added an accessor for db backend information
[cxgn-corelibs.git] / lib / CXGN /
1 use strict;
2 use CXGN::DB::Connection;
3 use CXGN::DB::SQLWrappers;
5 package CXGN::Insitu;
6 use base('CXGN::DB::Connection');
8 use Data::Dumper;
10 # for debugging, greater is for more output
11 our $debug = 1;
13 #####################################################################
14 #####################################################################
15 # generic functions
16 #####################################################################
17 #####################################################################
19 #####################################################################
20 # constructor
21 sub new {
22 my $class=shift;
23 my $self=$class->SUPER::new({dbtype=>"mysql",dbhost=>"localhost",dbschema=>"insitu",dbuser=>"insitu",dbpass=>"insitu_editor"});
24 return $self;
27 # get last insert id from database
28 sub last_insert_id {
29 my $self=shift;
30 my $sth = $self->prepare("select last_insert_id() as id");
31 $sth->execute;
32 my $id = $sth->fetchrow_hashref->{'id'};
33 return $id;
36 #####################################################################
37 #####################################################################
38 # functions to retrieve data
39 #####################################################################
40 #####################################################################
42 sub return_organisms {
43 my ($self, $user) = @_;
44 my %organisms;
45 my ($id, $name, $common, $description);
46 my $stm = "select organism_id, name, common_name, description from organism order by name;";
47 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
48 my $rv = $sth->execute;
49 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$id, \$name, \$common, \$description);
50 my $count = 1;
51 while ($sth->fetch) {
52 $organisms{$count}{id} = $id;
53 $organisms{$count}{name} = $name;
54 $organisms{$count}{common_name} = $common;
55 $organisms{$count}{description} = $description;
56 $count++;
58 $sth->finish;
59 return %organisms;
62 #####################################################################
63 # will return the name of the tag with the requested id
64 sub return_tag {
65 my ($self, $id) = @_;
66 my $name;
67 my $stm = "select name from tag where tag_id=?;";
68 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
69 my $rv = $sth->execute($id);
70 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$name);
71 $sth->fetch;
72 $sth->finish;
73 return $name;
76 #####################################################################
77 # will return a hash with all tags (optionally owned by $user)
78 sub return_tags {
79 my ($self, $user) = @_;
80 my %tags;
81 my ($tag_id, $name, $description, $user);
82 my $stm = "select tag_id, name, description, user_id from tag order by name asc;";
83 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
84 my $rv = $sth->execute;
85 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$tag_id, \$name, \$description, \$user);
86 while ($sth->fetch) {
87 $tags{$name} = [$tag_id, $name, $description, $user];
89 $sth->finish;
90 return %tags;
93 #####################################################################
94 # will return all tags, implied tags, etc for the requested item
95 sub return_relevant_tags {
96 my ($self, $type, $id) = @_;
97 my ($tag_link_table, $linked_key);
98 if ($type eq 'ex') {
99 $tag_link_table = "ex_tag";
100 $linked_key = "experiment_id";
102 elsif ($type eq 'image') {
103 $tag_link_table = "image_tag";
104 $linked_key = "image_id";
106 else {
107 die "Unkown table type: $type!\n"
109 my %tags = ();
110 my @tag_implications = ();
111 my ($tag_id, $tag_name, $tag_description, $implied_tag);
112 my @implied_tags = ();
113 # get general tag info
114 my $stm = "select t.tag_id,, t.description from $tag_link_table as l join tag as t on l.tag_id=t.tag_id where l.${linked_key}=?;";
115 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
