tweak debug output.
[cxgn-corelibs.git] / lib / CXGN /
2 =head1 NAME
4 CXGN::Image - a class for accessing the md_metadata.image table.
9 This class provides database access and store functions
10 and functions to associate tags with the image.
12 Image uploads are handled by the SGN::Image subclass.
14 The implementation how images are stored has been changed. Whereas the
15 images were stored in the image root dir keyed to the image_id, it is
16 now keyed to the md5sum of the original image, with the md5sum stemmed
17 into two byte directories. The constructor now takes a hash instead of
18 positional arguments.
20 =head1 AUTHOR(S)
22 Lukas Mueller (
23 Naama Menda (
25 =head1 VERSION
27 0.02, Dec 15, 2009.
31 The following functions are provided in this class:
33 =cut
36 use strict;
38 package CXGN::Image;
40 use Carp qw/ cluck carp confess /;
42 use Digest::MD5;
43 use File::Path 'make_path';
44 use File::Spec;
45 use File::Basename qw| basename dirname |;
46 use File::Temp 'tempdir';
47 use File::Copy qw| copy move |;
48 use CXGN::Tag;
49 use Data::Dumper;
50 use Image::Size;
52 use base qw | CXGN::DB::ModifiableI |;
55 # some pseudo constant definitions
57 our $LARGE_IMAGE_SIZE = 800;
58 our $MEDIUM_IMAGE_SIZE = 400;
59 our $SMALL_IMAGE_SIZE = 200;
63 =head2 new
65 Usage: my $image = CXGN::Image->new(dbh=>$dbh, image_id=>23423
66 image_dir => $image_dir)
67 Desc: constructor
68 Ret:
69 Args: a hash of a database handle, optional identifier, and the
70 path to the root image_dir, with keys dbh, image_id and image_dir.
71 Side Effects: if an identifier is specified, the image object
72 will be populated from the database, otherwise
73 an empty object is returned.
74 Either way, a database connection is established.
75 Example:
77 =cut
79 sub new {
80 my $class = shift;
81 my %args = @_;
83 my $self = $class->SUPER::new($args{dbh}, $args{image_id});
85 unless( exists $args{dbh} && exists $args{image_dir} ) {
86 die "Required arguments: dbh, image_dir";
88 $self->set_image_dir($args{image_dir});
89 $self->set_dbh($args{dbh});
91 if( exists $args{image_id} ) {
92 $self->set_image_id($args{image_id});
93 $self->_fetch_image() if $args{image_id};
95 return $self;
98 sub _fetch_image {
99 my $self = shift;
100 my $query = "SELECT image_id,
101 name,
102 description,
103 original_filename,
104 file_ext,
105 sp_person_id,
106 modified_date,
107 create_date,
108 md5sum
109 FROM metadata.md_image
110 WHERE image_id=?
111 and obsolete != 't' ";
113 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
114 $sth->execute($self->get_image_id()) ;
116 my ( $image_id, $name, $description, $original_filename, $file_ext, $sp_person_id, $modified_date, $create_date, $md5sum) =
117 $sth->fetchrow_array();
120 $self->set_name($name);
121 $self->set_description($description);
122 $self->set_original_filename($original_filename);
123 $self->set_file_ext($file_ext);
124 $self->set_sp_person_id($sp_person_id);
125 $self->set_create_date($create_date);
126 $self->set_modification_date($modified_date);
127 $self->set_image_id($image_id);
128 $self->set_md5sum($md5sum);# we do this that if is an image that has been deleted,
129 # the object will get the NULL from the database and not
130 # the image_id that was fed into the object.
132 #print STDERR "Loaded image $image_id, $md5sum, $name, $original_filename, $file_ext\n";
136 =head2 store
138 Usage: $image->store()
139 Desc: will store the data in the image object to the database
140 if the image has an associated image_id, an update will
141 occur. if the image does not have an associated image_id,
142 an insert into the database will occur.
143 Ret: the image_id of the updated or inserted object.
144 Args:
145 Side Effects: database update or insert. Note that the image itself is
146 stored on the file system and that it is not affected by
147 this operation, unless the filename property is changed.
148 Example:
150 =cut
152 sub store {
153 my $self = shift;
154 if ($self->get_image_id()) {
156 # it's an update
158 my $query = "UPDATE metadata.md_image SET
159 name=?,
160 description=?,
161 original_filename=?,
162 file_ext=?,
163 sp_person_id =?,
164 modified_date = now(),
165 md5sum =?
