added an accessor for db backend information
[cxgn-corelibs.git] / lib / MOBY / Client /
1 package MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle;
2 use strict;
3 use Carp;
4 use XML::LibXML;
5 use MOBY::MobyXMLConstants;
6 use vars qw($AUTOLOAD @ISA);
8 =head1 NAME
10 MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle - a small object describing the Simple articles from the findService Response message of MOBY Central
12 =head1 SYNOPSIS
14 experimental - please do not use in your code
16 =cut
20 This describes the Simple articles from either the findService Response of MOBY Central
21 (i.e. the description of the service), or Simple articles
22 as provided in a service invocation or response message
23 (i.e. simple articles containing data)
25 Basically it parses the following part of a findService response:
27 <Simple articleName='foo'>
28 <objectType>someNbject</objectType>
29 <Namespace>someNamespace</Namespace>
30 <Namespace>someNamespace2</Namespace>
31 </Simple>
33 OR it parses the following part of a service invocation or response message:
35 <Simple articleName='foo'>
36 <SomeObject namespace='someNamespace' id='someID'>.....</SomeObject>
37 </Simple>
39 The articleName is retrieved with ->articleName
40 The namespace(s) are retrieved with ->namespaces
41 The objectType is retrieved with ->objectType
42 the id (if instantiated) is retrieved with ->id
45 =head1 AUTHORS
47 Mark Wilkinson (markw at illuminae dot com)
49 =cut
51 =head1 METHODS
54 =head2 new
56 Usage : my $SA = MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle->new(%args)
57 Function : create SimpleArticle object
58 Returns : MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle object
59 Args : either of the following two methods may be used to auto-generate the
60 object by passing the appropriate XML node as a string, or XML::DOM node object
62 XML => $XML
67 =head2 articleName
69 Usage : $name = $SA->articleName($name)
70 Function : get/set articleName
71 Returns : string
72 Arguments : (optional) string representing articleName to set
74 =head2 objectType
76 Usage : $type = $SA->objectType($type)
77 Function : get/set name
78 Returns : string
79 Arguments : (optional) string representing objectType to set
81 =head2 objectLSID
83 Usage : $type = $SA->objectLSID($type)
84 Function : get/set LSID
85 Returns : string
86 Arguments : (optional) string representing objectLSID to set
89 =head2 namespaces
91 Usage : $namespaces = $SA->namespaces(\@namespaces)
92 Function : get/set namespaces for the objectType
93 Returns : arrayref of namespace strings
94 Arguments : (optional) arrayref of namespace strings to set
97 =head2 XML
99 Usage : $SA = $SA->XML($XML)
100 Function : set/reset all parameters for this object from the XML
101 Returns : MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle
102 Arguments : (optional) XML fragment from and including <Simple>...</Simple>
104 =head2 XML_DOM
106 Usage : $namespaces = $SA->XML_DOM($XML_DOM_NODE)
107 Function : set/reset all parameters for this object from the XML::DOM node for <Simple>
108 Returns : MOBY::Client::SimpleArticle
109 Arguments : (optional) an $XML::DOM node from the <Simple> article of a DOM
112 =head2 addNamespace
114 Usage : $namespaces = $IN->addNamespace($namespace)
115 Function : add another namespace for the objectType
116 Returns : namespace string
118 =head2 isSimple
120 Usage : $boolean = $IN->isSimple()
121 Function : is this a SimpleArticle type
122 (yes, I know this is obvious, but since you can
123 get both Simple and Collection objects in your
124 Input and output lists, it is good to be able
125 to test what you have in-hand)
126 Returns : 1 (true)
129 =head2 isCollection
131 Usage : $boolean = $IN->isCollection()
132 Function : is this a CollectionArticle type
133 (yes, I know this is obvious, but since you can
134 get both Simple and Collection objects in your
135 Input and output lists, it is good to be able
136 to test what you have in-hand)
