Added to perldoc instructions about the use of the environment variables.
[cxgn-corelibs.git] / lib / Bio / Graphics /
1 package Bio::Graphics::Gel;
2 use strict;
3 use warnings;
4 use English;
5 use Carp;
7 use GD;
8 use POSIX qw/log10/;
10 use Bio::Graphics::Ruler qw/ruler/;
12 =head1 NAME
14 Bio::Graphics::GelImage - a L<GD> image that draws something that
15 looks like a gel image, without getting ethidium bromide all over your
16 hands.
18 =head1 SYNOPSIS
20 my $gel = Bio::Graphics::Gel->new( 'In vitro' => [ 1100, 1900, 2000 ],
21 'In silico' => [ 1230, 12440 ],
22 -title => 'Restriction Fragments',
23 -lane_width => 20, #in pixels
26 #write PNG data to STDOUT
27 binmode STDOUT; #< required for dos-ish platforms
28 print $gel->img->png;
32 Class for making gel images in a variety of formats.
34 =head1 BASE CLASS(ES)
36 L<Bio::Root::Root>
37 L<GD::Image>
39 =cut
41 use base qw/Bio::Root::Root/;
43 =head1 SUBCLASSES
45 none yet
47 =head1 AUTHOR(S)
49 Robert Buels - rmb32 at cornell dot edu
51 =head1 METHODS
54 =head2 new
56 Usage: my $gel = Bio::Graphics::Gel->new( mylane => [100,200,300] );
57 Args : list of 'lane title' => [ frag size, frag size, frag size ],
58 plus optional configuration parameters:
59 -title add this title to the gel image
60 -lane_width set the width of each lane on the gel,
61 defaults to 40 pixels
62 -lane_length set the length of each lane on the gel,
63 defaults to 200 pixels
64 -lane_spacing pixels between lanes, default 3
65 -padding css-like string like '10 20 10 20' or an
66 arrayref like [10,20,10,20], with the order
67 being top,right,bottom,left
68 -bandcolor color in RGB like '255 0 0' or [255,0,0] for red,
69 sets the color of the bands on the gel,
70 -gelcolor same, but for the gel color,
71 -bgcolor same, but for the background color,
72 -textcolor same, but for the text color,
73 -font_size in points. default 10
74 -font_file full path to TrueType font file to use,
75 default /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf
76 -band_thickness thickness in pixels of the bands. default 1.
77 -min_frag set the 'end' of 'diffusion' on the gel to
78 correspond to fragments of this length.
79 defaults to the length of the smallest fragment
80 in any lane on the gel
81 -max_frag similar to -min_frag, except for the start of
82 diffusion
83 -dilation no default. if not set, this is calculated such
84 that the smallest-sized fragment is at the end of
85 the gel,
86 -diff_limit log10 of the largest length of fragment that can
87 diffuse in the gel, defaults to largest fragment
88 size (or -max_frag) times 1.3
90 Ret : a new Gel image object
91 Desc : make a new GelImage object with the given data
92 Side Effects: none
94 =cut
96 sub new {
97 my ($class,@args) = @_;
99 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
101 @args%2 and $self->throw('argument list must be even-length');
103 sub arraystr {
104 my ($val) = @_;
105 my $origvalstr = ref($val) eq 'ARRAY' ? join(',',@$val) : $val;
106 $val = [ split /\s+/,$val ] unless ref $val eq 'ARRAY';
107 return ($val,$origvalstr);
110 #parse and validate arguments
111 while(my ($key,$val) = splice @args,0,2) {
112 #for config options
113 if($key =~ s/^-//) {
114 if($key eq 'title') {
115 $self->{title} = $val;
116 } elsif($key eq 'lane_width') {
117 $val > 0 or $self->throw("invalid lane width '$val'");
118 $self->{lane_width} = $val;
119 } elsif($key eq 'lane_length') {
