*** empty log message ***
[cyberduck.git] / CDMainWindow.java
1 /*
2 * ch.cyberduck.ui.cocoa.CDMainWindow.java
3 * Cyberduck
5 * Copyright (c) 2002 David Kocher. All rights reserved.
6 * http://icu.unizh.ch/~dkocher/
8 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 * (at your option) any later version.
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
18 * Bug fixes, suggestions and comments should be sent to:
19 * dkocher@cyberduck.ch
22 package ch.cyberduck.ui.cocoa;
24 import com.apple.cocoa.foundation.*;
25 import com.apple.cocoa.application.*;
27 //import java.util.Observer;
28 //import java.util.Observable;
30 //import ch.cyberduck.core.Status;
31 //import ch.cyberduck.ui.ObserverList;
33 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
35 public class CDMainWindow extends NSWindow {//implements Observer {
37 private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CDMainWindow.class);
39 //public NSPopUpButton favoritePopUpButton;
40 public NSWindow connectionSheet; /* IBOutlet */
41 public NSTextField quickConnectField; /* IBOutlet */
42 public NSDrawer drawer; /* IBOutlet */
44 private NSMutableDictionary toolbarItems;
46 public CDMainWindow() {
47 super();
48 log.debug("CDMainWindow");
49 // ObserverList.instance().registerObserver((Observer)this);
52 public CDMainWindow(NSRect contentRect, int styleMask, int backingType, boolean defer) {
53 super(contentRect, styleMask, backingType, defer);
54 log.debug("CDMainWindow");
55 // ObserverList.instance().registerObserver((Observer)this);
58 public CDMainWindow(NSRect contentRect, int styleMask, int bufferingType, boolean defer, NSScreen aScreen) {
59 super(contentRect, styleMask, bufferingType, defer, aScreen);
60 log.debug("CDMainWindow");
61 // ObserverList.instance().registerObserver((Observer)this);
64 /**
65 * @return The string that appears in the title bar of the receiver.
67 public String title() {
68 return "Connected to <host>";
72 public void awakeFromNib() {
73 log.debug("CDMainWindow:awakeFromNib");
75 NSArray columns = connectedView.tableColumns();
76 NSTableColumn c = columns.objectAtIndex(columns.count()-1);
77 c.setDataCell(new CDServerItemView());
79 this.setDelegate(this);
82 // ----------------------------------------------------------
83 // Toolbar
84 // ----------------------------------------------------------
86 NSToolbar toolbar = new NSToolbar("mainToolbar");
87 this.toolbarItems = new NSMutableDictionary();
89 this.addToolbarItem(toolbarItems, "New Connection", "New Connection", "New Connection", "Connect to remote host", this, new NSSelector("openConnectionSheet", new Class[] {null}), NSImage.imageNamed("server.tiff"));
91 this.addToolbarItem(toolbarItems, "Back", "Back", "Back", "Show parent directory", this, new NSSelector("back", new Class[] {null}), NSImage.imageNamed("back.tiff"));
93 this.addToolbarItem(toolbarItems, "Quick Connect", "Quick Connect", "Quick Connect", null, this, null, null);
94 NSToolbarItem quickConnectItem = (NSToolbarItem)toolbarItems.objectForKey("Quick Connect");
95 quickConnectItem.setView(quickConnectField);
96 quickConnectItem.setMinSize(quickConnectField.frame().size());
97 quickConnectItem.setMaxSize(quickConnectField.frame().size());
99 this.addToolbarItem(toolbarItems, "Favorites", "Favorites", "Favorites", null, this, null, null);
101 NSToolbarItem favoriteItem = (NSToolbarItem)toolbarItems.objectForKey("Favorites");
102 favoriteItem.setView(favoritePopUpButton);
103 favoriteItem.setMinSize(favoritePopUpButton.frame().size());
104 favoriteItem.setMaxSize(favoritePopUpButton.frame().size());
107 this.addToolbarItem(toolbarItems, "Refresh", "Refresh", "Refresh", "Refresh directory listing", this, new NSSelector("refreshListing", new Class[] {null}), NSImage.imageNamed("refresh.tiff"));
109 this.addToolbarItem(toolbarItems, "Download", "Download", "Download", "Download file", this, new NSSelector("download", new Class[] {null}), NSImage.imageNamed("download.tiff"));
111 this.addToolbarItem(toolbarItems, "Upload", "Upload", "Upload", "Upload file", this, new NSSelector("upload", new Class[] {null}), NSImage.imageNamed("upload.tiff"));
113 this.addToolbarItem(toolbarItems, "Get Info", "Get Info", "Get Info", "Show file permissions", this, new NSSelector("showInfo", new Class[] {null}), NSImage.imageNamed("info.tiff"));
115 this.addToolbarItem(toolbarItems, "Show Transcript", "Show Transcript", "Show Transcript", "Show connection transcript", this, new NSSelector("showTranscriptDrawer", new Class[] {null}), NSImage.imageNamed("transcript.tiff"));