116 my $rv = $sth->execute($id);
117 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$tag_id, \$tag_name, \$tag_description);
118 while ($sth->fetch) {
119 push @tag_implications, $tag_id;
120 $tags{$tag_name} = [$tag_id, $tag_name, $tag_description];
122 # get implied tag info
123 @implied_tags = $self->get_implied_tags(\@tag_implications);
124 %tags = $self->follow_implied_tags(\%tags, \@implied_tags);
125 return %tags;
128 #####################################################################
129 # given an array of tag ids, return an array of all implied tags
130 sub get_implied_tags {
131 my ($self, $tags) = @_;
132 my @implied_tags = ();
133 foreach my $tag_id (@$tags) {
134 my $implied_tag;
135 ($debug > 1) and warn "implied tags for tag ${tag_id}:\n";
136 my $stm = "select implied_id from tag_implication where tag_id=?;";
137 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
138 my $rv = $sth->execute($tag_id);
139 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$implied_tag);
140 while ($sth->fetch) {
141 ($debug > 1) and warn "\t$implied_tag\n";
142 push @implied_tags, $implied_tag;
145 return @implied_tags;
148 #####################################################################
149 # given a pre-existing hash, and an array of implied tags, recurses
150 # through the implications, adding all implied tags to the existing hash
151 sub follow_implied_tags {
152 my ($self, $tags, $implied_tags, $seen_tags) = @_;
153 if (!$seen_tags) {
154 my %empty_hash = ();
155 $seen_tags = \%empty_hash;
157 # add all tags currently being viewed to a hash to avoid redundancy
158 foreach my $done_id (keys %$tags) {
159 my $tag_id = $tags->{$done_id}[0];
160 $seen_tags->{$tag_id}++;
162 # get information for previously implied tags
163 my @implied_tag_ids = $self->get_implied_tags($implied_tags);
164 foreach my $id (@$implied_tags) {
165 if (!$seen_tags->{$id}) {
166 my ($tag_id, $tag_name, $tag_description, $implied_tag);
167 # get general tag info
168 my $stm = "select tag_id, name, description from tag where tag_id=?;";
169 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
170 my $rv = $sth->execute($id);
171 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$tag_id, \$tag_name, \$tag_description);
172 $sth->fetch;
173 $sth->finish;
174 $tags->{$tag_name} = [$tag_id, $tag_name, $tag_description];
176 $seen_tags->{$id}++;
178 # only push new implied tags if they havn't been seen before
179 my @new_implications = ();
180 foreach my $implied_tag (@implied_tag_ids) {
181 if ($implied_tag && !$seen_tags->{$implied_tag}) {
182 push @new_implications, $implied_tag;
185 # recurse through new implications, provided there are any
186 my %new_tags = ();
187 if (@new_implications>0) {
188 %new_tags = $self->follow_implied_tags($tags, \@new_implications, $seen_tags);
190 else {
191 %new_tags = %{$tags};
193 return %new_tags;
196 #####################################################################
197 # follow implied tags in the reverse direction
198 # given a search array and a seen hash, recurse through the search
199 # array, ignoring anything in the seen hash. return seen hash
200 sub follow_reverse_implications {
201 my ($self, $search, $seen) = @_;
202 if (!$seen) {
203 my %empty_hash = ();
204 $seen = \%empty_hash;
206 my @new_impliers = ();
208 foreach my $tag (@$search) {
209 if (!$seen->{$tag}) {
210 $seen->{$tag}++;
211 my $implying_tag;
212 my $stm = "select tag_id from tag_implication where implied_id=?;";
213 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
214 my $rv = $sth->execute($tag);
215 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$implying_tag);
216 while ($sth->fetch) {
217 push @new_impliers, $implying_tag;
222 my %return_hash = ();
223 if (@new_impliers<1) {
224 %return_hash = %{$seen};
226 else {
227 %return_hash = $self->follow_reverse_implications(\@new_impliers, $seen);
230 return %return_hash;
233 #####################################################################
