renewed tests
[deployable.git] / t / 02 /
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
5 use 5.006_002;
6 our $VERSION = '0.0.3';
7 use English qw( -no_match_vars );
8 use Fatal qw( close chdir opendir closedir );
9 use File::Temp qw( tempdir );
10 use File::Path qw( mkpath );
11 use File::Spec::Functions qw( file_name_is_absolute catfile );
12 use File::Basename qw( dirname );
13 use POSIX qw( strftime );
14 use Getopt::Long qw( :config gnu_getopt );
15 use Cwd qw( getcwd );
16 use Fcntl qw( :seek );
20 my %default_config = ( # default values
21 workdir => '/tmp/our-deploy',
22 cleanup => 1,
23 deploy => 1,
24 tempdir => 1,
26 my %config;
27 GetOptions(
28 \%config,
29 qw(
30 usage|help|man!
31 version!
33 bundle|all-exec|X!
34 cleanup|c!
35 deploy!
36 dryrun|dry-run|n!
37 filelist|list|l!
38 heretar|here-tar|H!
39 inspect|i=s
40 no-tar!
41 roottar|root-tar|R!
42 show|show-options|s!
43 tar|t=s
44 tempdir!
45 workdir|work-directory|deploy-directory|w=s
49 usage() if $config{usage};
50 version() if $config{version};
52 my $DATA_POSITION = tell DATA;
54 my $tar; # FIXME
57 if ($config{roottar}) {
58 binmode STDOUT;
59 my ($fh, $size) = locate_file('root.tar');
60 copy($fh, \*STDOUT, $size);
61 exit 0;
62 } ## end if ($config{roottar})
64 if ($config{heretar}) {
65 binmode STDOUT;
66 my ($fh, $size) = locate_file('here.tar');
67 copy($fh, \*STDOUT, $size);
68 exit 0;
69 } ## end if ($config{heretar})
71 if ($config{filelist}) {
72 my $root_tar = get_sub_tar('root.tar');
73 print "root.tar:\n";
74 $root_tar->print_filelist();
75 my $here_tar = get_sub_tar('here.tar');
76 print "here.tar\n";
77 $here_tar->print_filelist();
78 exit 0;
79 } ## end if ($config{filelist})
81 my %script_config = (%default_config, get_config());
82 if ($config{show}) {
83 require Data::Dumper;
84 print {*STDOUT} Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%script_config);
85 exit 1;
88 # Merge configurations and go on
89 %config = (%script_config, %config);
91 if ($config{inspect}) {
92 $config{cleanup} = 0;
93 $config{'deploy'} = 0;
94 $config{'tempdir'} = 0;
95 $config{workdir} = $config{inspect};
96 } ## end if ($config{inspect})
98 if ($config{dryrun}) {
99 require Data::Dumper;
100 print {*STDOUT} Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%config);
101 exit 1;
104 # go into the working directory, creating any intermediate if needed
105 mkpath($config{workdir});
106 chdir($config{workdir});
107 print {*STDERR} "### Got into working directory '$config{workdir}'\n\n";
109 my $tempdir;
110 if ($config{'tempdir'}) { # Only if allowed
111 my $now = strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S', localtime);
112 $tempdir =
113 tempdir($now . 'X' x 10, DIR => '.', CLEANUP => $config{cleanup});
115 chdir $tempdir;
116 print {*STDERR}
117 "### Created and got into temporary directory '$tempdir'\n";
118 print {*STDERR} "### (will clean it up later)\n" if $config{cleanup};
119 print {*STDERR} "\n";
120 } ## end if ($config{'tempdir'})
122 eval { # Not really needed, but you know...
123 $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin';
124 save_files();
125 execute_deploy_programs() if $config{'deploy'};
127 carp $EVAL_ERROR if $EVAL_ERROR;
129 # Get back so that cleanup can successfully happen, if requested
130 chdir '..' if defined $tempdir;
133 sub locate_file {
134 my ($filename) = @_;
135 my $fh = \*DATA;
136 seek $fh, $DATA_POSITION, SEEK_SET;
137 while (! eof $fh) {
138 chomp(my $sizes = <$fh>);
139 my ($name_size, $file_size) = split /\s+/, $sizes;
140 my $name = full_read($fh, $name_size);
141 full_read($fh, 1); # "\n"
142 return ($fh, $file_size) if $name eq $filename;
143 seek $fh, $file_size + 2, SEEK_CUR; # includes "\n\n"
145 die "could not find '$filename'";
148 sub full_read {
149 my ($fh, $size) = @_;
150 my $retval = '';
151 while ($size) {
152 my $buffer;
153 my $nread = read $fh, $buffer, $size;
154 die "read(): $OS_ERROR" unless defined $nread;
155 die "unexpected end of file" unless $nread;
156 $retval .= $buffer;
157 $size -= $nread;
159 return $retval;
162 sub copy {
163 my ($ifh, $ofh, $size) = @_;
164 while ($size) {
165 my $buffer;
166 my $nread = read $ifh, $buffer, ($size < 4096 ? $size : 4096);
167 die "read(): $OS_ERROR" unless defined $nread;
168 die "unexpected end of file" unless $nread;
169 print {$ofh} $buffer;
170 $size -= $nread;
172 return;
175 sub get_sub_tar {
176 my ($filename) = @_;
177 my ($fh, $size) = locate_file($filename);
178 return Deployable::Tar->new(%config, fh => $fh, size => $size);
179 } ## end sub get_sub_tar
181 sub get_config {
182 my ($fh, $size) = locate_file('');
183 my $config_text = full_read($fh, $size);
184 my $config = eval 'my ' . $config_text or return;
185 return $config unless wantarray;
186 return %$config;
187 } ## end sub get_config
189 sub save_files {
190 my $here_tar = get_sub_tar('here.tar');
191 $here_tar->extract();
193 my $root_dir = $config{inspect} ? 'root' : '/';
194 mkpath $root_dir unless -d $root_dir;
195 my $cwd = getcwd();
196 chdir $root_dir;
197 my $root_tar = get_sub_tar('root.tar');
198 $root_tar->extract();
199 chdir $cwd;
201 return;
202 } ## end sub save_files
204 sub execute_deploy_programs {
205 my @deploy_programs = @{$config{deploy} || []};
207 if ($config{bundle}) { # add all executable scripts in current directory
208 print {*STDERR} "### Auto-deploying all executables in main dir\n\n";
209 my %flag_for = map { $_ => 1 } @deploy_programs;
210 opendir my $dh, '.';
211 for my $item (sort readdir $dh) {
212 next if $flag_for{$item};
213 next unless ((-f $item) || (-l $item)) && (-x $item);
214 $flag_for{$item} = 1;
215 push @deploy_programs, $item;
216 } ## end for my $item (sort readdir...