120 $val > 0 or $self->throw("invalid lane length '$val'");
121 $self->{lane_length} = $val;
122 } elsif($key eq 'lane_spacing') {
123 $val >0 or $self->throw("invalid lane_spacing '$val'");
124 $self->{lane_spacing} = $val;
125 } elsif($key eq 'padding') {
126 my ($val,$origval) = arraystr($val);
127 # use Data::Dumper;
128 # print 'got padding ',Dumper($val);
129 (@$val == 4) #and (not grep {! $_ >= 0 } @$val)
130 or $self->throw("invalid padding '$origval'");
131 $self->{padding} = $val;
132 } elsif($key eq 'bandcolor') {
133 my ($val,$origval) = arraystr($val);
134 @$val == 3 #and not grep {! ($_ >= 0 && $_ <= 255)} @$val
135 or $self->throw("invalid bandcolor '$origval'");
136 $self->{bandcolor} = $val;
137 } elsif($key eq 'gelcolor') {
138 my ($val,$origval) = arraystr($val);
139 @$val == 3 #and not grep {! ($_ >= 0 && $_ <= 255)} @$val
140 or $self->throw("invalid gelcolor '$origval'");
141 $self->{gelcolor} = $val;
142 } elsif($key eq 'bgcolor') {
143 my ($val,$origval) = arraystr($val);
144 @$val == 3 and not grep {! ($_ >= 0 && $_ <= 255)} @$val
145 or $self->throw("invalid bgcolor '$origval'");
146 $self->{bgcolor} = $val;
147 } elsif($key eq 'textcolor') {
148 my ($val,$origval) = arraystr($val);
149 @$val == 3 and not grep {! ($_ >= 0 && $_ <= 255)} @$val
150 or $self->throw("invalid textcolor '$origval'");
151 $self->{textcolor} = $val;
152 } elsif($key eq 'font_size') {
153 $val > 0 or $self->throw("invalid font_size '$val'");
154 $self->{font_size} = $val;
155 } elsif($key eq 'font_file') {
156 -f $val or $self->throw("font file '$val' does not exist, please specify a different one");
157 $self->{font_file} = $val;
158 } elsif($key eq 'band_thickness') {
159 $val > 0 or $self->throw("invalid band_thickness '$val'");
160 $self->{band_thickness} = $val;
161 } elsif($key eq 'min_frag') {
162 $val > 0 or $self->throw("invalid min_frag '$val'");
163 $self->{min_frag} = $val;
164 } elsif($key eq 'dilation') {
165 $val > 0 or $self->throw("invalid dilation '$val'");
166 $self->{dilation} = $val;
167 } elsif($key eq 'diff_limit') {
168 $val > 0 or $self->throw("invalid diff_limit '$val'");
169 $self->{diff_limit} = $val;
172 } else {
173 $self->throw("unknown configuration parameter '-$key'");
176 #for lanes
177 else {
178 #must be a lane with a title
179 $self->{lanes} ||= [];
180 ref($val) eq 'ARRAY' or $self->throw("fragments lengths must be given as arrayrefs");
181 push @{$self->{lanes}}, Bio::Graphics::Gel::Lane->new($key,$val);
185 $self->{lanes} && @{$self->{lanes}}
186 or $self->throw('must specify at least one lane');
188 #set default values
189 $self->{lane_width} ||= 40;
190 $self->{lane_length} ||= 200;
191 $self->{lane_spacing} ||= 5;
192 $self->{padding} ||= [10,20,10,20];
193 $self->{bandcolor} ||= [255,255,255];
194 $self->{gelcolor} ||= [127,127,127];
195 $self->{bgcolor} ||= [255,255,255];
196 $self->{textcolor} ||= [0,0,0];
197 $self->{font_size} ||= 10;
198 $self->{font_file} ||= '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf';
199 $self->{band_thickness} ||= 1;
201 $self->_render; #< creates $self->{gd_img}
203 return $self;
206 =head2 lanes
208 Usage: my @lanes = $gel->lanes;
209 Args : none
210 Ret : list of Bio::Graphics::Gel::Lane objects representing the
211 lanes in the gel
212 Desc : get/set the list of lanes and their titles in the gel
214 =cut
216 sub lanes {
217 my ($self) = @_;
218 return @{$self->{lanes}};
