4 #include "../defs/defs.qh"
7 string flame_adjective ();
9 string flame_group_adj ();
11 const string flame_person_array[20] = {
30 "Alaric the Visigoth",
34 string flame_person () {
35 return flame_person_array[irand(20)];
39 const string flame_paper_array[8] = {
50 string flame_paper () {
51 return flame_paper_array[irand(8)];
55 const string flame_quality_array[13] = {
60 "lack of intelligence",
64 "lack of common decency",
71 string flame_quality () {
73 if (t == 13) return strcat(strcat(flame_adjective(), " "), flame_quality());
74 return flame_quality_array[t];
78 string flame_add_plural (string s) {
80 float lastch = ' ', f;
81 for (f = 0; s[f]; ++f) lastch = s[f];
82 if (lastch >= 'A' && lastch <= 'Z') lastch += 32;
84 case 'a': case 'e': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': break;
85 default: s = strcat(s, "e"); break;
88 return (strcat(s, "s"));
93 string flame_reason () {
95 case 0: return "they don't want their children to grow up to be too lazy to steal";
96 case 1: return strcat(strcat("they can't tell them apart from ", flame_group_adj()), " dudes");
97 case 2: return strcat("they're too ", flame_adjective());
98 case 3: return strcat(flame_person(), " wouldn't have done it");
99 case 4: return "they can't spray paint that small";
100 case 5: return flame_add_plural(strcat("they don't have ", flame_thing()));
101 case 6: return "they don't know how";
102 case 7: return flame_add_plural(strcat("they can't afford ", flame_thing()));
109 const string flame_adjective_array[24] = {
136 string flame_adjective () {
139 case 24: return strcat(strcat(flame_adjective(), " and "), flame_adjective());
140 case 25: return strcat(strcat(strcat("as ", flame_adjective()), " as a "), flame_thing());
141 default: return flame_adjective_array[t];
146 const string flame_group_adj_array[31] = {
180 string flame_group_adj () {
183 case 31: return flame_adjective();
184 case 32: return strcat(flame_thing(), "-loving");
185 case 33: return flame_adjective();
186 default: return flame_group_adj_array[t];
191 const string flame_der_term_array[33] = {
216 "whimpering scumbag",
227 string flame_der_term () {
230 case 33: return strcat(strcat(flame_adjective(), " "), flame_der_term());
231 case 34: return strcat(strcat(flame_der_term(), " "), flame_der_term());
232 default: return flame_der_term_array[t];
237 const string flame_thing_array[29] = {
251 "Jewish grandmother",
256 "wood-burning stove",
258 "right wing death squad",
269 string flame_thing () {
271 if (t == 29) return strcat(strcat(flame_adjective(), " "), flame_thing());
272 return flame_thing_array[t];
276 string flame_statement () {
278 case 0: return strcat(strcat("your ", flame_thing()), " is great");
279 case 1: return strcat(flame_thing(), "s are fun");
280 case 2: return strcat(strcat(flame_person(), " is a "), flame_der_term());
281 case 3: return strcat(strcat(flame_group_adj(), " people are "), flame_adjective());
282 case 4: return strcat(strcat(strcat("every ", flame_group_adj()), " person is a "), flame_der_term());
283 case 5: return flame_add_plural(strcat(strcat(strcat("most ", flame_group_adj()), " people have "), flame_thing()));
284 case 6: return flame_add_plural(strcat(strcat(strcat("all ", flame_group_adj()), " dudes should get "), flame_thing()));
285 case 7: return strcat(strcat(flame_person(), " is "), flame_group_adj());
286 case 8: return strcat("trees are ", flame_adjective());
287 case 9: return strcat(strcat("if you've seen one ", flame_thing()), "you've seen them all");
288 case 10: return strcat("you're ", flame_group_adj());
289 case 11: return strcat("you have a ", flame_thing());
290 case 12: return strcat(strcat("my ", flame_thing()), " is pretty good");
291 case 13: return "the Martians are coming";
292 case 14: return strcat(strcat("the ", flame_paper()), " is always right");
293 case 15: return strcat(strcat("just because you read it in the ", flame_paper()), " that doesn't mean it's true");
294 case 16: return strcat(strcat(flame_person(), " was "), flame_group_adj());
295 case 17: return strcat(strcat(flame_person(), "'s ghost is living in your "), flame_thing());
