targets: + dme
[ddos.git] /
2 open Devkit
3 open ExtLib
4 open Printf
6 let uint_of_ipv4 = sprintf "%lu" $ Network.int32_of_ipv4
7 let raw_of_ipv4 = Int32.to_string $ Network.int32_of_ipv4
8 let ipv4_of_raw = Network.ipv4_of_int32 $ Int32.of_string
10 type domain = string list
12 let string_of_domain = String.concat "."
13 let domain_of_string s = Stre.nsplitc s '.'
15 let domain_equal d1 d2 =
16 try
17 List.for_all2 (fun n1 n2 -> String.uppercase n1 = String.uppercase n2) d1 d2
18 with
19 | Invalid_argument _ -> false
21 (* -> www *)
22 let subdomain_prefix d1 d2 =
23 if String.ends_with d1 d2 then
24 match String.length d1 - String.length d2 with
25 | 0 -> ""
26 | n -> if d1.[n - 1] = '.' then String.slice ~last:(n-1) d1 else ""
27 else
30 (* d1 subdomain of d2 *)
31 let is_subdomain d1 d2 =
32 if String.ends_with d1 d2 then
33 match String.length d1 - String.length d2 with
34 | 0 -> true
35 | n -> d1.[n - 1] = '.'
36 else
37 false
39 (* empty labels are prevented by Html_lexer *)
40 let check_dns_labels =
41 let rec loop s i =
42 match String.index_from s i '.' with
43 | exception Not_found -> String.length s - i <= 63
44 | j -> j - i <= 63 && loop s (j+1)
46 fun s -> loop s 0
48 let check_valid_dns s = String.length s <= 255 && check_dns_labels s
51 (** keep old version for Domain *)
52 let is_dns_domain_old host = Html_lexer.is_dns_domain (Lexing.from_string host)
54 (* should be used on punycode *)
55 (* TODO unify in one ragel machine *)
56 let is_dns_domain host = is_dns_domain_old host && check_valid_dns host
57 let is_internet_hostname host = Html_lexer.is_internet_hostname (Lexing.from_string host) && check_valid_dns host && Root_domain.has_valid_tld host
60 let cidr_compare cidr ip =
61 if Network.ipv4_matches ip cidr then 0 else compare (Network.prefix_of_cidr cidr) ip
63 let cidr_equal cidr1 cidr2 = Network.(ipv4_matches (prefix_of_cidr cidr1) cidr2)