234 # will return a hash with all data for each image in the specified
235 # experiment
239 sub return_images {
240 my ($self, $experiment_id) = @_;
241 my %images = ();
242 my ($image_id, $name, $desription, $filename, $file_ext);
243 # get information about each image
244 my $stm = "select image_id, name, description, filename, file_ext from image where experiment_id=? order by image_id asc;";
245 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
246 my $rv = $sth->execute($experiment_id);
247 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$image_id, \$name, \$desription, \$filename, \$file_ext);
248 # store non-tag info about each image
249 while ($sth->fetch) {
250 $images{$image_id} = [$name, $desription, $filename, $file_ext];
252 # get tags for each image
253 foreach my $image (keys %images) {
254 $images{$image}[5] = $self->return_relevant_tags("image", $image);
256 return %images;
259 #####################################################################
260 # will return a hash with all data for the reqested image
264 sub return_image {
265 my ($self, $image_id) = @_;
266 my %image = ();
267 my ($experiment_id, $name, $description, $filename, $file_ext);
268 # get general info
269 my $stm = "select experiment_id, name, description, filename, file_ext from image where image_id=?;";
270 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
271 my $rv = $sth->execute($image_id);
272 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$experiment_id, \$name, \$description, \$filename, \$file_ext);
273 $sth->fetch;
274 $sth->finish;
275 # get hash of tags for this image, including implied tags
276 my %tags = $self->return_relevant_tags("image", $image_id);
277 $image{experiment_id} = $experiment_id;
278 $image{name} = $name;
279 $image{description} = $description;
280 $image{filename} = $filename;
281 $image{file_ext} = $file_ext;
282 $image{tags} = \%tags;
283 return %image;
286 #####################################################################
287 # will return a hash with some data for all experiments
291 sub return_experiments {
292 my $self = shift;
293 my %experiments = ();
294 my ($experiment_id, $name, $date, $organism_id, $tissue, $stage, $primer_id, $primer, $description, $user_id);
295 # get general info
296 my $stm = "select experiment_id, name, date, organism_id, tissue, stage, primer_id, description, user_id from experiment;";
297 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
298 my $rv = $sth->execute;
299 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$experiment_id, \$name, \$date, \$organism_id, \$tissue, \$stage, \$primer_id, \$description, \$user_id);
300 # store non-tag info about each experiment
301 while ($sth->fetch) {
302 $experiments{$experiment_id}{name} = $name;
303 $experiments{$experiment_id}{date} = $date;
304 $experiments{$experiment_id}{organism_id} = $organism_id;
305 $experiments{$experiment_id}{tissue} = $tissue;
306 $experiments{$experiment_id}{stage} = $stage;
307 $experiments{$experiment_id}{primer_id} = $primer_id;
308 $experiments{$experiment_id}{description} = $description;
309 $experiments{$experiment_id}{user_id} = $user_id;
311 return %experiments;
314 #####################################################################
315 # will return a hash with all data for the reqested experiment
319 sub return_experiment {
320 my ($self, $experiment_id) = @_;
321 my %experiment = ();
322 my ($name, $date, $stage, $organism_id, %organism, $tissue, $primer_id, $primer, $description, $user_id);
323 # get general info
324 my $stm = "select name, date, organism_id, tissue, stage, primer_id, description, user_id from experiment where experiment_id=?;";
325 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
326 my $rv = $sth->execute($experiment_id);
327 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$name, \$date, \$organism_id, \$tissue, \$stage, \$primer_id, \$description, \$user_id);
328 $sth->fetch;
329 $sth->finish;