296 case 18: return strcat("you look like a ", flame_thing());
297 case 19: return "the oceans are full of dirty fish";
298 case 20: return "people are dying every day";
299 case 21: return strcat(strcat("a ", flame_group_adj()), " man ain't got nothing in the world these days");
300 case 22: return "women are inherently superior to men";
301 case 23: return "the system staff is fascist";
302 case 24: return "there is life after death";
303 case 25: return flame_add_plural(strcat("the world is full of ", flame_der_term()));
304 case 26: return strcat("you remind me of ", flame_person());
305 case 27: return "technology is evil";
306 case 28: return strcat(strcat(flame_person(), " killed "), flame_person());
307 case 29: return "the Russians are tapping your phone";
308 case 30: return "the Earth is flat";
309 case 31: return strcat(strcat("it's OK to run down ", flame_group_adj()), " people");
310 case 32: return strcat(strcat("Multics is a really ", flame_adjective()), " operating system");
311 case 33: return strcat("the CIA killed ", flame_person());
312 case 34: return "the sexual revolution is over";
313 case 35: return strcat("Lassie was ", flame_group_adj());
314 case 36: return strcat(strcat("the ", flame_group_adj()), "s have really got it all together");
315 case 37: return strcat(strcat("I was ", flame_person()), " in a previous life");
316 case 38: return "breathing causes cancer";
317 case 39: return strcat("it's fun to be really ", flame_adjective());
318 case 40: return strcat(flame_quality(), " is pretty fun");
319 case 41: return strcat("you're a ", flame_der_term());
320 case 42: return strcat(strcat("the ", flame_group_adj()), " culture is fascinating");
321 case 43: return "when ya gotta go ya gotta go";
322 case 44: return strcat(strcat(flame_person(), " is "), flame_adjective());
323 case 45: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(flame_person(), "'s "), flame_quality()), " is "), flame_adjective());
324 case 46: return "it's a wonderful day";
325 case 47: return strcat("everything is really a ", flame_thing());
326 case 48: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat("there's a ", flame_thing()), " in "), flame_person()), "'s brain");
327 case 49: return strcat(flame_person(), " is a cool dude");
328 case 50: return strcat(flame_person(), " is just a figment of your imagination");
329 case 51: return strcat(strcat("the more ", flame_thing()), "s you have, the better");
330 case 52: return strcat("life is a ", flame_thing());
331 case 53: return strcat("life is ", flame_quality());
332 case 54: return strcat(strcat(flame_person(), " is "), flame_adjective());
333 case 55: return flame_add_plural(strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(flame_group_adj(), " people are all "), flame_adjective()), " "), flame_der_term()));
334 case 56: return strcat(strcat(flame_statement(), ", and "), flame_statement());
335 case 57: return strcat(strcat(flame_statement(), ", but "), flame_statement());
336 case 58: return strcat("I wish I had a ", flame_thing());
337 case 59: return strcat("you should have a ", flame_thing());
338 case 60: return strcat("you hope that ", flame_statement());
339 case 61: return strcat(strcat(flame_person(), " is secretly "), flame_group_adj());
340 case 62: return strcat("you wish you were ", flame_group_adj());
341 case 63: return strcat("you wish you were a ", flame_thing());
342 case 64: return strcat("I wish I were a ", flame_thing());
343 case 65: return strcat("you think that ", flame_statement());
344 case 66: return strcat(strcat(flame_statement(), ", because "), flame_statement());
345 case 67: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(flame_group_adj(), " people don't get married to "), flame_group_adj()), " people because "), flame_reason());
346 case 68: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(flame_group_adj(), " people are all "), flame_adjective()), " because "), flame_reason());
347 case 69: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(flame_group_adj(), " people are "), flame_adjective()), ", and "), flame_reason());