166 WHERE md_image.image_id=?";
168 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
170 $sth->execute(
171 $self->get_name(),
172 $self->get_description(),
173 $self->get_original_filename(),
174 $self->get_file_ext(),
175 $self->get_sp_person_id(),
176 $self->get_md5sum(),
177 $self->get_image_id(),
180 return $self->get_image_id();
182 else {
184 # it is an insert
186 my $query = "INSERT INTO metadata.md_image
187 (name,
188 description,
189 original_filename,
190 file_ext,
191 sp_person_id,
192 obsolete,
193 modified_date,
194 md5sum)
195 VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, now(), ?)";
196 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
197 $sth->execute(
198 $self->get_name(),
199 $self->get_description(),
200 $self->get_original_filename(),
201 $self->get_file_ext(),
202 $self->get_sp_person_id(),
203 $self->get_obsolete(),
204 $self->get_md5sum(),
206 my $image_id= $self->get_currval("metadata.md_image_image_id_seq");
207 $self->set_image_id($image_id);
208 return $self->get_image_id();
212 =head2 delete
214 Usage: $self->delete()
215 Desc: set the image status to obsolete='t'
216 Ret: true on success, false on failure
217 Args: none
218 Side Effects: set to obsolete='t' in individual_image, and locus_image
219 Example:
221 =cut
223 sub delete {
224 my $self = shift;
225 if ($self->get_image_id()) {
226 my $query = "UPDATE metadata.md_image set obsolete='t' WHERE image_id=?";
227 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
228 $sth->execute($self->get_image_id());
229 $self->set_obsolete(1);
230 #delete image-individual associations
231 my $query2 = "UPDATE phenome.individual_image set obsolete = 't' WHERE image_id = ?";
232 my $sth2 = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query2);
233 $sth2->execute($self->get_image_id() );
234 #deanx - nov.14 2007 remove from locus_image too
235 my $query3 = "UPDATE phenome.locus_image set obsolete = 't', modified_date = now() WHERE image_id = ?";
236 my $sth3 = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query3);
237 $sth3->execute($self->get_image_id() );
238 return 1;
240 else {
241 warn(" Trying to delete an image from the db that has not yet been stored.");
242 return 0;
247 =head2 get_image_id, set_image_id
249 Usage: accessor for the image_id property.
250 Desc:
251 Ret:
252 Args:
253 Side Effects: if the image_id is not set, the store() function
254 will insert a new row and set the image_id to
255 the inserted row. Otherwise, store() performs
256 an update.
257 Example:
259 =cut
261 sub get_image_id {
262 my $self=shift;
263 return $self->{image_id};
267 sub set_image_id {
268 my $self=shift;
269 my $id = $self->{image_id} = shift;
271 !defined $id || $id =~ /^\d+$/
272 or confess "invalid image_id '$id'";
277 =head2 get_name, set_name
279 Usage:
280 Desc: gets/sets the name of the image
281 Ret:
282 Args:
283 Side Effects: will be stored in db
284 Example:
286 =cut
288 sub get_name {
289 my $self=shift;
290 return $self->{name};
294 sub set_name {
295 my $self=shift;
296 $self->{name}=shift;
299 =head2 get_description, set_description
301 Usage:
302 Desc: accessor for the description property
303 Ret:
304 Args:
305 Side Effects:
306 Example:
308 =cut
310 sub get_description {
311 my $self=shift;
312 return $self->{description};
316 sub set_description {
317 my $self=shift;
318 $self->{description}=shift;
322 =head2 get_original_filename, set_original_filename
324 Usage:
325 Desc: accessor for the original_filename property
326 Ret:
327 Args:
328 Side Effects:
329 Example:
331 =cut
333 sub get_original_filename {
334 my $self=shift;
335 return $self->{original_filename};
338 sub set_original_filename {
339 my $self=shift;
340 $self->{original_filename}=shift;
343 =head2 get_file_ext, set_file_ext
345 Usage:
346 Desc: accessor for the file_ext property
347 Ret:
348 Args:
349 Side Effects:
350 Example:
352 =cut
354 sub get_file_ext {
355 my $self=shift;
356 return $self->{file_ext};
360 sub set_file_ext {
361 my $self=shift;
362 $self->{file_ext}=shift;
365 =head2 accessors get_image_dir(), set_image_dir()
367 Usage: returns the image dir
368 Desc:
369 Ret:
370 Args:
371 Side Effects:
372 Example:
374 =cut
376 sub get_image_dir {
377 my $self = shift;
378 return $self->{image_dir};
381 sub set_image_dir {
382 my $self = shift;
383 $self->{image_dir} = shift;
386 =head2 accessors get_locus_page_display_order(), set_locus_page_display_order()
388 Usage:
389 Desc:
390 Property
391 Side Effects: Will modify the db asap (no store() required)
392 image object needs to have an image_id
393 setter will return error on failure
394 Example:
396 =cut
398 sub get_locus_page_display_order {
399 my $self = shift;
400 my $locus_id = shift;
402 my @results = $self->get_locus_page_display_order_info($locus_id);
404 if (@results) {
405 return $results[0]->[3];
407 return undef;
411 sub get_locus_page_display_order_info {
412 my $self = shift;
413 my $locus_id = shift;
415 my $q = "SELECT image_id, locus_image_id, locus_id, display_order FROM phenome.locus_image WHERE image_id = ? and locus_id=?";
416 my $h = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($q);
417 $h->execute($self->get_image_id(), $locus_id);
419 my @results;
420 while (my ($image_id, $locus_id, $locus_image_id, $display_order) = $h->fetchrow_array()) {
421 push @results, [ $image_id, $locus_id, $locus_image_id, $display_order ];
424 if (@results > 1) {
425 print STDERR "Multiple associations of image found ".Dumper(\@results)."\n";
428 return @results;
431 sub set_locus_page_display_order {