330 # get organism name
331 %organism = $self->return_organism($organism_id);
332 # get primer name
333 $primer = $self->return_primer_name($primer_id);
334 # get hash of tags for this experiment, including implied tags
335 my %tags = $self->return_relevant_tags("ex", $experiment_id);
336 $experiment{name} = $name;
337 $experiment{date} = $date;
338 $experiment{organism_id} = $organism_id;
339 $experiment{organism_name} = $organism{name};
340 $experiment{organism_common} = $organism{common_name};
341 $experiment{tissue} = $tissue;
342 $experiment{stage} = $stage;
343 $experiment{primer_id} = $primer_id;
344 $experiment{primer} = $primer;
345 $experiment{description} = $description;
346 $experiment{user_id} = $user_id;
347 $experiment{tags} = \%tags;
348 return %experiment;
351 ####################################################################
352 # will return a hash containing all experiments
353 # concerning the specified organism
357 sub get_organism_items {
358 my ($self, $org) = @_;
360 if ($debug>1) {
361 warn "get_organism_items searching for experiments involving organism $org\n";
364 my ($stm, $sth, $rv, $rc);
365 my %experiments;
367 # get information from experiments that match
368 my ($ex_id, $ex_name, $ex_date, $ex_org, $ex_tissue, $ex_stage, $ex_primer_id, $ex_primer, $ex_description, $ex_user_id);
369 $stm = "select distinct experiment_id, name, date, organism_id, tissue, stage, primer_id, description, user_id from experiment where organism_id=?;";
370 $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
371 $rv = $sth->execute($org);
372 $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$ex_id, \$ex_name, \$ex_date, \$ex_org, \$ex_tissue, \$ex_stage, \$ex_primer_id, \$ex_description, \$ex_user_id);
373 while ($sth->fetch) {
374 my %organism = $self->return_organism($ex_org);
375 $experiments{$ex_id}{name} = $ex_name;
376 $experiments{$ex_id}{date} = $ex_date;
377 $experiments{$ex_id}{organism_id} = $ex_org;
378 $experiments{$ex_id}{organism_name} = $organism{name};
379 $experiments{$ex_id}{organism_common} = $organism{common_name};
380 $experiments{$ex_id}{tissue} = $ex_tissue;
381 $experiments{$ex_id}{stage} = $ex_stage;
382 $experiments{$ex_id}{primer_id} = $ex_primer_id;
383 $experiments{$ex_id}{primer} = $self->return_primer_name($ex_primer_id);
384 $experiments{$ex_id}{description} = $ex_description;
385 $experiments{$ex_id}{user_id} = $ex_user_id;
386 my %tags = $self->return_relevant_tags("ex", $ex_id);
387 $experiments{$ex_id}{tags} = \%tags;
390 return %experiments;
393 ####################################################################
394 # will return a hash containing all experiments
395 # submitted by the specified user
399 sub get_user_items {
400 my ($self, $user) = @_;
402 if ($debug>1) {
403 warn "get_user_items searching for experiments submitted by $user\n";
406 my ($stm, $sth, $rv, $rc);
407 my %experiments;
409 # get information from experiments that match
410 my ($ex_id, $ex_name, $ex_date, $ex_org, $ex_tissue, $ex_stage, $ex_primer_id, $ex_primer, $ex_description, $ex_user_id);
411 $stm = "select distinct experiment_id, name, date, organism_id, tissue, stage, primer_id, description, user_id from experiment where user_id=?;";
412 $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
413 $rv = $sth->execute($user);
414 $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$ex_id, \$ex_name, \$ex_date, \$ex_org, \$ex_tissue, \$ex_stage, \$ex_primer_id, \$ex_description, \$ex_user_id);
415 while ($sth->fetch) {
416 my %organism = $self->return_organism($ex_org);
417 $experiments{$ex_id}{name} = $ex_name;
418 $experiments{$ex_id}{date} = $ex_date;
419 $experiments{$ex_id}{organism_id} = $ex_org;
420 $experiments{$ex_id}{organism_name} = $organism{name};
421 $experiments{$ex_id}{organism_common} = $organism{common_name};
422 $experiments{$ex_id}{tissue} = $ex_tissue;
423 $experiments{$ex_id}{stage} = $ex_stage;
424 $experiments{$ex_id}{primer_id} = $ex_primer_id;
