* syntax sometimes problematic
[dejavu.git] / dejavu-fonts / scripts / sfdnormalize.pl
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 # $Id$
5 # SFD normalizer (discards GUI information from SFD files)
6 # (c)2004,2005 Stepan Roh (PUBLIC DOMAIN)
7 # usage: ./sfdnormalize.pl sfd_file(s)
8 # will create files with suffix .norm
10 # changes done:
11 # WinInfo - discarded
12 # DisplaySize
13 # - discarded
14 # Flags - discarded O (open), H (changed since last hinting - useless for TTF), M (manual hinting - useless for TTF)
15 # Refer - changed S (selected) to N (not selected)
16 # Fore, Back, SplineSet, Grid
17 # - all points have 4 masked out from flags (selected)
18 # and 256 (do not interpolate)
19 # HStem, VStem
20 # - discarded (those are Type1 stems = PS hints)
21 # recalculate number of characters and positional encoding
22 # NameList
23 # - discarded (temporary)
24 # ModificationTime - discarded
25 # CreationTime - discarded
26 # VWidth - discarded (for now)
27 # TeXData - discarded
28 # TeX - discarded
29 # Validated - discarded
30 # changes making it incompatible with FF older than (approx.) 20050728:
31 # Ref - renamed to Refer
32 # KernsSLIF
33 # - renamed to KernsSLIFO
35 # !!! Always review changes done by this utility !!!
37 sub process_sfd_file($);
39 sub process_sfd_file($) {
40 my ($sfd_file) = @_;
42 my $out = $sfd_file . '.norm';
44 open (SFD, $sfd_file) || die "Unable to open $sfd_file : $!\n";
45 open (OUT, '>'.$out) || die "Unable to open $out : $!\n";
47 my $curchar = '';
48 my %glyphs = ();
49 my $in_spline_set = 0;
50 my $max_dec_enc = 0;
51 my %pos_glyphs_map = ();
53 while (<SFD>) {
54 next if (/^(WinInfo|DisplaySize|HStem|VStem|ModificationTime|CreationTime|VWidth|TeX|TeXData|Validated):/);
55 next if (/^$/);
56 s,^(NameList:).*$,$1 AGL without afii,;
57 s,^Ref:,Refer:,;
58 s,^KernsSLIF:,KernsSLIFO:,;
59 s,^(Flags:.*?)O(.*)$,$1$2,;
60 s,^(Flags:.*?)H(.*)$,$1$2,;
61 s,^(Flags:.*?)M(.*)$,$1$2,;
62 # remove empty Flags line
63 next if (/^Flags:\s*$/);
64 s,^(Refer:.*?)S(.*)$,$1N$2,;
65 if (/^(Fore|Back|SplineSet|Grid)\s*$/) {
66 $in_spline_set = 1;
67 } elsif (/^EndSplineSet\s*$/) {
68 $in_spline_set = 0;
69 } elsif ($in_spline_set) {
70 s/(\s+)(\S+?)(,\S+\s*)$/$1.($2 & ~4 & ~256).$3/e;
71 s/([\s^])-0(\s)/$1."0".$2/eg
73 if (/^BeginChars:/) {
74 $in_chars = 1;
75 } elsif (/^EndChars\s*$/) {
76 $in_chars = 0;
77 # adding of 1 to max_dec_enc is strange, but works
78 # second parameter is set to 0 to avoid merging conflicts (fontforge ignores anyway)
79 print OUT "BeginChars: ", $max_dec_enc + 1, " 0\n";
80 foreach $glyph (sort { $glyphs{$a}{'dec_enc'} <=> $glyphs{$b}{'dec_enc'} } keys %glyphs) {
81 print OUT "StartChar: ", $glyphs{$glyph}{'name'}, "\n";
82 my $dec_enc = $glyphs{$glyph}{'dec_enc'};
83 my $mapped_enc = $glyphs{$glyph}{'mapped_enc'};
84 print OUT "Encoding: ", $dec_enc, " ", $mapped_enc, " ", $dec_enc, "\n";
85 # recalculate references and kerning pairs
86 foreach $l (@{$glyphs{$glyph}{'lines'}}) {
87 $l =~ s/^(Refer:\s*)(\S+)/$1.(exists $pos_glyphs_map{$2} ? $pos_glyphs_map{$2} : (warn "Glyph $glyph ($dec_enc) has reference to unknown glyph position $2\n", $2))/e;
88 if ($l =~ /^KernsSLIFO:\s*(.*)$/) {
89 my @nums = split(/\s+/, $1);
90 if ((scalar (@nums) % 4) != 0) {
91 warn "Kerning definition in glyph $curchar ($dec_enc) is malformed and won't be remapped\n";
92 } else {
93 for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar (@nums); $i += 4) {
94 my $pos = $nums[$i];
95 if (exists $pos_glyphs_map{$pos}) {
96 $nums[$i] = $pos_glyphs_map{$pos};
97 } else {
98 warn "Glyph $glyph ($dec_enc) has kerning reference to unknown glyph position $pos\n";
102 $l = "KernsSLIFO: " . join(' ', @nums) . "\n";
104 print OUT $l;
106 print OUT "EndChar\n";
107 $pos++;
109 print OUT "EndChars\n";
110 } elsif (/^StartChar:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) {
111 my $name = $1;
112 $curchar = $name;
113 while (exists $glyphs{$curchar}) {
114 $curchar .= '#';
116 $glyphs{$curchar}{'name'} = $name;
117 } elsif (/^Encoding:\s*(\d+)\s*((?:-|\d)+)\s*(\d+)\s*$/) {
118 $dec_enc = $1;
119 $max_dec_enc = $dec_enc if ($dec_enc > $max_dec_enc);
120 $mapped_enc = $2;
121 $pos = $3;
122 $glyphs{$curchar}{'dec_enc'} = $dec_enc;
123 $glyphs{$curchar}{'mapped_enc'} = $mapped_enc;
124 $glyphs{$curchar}{'pos'} = $pos;
125 if (exists $pos_glyphs_map{$pos}) {
126 warn "Glyph $curchar ($dec_enc) has duplicate glyph position $pos - won't be remapped - possible output corruption!\n";
127 } else {
128 $pos_glyphs_map{$pos} = $dec_enc;
130 } elsif (/^EndChar\s*$/) {
131 $curchar = '';
132 } else {
133 if (!$in_chars) {
134 print OUT;
135 } elsif ($curchar eq '') {
136 warn "Malformed input file $sfd_file?";
137 } else {
138 push (@{$glyphs{$curchar}{'lines'}}, $_);
143 close (SFD);
144 close (OUT);
147 if (!@ARGV) {
148 print STDERR "usage: sfd_files+\n";
149 exit 1;
152 @sfd_files = @ARGV;
154 foreach $sfd_file (@sfd_files) {
155 process_sfd_file ($sfd_file);