_id;
592 push(@{$self->{experiments}},\%experiment);
594 my $orphan_pcr_notification='';
595 #grab any remaining pcr_experiments even if they are missing their marker_experiment entries
596 my $orphan_pcr_q=$dbh->prepare
598 select
599 pcr_experiment_id
600 from
601 pcr_experiment
602 left join marker_experiment using (pcr_experiment_id)
603 where
604 marker_experiment.pcr_experiment_id is null
605 and pcr_experiment.marker_id=?
607 $orphan_pcr_q->execute($self->{marker_id});
608 while(my ($orphan_pcr_id)=$orphan_pcr_q->fetchrow_array()) {
609 my %experiment;
610 $experiment{pcr_experiment}=CXGN::Marker::PCR::Experiment->new($dbh,$orphan_pcr_id);
611 push(@{$self->{experiments}},\%experiment);
612 $orphan_pcr_notification.=$self->name_that_marker()." has orphan PCR experiment ID '$orphan_pcr_id'\n";
614 if($orphan_pcr_notification) {
615 #turn this once when beth is finished fixing the known ones
616 #CXGN::Apache::Error::notify('found orphan PCR experiment',$orphan_pcr_notification);
619 return $self->{experiments};
622 =head2 populate_from_db
624 $marker->populate_from_db();
626 Fully populates the object. Mainly for use by CXGN::Marker::Modifiable to ensure that the marker is in a consistent state.
628 =cut
630 #this function MUST contain all of the accessors which populate this object, because it is used by the Modifiable subclass, which MUST have a fully populated object.
631 #if you add a marker accessor which retrieves data from the database (as the others do), you MUST call it here.
632 sub populate_from_db {
633 my $self=shift;
634 $self->name_that_marker();
635 $self->collections();
636 $self->derived_from_sources();
637 $self->experiments();
644 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
645 #the following functions are different from those above. they do not populate
646 #the object, and they do not store any state. they are just used to get
647 #ancillary data about a marker. probably other functions should
648 #be moved into here eventually.
650 #these COULD populate the object, but most of them won't need to be called more
651 #than once. also, this module kind of works hand in hand with CXGN::Marker::Modifiable,
652 #so I think it would be confusing if the marker could store state in itself, but not
653 #store that state to the database. as this module stands now, all state which
654 #it can store in itself it can also store in the database.
655 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
656 =head2 current_mapping_experiments
658 my $experiments=$marker->current_mapping_experiments();
660 Usually these are the ones you are interested in, right? Note: this does not get the simple non-mapping polymorphism tests.
662 =cut
664 sub current_mapping_experiments {
665 my $self=shift;
666 my @current_mapping_experiments;
667 my $experiments=$self->experiments();
668 if($experiments and @{$experiments}) {
669 for my $experiment(@{$self->{experiments}}) {
670 if($experiment->{location}) {
671 my $map_version_id=$experiment->{location}->map_version_id();
672 if(CXGN::Map::Tools::is_current_version($self->{dbh},$map_version_id)) {
673 push(@current_mapping_experiments,$experiment);
678 return \@current_mapping_experiments;
681 =head2 upa_experiments
683 my $experiments=$marker->upa_experiments();
685 This gets the COSII iUPA and eUPA experiments.
687 =cut
689 sub upa_experiments {
690 my $self=shift;
691 my @upa_experiments;
692 my $experiments=$self->experiments();
693 if($experiments and @{$experiments}) {
694 for my $experiment(@{$self->{experiments}}) {
697 !$experiment->{location}#if there is no associated location
698 and $experiment->{pcr_experiment}#and this is a PCR experiment (not RFLP)
699 and#and there is some primer type given
701 $experiment->{pcr_experiment}->primer_type() eq 'iUPA'
702 or $experiment->{pcr_experiment}->primer_type() eq 'eUPA'
706 #then it is one of feinan's COSII iUPA or eUPA experiments
707 push(@upa_experiments,$experiment);
711 return \@upa_experiments;
714 =head2 comments
716 print $marker->comments();
718 Returns marker comment text.
720 =cut
722 sub comments {
723 my $self=shift;
724 my $dbh=$self->{dbh};
725 my $id=$dbh->quote($self->{marker_id});
726 my ($comment)=$dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT comment_text from metadata.attribution as a inner join metadata.comments as c using(attribution_id) where a.table_name = 'markers' and row_id = $id");
727 return $comment;
730 =head2 marker_page_link
732 print"<a href=\"".$marker->marker_page_link()."\">[Link to marker]</a>";
734 Returns the stuff that goes in the 'href' attribute of the 'a' tag which will take you to a markers page.
736 =cut
738 #get a link to a marker's info page
739 sub marker_page_link {
740 my $self=shift;
741 return"/search/markers/$self->{marker_id}";
744 =head2 cosii_unigenes
746 my @unigenes=$marker->cosii_unigenes();
748 Returns an array of hashrefs with COSII unigene data.
750 =cut
752 #special marker data accessors
753 sub cosii_unigenes {
754 my $self=shift;
755 unless($self->is_in_collection('COSII')){return;}
756 my $dbh=$self->{dbh};
757 my @unigenes;
758 my $unigene_query=$dbh->prepare('select unigene_id,copies,database_name,sequence_name from cosii_ortholog where marker_id=?');
759 $unigene_query->execute($self->{marker_id});
760 my $unigene_results_ref=$unigene_query->fetchall_arrayref();
761 my @unigene_results=@{$unigene_results_ref};
762 for(0..$#unigene_results) {
763 $unigenes[$_]={};
764 $unigenes[$_]->{unigene_id}=$unigene_results[$_][0];
765 $unigenes[$_]->{copies}=$unigene_results[$_][1];
766 $unigenes[$_]->{database_name}=$unigene_results[$_][2];
767 $unigenes[$_]->{sequence_name}=$unigene_results[$_][3];
768 if($unigenes[$_]->{unigene_id})
770 my $unigeneq=$dbh->prepare("SELECT groups.comment from unigene LEFT JOIN unigene_build USING (unigene_build_id) LEFT JOIN groups ON (groups.group_id=unigene_build.organism_group_id) where unigene_id=?");
771 $unigeneq->execute($unigenes[$_]->{unigene_id});
772 my($org_group_name)=$unigeneq->fetchrow_array();
773 $unigenes[$_]->{organism}=$org_group_name;
775 else{$unigenes[$_]->{organism}=undef;}
777 return @unigenes;
781 ################################################
782 #tools
783 ################################################
784 #finds whether this marker is in a collection
786 =head2 is_in_collection
788 if($marker->is_in_collection('COSII')){print"This marker is a COSII marker."}
790 Takes a collection name and returns a 1 if the marker is in the collection or a 0 if not.
792 =cut
794 sub is_in_collection {
795 my $self=shift;
796 my($collection_maybe)=@_;
797 unless($collection_maybe){return 0;}
798 my $collections=$self->collections();
799 for my $collection(@{$collections}) {
800 if($collection_maybe eq $collection) {
801 return 1;
804 return 0;