2 <?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='interface.xsl'?>
3 <interface xmlns="http://zero-install.sourceforge.net/2004/injector/interface">
5 <summary>create Zero Install feeds from Debian and RPM packages</summary>
7 Zero Install is a decentralised installation system. Meta-data about each
8 package is published in a "feed" file. The Zero Install client reads these feeds
9 files and downloads and runs the programs. The feed files can be created
10 manually (e.g. using 0publish or 0publish-gui). However, Debian and RPM packages already
11 contain much of the required information. This program extracts the information
12 in an existing package and uses it to generate the feed.</description>
14 <homepage>http://0install.net/pkg2zero.html</homepage>
16 <feed-for interface="http://0install.net/2009/interfaces/pkg2zero.xml"/>
17 <category>Development</category>
20 <group doc-dir="doc" license="OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3" main="pkg2zero" self-test="tests/testall.py">
21 <requires interface="http://0install.net/2006/interfaces/0publish">
22 <environment insert="0publish" mode="replace" name="PUBLISH_COMMAND"/>
24 <requires interface="http://0install.net/2007/interfaces/ZeroInstall.xml">
25 <version not-before="0.49"/>
26 <environment insert="" mode="prepend" name="PYTHONPATH"/>
28 <requires interface="http://0install.net/2009/interfaces/pkg2zero-testdata.xml" use="testing">
29 <environment insert="" mode="replace" name="TEST_DATA"/>
31 <implementation id="." version="0.7-post"/>