117 this.addToolbarItem(toolbarItems, "Delete", "Delete", "Delete", "Delete file", this, new NSSelector("deleteFile", new Class[] {null}), NSImage.imageNamed("delete.tiff"));
119 toolbar.setDelegate(this);
120 toolbar.setAllowsUserCustomization(true);
121 toolbar.setAutosavesConfiguration(true);
122 this.setToolbar(toolbar);
126 // ----------------------------------------------------------
127 // Toolbar delegate methods
128 // ----------------------------------------------------------
130 private void addToolbarItem(NSMutableDictionary toolbarItems, String identifier, String label, String paletteLabel, String toolTip, Object target, NSSelector action, NSImage image) {
131 NSToolbarItem item = new NSToolbarItem(identifier);
132 item.setLabel(label);
133 item.setPaletteLabel(paletteLabel);
134 item.setToolTip(toolTip);
135 item.setImage(image);
136 item.setTarget(target);
137 item.setAction(action);
138 item.setEnabled(true);
140 toolbarItems.setObjectForKey(item, identifier);
143 public NSArray toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar toolbar) {
144 return new NSArray(new Object[] {"New Connection", NSToolbarItem.SeparatorItemIdentifier, "Quick Connect", NSToolbarItem.SeparatorItemIdentifier, "Back", "Refresh", "Download", "Upload", "Delete", "Get Info", NSToolbarItem.FlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier, "Show Transcript"});
147 public NSArray toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar toolbar) {
148 return new NSArray(new Object[] {"New Connection", "Quick Connect", NSToolbarItem.SeparatorItemIdentifier, "Back", "Refresh", "Download", "Upload", "Delete", "Get Info", NSToolbarItem.FlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier, "Show Transcript", NSToolbarItem.CustomizeToolbarItemIdentifier, NSToolbarItem.SpaceItemIdentifier});
151 public NSToolbarItem toolbarItemForItemIdentifier(NSToolbar toolbar, String itemIdentifier, boolean flag) {
152 return (NSToolbarItem)toolbarItems.objectForKey(itemIdentifier);
155 public boolean validateToolbarItem(NSToolbarItem item) {
156 return true;
159 public void showTranscriptDrawer(NSObject sender) {
160 drawer.toggle(this);
163 public void openConnectionSheet(NSObject sender) {
164 NSApplication.sharedApplication().beginSheet(connectionSheet, this, this,
165 new NSSelector
167 "connectionSheetDidEnd",
168 new Class[]
170 NSWindow.class, int.class, NSWindow.class
172 ),// end selector
173 this);
176 public void closeConnectionSheet(NSObject sender) {
177 // Ends a document modal session by specifying the sheet window, sheet. Also passes along a returnCode to the delegate.
178 NSApplication.sharedApplication().endSheet(connectionSheet, NSAlertPanel.AlternateReturn);
181 public void connectionSheetDidEnd(NSWindow sheet, int returncode, NSWindow main) {
182 sheet.close();
186 public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
187 if(o instanceof Status) {
188 log.debug("Observable "+o+" sent argument "+ arg);
189 if(arg.equals(Status.TIME) || arg.equals(Status.PROGRESS) || arg.equals(Status.ERROR)) {
190 statusLabel.setStringValue(selected.status.getMessage(Status.TIME) + " : " + selected.status.getMessage(Status.PROGRESS) + " : " + selected.status.getMessage(Status.ERROR));
192 else
193 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown observable argument: "+arg);
195 else
196 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown observable: "+o);
200 // ----------------------------------------------------------
201 // Window delegate methods
202 // ----------------------------------------------------------
204 public boolean windowShouldClose(NSWindow sender) {
205 NSAlertPanel.beginAlertSheet(
206 "Really quit Cyberduck now?", //title
207 "Quit",// defaultbutton
208 "Cancel",//alternative button
209 null,//other button
210 sender,//window
211 this, //delegate
212 new NSSelector
214 "quitSheetDidEnd",
215 new Class[]
217 NSWindow.class, int.class, NSWindow.class
219 ),// end selector
220 null, // dismiss selector
221 sender, // context
222 "All connections to remote servers will be closed." // message
224 return false;
227 // ----------------------------------------------------------
228 // IB action methods
229 // ----------------------------------------------------------
231 public void quitSheetDidEnd(NSWindow sheet, int returncode, NSWindow main) {
232 // if multi window app only close the one window with main.close()
233 if(returncode == NSAlertPanel.DefaultReturn)
234 NSApplication.sharedApplication().terminate(this);