432 my $self = shift;
433 my $locus_id = shift;
434 my $display_order = shift;
436 if (!$self->get_image_id()) {
437 print STDERR "Please store object first before making connections.\n";
438 return;
440 # check if there is a display_order property for the image
442 my @results = $self->get_locus_page_display_order_info($locus_id);
444 my $locus_image_id;
445 if (@results > 1) {
446 print STDERR "Multiple image locus association were found. Modifying only the first one.\n";
447 $locus_image_id = $results[0]->[2];
450 elsif (@results == 1) {
451 $locus_image_id = $results[0]->[2];
454 eval {
455 if ($locus_image_id) {
456 my $q = "UPDATE phenome.locus_image SET display_order=? WHERE locus_image_id=?";
457 my $h = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($q);
458 $h->execute($display_order, $locus_image_id);
461 else {
462 my $q = "INSERT INTO phenome.locus_image (image_id, sp_person_id, locus_id, display_order) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
463 my $h = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($q);
464 $h->execute($self->get_image_id(), $self->get_sp_person_id(), $locus_id, $display_order);
468 if ($@) {
469 return "ERROR: $@\n";
473 =head2 accessors get_stock_page_display_order(), set_stock_page_display_order()
475 Usage:
476 Desc:
477 Property
478 Side Effects: Will modify the db asap (no store() required)
479 image object needs to have an image_id
480 setter will return error on failure
481 Example:
483 =cut
485 sub get_stock_page_display_order {
486 my $self = shift;
487 my $stock_id = shift;
489 my @results = $self->get_stock_page_display_order_info($stock_id);
491 print STDERR Dumper(\@results);
492 if (@results) {
493 return $results[0]->[3];
495 return undef;
499 sub get_stock_page_display_order_info {
500 my $self = shift;
501 my $stock_id = shift;
503 my $q = "SELECT stock_image_id, image_id, stock_id, display_order FROM phenome.stock_image WHERE image_id = ? and stock_id=?";
504 my $h = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($q);
505 $h->execute($self->get_image_id(), $stock_id);
507 my @results;
508 while (my ($stock_image_id, $image_id, $stock_id, $display_order) = $h->fetchrow_array()) {
509 push @results, [ $stock_image_id, $image_id, $stock_id, $display_order ];
512 if (@results > 1) {
513 print STDERR "Multiple associations of image found ".Dumper(\@results)."\n";
515 print STDERR Dumper(\@results);
517 return @results;
520 sub set_stock_page_display_order {
521 my $self = shift;
522 my $stock_id = shift;
523 my $display_order = shift;
525 if (!$self->get_image_id()) {
526 print STDERR "Please store object first before making connections.\n";
527 return;
529 # check if there is a display_order property for the image
531 my @results = $self->get_stock_page_display_order_info($stock_id);
533 my $stock_image_id;
534 if (@results > 1) {
535 print STDERR "Multiple image locus association were found. Modifying only the first one.\n";
536 $stock_image_id = $results[0]->[0];
539 elsif (@results == 1) {
540 $stock_image_id = $results[0]->[0];
543 eval {
544 if ($stock_image_id) {
545 print STDERR "Updating stock_image... (row $stock_image_id)\n";
546 my $q = "UPDATE phenome.stock_image SET display_order=? WHERE stock_image_id=?";
547 my $h = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($q);
548 $h->execute($display_order, $stock_image_id);
551 else {
552 print STDERR "Inserting into stock_image...\n";
553 my $q = "INSERT INTO phenome.stock_image (image_id, stock_id, display_order) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
554 my $h = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($q);
555 $h->execute($self->get_image_id(), $stock_id, $display_order);
559 if ($@) {
560 return "ERROR: $@\n";
565 sub get_display_order_info {
566 my $self = shift;
568 my $q = "SELECT stock_image_id, image_id, stock_id, display_order, uniquename FROM phenome.stock_image join stock using(stock_id) WHERE image_id = ?";
569 my $h = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($q);
570 $h->execute($self->get_image_id());
572 my @info = ();
573 while (my ($stock_image_id, $image_id, $stock_id, $display_order, $name) = $h->fetchrow_array()) {
574 push @info, { image_id => $image_id, type => "stock", id => $stock_id, display_order => $display_order, name => $name };
577 my $q = "SELECT locus_image_id, image_id, locus_id, display_order, locus_name FROM phenome.locus_image join locus using(locus_id) WHERE image_id = ?";
578 my $h = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($q);
579 $h->execute($self->get_image_id());
580 while (my ($stock_image_id, $image_id, $locus_id, $display_order, $name) = $h->fetchrow_array()) {
581 push @info, { image_id => $image_id, type => "locus", id => $locus_id, display_order => $display_order, name => $name };
583 print STDERR Dumper(\@info);
584 return @info;
587 =head2 process_image
589 Usage: $return_code = $image -> process_image($filename);
590 Desc: processes the image that has been uploaded with the upload command.
591 Ret: the image id of the image in the database as a positive number,
592 error conditions as negative numbers.
593 Args: the filename of the file (complete path)
594 Side Effects: generates a new subdirectory in the image_dir for the image files,
595 copies the image file to a temp dir directory where it is processed
596 (resized thumnbnails and other views for the image). After that
597 is done, the image object is stored in the database, and the
598 image files are moved to the final location in the filesystem.