217 closedir $dh;
218 } ## end if ($config{bundle})
221 for my $deploy (@deploy_programs) {
222 $deploy = catfile('.', $deploy)
223 unless file_name_is_absolute($deploy);
224 if (!-x $deploy) {
225 print {*STDERR} "### Skipping '$deploy', not executable\n\n";
226 next DEPLOY;
228 print {*STDERR} "### Executing '$deploy'...\n";
229 system {$deploy} $deploy;
230 print {*STDERR} "\n";
231 } ## end for my $deploy (@deploy_programs)
233 return;
234 } ## end sub execute_deploy_programs
237 sub usage {
238 print {*STDOUT} <<"END_OF_USAGE" ;
239 $0 version $VERSION
241 More or less, this script is intended to be launched without parameters.
242 Anyway, you can also set the following options, which will override any
243 present configuration (except in "--show-options"):
245 * --usage | --man | --help
246 print these help lines and exit
248 * --version
249 print script version and exit
251 * --bundle | --all-exec | -X
252 treat all executables in the main deployment directory as scripts
253 to be executed
255 * --cleanup | -c | --no-cleanup
256 perform / don't perform temporary directory cleanup after work done
258 * --deploy | --no-deploy
259 deploy scripts are executed by default (same as specifying '--deploy')
260 but you can prevent it.
262 * --dryrun | --dry-run
263 print final options and exit
265 * --filelist | --list | -l
266 print a list of files that are shipped in the deploy script
268 * --heretar | --here-tar | -H
269 print out the tar file that contains all the files that would be
270 extracted in the temporary directory, useful to redirect to file or
271 pipe to the tar program
273 * --inspect | -i <dirname>
274 just extract all the stuff into <dirname> for inspection. Implies
275 --no-deploy, --no-tempdir, ignores --bundle (as a consequence of
276 --no-deploy), disables --cleanup and sets the working directory
277 to <dirname>
279 * --roottar | --root-tar | -R
280 print out the tar file that contains all the files that would be
281 extracted in the root directory, useful to redirect to file or
282 pipe to the tar program
284 * --show | --show-options | -s
285 print configured options and exit
287 * --tar | -t
288 use system tar.
290 * --tempdir | --no-tempdir
291 by default a temporary directory is created (same as specifying
292 '--tempdir'), but you can execute directly in the workdir (see below)
293 without creating it.
295 * --workdir | --work-directory | --deploy-directory | -w
296 working base directory (a temporary subdirectory will be created
297 there anyway)
300 exit 1;
301 } ## end sub usage
303 sub version {
304 print "$0 version $VERSION\n";
305 exit 1;
309 package Deployable::Tar;
311 sub new {
312 my $package = shift;
313 my $self = { ref $_[0] ? %{$_[0]} : @_ };
314 $package = 'Deployable::Tar::Internal';
315 if (! $self->{'no-tar'}) {
316 if ((exists $self->{tar}) || (open my $fh, '-|', 'tar', '--help')) {
317 $package = 'Deployable::Tar::External';
318 $self->{tar} ||= 'tar';
321 bless $self, $package;
322 $self->initialise() if $self->can('initialise');
323 return $self;
326 package Deployable::Tar::External;
327 use English qw( -no_match_vars );
329 sub print_filelist {
330 my $self = shift;
331 open my $tfh, '|-', $self->{tar}, 'tvf', '-'
332 or die "open() on pipe to tar: $OS_ERROR";
333 main::copy($self->{fh}, $tfh, $self->{size});
334 return $self;
337 sub extract {
338 my $self = shift;
339 open my $tfh, '|-', $self->{tar}, 'xf', '-'
340 or die "open() on pipe to tar: $OS_ERROR";
341 main::copy($self->{fh}, $tfh, $self->{size});
342 return $self;
345 package Deployable::Tar::Internal;
346 use English qw( -no_match_vars );
348 sub initialise {
349 my $self = shift;
351 my $data = main::full_read($self->{fh}, $self->{size});
352 open my $fh, '<', \$data or die "open() on internal variable: $OS_ERROR";
354 require Archive::Tar;
355 $self->{_tar} = Archive::Tar->new();
356 $self->{_tar}->read($fh);
358 return $self;
361 sub print_filelist {
362 my $self = shift;
363 print {*STDOUT} " $_\n" for $self->{_tar}->list_files();
364 return $self;
367 sub extract {
368 my $self = shift;
369 $self->{_tar}->extract();
370 return $self;
373 __END__
374 9 71
376 $VAR1 = {
377 'deploy' => [],
378 'bundle' => 1
382 8 2048
383 here.tar