222 =head2 img
224 Usage: print $gel->img->png; #prints this gel image as PNG to stdout
225 Desc : get the GD image with the gel drawn on it
226 Args : none
227 Ret : the L<GD::Image>, with this gel image drawn on it.
228 see L<GD::Image> or L<GD> for how to use it
230 =cut
232 sub img {
233 my ($self) = @_;
234 return $self->{gd_img};
238 sub _min(@) { #unfortunately, List::Util::min() doesn't work on OS X 10.3, so I can't use it
239 my $min;
240 $min = (defined($min) and $min <= $_) ? $min : $_ foreach @_;
241 return $min;
243 sub _max(@) {
244 my $max;
245 $max = (defined($max) and $max >= $_) ? $max : $_ foreach @_;
246 return $max
249 #no arguments, renders the
250 sub _render {
251 my ($self) = @_;
253 #set padding numbers for rendering vertically
254 my ($tpad,$rpad,$bpad,$lpad) = @{$self->{padding}};
256 #figure out the height and width of our text labels
257 my $labels_angle = 0;
258 my $lane_labels_height;
259 my $fragsize_labels_width;
261 my $throwaway = GD::Image->new(10,10,1);
262 my $b = $throwaway->colorAllocate(0,0,0);
263 $throwaway->useFontConfig(1);
264 $lane_labels_height = _max map {
265 my @b = GD::Image->stringFT($b,$self->{font_file},$self->{font_size},$labels_angle,100,100,$_->name);
266 $b[1]-$b[5]
267 } $self->lanes;
268 $fragsize_labels_width = _max map {
269 my @b = GD::Image->stringFT($b,$self->{font_file},$self->{font_size},$labels_angle,100,100,_commify_number($_));
270 $b[4]-$b[0]
271 } $self->_ladder_lane->fragments;
274 # warn "got height $lane_labels_height\n";
276 my ($width,$height) = (
277 (@{$self->{lanes}}+1)*($self->{lane_width}+$self->{lane_spacing})
278 + $lpad + $rpad + $self->{lane_spacing} + $fragsize_labels_width,
280 $self->{lane_length} + 4 + $tpad + $lane_labels_height + $bpad ,
283 #initalize our canvas, true-color, with a white background
284 my $im = $self->{gd_img} = GD::Image->new($width,$height,1);
285 my $textcolor = $im->colorAllocate(@{$self->{textcolor}});
286 my $bg = $im->colorAllocate(@{$self->{bgcolor}});
287 my $gelcolor = $im->colorAllocate(@{$self->{gelcolor}});
288 my $fg = $im->colorAllocate(@{$self->{bandcolor}});
289 $im->fill(0,0,$bg);
291 #draw the gel
292 my ($gelx,$gely) = ($lpad+$fragsize_labels_width,$tpad+$lane_labels_height);
293 my ($gelwidth,$gelheight) = ($width-$rpad-$gelx,$height-$bpad-$gely);
294 $im->filledRectangle($gelx,$gely,$gelx+$gelwidth,$gely+$gelheight,$gelcolor);
296 ### draw the lanes with bands and labels
297 $im->useFontConfig(1);
298 my $smallest_frag = $self->{min_frag} || _min map { $_->fragments } @{$self->{lanes}};
299 my $biggest_frag = $self->{max_frag} || _max map { $_->fragments } @{$self->{lanes}};
300 $self->{diff_limit} ||= log10($biggest_frag*1.3);
301 $self->{dilation} ||= $self->{lane_length} / ($self->{diff_limit}-log10($smallest_frag));
302 # warn "using gel params $self->{dilation},$self->{diff_limit}\n";
303 $im->setThickness($self->{band_thickness});
304 my @lanes = ($self->_ladder_lane,@{$self->{lanes}});
305 my @fraglabels;
306 for(my $lanenum = 0; $lanenum < @lanes; $lanenum++) {
307 my $lane = $lanes[$lanenum];
308 my $x_offset = $gelx+$self->{lane_spacing}+($self->{lane_width}+$self->{lane_spacing})*$lanenum;
310 _stringFT_origin('lc',$im,$textcolor,$self->{font_file},$self->{font_size},$labels_angle,$x_offset+$self->{lane_width}/2,$gely - 5,$lane->name);
312 foreach my $frag ($lane->fragments) {
313 my $diffusion_px = _min($self->{lane_length},sprintf('%d',$self->{dilation}*($self->{diff_limit}-log10($frag))));
314 $diffusion_px = 0 unless $diffusion_px > 0;