137 Returns : 0 for false
139 =head2 isSecondary
141 Usage : $boolean = $IN->isSecondary()
142 Function : is this a SecondaryArticle type?
143 (yes, I know this is obvious)
144 Returns : 0 (true)
146 =cut
150 # Encapsulated:
151 # DATA
152 #___________________________________________________________
154 my %_attr_data = # DEFAULT ACCESSIBILITY
156 articleName => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
157 objectType => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
158 objectLSID => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
159 namespaces => [ [], 'read/write' ],
160 id => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
161 XML_DOM => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
162 XML => [ undef, 'read/write' ],
163 isSecondary => [ 0, 'read' ],
164 isSimple => [ 1, 'read' ],
165 isCollection => [ 0, 'read' ],
168 #_____________________________________________________________
169 # METHODS, to operate on encapsulated class data
170 # Is a specified object attribute accessible in a given mode
171 sub _accessible {
172 my ( $self, $attr, $mode ) = @_;
173 $_attr_data{$attr}[1] =~ /$mode/;
176 # Classwide default value for a specified object attribute
177 sub _default_for {
178 my ( $self, $attr ) = @_;
179 $_attr_data{$attr}[0];
182 # List of names of all specified object attributes
183 sub _standard_keys {
184 keys %_attr_data;
187 sub addNamespace {
188 my ( $self, $ns ) = @_;
189 return $self->{namespaces} unless $ns;
190 push @{ $self->{namespaces} }, $ns;
191 return $self->{namespaces};
195 sub new {
196 my ( $caller, %args ) = @_;
197 my $caller_is_obj = ref( $caller );
198 return $caller if $caller_is_obj;
199 my $class = $caller_is_obj || $caller;
200 my $proxy;
201 my $self = bless {}, $class;
202 foreach my $attrname ( $self->_standard_keys ) {
203 if ( exists $args{$attrname} ) {
204 $self->{$attrname} = $args{$attrname};
205 } elsif ( $caller_is_obj ) {
206 $self->{$attrname} = $caller->{$attrname};
207 } else {
208 $self->{$attrname} = $self->_default_for( $attrname );
211 if ( $self->XML && ref( $self->XML ) ) {
212 return 0;
213 } elsif ( $self->XML_DOM && !( ref( $self->XML_DOM ) =~ /XML\:\:LibXML/ ) ) {
214 return 0;
217 $self->createFromXML if ( $self->XML );
218 $self->createFromDOM( $self->XML_DOM ) if ( $self->XML_DOM );
219 return $self;
222 sub createFromXML {
223 my ( $self ) = @_;
224 my $p = XML::LibXML->new;
225 my $doc = $p->parse_string( $self->XML );
226 my $root = $doc->getDocumentElement;
227 return 0 unless ( $root && ( $root->nodeName eq "Simple" ) );
228 return $self->createFromDOM( $root );
231 sub createFromDOM {
232 my ( $self, $dom ) = @_;
233 return 0 unless ( $dom && ( $dom->nodeName eq "Simple" ) );
234 $self->namespaces( [] ); # reset!
235 $self->articleName( "" );
236 $self->objectType( "" );
237 my $attr = $dom->getAttributeNode( 'articleName' );
238 my $articleName = $attr ? $attr->getValue : "";
239 $attr = $dom->getAttributeNode( 'lsid' );
240 my $lsid = $attr ? $attr->getValue : "";
242 $self->articleName( $articleName )
243 if $articleName; # it may have already been set if this Simple is part of a Collection...
244 $self->objectLSID( $lsid) if $lsid;
246 # fork here - it may be an instantiated object (coming from a service invocation/response)
247 # or it may be a template object as in the SimpleArticle element of a registration call
248 # if the objectType tag exists, then it is a template object
249 if ( @{ $dom->getElementsByTagName( "objectType" ) }[0] ) {
250 return $self->_createTemplateArticle( $dom );
251 } else {
252 return $self->_createInstantiatedArticle( $dom );
254 # otherwise it should simpy contain an instantiated MOBY object
257 sub _createInstantiatedArticle {
258 my ( $self, $dom ) = @_;
260 # this will take a <Simple> node from a MOBY invocation message
261 # and extract the object-type and namespace from the
262 # contained data object
263 foreach my $child ( $dom->childNodes )
264 { # there should be only one child node, and that is the data object itself; ignore whitespace
265 next unless $child->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE;
266 $self->objectType( $child->nodeName );
267 my $attr = $child->getAttributeNode( 'namespace' );
268 $self->addNamespace( $attr->getValue ) if $attr;
269 my $id = $child->getAttributeNode( 'id' );
270 $self->id( $id->getValue ) if $id;
272 return $self;
275 sub _createTemplateArticle {
276 my ( $self, $dom ) = @_;
278 # this will take a <Simple> node from a MOBY findServiceResponse
279 # message and extract the objectType and namespace array
280 # from the service signature.
281 my $objects = $dom->getElementsByTagName( "objectType" );
282 foreach my $child ( $objects->get_node( 1 )->getChildNodes )
283 { # there must be only one in a simple! so take first element
284 next unless $child->nodeType == TEXT_NODE;
285 $self->objectType( $child->toString );
287 $objects = $dom->getElementsByTagName( "Namespace" );
288 foreach ( 1 .. $objects->size() ) {
289 foreach my $child ( $objects->get_node( $_ )->childNodes )
290 { # there must be only one in a simple! so take element 0
291 next unless $child->nodeType == TEXT_NODE;
292 next unless $child->toString;
293 $self->addNamespace( $child->toString );
296 return $self;
299 sub value {
300 my ( $self ) = @_;
302 # ????? what to do here ????
305 sub AUTOLOAD {
306 # It seems desirable that if the XML() method is called, the XML should be parsed, rather than just being
307 no strict "refs";
308 my ( $self, $newval ) = @_;
309 $AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::(\w+)/;
310 my $attr = $1;
311 if ( $self->_accessible( $attr, 'write' ) ) {
312 *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {
313 if ( defined $_[1] ) { $_[0]->{$attr} = $_[1]; }
314 return $_[0]->{$attr};
315 }; ### end of created subroutine
316 ### this is called first time only
317 if ( defined $newval ) {
318 $self->{$attr} = $newval;
320 return $self->{$attr};
321 } elsif ( $self->_accessible( $attr, 'read' ) ) {
322 *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {
323 return $_[0]->{$attr};
324 }; ### end of created subroutine
325 return $self->{$attr};
328 # Must have been a mistake then...
329 croak "No such method: $AUTOLOAD";
331 sub DESTROY { }