348 case 70: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat("you must be a ", flame_adjective()), " "), flame_der_term()), " to think that "), flame_person()), " said "), flame_statement());
349 case 71: return strcat(strcat(strcat(flame_group_adj(), " people are inherently superior to "), flame_group_adj()), " people");
350 case 72: return "God is Dead";
357 string flame_sentence () {
359 case 0: return strcat(strcat("how can you say that ", flame_statement()), "?");
360 case 1: return strcat(strcat("I can't believe how ", flame_adjective()), " you are.");
361 case 2: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat("only a ", flame_der_term()), " like you would say that "), flame_statement()), ".");
362 case 3: return strcat(flame_statement(), ", huh?");
363 case 4: return strcat(strcat("so, ", flame_statement()), "?");
364 case 5: return strcat(flame_statement(), ", right?");
365 case 6: return strcat("I mean, ", flame_sentence());
366 case 7: return strcat(strcat("don't you realise that ", flame_statement()), "?");
367 case 8: return strcat(strcat("I firmly believe that ", flame_statement()), ".");
368 case 9: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat("let me tell you something, you ", flame_der_term()), ", "), flame_statement()), ".");
369 case 10: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat("furthermore, you ", flame_der_term()), ", "), flame_statement()), ".");
370 case 11: return strcat(strcat("I couldn't care less about your ", flame_thing()), ".");
371 case 12: return strcat(strcat("how can you be so ", flame_adjective()), "?");
372 case 13: return "you make me sick.";
373 case 14: return strcat(strcat("it's well known that ", flame_statement()), ".");
374 case 15: return strcat(flame_statement(), ".");
375 case 16: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat("it takes a ", flame_group_adj()), " "), flame_der_term()), " like you to say that "), flame_statement()), ".");
376 case 17: return strcat(strcat("I don't want to hear about your ", flame_thing()), ".");
377 case 18: return "you're always totally wrong.";
378 case 19: return strcat(strcat("I've never heard anything as ridiculous as the idea that ", flame_statement()), ".");
379 case 20: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat("you must be a real ", flame_der_term()), " to think that "), flame_statement()), ".");
380 case 21: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat("you ", flame_adjective()), " "), flame_group_adj()), " "), flame_der_term()), "!");
381 case 22: return strcat(strcat("you're probably ", flame_group_adj()), " yourself.");
382 case 23: return strcat(strcat("you sound like a real ", flame_der_term()), ".");
383 case 24: return strcat(strcat("why, ", flame_statement()), "!");
384 case 25: return strcat(strcat("I have many ", flame_group_adj()), " friends.");
385 case 26: return strcat(strcat("save the ", flame_thing()), "s!");
386 case 27: return "no nukes!";
387 case 28: return strcat(strcat("ban ", flame_thing()), "s!");
388 case 29: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat("I'll bet you think that ", flame_thing()), "s are "), flame_adjective()), ".");
389 case 30: return strcat(strcat("you know, ", flame_statement()), ".");
390 case 31: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat("your ", flame_quality()), " reminds me of a "), flame_thing()), ".");
391 case 32: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat("you have the ", flame_quality()), " of a "), flame_der_term()), ".");
392 case 33: return strcat(flame_der_term(), "!");
393 case 34: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat(flame_adjective(), " "), flame_group_adj()), " "), flame_der_term()), "!");
394 case 35: return strcat(strcat(strcat(strcat("you're a typical ", flame_group_adj()), " person, totally "), flame_adjective()), ".");
395 case 36: return strcat("man, ", flame_sentence());
402 string flame_sentence_up () {
403 string s = strcat(flame_sentence(), "");
404 if (s[0] >= 'a' && s[0] <= 'z') s[0] = s[0]-32;
411 print(flame_sentence_up(), "\n");