425 $experiments{$ex_id}{primer} = $self->return_primer_name($ex_primer_id);
426 $experiments{$ex_id}{description} = $ex_description;
427 $experiments{$ex_id}{user_id} = $ex_user_id;
428 my %tags = $self->return_relevant_tags("ex", $ex_id);
429 $experiments{$ex_id}{tags} = \%tags;
432 return %experiments;
435 ####################################################################
436 # will return a hash containing all experiments
437 # concerning the specified probe
441 sub get_primer_items {
442 my ($self, $probe) = @_;
444 if ($debug>1) {
445 warn "get_probe_items searching for experiments involving probe $probe\n";
448 my ($stm, $sth, $rv, $rc);
449 my %experiments;
451 # get information from experiments that match
452 my ($ex_id, $ex_name, $ex_date, $ex_org, $ex_tissue, $ex_stage, $ex_primer_id, $ex_primer, $ex_description, $ex_user_id);
453 $stm = "select distinct experiment_id, name, date, organism_id, tissue, stage, primer_id, description, user_id from experiment where primer_id=?;";
454 $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
455 $rv = $sth->execute($probe);
456 $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$ex_id, \$ex_name, \$ex_date, \$ex_org, \$ex_tissue, \$ex_stage, \$ex_primer_id, \$ex_description, \$ex_user_id);
457 while ($sth->fetch) {
458 my %organism = $self->return_organism($ex_org);
459 $experiments{$ex_id}{name} = $ex_name;
460 $experiments{$ex_id}{date} = $ex_date;
461 $experiments{$ex_id}{organism_id} = $ex_org;
462 $experiments{$ex_id}{organism_name} = $organism{name};
463 $experiments{$ex_id}{organism_common} = $organism{common_name};
464 $experiments{$ex_id}{tissue} = $ex_tissue;
465 $experiments{$ex_id}{stage} = $ex_stage;
466 $experiments{$ex_id}{primer_id} = $ex_primer_id;
467 $experiments{$ex_id}{primer} = $self->return_primer_name($ex_primer_id);
468 $experiments{$ex_id}{description} = $ex_description;
469 $experiments{$ex_id}{user_id} = $ex_user_id;
470 my %tags = $self->return_relevant_tags("ex", $ex_id);
471 $experiments{$ex_id}{tags} = \%tags;
474 return %experiments;
479 ####################################################################
480 # will return a hash containing an experiment array and an image
481 # array of all items with the submitted tag(s)
485 sub get_tagged_items {
486 my ($self, $in_tags) = @_;
488 # the count that an item has to have to be a match
489 my $match_count = @$in_tags;
491 # hashes where matches will live
492 my %return_matches = ();
493 my %matches = ();
494 my %experiments = ();
495 my %images = ();
496 my %sub_tags = (); # tags that were also found in these matches
498 # this is hirsute, because we need to query for each tag separately,
499 # and then combine the results. we need to do this because there needs
500 # to be 'OR's for implied tags, and 'AND's for searches for multiple tags
501 foreach my $tag (@$in_tags) {
502 ($debug > 1) and warn "Searching for experiments/images that match tag $tag...\n";
504 # first find out whether any of the tags we are querying for are
505 # implied by other tags- if so, these may not match with the standard
506 # query, but they should stil be hits
507 my @dummy_array = [$tag];
508 my %implying_tags = $self->follow_reverse_implications(@dummy_array);
510 # create a where clause for this tag and the tags that imply it
511 my $where = "where tag_id=?";
512 foreach (sort keys %implying_tags) {
513 $where .= " or tag_id=$_";
516 my ($stm, $sth, $rv, $rc);
518 # get information from experiments that match
519 my ($ex_id, $ex_name, $ex_date, $ex_org, $ex_tissue, $ex_stage, $ex_primer_id, $ex_primer, $ex_description);
520 $stm = "select distinct t.experiment_id,,, e.organism_id, e.tissue, e.stage, e.primer_id, e.description from ex_tag as t left join experiment as e on t.experiment_id=e.experiment_id $where;";
521 $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
522 $rv = $sth->execute($tag);
523 $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$ex_id, \$ex_name, \$ex_date, \$ex_org, \$ex_tissue, \$ex_stage, \$ex_primer_id, \$ex_description);