599 Example:
601 =cut
605 sub process_image {
606 my $self = shift;
607 my $file_name = shift;
608 my $type = shift;
609 my $type_id = shift;
611 if ( my $id = $self->get_image_id() ) {
612 warn "process_image: The image object ($id) should already have an associated image. The old image will be overwritten with the new image provided!\n";
615 make_path( $self->get_image_dir );
616 my ($processing_dir) =
617 File::Temp::tempdir( "process_XXXXXX",
618 DIR => $self->get_image_dir() );
619 system("chmod 775 $processing_dir");
620 $self->set_processing_dir($processing_dir);
622 # process image
624 $processing_dir = $self->get_processing_dir();
626 # copy unmodified image to be fullsize image
628 #my ($basename, $directories, $file_ext) = File::Basename::fileparse($file_name, qr/\.(?!\.)(.*)$/); #filename may contain one additional dot
629 my $full_basename = basename($file_name);
630 my $directories = dirname($file_name);
631 my $file_ext;
632 my $basename; # without file_ext;
633 if ($full_basename =~ m/(.*)(\.(?!\.).*)$/) { # extension is what follows last .
634 $basename = $1;
635 $file_ext = $2;
639 #print STDERR "BASENAME: $basename, DIRECTORIES: $directories FILE_EXT $file_ext\n";
640 my $original_filename = $basename;
641 my $original_file_ext = $file_ext;
643 my $dest_name = $self->get_processing_dir() . "/" . $basename.$file_ext;
645 #print STDERR "Destination: ".$dest_name."\n";
646 File::Copy::copy( $file_name, $dest_name )
647 || die "Can't copy file $file_name to $dest_name";
648 my $chmod = "chmod 664 '$dest_name'";
650 ### Multi Page Document Support
651 # deanx - nov. 16 2007
652 # PDF, PS, EPS documents are now supported by ImageMagick/Ghostscript
653 # A primary impact is these types can multipage. 'mogrify' produces
654 # one image per page, labelled filename-0.jpg, filename-1.jpg ...
655 # This code detects multipage documents and copies the first page for
656 # thumbnail processing
658 my @image_pages = `/usr/bin/identify "$dest_name"`;
660 if ( $#image_pages > 0 ) { # multipage, pdf, ps or eps
663 # note mogrify used since 'convert' will not correctly
664 # reformat (convert makes blank images) Convert and mogrify
665 # both dislike the format of our filenames intensely if
666 # ghostscript is envoked ... change filename to something
667 # beign like temp.<ext>
669 my $newname;
670 if ( $file_ext ) {
671 # note; mogrify will create files named basename-0.jpg, basename-1.jpg
672 my $mogrified_first_image = $processing_dir . "/temp-0.jpg";
673 my $tempname = $processing_dir . "/temp" . $file_ext;
674 $newname = $basename . ".jpg";
675 my $new_dest = $processing_dir . "/" . $newname;
677 # use temp name for mogrify/ghostscript
678 File::Copy::copy( $dest_name, $tempname )
679 || die "Can't copy file $basename to $tempname";
681 if ( `mogrify -format jpg '$tempname'` ) {
682 die "Sorry, can't convert image $basename";
685 File::Copy::copy( $mogrified_first_image, $new_dest )
686 || die "Can't copy file $mogrified_first_image to $newname";
689 $basename = $newname;
692 else { # appears to be a regular simple image
694 my $newname = "";
696 if ( ! `mogrify -format jpg '$dest_name'` ) {
697 # has no jpg extension
698 if ($file_ext !~ /jpg|jpeg/i) {
699 $newname = $original_filename . ".JPG"; # convert it to extention .JPG
701 # has no extension at all
702 elsif (!$file_ext) {
703 $newname = $original_filename . ".JPG"; # add an extension .JPG
705 else {
706 $newname = $original_filename.".JPG"; # add standard JPG file extension.
709 system( "convert", "$processing_dir/$basename$file_ext", "$processing_dir/$newname" );
710 $? and die "Sorry, can't convert image $basename$file_ext to $newname";
712 $original_filename = $newname;
713 $basename = $newname;
717 # create large image
718 $self->copy_image_resize(
719 "$processing_dir/$basename",
720 $self->get_processing_dir() . "/large.jpg",
721 $self->get_image_size("large")
724 # create midsize images
725 $self->copy_image_resize(
726 "$processing_dir/$basename",
727 $self->get_processing_dir() . "/medium.jpg",
728 $self->get_image_size("medium")
731 # create small image
732 $self->copy_image_resize(
733 "$processing_dir/$basename",
734 $self->get_processing_dir() . "/small.jpg",
735 $self->get_image_size("small")
738 # create thumbnail
739 $self->copy_image_resize(
740 "$processing_dir/$basename",
741 $self->get_processing_dir() . "/thumbnail.jpg",
742 $self->get_image_size("thumbnail")
745 # enter preliminary image data into database
746 my $ext = "";
747 if ( $original_filename =~ /(.*)(\.\S{1,4})$/ ) {
748 $original_filename = $1;
749 $ext = $2;
752 $self->set_original_filename($original_filename);
753 $self->set_file_ext($file_ext); # this is the original file
755 # start transaction, store the image object, and associate it to
756 # the given type and type_id.
