This is a PSX port of rembo55's Doom 2D port, written using PsyQ SDK.
Works fine in at least no$psx, PCSXR, ePSXe and real hardware.
1. Acquire a copy of PsyQ SDK with Standard Libraries v4.6 or above.
2. Acquire mkpsxiso ( and put it into
PSYQSDK/bin, where PSYQSDK is the folder you installed PsyQ to.
3. Ensure PsyQ is in your PATH. You can do this by running PSPATHS.BAT from the
SDK folder.
4. Run PSYMAKE in this directory.
This will produce a PSX-EXE and an ISO file in the `out` directory.
* Prikol Software for Doom 2D (1997)
* rembo55 for Doom2D: Rembo (2011)
* for a ton of useful stuff