524 while ($sth->fetch) {
525 $matches{experiments}{$ex_id}++;
526 my %organism = $self->return_organism($ex_org);
527 $experiments{$ex_id}{name} = $ex_name;
528 $experiments{$ex_id}{date} = $ex_date;
529 $experiments{$ex_id}{organism_id} = $ex_org;
530 $experiments{$ex_id}{organism_name} = $organism{name};
531 $experiments{$ex_id}{organism_common} = $organism{common};
532 $experiments{$ex_id}{tissue} = $ex_tissue;
533 $experiments{$ex_id}{stage} = $ex_stage;
534 $experiments{$ex_id}{primer_id} = $ex_primer_id;
535 $experiments{$ex_id}{primer} = $self->return_primer_name($ex_primer_id);
536 $experiments{$ex_id}{description} = $ex_description;
537 my %ex_tags = $self->return_relevant_tags("ex", $ex_id);
538 $experiments{$ex_id}{tags} = \%ex_tags;
539 # add tags for this item to sub_tags
540 foreach my $sub_tag (keys %ex_tags) {
541 $sub_tags{experiments}{$ex_id}{$sub_tag} = $ex_tags{$sub_tag};
545 # get information from images that match
546 my ($image_id, $image_experiment, $image_name, $image_description, $image_filename, $image_file_ext);
547 $stm = "select distinct t.image_id, i.experiment_id,, i.description, i.filename, i.file_ext from image_tag as t left join image as i on t.image_id=i.image_id $where;";
548 $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
549 $rv = $sth->execute($tag);
550 $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$image_id, \$image_experiment, \$image_name, \$image_description, \$image_filename, \$image_file_ext);
551 while ($sth->fetch) {
552 $matches{images}{$image_id}++;
553 $images{$image_id}{experiment} = $image_experiment;
554 $images{$image_id}{name} = $image_name;
555 $images{$image_id}{description} = $image_description;
556 $images{$image_id}{filename} = $image_filename;
557 $images{$image_id}{file_ext} = $image_file_ext;
558 my %img_tags = $self->return_relevant_tags("image", $image_id);
559 $images{$image_id}{tags} = \%img_tags;
560 # add tags for this item to sub_tags
561 foreach my $sub_tag (keys %img_tags) {
562 $sub_tags{images}{$image_id}{$sub_tag} = $img_tags{$sub_tag};
568 if ($debug>1) {
569 warn "\n\nget_tagged_items required match count: $match_count\n";
570 warn "\n\nget_tagged_items matches: \n";
571 warn Dumper \%matches;
572 warn "\n\nget_tagged_items experiments: \n";
573 warn Dumper \%experiments;
574 warn "\n\nget_tagged_items images: \n";
575 warn Dumper \%images;
576 warn "\n\nget_tagged_items sub_tags: \n";
577 warn Dumper \%sub_tags;
578 warn "\n\n";
581 # given the match_count and matches, only return items that have
582 # these numbers equal
583 foreach my $match_ex (keys %{$matches{experiments}}) {
584 if ($matches{experiments}{$match_ex} == $match_count) {
585 $debug and warn "experiment $match_ex is a match against all tags!\n";
586 $return_matches{experiments}{$match_ex} = $experiments{$match_ex};
587 $return_matches{matches}{experiments}++;
588 foreach my $sub_tag (keys %{$sub_tags{experiments}{$match_ex}}) {
589 $return_matches{sub_tags}{$sub_tag} = $sub_tags{experiments}{$match_ex}{$sub_tag};
592 else {
593 $debug and warn "experiment $match_ex doesn't match\n";
596 foreach my $match_img (keys %{$matches{images}}) {
597 if ($matches{images}{$match_img} == $match_count) {
598 $debug and warn "image $match_img is a match against all tags!\n";
599 $return_matches{images}{$match_img} = $images{$match_img};
600 $return_matches{matches}{images}++;
601 foreach my $sub_tag (keys %{$sub_tags{images}{$match_img}}) {
602 $return_matches{sub_tags}{$sub_tag} = $sub_tags{images}{$match_img}{$sub_tag};
605 else {
606 $debug and warn "image $match_img doesn't match\n";
610 if ($debug>1) {
611 warn "\n\nget_tagged_items return_matches: \n";
612 warn Dumper \%return_matches;
613 warn "\n\n";
616 # return resultint hash
617 return %return_matches;
621 #####################################################################
622 # given organism id, return scientific name, common name, and desc.