758 # move the image into the md5sum subdirectory
760 my $original_file_path = $self->get_processing_dir()."/".$self->get_original_filename().$self->get_file_ext();
762 my $md5sum = $self->calculate_md5sum($original_file_path);
763 print STDERR "MD5SUM NOW: $md5sum\n";
765 # check if the image already exists in the database.
766 # For an image to exist, the md5checksum must exist in the metadata.md_image
767 # table, and the file must exist on disk.
769 # check if this md5sum already exists in the database
771 my $image_id = CXGN::Image->is_duplicate($self->get_dbh(), $original_file_path);
773 my $message = "";
775 if ($image_id) {
776 print STDERR "An image with an identical md5sum ($md5sum) has already been uploaded with the image id $image_id\n";
777 $message = "Duplicate image $image_id\n";
778 $self->set_image_id($image_id);
780 else {
781 $message = "ok";
784 $self->set_md5sum($md5sum);
785 $self->make_dirs();
786 $self->finalize_location($processing_dir);
788 $image_id = $self->store();
790 if (wantarray) {
791 return ($image_id, $message);
793 else {
794 return $image_id;
798 =head2 make_dirs
800 Usage:
801 Desc: creates the directory structure for image from
802 image_dir onwards (a split md5sum)
803 Ret:
804 Args:
805 Side Effects:
806 Example:
808 =cut
810 sub make_dirs {
811 my $self = shift;
812 my $image_sub_path = $self->image_subpath();
814 my $path = File::Spec->catdir( $self->get_image_dir(), $image_sub_path );
815 if (my $dirs = make_path($path) ) {
816 #print STDERR "Created $dirs Dirs (should be 4)\n";
821 =head2 finalize_location
823 Usage:
824 Desc:
825 Ret:
826 Args: the source location as a path to a dir
827 Side Effects:
828 Example:
830 =cut
832 sub finalize_location {
833 my $self = shift;
834 my $processing_dir = shift;
836 my $image_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $self->get_image_dir, $self->image_subpath );
837 foreach my $f (glob($processing_dir."/*")) {
839 File::Copy::move( $f, $image_dir )
840 || die "Couldn't move temp dir to image dir ($f, $image_dir)";
841 #print STDERR "Moved image file $f to final location $image_dir...\n";
845 rmdir $processing_dir;
849 # used for migration
851 sub copy_location {
852 my $self = shift;
853 my $source_dir = shift;
855 my $image_dir = $self->get_image_dir() ."/".$self->image_subpath();
856 foreach my $f (glob($source_dir."/*")) {
857 if (! -e $f) {
858 print STDERR "$f does not exist... moving on...\n";
859 return;
861 File::Copy::copy( "$f", "$image_dir/" )
862 || die "Couldn't move temp dir to image dir ($f, $image_dir). $!";
863 #print STDERR "Moved image file $f to final location $image_dir...\n";
870 =head2 image_subpath
872 Usage: $image->image_subpath
873 Desc: returns the image subpath, which is a md5sum on an image file,
874 divided into 16 directory levels at 2 bytes length each.
875 Ret: path part in which to store the various sizes of this image
876 under the image root dir, something like 'ab/cd/ef/01/ab1fab1fab1fab1fab1fab1f'
877 Args: none
878 Side Effects: none
880 =cut
882 sub image_subpath {
883 my $self = shift;
885 my $md5sum = $self->get_md5sum;
886 unless( $md5sum ) {
887 # if the image has no md5sum, either from the database or for
888 # some other reason, warn copiously about it but don't die
889 cluck 'cannot calculate image_subpath, no md5sum set for image_id '.$self->get_image_id;
890 $md5sum = 'X'x32;
893 return join '/', $md5sum =~ /^(..)(..)(..)(..)(.+)$/;
896 =head2 calculate_md5sum
898 Usage:
899 Desc:
900 Ret:
901 Args:
902 Side Effects:
903 Example:
905 =cut
907 sub calculate_md5sum {
908 my $self = shift;
909 my $file = shift;
911 open (my $F, "<", $file) || confess "Can't open $file ";
912 binmode($F);
913 my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new();
914 $md5->addfile($F);
915 close($F);
917 my $md5sum = $md5->hexdigest();
918 $md5->reset();
920 return $md5sum;
923 sub copy_image_resize {
924 my $self = shift;
925 my ( $original_image, $new_image, $width ) = @_;
927 #print STDERR "Resizing: Destination: $new_image\n";
928 File::Copy::copy( $original_image, $new_image );
929 my $chmod = "chmod 664 '$new_image'";
931 # now resize the new file, and ensure it is a jpeg
932 my $resize = `mogrify -format jpg -geometry $width '$new_image'`;
936 =head2 get_image_size_hash
938 Usage:
939 Desc:
940 Ret:
941 Args:
942 Side Effects:
943 Example:
945 =cut
947 sub get_image_size_hash {
948 my $self = shift;
949 return (
950 large => $LARGE_IMAGE_SIZE,
951 medium => $MEDIUM_IMAGE_SIZE,