315 my $y_offset = $gely + $diffusion_px + 1;
316 # warn "drawing with $y_offset\n";
317 $im->line($x_offset,$y_offset,$x_offset+$self->{lane_width},$y_offset,$fg);
318 if($lanenum == 0) {
319 push @fraglabels, [$y_offset,$frag];
320 # _stringFT_origin('cr',$im,$textcolor,$self->{font_file},10,0,$gelx-2,$y_offset,_commify_number($frag));
325 #draw fragment labels from top to bottom, skipping ones that would overlap with the ones above
326 my @bounds;
327 foreach my $label (sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @fraglabels) {
328 my @stringargs = ($textcolor,$self->{font_file},$self->{font_size},0,$gelx-2,$label->[0],_commify_number($label->[1]));
329 my @newbounds = GD::Image->stringFT(@stringargs);
330 unless(@bounds && ($newbounds[7] < $bounds[1])) {
331 _stringFT_origin('cr',$im,@stringargs);
332 @bounds = @newbounds;
337 #just like stringFT, but using a different coordinate origin for the text
338 #does not allow rotated text
339 sub _stringFT_origin {
340 my ($origin,$im,@stringargs) = @_;
342 #get a bounding box
343 if($origin eq 'll') {
344 #lower-left is the native origin for stringFT, so we don't have to do anything
345 return $im->stringFT(@stringargs);
346 } else {
347 my ($yor,$xor) = split '',$origin;
348 my @bounds = GD::Image->stringFT(@stringargs);
349 my $width = $bounds[2]-$bounds[0];
350 my $height = $bounds[3]-$bounds[5];
351 $stringargs[5] +=
352 $yor eq 'u' ? $height :
353 $yor eq 'c' ? $height/2-2 :
354 $yor eq 'l' ? 0 :
355 confess "invalid y origin '$yor'";
356 $stringargs[4] -=
357 $xor eq 'r' ? $width :
358 $xor eq 'c' ? $width/2 :
359 $xor eq 'l' ? 0 :
360 confess "invalid x origin '$xor'";
362 # $im->rectangle(@bounds[6,7,2,3],$stringargs[0]);
363 return $im->stringFT(@stringargs);
367 sub _commify_number {
368 local $_ = shift;
369 return undef unless defined $_;
370 1 while s/^(-?\d+)(\d{3})/$1,$2/;
374 # #draw a ruler down the side
375 # ruler( $im,
376 # -start => [$lpad+$ruler_width/2,$gely+$gelheight],
377 # -dir => 'up',
378 # -length => $gelheight,
379 # # -widtha => $ruler_width,
381 # -units => 'bp',
382 # -label => 'length',
383 # -scale => 'log',
384 # -log_base => 10,
385 # # -tick_vals =>
386 # -range => [100,10000],
387 # );
390 sub _ladder_lane {
391 my ($self) = @_;
393 return $self->{ladder_lane} ||= do {
394 my @ladder_fragments = (10,30,50,100,200, 300, 400, 500,1000,2000,5000,7000,10000,20000,50000,100000,250000,500000,1000000);
396 #look at the other lanes in the gel and figure out which ladder fragments to use
397 my @allfrags = map {$_->fragments} $self->lanes;
398 my $minfrag = $self->{min_frag} || _min(@allfrags);
399 my $maxfrag = $self->{max_frag} || _max(@allfrags);
400 my @use_ladder = grep { $_*1.2 >= $minfrag && $_*0.5 <= $maxfrag } @ladder_fragments;
401 # warn "min is $minfrag, max is $maxfrag, using ladder ".join(',',@use_ladder)."\n";
402 Bio::Graphics::Gel::Lane->new( ladder => \@use_ladder );
406 package Bio::Graphics::Gel::Lane;
408 use Bio::Tools::Gel;
409 our @ISA = qw/Bio::Root::Root/;
411 sub new {
412 my ($class,$name,$frags) = @_;
413 my $self = $class->SUPER::new;
414 $self->name($name);
415 $self->fragments(@$frags);
416 return $self;
419 sub name {
420 my ($self,$name) = @_;
421 if($name) {
422 $self->{name} = $name;
424 return $self->{name};
427 sub fragments {
428 my ($self,@frags) = @_;
429 if(@frags) {
430 foreach (@frags) {
431 unless($_+0 eq $_) {
432 $self->throw("invalid fragment length $_");
435 $self->{frags} = [ sort {$a <=> $b} @frags ];
437 return @{$self->{frags}};
442 1;#do not remove