626 sub return_organism {
627 my ($self, $organism_id) = @_;
628 my (%org, $organism, $common_name, $description);
629 my $stm = "select name, common_name, description from organism where organism_id=?";
630 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
631 my $rv = $sth->execute($organism_id);
632 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$organism, \$common_name, \$description);
633 $sth->fetch;
634 $sth->finish;
635 $org{id} = $organism_id;
636 $org{name} = $organism;
637 $org{common_name} = $common_name;
638 $org{description} = $description;
639 return %org;
643 #####################################################################
644 # given primer id, return name
648 sub return_primer_name {
649 my ($self, $primer_id) = @_;
650 my ($primer);
651 my $stm = "select name from primer where primer_id=?";
652 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
653 my $rv = $sth->execute($primer_id);
654 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$primer);
655 $sth->fetch;
656 $sth->finish;
657 return $primer;
660 #####################################################################
661 # given primer id, return all primer info
665 sub return_primer {
666 my ($self, $primer_id) = @_;
667 my (%primer, $name, $p1, $p1seq, $p2, $p2seq, $seq, $clone, $link_desc, $link);
668 my $stm = "select name, primer1, primer1_seq, primer2, primer2_seq, sequence, clone, link_desc, link from primer where primer_id=?";
669 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
670 my $rv = $sth->execute($primer_id);
671 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$name, \$p1, \$p1seq, \$p2, \$p2seq, \$seq, \$clone, \$link_desc, \$link);
672 $sth->fetch;
673 $sth->finish;
674 $primer{id} = $primer_id;
675 $primer{name} = $name;
676 $primer{primer1} = $p1;
677 $primer{primer1_seq} = $p1seq;
678 $primer{primer2} = $p2;
679 $primer{primer2_seq} = $p2seq;
680 $primer{sequence} = $seq;
681 $primer{clone} = $clone;
682 $primer{link_desc} = $link_desc;
683 $primer{link} = $link;
684 return %primer;
687 #####################################################################
688 # return primer info for all primers
692 sub return_primers {
693 my $self = shift;
694 my (%primer, $id, $name, $p1, $p1seq, $p2, $p2seq, $seq, $clone, $link_desc, $link);
695 my $stm = "select primer_id, name, primer1, primer1_seq, primer2, primer2_seq, sequence, clone, link_desc, link from primer";
696 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
697 my $rv = $sth->execute();
698 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns(\$id, \$name, \$p1, \$p1seq, \$p2, \$p2seq, \$seq, \$clone, \$link_desc, \$link);
699 while ($sth->fetch) {
700 $primer{$name}{id} = $id;
701 $primer{$name}{name} = $name;
702 $primer{$name}{primer1} = $p1;
703 $primer{$name}{primer1_seq} = $p1seq;
704 $primer{$name}{primer2} = $p2;
705 $primer{$name}{primer2_seq} = $p2seq;
706 $primer{$name}{sequence} = $seq;
707 $primer{$name}{clone} = $clone;
708 $primer{$name}{link_desc} = $link_desc;
709 $primer{$name}{link} = $link;
711 return %primer;
714 #####################################################################
715 #####################################################################
716 # functions to update existing data
717 #####################################################################
718 #####################################################################
720 #####################################################################
721 # will update data for the specified image
725 sub update_image_data {
726 my ($self, $id, $name, $description, $tags) =@_;
727 if ($debug > 1) {
728 warn "update_image_data got:\n";
729 warn "\tid: $id\n";
730 warn "\tname: $name\n";
731 warn "\tdescription: $description\n";
732 warn "\ttags:\n";
733 warn Dumper $tags;
734 warn "\n";
736 # update image table
737 my $stm = "update image set name=?, description=? where image_id=?;";
738 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
739 my $rv = $sth->execute($name, $description, $id);
740 $sth->finish;
741 # update tags
742 foreach my $tag (@$tags) {
743 if ($tag && ($tag =~ m/[0-9]+/)) {
744 $stm = "insert into image_tag (image_id, tag_id) values (?, ?)";
745 $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
746 $rv = $sth->execute($id, $tag);
747 $sth->finish;
752 #####################################################################
753 # will update data for the specified tag
757 sub update_tag_data {
758 my ($self, $id, $name, $description, $implied_tags) =@_;
759 if ($debug > 1) {
760 warn "update_tag_data got:\n";
761 warn "\tid: $id\n";
762 warn "\tname: $name\n";
763 warn "\tdescription: $description\n";
764 warn "\timplied_tags:\n";
765 warn Dumper $implied_tags;
766 warn "\n";
769 # update tage table
770 my $stm = "update tag set name=?, description=? where tag_id=?;";
771 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
772 my $rv = $sth->execute($name, $description, $id);
773 $sth->finish;
775 # update tags
776 # first delete all old implications