952 small => $SMALL_IMAGE_SIZE,
953 thumbnail => $THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_SIZE,
957 =head2 get_image_size
959 Usage:
960 Desc:
961 Ret:
962 Args: "large" | "medium" | "small" | "thumbnail"
963 default is medium
964 Side Effects:
965 Example:
967 =cut
969 sub get_image_size {
970 my $self = shift;
971 my $size = shift;
972 my %hash = $self->get_image_size_hash();
973 if ( exists( $hash{$size} ) ) {
974 return $hash{$size};
977 # default
979 return $MEDIUM_IMAGE_SIZE;
983 =head2 get_filename
985 Usage:
986 Desc:
987 Ret:
988 Args:
989 Side Effects:
990 Example:
992 =cut
994 sub get_filename {
995 my $self = shift;
996 my $size = shift;
997 my $type = shift || ''; # full or partial
999 my $image_dir =
1000 $type eq 'partial'
1001 ? $self->image_subpath
1002 : File::Spec->catdir( $self->get_image_dir, $self->image_subpath );
1004 if ($size eq "thumbnail") {
1005 return File::Spec->catfile($image_dir, 'thumbnail.jpg');
1007 if ($size eq "small") {
1008 return File::Spec->catfile($image_dir, 'small.jpg');
1010 if ($size eq "large") {
1011 return File::Spec->catfile($image_dir, 'large.jpg');
1013 if ($size eq "original") {
1014 return File::Spec->catfile($image_dir, $self->get_original_filename().$self->get_file_ext());
1016 if ($size eq "original_converted") {
1017 return File::Spec->catfile($image_dir, $self->get_original_filename().".JPG");
1019 return File::Spec->catfile($image_dir, 'medium.jpg');
1023 =head2 get_processing_dir
1025 Usage:
1026 Desc:
1027 Ret:
1028 Args:
1029 Side Effects:
1030 Example:
1032 =cut
1034 sub get_processing_dir {
1035 my $self = shift;
1036 return $self->{processing_dir};
1040 sub set_processing_dir {
1041 my $self = shift;
1042 $self->{processing_dir} = shift;
1046 =head2 function get_copyright, set_copyright
1048 Synopsis: $copyright = $image->get_copyright();
1049 $image->set_copyright("Copyright (c) 2001 by Picasso");
1050 Arguments: getter: the copyright information string
1051 Returns: setter: the copyright information string
1052 Side effects: will be stored in the database in the copyright column.
1053 Description:
1055 =cut
1057 sub get_copyright {
1058 my $self = shift;
1059 return $self->{copyright};
1062 sub set_copyright {
1063 my $self = shift;
1064 $self->{copyright} = shift;
1067 =head2 accessors get_md5sum, set_md5sum
1069 Usage:
1070 Desc:
1071 Property
1072 Side Effects:
1073 Example:
1075 =cut
1077 sub get_md5sum {
1078 my $self = shift;
1079 return $self->{md5sum};
1082 sub set_md5sum {
1083 my $self = shift;
1084 $self->{md5sum} = shift;
1088 =head2 iconify_file
1090 Usage: Iconify_file ($filename)
1091 Desc: This is used only for PDF, PS and EPS files during Upload processing to produce a thumbnail image
1092 for these filetypes for the CONFIRM screen. Results end up on disk but are not used other than to t
1093 produce the thumbnail
1094 Ret:
1095 Args: Full Filename of PDF file
1096 Side Effects:
1097 Example:
1099 =cut
1101 sub iconify_file {
1102 my $file_name = shift;
1104 my $basename = File::Basename::basename($file_name);
1106 my $self = SGN::Context->new()
1107 ; # merely used to retrieve correct temp dir on this host
1108 my $temp_dir =
1109 $self->get_conf("basepath") . "/"
1110 . $self->get_conf("tempfiles_subdir")
1111 . "/temp_images";
1113 my @image_pages = `/usr/bin/identify $file_name`;
1115 my $mogrified_image;
1116 my $newname;
1117 if ( $basename =~ /(.*)\.(.{1,4})$/ )
1118 { #note; mogrify will create files name
1119 # basename-0.jpg, basename-1.jpg
1120 if ( $#image_pages > 0 ) { # multipage, pdf, ps or eps
1121 $mogrified_image = $temp_dir . "/temp-0.jpg";
1123 else {
1124 $mogrified_image = $temp_dir . "/temp.jpg";
1126 my $tempname = $temp_dir . "/temp." . $2; # retrieve file extension
1127 $newname = $basename . ".jpg"; #
1128 my $new_dest = $temp_dir . "/" . $newname;
1130 # use temp name for mogrify/ghostscript
1131 File::Copy::copy( $file_name, $tempname )
1132 || die "Can't copy file $basename to $tempname";
1134 if ( (`mogrify -format jpg '$tempname'`) ) {
1135 die "Sorry, can't convert image $basename";
1138 File::Copy::copy( $mogrified_image, $new_dest )
1139 || die "Can't copy file $mogrified_image to $newname";
1142 return;
1146 =head2 hard_delete
1148 Usage: $image->hard_delete()
1149 Desc: "hard" deletes the image.
1151 Ret: nothing
1152 Args: none
1153 Side Effects: completely removes all the traces of this image.
1154 Example: to be used in testing scripts only. Deletion should be
1155 implemented using the 'obsolete' flag.
1157 =cut
1159 sub hard_delete {
1160 my $self = shift;
1161 my $test_mode = shift;
1163 if ( $self->get_original_filename && $self->pointer_count() < 2) {
1164 foreach my $size ('original', 'thumbnail', 'small', 'medium', 'large') {
1165 my $filename = $self->get_filename($size);
1167 if ($test_mode) {
1168 print STDERR "Test Mode: Would delete $filename.\n";
1170 else {
1171 print STDERR "Deleting $filename...\n";
1172 unlink $filename;
1177 $self->get_dbh->do('delete from phenome.stock_image where image_id= ?', undef, $self->get_image_id());
1178 $self->get_dbh->do('delete from metadata.md_tag_image where image_id= ?', undef, $self->get_image_id());
1179 $self->get_dbh->do('delete from phenome.locus_image where image_id= ?', undef, $self->get_image_id());
1180 $self->get_dbh->do('delete from md_image where image_id = ?', undef, $self->get_image_id );
1183 =head2 pointer_count
1185 Usage: print $image->pointer_count." db rows reference this image"
1186 Desc: get a count of how many rows in the db refer to the same image file
1187 Ret: integer number
1188 Args: none
1189 Side Effects: queries the db
1191 =cut
1193 sub pointer_count {
1194 my ($self) = @_;
1196 return $self->get_dbh->selectrow_array( <<'', undef, $self->get_md5sum );
1197 SELECT count( distinct( image_id ) ) from md_image WHERE md5sum=?
1202 =head2 add_tag
1204 Usage: $self->add_tag($tag)
1205 Desc: adds a tag to the image
1206 Ret: database id
1207 Args: a tag object (CXGN::Tag).
1208 Side Effects: the tag is immediately store in the database.
1209 there is no need to call store() on the image object.
1210 Example:
1212 =cut
1214 sub add_tag {
1215 my $self = shift;
1216 my $tag = shift;
1218 my $query = "INSERT INTO metadata.md_tag_image (tag_id, image_id) values (?, ?)";
1220 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
1221 $sth->execute($tag->get_tag_id(), $self->get_image_id());
1222 my $id= $self->get_currval("metadata.md_tag_image_tag_image_id_seq");
1223 return $id;
1226 =head2 get_tags
1228 Usage: my @tags = $image->get_tags();
1229 Desc: gets all the tags associated with this image object
1230 Ret:
1231 Args:
1232 Side Effects: the tags are being fetched from the database. The image
1233 object does not 'buffer' tag associations (see also add_tag()).
1234 Example:
1236 =cut
1238 sub get_tags {
1239 my $self = shift;
1241 my $query = "SELECT tag_id FROM metadata.md_tag_image WHERE image_id=?";
1242 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
1243 $sth->execute($self->get_image_id());
1244 my @tags;
1245 while (my ($tag_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
1246 push @tags, CXGN::Tag->new($self->get_dbh(), $tag_id);
1248 return @tags;
1251 =head2 remove_tag
1253 Usage: $self->remove_tag($tag)
1254 Desc: Delete a tag_image association
1255 Ret: nothing
1256 Args: a tag object.
1257 Side Effects: the association to the tag object will be removed
1258 directly accessing the database backstore. There is no
1259 need to call store() after remove_tag(). The tag itself
1260 is not affected.
1261 Example:
1263 =cut
1265 sub remove_tag {
1266 my $self = shift;
1267 my $tag = shift;
1268 my $query = "DELETE FROM metadata.md_tag_image WHERE tag_id=? and image_id=?";
1269 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
1270 $sth->execute($tag->get_tag_id(), $self->get_image_id());
1274 =head2 exists_tag_image_named
1276 Usage: CXGN::Image::exists_tag_image_named($dbh, $tag_id, $image_id)
1277 Desc: Check if a tag is already associated with an image
1278 Ret: a database id or undef
1279 Args: dbh, tag_id, image_id
1280 Side Effects: none
1281 Example:
1283 =cut
1285 sub exists_tag_image_named {
1286 my $dbh = shift;
1287 my $tag_id = shift;
1288 my $image_id=shift;
1289 my $query = "SELECT tag_image_id
1290 FROM metadata.md_tag_image
1291 WHERE tag_id= ? AND image_id= ?";
1292 my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
1293 $sth->execute($tag_id, $image_id);
1294 if (my ($id)=$sth->fetchrow_array()) {
1295 return $id;
1297 else {
1298 return 0;
1302 =head2 is_duplicate($dbh, $image_file_path)
1304 checks if the image in the file $image_file_path is already in the database, checked by matching md5sums.
1306 class function. Call as CXGN::Image->is_duplicate($dbh, $image_file_path);
1307 =cut
1309 sub is_duplicate {
1310 my $class = shift;
1311 my $dbh = shift;
1312 my $image_file_path = shift;
1314 my $md5sum = $class->calculate_md5sum($image_file_path);
1316 my $image_id = $class->find_image_with_md5sum($dbh, $md5sum);
1317 print STDERR "Retrieved image_id $image_id\n";
1319 if (!$image_id) {
1320 # maybe the provided image needs to be converted the same way as the final
1321 # image for the md5sums to match the database
1322 print STDERR "raw image did not match, trying conversion...\n";
1323 copy($image_file_path, $image_file_path.".mogrified");
1324 system( "convert", $image_file_path.".mogrified", $image_file_path.".mogrified.JPG" );
1325 `mogrify -format jpg '$image_file_path.mogrified.JPG'`;
1326 $md5sum = $class->calculate_md5sum($image_file_path.".mogrified.JPG");
1327 $image_id = $class->find_image_with_md5sum($dbh, $md5sum);
1328 print STDERR "Retrieved image_id $image_id (second try)\n";
1332 if ($image_id) {
1333 print STDERR "An image with an identical md5sum ($md5sum) has already been uploaded with the image id <a href=\"/ajax/image/$image_id/view\">$image_id</a>\n";
1334 return $image_id;
1336 print STDERR "The image $md5sum is not yet in the database!\n";
1337 return 0;
1341 sub find_image_with_md5sum {
1342 my $class = shift;
1343 my $dbh = shift;
1344 my $md5sum = shift;
1346 print STDERR "checking existence of image with md5sum $md5sum\n";
1347 my $q = "SELECT image_id from metadata.md_image where md5sum=?";
1348 my $h = $dbh->prepare($q);
1349 $h->execute($md5sum);
1350 my ($image_id) = $h->fetchrow_array();
1351 return $image_id;
1354 =head2 create_schema
1356 Usage:
1357 Desc:
1358 Ret:
1359 Args:
1360 Side Effects:
1361 Example:
1363 =cut
1367 sub create_schema {
1368 my $self = shift;
1370 $self->get_dbh()->do(
1371 "CREATE table metadata.md_image (
1372 image_id serial primary key,
1373 name varchar(100),
1374 description text,
1375 original_filename varchar(100),
1376 file_ext varchar(20),
1377 sp_person_id bigint REFERENCES sgn_people.sp_person,
1378 modified_date timestamp with time zone,
1379 create_date timestamp with time zone,
1380 md5sum text,
1381 obsolete boolean default false
1382 )");
1384 $self->get_dbh()->do("GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE ON metadata.md_image TO web_usr");
1385 $self->get_dbh()->do("GRANT select, update ON metadata.md_image_image_id_seq TO web_usr");
1387 $self->get_dbh()->do(
1388 "CREATE table phenome.individual_image (
1389 individual_image_id serial primary key,
1390 image_id bigint references metadata.md_image,
1391 individual_id bigint references phenome.individual,
1392 obsolete boolean DEFAULT 'false',
1393 sp_person_id integer REFERENCES sgn_people.sp_person(sp_person_id),
1394 create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),
1395 modified_date timestamp with time zone
1396 )");
1398 $self->get_dbh()->do("GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT ON phenome.individual_image TO web_usr");
1399 $self->get_dbh()->do("GRANT select, update ON phenome.individual_image_individual_image_id_seq TO web_usr");
1401 $self->get_dbh()->do(
1402 "CREATE table phenome.locus_image (
1403 locus_image_id serial primary key,
1404 image_id bigint references metadata.md_image,
1405 locus_id bigint references,
1406 obsolete boolean DEFAULT 'false',
1407 sp_person_id integer REFERENCES sgn_people.sp_person(sp_person_id),
1408 create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),
1409 modified_date timestamp with time zone
1410 )");
1412 $self->get_dbh()->do("GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT ON phenome.locus_image TO web_usr");
1413 $self->get_dbh()->do("GRANT select, update ON phenome.locus_image_locus_image_id_seq TO web_usr");
1416 $self->get_dbh()->do(
1417 "CREATE table insitu.experiment_image (
1418 experiment_image_id serial primary key,
1419 image_id bigint references metadata.md_image,
1420 experiment_id bigint references insitu.experiment,
1421 obsolete boolean DEFAULT 'false',
1422 sp_person_id integer REFERENCES sgn_people.sp_person(sp_person_id),
1423 create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),
1424 modified_date timestamp with time zone
1425 )");
1427 $self->get_dbh()->do ("GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT ON insitu.experiment_image TO web_usr");
1428 $self->get_dbh()->do ("GRANT select, update ON insitu.experiment_image_experiment_image_id_seq TO web_usr");
1430 $self->get_dbh()->do ("CREATE table sgn.fish_result_image (
1431 fish_result_image_id serial primary key,
1432 image_id bigint references metadata.md_image,
1433 fish_result_id bigint references sgn.fish_result
1434 )");
1435 $self->get_dbh()->do ("GRANT SELECT ON sgn.fish_result_image TO web_usr");
1436 $self->get_dbh()->do ("GRANT select ON sgn.fish_result_image_fish_result_image_id_seq TO web_usr");
1437 # we don't grant access to webusr for image_fish_result because as of now users cannot submit
1438 # these image directly themselves.
1440 print STDERR "Schemas created.\n";
1443 ###########
1444 1;#########
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