777 $stm = "delete from tag_implication where tag_id=?;";
778 $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
779 $rv = $sth->execute($id);
780 $sth->finish;
781 # now insert new implications
782 foreach my $tag (@$implied_tags) {
783 if ($tag && ($tag =~ m/[0-9]+/)) {
784 $stm = "insert into tag_implication (tag_id, implied_id) values (?, ?)";
785 $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
786 $rv = $sth->execute($id, $tag);
787 $sth->finish;
793 #####################################################################
794 #####################################################################
795 # functions to insert data
796 #####################################################################
797 #####################################################################
799 #####################################################################
800 # will insert a new organism into the database
804 sub insert_organism {
805 my ($self, $name, $description, $user) = @_;
806 my $stm = "insert into organism (name, common_name, description) values (?, ?, ?)";
807 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
808 my $rv = $sth->execute($name, $description, $user);
811 #####################################################################
812 # will insert a new category into the database
816 sub insert_tag {
817 my ($self, $name, $description, $user) = @_;
818 my $stm = "insert into tag (name, description, user_id) values (?, ?, ?)";
819 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
820 my $rv = $sth->execute($name, $description, $user);
823 #####################################################################
824 # will insert information regarding an experiment into the database
828 sub insert_experiment {
829 my ($self, $name, $date, $organism_id, $tissue, $stage, $primer, $primer_link_desc, $primer_link, $primer_clone, $primer_sequence, $primer_p1, $primer_p1_seq, $primer_p2, $primer_p2_seq, $description, $tags, $user) = @_;
830 if ($debug > 1) {
831 warn "insert_experiment got:\n";
832 warn "\tname: $name\n";
833 warn "\tdate: $date\n";
834 warn "\torganism: $organism_id\n";
835 warn "\ttissue: $tissue\n";
836 warn "\tstage: $stage\n";
837 warn "\tprimer: $primer\n";
838 warn "\tprimer_link_desc: $primer_link_desc\n";
839 warn "\tprimer_link: $primer_link\n";
840 warn "\tprimer_clone: $primer_clone\n";
841 warn "\tprimer_sequence:\n$primer_sequence\n";
842 warn "\tprimer_p1: $primer_p1\n";
843 warn "\tprimer_p1_seq:\n$primer_p1_seq\n";
844 warn "\tprimer_p2: $primer_p2\n";
845 warn "\tprimer_p2_seq:\n$primer_p2_seq\n";
846 warn "\tdescription:\n$description\n";
847 warn "\ttags:\n" . Dumper $tags;
848 warn "\tuser: $user\n";
851 # look up the primer in the primer table, if it already exists use that key
852 # otherwise, create a new row for it and use that key
853 my $primer_id;
854 my $stm = "select primer_id from primer where name=?";
855 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
856 my $rv = $sth->execute($primer);
857 my $rc = $sth->bind_columns (\$primer_id);
858 $sth->fetch;
859 $sth->finish;
860 if (!$primer_id) {
861 $stm = "insert into primer (name, link_desc, link, clone, sequence, primer1, primer1_seq, primer2, primer2_seq, user_id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
862 $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
863 $rv = $sth->execute($primer, $primer_link_desc, $primer_link, $primer_clone, $primer_sequence, $primer_p1, $primer_p1_seq, $primer_p2, $primer_p2_seq, $user);
864 $sth->finish;
865 $primer_id = $self->last_insert_id;
868 # insert row into experiment table, get key for that row
869 $stm = "insert into experiment (name, date, organism_id, tissue, stage, primer_id, description, user_id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
870 $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
871 $rv = $sth->execute($name, $date, $organism_id, $tissue, $stage, $primer_id, $description, $user);
872 $sth->finish;
873 my $experiment_id = $self->last_insert_id;
875 # link this experiment with selected tags
876 foreach my $tag (@$tags) {
877 $stm = "insert into ex_tag (experiment_id, tag_id) values (?, ?)";
878 $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
879 $rv = $sth->execute($experiment_id, $tag);
880 $sth->finish;
883 # return key of this experiment
884 return $experiment_id;
888 #####################################################################
889 # will insert information regarding an image into the database
893 sub insert_image {
894 my ($self, $experiment_id, $filename, $file_ext) = @_;
895 my $stm = "insert into image (experiment_id, filename, file_ext) values (?, ?, ?)";
896 my $sth = $self->prepare($stm);
897 my $rv = $sth->execute($experiment_id, $filename, $file_ext);
898 $sth->finish;
899 my $image_id = $self->last_insert_id;
900 return $image_id;
903 #####################################################################
904 #####################################################################
905 # Do not delete this line: